The place is called Alola

>the place is called Alola
>their main way of greeting each other is saying Alola
What the heck?

Attached: III.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Isn't this bitch a giant?

Fuck off, whore.

Only cute tefu aloud.

America, user!

post cunny NOW

Czechoslovakia, fellow citizen!

Israel, user!


Slava Ukrayini ano- oh wait


She's literally the only female protag that's 10-year-old. All others were 14 at very least.

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Was this necessary?

Attached: dans.gif (480x270, 3.75M)

All the Z-moves have cute dances, so yes.

I love this post more

Yokai Watch had dances so obviously GF had to rip them off in the most soulless way possible.

I don't understand the in-universe reasoning of moving your arms a certain way powering up a mon. How did they even know which specific dance does what, are they all discovered by accident? What about pokemon who don't have the limbs to dance? How does your specific pokemon already know it when you've never taught it to them? What if one of your steps was messed up, does the magic not happen anymore?


Pokemon already are magical creatures that control magic and the elements. Silly dance moves arent so much of a strerch.

rock CDs?

Actually yes it is. Just because it's fiction and fantasy doesn't mean it can't have its own contextual stupidity. Spiderman is fiction right? What if Spiderman ate a regular pizza but suddenly had the powers to shapeshift and became Shapeman, then went on to fly into outerspace and fight with Mad Jim Jaspers? Like the pizza he ate had no magic in it, but suddenly all that randomness happened and not as a joke. It wouldn't make sense even though it's a fantasy. Just because a series is not realistic doesn't mean everything that can happen makes sense in its own universe. The logical fallacy of "it's unrealistic so everything makes sense" is retarded.

I wonder if her anus is pink
