CoC/Corruption of Champions

>blocks your path

Attached: isabella.png (29x36, 667)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna give Gargoyle Girl a reason to smile and be happy.

>no ntr
>no chastity
shit game

Worst waifu

>Braindead /pol/kikes hate the game because it's full of ""NTR""
>Actual cucks hate the game because it has no real NTR

And both deserve the rope.

Any game like coc with ntr?


The kitsune are the best girls and it’s a shame that they aren’t expanded upon

What’s the appeal?

Slaying degenerate abominations as a pure paladin stranded in a world of debauchery. Bonus points for running into packs of demons that have had it too good for too long and then one turning them.

Honestly if the game was being led by literally anyone besides Fenoxo and he helped with some smut this game could have been a true capable masterpiece, it’s just too unfinished and not enough content

I hear your pleas

shit taste


Just realised that politics is now a sexual fetish, they won't fap to anything if it reminds them of leftism

Why do people like her so much, out of curiosity? She seems to always be mentioned in these threads.

Retarded vanilla weebs for whom the peak of sexual excitement is a chained-up, socially awkward, clueless gargoyle girl who calls you her master without you having to do anything to earn her affection and never interacts with any other characters

Didn't Fenoxo send WedgeSkyrocket to the Shadow Realm or something, making him unwilling to come back to working on the game?

At least his other kitsune priestess girl got added to the expanded mod.

She's the only one that acts like a person instead of a whore.

Is there any trap content in this other than the waitress in the desert city and the bunny boy in the bazaar?

these posts compliment each other so well
but yea her main appeal is that she's literally imprisoned and can't do anything except wait for you and come and talk to her
>acts like a person instead of a whore
she has no soul and that user's definition of not acting like a whore is having sex with the first person to come and visit her, it's literally a living sex doll with bad AI lol

.apk when?

Speaking of authors who argued with Fenoxo and got memory holed, does anyone here remember a green-skinned pirate lizard who was in the game for like a week before being removed?

I remember her still being in the game if you're talking about the shemale lizard in the Bizarre Bazaar.

pretty much every author who joined the team for COC early ended up abandoning their projects or being absorbed by Fen, that's why towards the end of the game's dev cycle everything was about Urta and various OCs made by furries who worshiped him

Roxanne was what replaced her after the original was removed because her creator changed his mind.

Is that so? What was the original like/named?

She's the only one that acts like a robot instead of a person.


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Tbh the game kinda sucks for subs, only good parts are the prison which will never be finished, and the pet play with the dickgirl in that desert town

>every single person in real life is a tranny or a rapist

This is your brain on /pol/

>dominate and enslave Ceraph
>Can't punish her by forcing her into a monogamous relationship with me
shit game

Fuck off to cripple


I'm kind of confused why people play a sex game for monogamous relationships.

see for them it's an instant girlfriend simulator first and porn game second, that's why they despise the concept of other characters having actual personalities so much

I only wanted this because I feel it's the ultimate slap in the face for a succubus that's all about dominating everything that moves and having a massive harem

give me the helia minotaur smut. The pastebin got removed.

I deliberately made it temporary just to see who would carry on asking for it. The content is NOT GOOD! You just think it is because it's the only shred of real NTR in the game. Go and write something better!

If I could write I wouldn't be here

gargoylefags are the opposite side of the cancer coin to oc furshitters. the answer to stupid mary sue donut steels with streaks of dyed hair and nerd glasses is not bland 2d-personalitied girls made out of stone

Bad Ends are all mostly sub-focused though, and there are a bunch of them

the prison also got removed for no fucking reason. i'm still pissed.
there's a lot for subs, what are you talking about? there's the village where you get gangraped and eventually bad ended, the minotaurs, the centaur, lots of individual endings like the panties that keep you on edge 24/7. shit, i miss this game.

>play game
>learn you can get some lovers
>can't wait to find a cute demon girl
>only true-blue red-skinned demon girl is in the city gym
>she can't be a lover
Why desu ka?

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>removed for no fucking reason
Not that it's a valid reason but it was incredibly buggy and a lot of its code issues were leaking into the main game, and the only guy willing to work on it was an awful coder so he was eventually just phased out
Was there ever actually much good content in the prison anyway?

The fuck are you people even talking about? Does there exist people that super love Gargoyle girl?
She doesn't even do anything. If you're smart about your corruption you don't even need to go to her.

