Kept you waiting, huh?

Kept you waiting, huh?

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>tfw Nintendo is making me pay for this game a third time

Attached: SoosMabel.jpg (947x1125, 685K)

Will I enjoy this one if I loved 2??

Possibly. You'll never know till you try it though. It doesn't have blatant fan-service like 2 does. But the story, music, map design, and combat were better in my opinion.

Both are great games. But overall I enjoyed the first one so much more than the second one.

Riki > Tora

What about X?

Sadly, I've never played X yet.

if you loved 2 go and plays tales of. Same kind of lowest anime fan-service

>blatant fan-service like 2 does
Such as? 1s fan service was egregious. 2 had none outside of the DLC

>1s fan service was egregious.
>2 had none outside of the DLC

Attached: How+the++is+that+adorable+only+people+like+this+_bc72ef51dd658bba1f958eb0049c2c49.jpg (960x597, 48K)

Much worse characters, art style, combat (not even close to 2), exploration etc.

It's a worse game in almost every aspect (objectively), but it's still a good game.

But prepare yourself, it has a ton of needless sexualization with the character outfits. Prepare for every character in the game have a very revealing bikini. Also, the comedy relief nopon in 1 is entirely pointless and only serves to ruin your experience. Some of the absolute worst characters ever in any JRPG are found in Xenoblade 1. But don't let that deter you - it's still a fairly decent game, if not tasteless, too anime and wayyyy too tropey.

>pic related is an example of the worst costume and character design ever conceived by human kind

Attached: NOT_ANIME.jpg (715x880, 269K)

>tits are not e+
>default outfits have no boobwindows

doubt it, the first one was a good game, you seem to have awful weeb taste

Care to list examples? Outside of Shulk and Fiora appearing I can't think of much fan service.

However, if you think revealing outfits are fan service then 1 is a way bigger offender than 2 considering how many skimpy outfits that game has.

Keep jerking off to your little waifus, I don't care. But don't pretend that it's somehow different just because they are low res.

one must be really deep into the neet weeb to not even recognize default character design from pornhubs /bimbos/ section

I want Nintendo to stop making gay remakes and enhanced ports of games I've already played. I just want new games.

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Jesus Fuck, are you a 60 year old Catholic grandmother or some shit? Fucking listen to your prude ass.

I somehow never got around to get this game for the Wii nor the N3DS.

I'll get it for the Switch. I'll be able to experience it pretty much unspoiled, only things I know about this game is that Shulk is the Monado Boy and that somehow, a girl named Fiora being in Shulk's Final Smash is sorta a spoiler.

We still don't have a true release date for this, right? Only 2020?

>default outfits
Damn, the coping is quite literal here.
>i-it shouldn't matter that the game LETS me turn them into anime whores
>only SOME of them are like that by default
>NOOOOOO I swear this game is profound I hate anime NOOOOOOOOO I'm not a RETARD NOOOOOO

Attached: TERRIBLE ARTSTYLE.png (1207x483, 891K)

>skipped whole point because he couldnt refute and went full rage meme text
he is not prude. He is assblasted because his favorite jack off game has not gotten as much highlyy critical score then one so know kinda trys to talk it down in a passive aggresive way

You must be a complete retard not to know what fan service means. By your definition 99% of Japanese games are filled with fan service, Xenoblade 1 even more than 2.

Every outfit in Xeno 1 makes the characters look like mecha hookers. Keep jerking off to your little anime waifus you weeaboo. That seems to be the only thing you care about.

Attached: profoundvisuals.jpg (651x1449, 399K)

>only SOME of them are like that by default
None of the default ones are eroge level like phyras.
At least try to not lie when people can look stuff up

I love Xenoblade 1 and prefer it over 2 and Riki is incredible but don't you bad mouth Tora like that. Riki being an old ass dad was pretty great though.

Tora > Rikki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tatsu

Attached: Riki a Best.jpg (500x500, 80K)

Ironic considering you had no retort. Also, the only reason 1 is getting a remaster is because 2 was such an overwhelming success and it saved the series. If you play that game you will be sucking my dick in appreciation

>female design doesnt count as fansevice
a weeblet and a retard, how rare

I really hate these ironic mother hen shitposters.