If you want to be a sub, then go the sub route for Sera in TiTS. If you want to be a hard Dom then either go Cereph and Vapula in CoC or also go do the Dom route with Sera in TiTS.

Rubi at the cafe can be a red skinned demon girl. She starts off as a human skinned trap though.


Is it a real girl or a fake girl? You say trap does that mean she starts off looking like a dude?

>the less popular side species are ignored and the bland as fuck monster girls are in the forefront
I just want to be picked up by an oni and Snoo Snoo'd. is that too much to ask?

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God I WISH you could be rewarded for being chaste the entire game.

She's a feminine boy a dick. Through consumables, you can turn her into a 100% biological demon girl.

Isn't that basically making her a transvestite though. I don't want that.

In Tel'adre?
I don't see a cafe option.

>Was there ever actually much good content in the prison anyway?
idk if you'd consider it good but i loved it. there was much more focus on a slow and deliberate mindbreak unlike the get fucked once and you're suddenly a massive whore the rest of the game has.

You gotta break some eggs to make omelets.
It's under Bakery.

>be a chad-virgin Paladin
>never let the filthy demonic hordes tempt me
>bring fiery vengeance to all who taint the land
The reward is the knowledge that you are doing his work.

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How on earth is magically transforming someone into a wholly biologically accurate member of their opposite sex transvestism? They're almost opposites

But it's not like in reality.
It's not "sticking your dick in a blender until you're a girl" it's a literal magical transformation, mind, body, and soul.

This is fair.
>take a tower shield
>get full plate armor
>get beautiful sword or a mace
>learn white fire
>learn cleansing palm and meditate from Jojo

transvestites are just crossdressers. people who wear clothes that are generally associated with the opposite gender.
crossdressing has nothing to do with trans people.

>it's magic don't think about it
fine I guess.
I was hoping... Well like Ifris I guess. Just cute demon girl with no strings attached. Too bad Ifris demands nothing less than perfection.

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>he hasn't had the NTR scene with Heckel

Who is that? I don't know who that is. I play as a dude.

I remember the hgg mod having a paladin template that gives you boosts against demons and punishes you for losing your virginity. You meditate instead of masturbate to get rid of lust.

I'm not saying that "it's magic don't think about it" is a good reason, or good story telling.
That's literally the reason Fenoxo uses for 99% of the impossible fetishes.
Trust me, if you're playing CoC, you're not playing for the incredibly realistic simulation of real sex.

Who are the best written characters i TiTS and CoC?
I want a list so I can go after them and avoid all the garbage

Slablands has that. It's you doing the snoo snooing though

>the pet play with the dickgirl in that desert town

Which one? Urta?

is that still even a thing? I remember it starting then quickly going no-fucking-where


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>play CoC2
>try to find new waifus
>wind up getting more attached to Brint, Berwyn, and Sugo

Oh no.

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>"Dude, what if we made every character a futa with a hyper cock and tits larger than hyper tits and they jizz and shoot milk constantly!"
Just fucking why.

It has a decent amount of content now. Just don't hope for quick updates or anything other than shitposts from the general.

off the top of my head
>Amily is fine
>Sophie is good
>Phylla is innoffensive
>despite being written by Savin, Helia is ultimately fine if you have low standards
>Cereph if you can manage to Dom her will RP as other characters

>antgirls in the ant planet
That's really it in my book, and even then Sera isn't everyone's cup of tea.

This is all of what TiTS is and it disgusts me.

>Shit UI
>Reuses 98% of assets from TiTS
>Which reused assets from COC
>Which was based on stolen code
>That's monetized by a furry
>Who commissioned rape scenes of his ex wife
>Shoves in a waifu immediately
>Shitty sized pictures
>No sense of balance

At least Lilith's throne looks promising.

One problem I have with CoC vs TiTS is that CoC is supposed to be the outerworlds where law is null and civilization is crumbling, but Tel'adre exists as a bastion of hope and order, where sex is just a thing but isn't everything.
Meanwhile TiTS has advanced shit in space, but everyone is fucking eachother all the fucking time that you question how they managed to become space-faring anyways. Also some people have bodyparts so large that they legitimately should not be able to move, much less operate machinery. You go to any planet and everyone is always fucking eachother.
There is no bastion.

Please give me the most recent build of CoC2. I'm bored and have nothing to do.

>Who commissioned rape scenes of his ex wife
Source on this?

To be fair, Tel'Adre and Owca are the only places where that's true, and Owca is super prudish.

I think the most recent build is public on the website, actually.

Whitney was his wife's OC and the rape scenes were added when they separated.

I actually kind of like it, if you skip pretty much entire first chunk


Why do people still like this furshit game?

Play the 8ch /hgg/ mod branch you dumb faggots, it has both. Or at least it HAD both. Last I heard, there was some huge drama about NTR being removed and it started a whole shitstorm since people started adding in even more degenerate content like scat and guro/snuff and people got royally pissed because the content went from one or two NTR scenes with a character who was pretty much NTRbait to guro/snuff/scat overload from an edgyfaggot which also had to be toned back.

As for the chastity thing, there's a paladin class at the start and the beautiful sword got massively buffed, and now gains power with each demon you decide to KILL (not defeat)

>At least Lilith's throne looks promising.

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Yeah but the ENTIRE point of Marenth is that it's in corruption turmoil.
You can argue that people collect together to form communities of order, but TiTS straight up has NO order or puts the illusion that order does not exist if you can just fuck anything and everything. They gave up and gave in.
Sera was fucking right. None of them have creativity or limitations. SERA'S QUEST WHERE YOU GO TO A DEPRAVITY CONVENTION IS MORE ORDERLY THAN THE REST OF THE GAME

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Isn't that the mod where everything has thousands of HP for no reason?

At least they gave an option to turn of the hard pedophile shit, too.

>the most pure waifu in the game is the demon girl
>also she hates furries despite being in a heavily fur-centric game


Am I wrong? It's coming out of the hentai games general here and they got harpies that don't suck ass. Tribalistic (loosely fetish based) winged cunts going around and picking fights like real crows.

It's better than whatever Slablands was.

I also took notice of some game that loooks like it's being made by a single dude, Portals of Phereon. That looks pretty okay. It was the one good find I had when searching for all the CoC like games I could find. One of the other games was so bad it was good because it was clearly russian and had imported songs, so opening the game immediately greeted you with CYKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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>using wax crayons while others are trying to make art
feels like the writter is trying to say something. i'm honestly surprised fenoxo allowed Sera in the game at all.

For me, it's Degrees of Lewdity.

Slablands had a dream and it slept on it because it had too many people trying to be 'the idea guy'.


There's two superbosses that were intended to be fought on NG+ cycles that have about 6k/10k HP but the most you'll see is about going to be around 1k-3k HP at the highest levels, and usually you'll be hitting for anywhere between 400-700 per turn anyway depending on your build or rng

why do people keep saying there scat and hardly any guro from I've played it and seen none of that from the bunker for the mod.

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Alright I turned Rubi into a girl and fucked it.
It was underwhelming and I don't know why I did it. The sex scene sucked ass.


You know what's a weird text game?

Tales of Androgyny.

They essentially have one productive mega writer and when she leaves it dies.

I really liked the game to start with when it was more focused on the corruption/demon/monster stuff. Too bad it became absolutely overwhelmed with furshit. Such is the fate of any (porn) game that accepts content in exchange for donations, I guess...

Portals was some serious autism tier management game last time I played it. Girls life is also a fucking meme, but it's the best Russian/Slavic porn game I've seen(of which there are surprisingly many)

Lilith Throne pisses me off because it can be so good but the updates get delayed constantly.

Well most of rubi content was for trap anyway, being turn into girl was a after thought.

>is best girl
>is purest girl, too
>is best written
>has a rather long quest tree
>decides to make herself a demon instead of a furry
>is red-pilled
>hates furfags because of what they stand for
>can have a child with her for the sole purpose of procreation
>has best sub and dom route


I remember a YouTube song about a an art talking about how hard it is for a freelance artist to get commission money without it involving furry porn.

First off, jesus christ I can barely parse what you were trying to say user

Second, it's not really talked about because this shit storm was long in the past and to my knowledge, almost all of that shit was removed or locked behind option toggles.

>a an art

Oh no, I had a stroke.

Lilith Throne pisses me off because no dragongirl

>ywn pump 6 million liters of semen into your waifu
>tfw Vala can't get pregnant anyways

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You sound well acquainted with it. I've been looking for any other games, that hopefully either have bird subtypes or spider subtypes.