I don't plan on getting it but I hope Monolith will port X on switch. It would be great as I never had the chance to try it

>even more than 2.

Nice bait.

>Ironic considering you had no retort.
Are you ESL?
>Also, the only reason 1 is getting a remaster is because 2 was such an overwhelming success and it saved the series.
>pretends X didnt happen
are you having a stroke?
Deep breath and hug the waifu pillow

>pretends X isn't on the Wii U
>pretends X got ported to the Switch like any decent Wii U game was

If you had the Wii version why would you ever have gotten the 3DS version in it's glorious 240p?

>make XC1
>user claims it needs saving
>they make from the "apparently dead" game a new one, because thats how usually things go, am i rright
>then make another new one
>user claims that one saved the series
are you inbreed?

oh i see you are just retarded. must be all that wanking off. Cheers mate, let a bit fresh air into your neat room tho.

You don't get to call others retarded when reliably locating either of your two shift keys is a struggle for you, fag.

>wiiu owner unironically calling others retarded and smelly

Not him but i wanted it on the go

>Riki > Tora
I prefer 2 overall but this is objectively correct.

Attached: Ch7Sg6.png (2560x1440, 3.62M)

>ctrl+f "anime" - 1/6
>ctrl+f "fan service" - 1/6

Attached: 1539686303803.png (703x672, 678K)

>that Xenoturd 2 art
Yikes and pass.

Absolutely. Don't get yourself spoiled.

Your brother died, shithead.

This, but I can't decide if I love Riki or Tora more. They're both based, and they both play with your expectations of Nopons pretty well. One has hidden depths of being a caring father and husband underneath his stupid gluttonous demeanor, and the other overcomes his physical and spiritual shortcomings with science and perversion. But both are infinitely better than "duuuude he looks like a potato let's eat him" Tatsu.

Would be hard for you to play anyway, since you're obviously blind.

Can't fucking wait

Attached: SX4J01-323.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

Why so mad Xenofaggot?

please fix the ally AI. Almost never used Melia as a result of that.

Personally, I prefer Riki if we're just comparing the two on their own, but Tora benefits a ton from his relationship with Poppi.

100%, but that's kind of the difference between 1 and 2 for me, in terms of character dynamic. The first game focuses on developing the whole team as a 7-part ensemble, emphasized by the affinity chart. The second game has a much bigger main cast, but the developmental focus is between each driver and their main blade, with the occasional overlap. Pairs like Tora and Poppi, Zeke and Pandoria, and Morag and Brighid, shine brightest when they're in that duo dynamic together.

Why is Nintendo so creatively bankrupt now? They have been producing the same garbage gen after gen now. Now they are on an endless rerelease cycle.

>hasn’t played X yet

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Actually no, you didn't.
I played your game enough, where's the X port?

Just wait for XBXDE, coming in 2025

The games are complementary, if you played and enjoyed 2 then you owe it to yourself to also play 1 and vice versa.


Attached: 5902bdec0c224117a8cbcea2b2e905add978a5d9_hq.jpg (1024x575, 37K)

>1 got two ports before X even got its first one
it's not fair Xbros...

I clapped when I saw it!
Only real gamers understood that reference!

>and vice versa
Wrong, I'll never that piece of shit that shat on the first game's legacy.
The original is a cult classic, and XC2 doesn't even deserve to be in the same room as it.

It's pretty funny how they didn't even try to localize the most dramatic part of the scene.


They should have hooked up those 2 together.

His screenshot?

I don't understand what would be localized? The kanji on the monado?

Yeah? The focus of the scene is meant to be on the reveal that the final Monado ability Shulk gets is God. Zanza's reaction gets across that it's a big deal well enough, but it diminishes the impact of the scene a bit.
What's 'I clapped when I saw it' about that part if not that? I think I missed your point

next trailer when? game awards?

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next direct probably
game awards is for the really mainstream shit like zelda, not niche jrpgs

next direct is probably in january so its still a long wait

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Bionis... HoX port fucking when?...

Attached: Binis.png (209x241, 13K)

can't wait to see HD sandwich graphics