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Lmao image being so full of yourself because of an OC you wrote for a porn game

Acktually Fenoxo made the character and hired someone else to write her. After a while the writer then left because he saw that - allegedly - nothing was really being done.

Important question
Does this game have any twinning? And if so, how fast can I get it?
Don't really care about any other thing.

how is spellcasting in CoC? Can I be a cool wizard?

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>Can I be a cool wizard?

In this and CoC2, yes.

Is that the same guy who's making Cloud 9?

So which CoC or CoC Revamp lets me create my dragongirl waifu and has a save editor so I don't have to toil away with RNG?

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Yes, but it's really hard to get to.

Not only do you need to keep your corruption to a minimum, you also need to do a series of side quests to unlock the final fight.

But thats not the point of the game. the point is to discover new fetishes you didn't know you had.

Where are they updating now that /hgg/ is fucking dead?

Just go to the refugee camp.

Thanks, brah

>Not only do you need to keep your corruption to a minimum, you also need to do a series of side quests to unlock the final fight
Well, that's a dissapointment, I'm not really in the mood to discover new fetishes so I'll skip, I guess.

>Coc goes to shit
>slablands doesn't allow monsters

The /hgg/ CoC has pretty much everything you need.
It's based off the Revamp version so anything you do in revamp will work in the /hgg/ one.

CoCED is the save editor you want to use. It was made to work for revamp, but will allow you to edit /hgg/ saves.

Honestly I haven't found anything that sounds like what you're looking for. Most of the games out there are patreon bait that end up getting 2 months of dev time then dropped.

You might be able to find what your looking for in the some of the furrshit games, but I haven't gone through too many of those.

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There's a lot of bug and bird girls in slablands, but depending on what you're looking for they may be too vanilla for you.

Itll be interesting to see if it's actually good

Spiders, not insects.


Any good slave manager games?

Unironically this. For some fucking reason furfags just have a fuck ton of disposable money, though the term was always considered "fur bucks"

Pissed me off you could never keep a goblin around camp or discover one of their villages. Best you get is the salon, but after all the talks of breeding enough of them to build yourself a tribe it would've been nice to just hang out with all your Tamani children in more than just the occasional random encounter.

furries typically have either disability pension, or wealthy parents that believe that its just a phase and if they beat it out of them it'll just reinforce it, so instead they support it hoping they just get bored of it, not realizing furries are degenerates and a plague on the gene pool

I mean there's a lot of them, but it depends on what you're looking for. /aco/ has a standing thread about slave management games, but it's full of vaporware garbage.

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>tfw no scene of going to a family reunion of all of the kids you had with Lynette
>literally hundreds of goblins just hanging out eating potato salad

unfortunately, thank to whole no incest thing that probably never going to happen, as I love being a human conan like-warrior breeding tamani and her daughters and making a army with your childrem.

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no such thing exists.

>goblin family picnic

Sounds cute.

Slave Maker 3


>furries having a job
spotted the tumblrtot! get the gore!

Meant to say children

>unfortunately, thank to whole no incest thing that probably never going to happen
>meanwhile a village full of handsome minotaur sons keep their cum-addicted mom as a living ona-hole
can't count anymore how often i went to the mountains to get my fill

This is just internet hearsay, but apparently the guy commissioning hundreds of gay Star Fox pics is a South Korean neurosurgeon.

>game presents itself as the ultimate fetish fuck fest.
>game is made by puritans and faggots.
>lewdest thing in game is futa & smell.
>b-but you can turn into a disgusting furry oc.
>transformations do fuck all.
fuck your shit game

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That rings true. Probably testing the effects of gay fox imagery on mental patients or some shit

>implying I want to be helped

There are those but it's just furries with jobs, decent ones. who have no other interest but dropping 2k a year on there dog fursona getting fucked by a vet.

90% of the time they only have those jobs because they know someone either in charge of hiring or someone higher than that. Usually "friend of the family" or some shit.

Every furry i've met irl, bar 1, has been either DSP recipient and incapable of/unwilling to work... or had rich parents.

This one chick i knew who was a furry kept a stable job, but somehow kept her furshit to a cute and funny level (your odd awoo greeting or silly childish behavior), saving the full autism for the bedroom where appropriate.

>inb4 "shut up virgin"
she wasn't mine bros.

Did you get triggered, user?

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