FOUR MORE DAYS until Copen's crusade against Adepts and going deep into the whole butterfly effect mystery. Four days until the game hits the shelves and nobody is talking about it. What do you think? Is Blade a girl? Is Kohaku secretly an Adept? Is the AI that is running Sumeragi in this spin-off game something much more than it seems?

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I'm waiting for my CE

I on the other hand wonder if they'll add the OST to Steam like in the case of the first Azure Striker Gunvolt.

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If Blade isn't a brainwashed GV I'll eat my hat.

That would be...I don't know. Blade's voice for starters is completely different from GV's due to having a female VA. Though if it is a brainwashing thing, then the voice is also an effect of it. Hell we need to play this game ASAP.

Is Copen really the only playable character in this one?

>More cute girls dying.
Oh joy! I can't wait! Yay!

I'm glad Copen is getting his own series, he was really fun to play as

It's HIS game. Though some hope that Blade will be unlockable for play.

So far only the female bosses get the bullits. Dunno about Kohaku...nor Blade if he's a girl.

Well he's getting his stuff expanded in this game with skills you can buy. Dunno however if people can still go and craft items on top of buying skills.

Everyone in this image is an adept, Copen will kill them all and the ending of the game will be him dramatically walking towards the sunset having learned nothing from the experience.

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Nah. Betting Kohaku only. But it won't be discovered until near the end of the game.

>Dunno about Kohaku
She will die and be replaced on the loadout screen by one of the shotas

There is literally no way it will not happen

>be replaced on the loadout screen by one of the shotas
Aw man no...have a fluffy Reaper Ram. Also already feeling sad about the bosses. Expect Crimm. He's a serial bomber.

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I feel like Lola's chances of survival dropped significantly from the last game.

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Don't say that. INTI isn't THIS genocidal about girls in their games.

Watch how copen's idol singer virtual girl dies too.

Aw come on...

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My curiosity is piqued, what game?

Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX. A spin-off game of a series in the vein of Megaman Zero and ZX series (even done by the same people that did them for Capcom).

AKA Ethnic Cleansing 2

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I've played about 50 hours of Striker Pack and I have this preloaded but I don't think I can tell you a single thing about the story. Seemed like a bunch of dense nonsense on my first playthrough of GV 1 so I just skipped everything after that

Considering every enemy is an adept, the title you posted is on spot.

Actually it's not that nonsensical once you go deeper into it.

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Anyone else play it at PAX? I found it hilarious that two white guys were running the booth and four autistic brown people were the lackeys.

Zonda being retconned into the big bad on addition to actually being a loli in the second game was pretty nonsensical

Is Copen available to play in the first two GV games? GV's gameplay himself looks gay as fuck.

He's playable in the second one

That wasn't a retcon. It was more of an expansion of an established character. Also since her powers were her screwing reality (that and the whole gender changing was actually mentioned by Monica), then it was easy to do.

The real retcon is that Lola in this game simply copied the Muse powers like any other Adept power.

Only in ASG2 and Luminous Avenger iX.

>The average Gunvolt's player.

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Why the girls are so erotic?

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they have loli artists under their thumb

This explain a lot. Is very cute and sensual.

shit azure tread just before I have to go to work, well I hope is still here in teh nigth

Great, now I actually have to play GV2.

That asshole is always butthurt. At least at the end he gets better.

So how much are you waging that her un-armored and armored personalities are artificial?

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Collectors edition worth it? Its just a music cd, poster, and pin for $20 extra. Theres no difference between the ps4 version and switch, correct? I think I'll get it on the switch since I have the striker pack on the switch. Not sure if I want to spend the extra $20.

Actually it's a gaiden game. It's its own game, but they did mention that Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 is in development.

>loli artists
Artists who draw lolis or lolis who do art?

I think it's worth it, but I won't convince you to buy it

artists who draw loli art

Gentlemen. What can we do to hurt Copen hard this time around?

ded mytyl.

make him an adept

1. Witnessing his sister being killed by humans.
2. Having him witness what his father really was, him being responsible for Mytyl's/Michiru's condition and dying to his last subject he experimented on.
4. Further punching him with a follow up to the previous point that everything he did was for nothing and he's forever with hands covered in blood.
5. Making him an adept.
6. All these points all together.

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Darn. There was no point three.

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Well she's definitely the subject of bad things.
First she gets Darkness Trigger, an EX Weapon that somehow warps her diva form and drives her nuts.
Then Sumeragi rolls out tanks based on her that can replicate septima too. It's very faint, but in a trailer you can even hear the tank speak as it uses a weapon.

Attached: lola tank battle.png (960x540, 696K)

>The real retcon is that Lola in this game simply copied the Muse powers like any other Adept power.
Isn't that just what Copen says in-game though? There's no reason to believe he's telling the truth. He'd never give a full explanation for that situation unless he has to.

>tfw really hate the idea of qt girls being massacred
>But also really like their designs.
Should I still get it?

Point 3 is right here

Red flags everywhere...
Also now that her darkness form is mentioned, then hoping it won't be something akin to "GET THE BAD END BY USING THIS FORM TOO OFTEN".

Copen is an Ork. The sooner he discovers that everything he worked on and works is because he believes so the better.


Yeah I forgot about that. But then it would also be GV's business too.

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I can't wait to go full edgelord and kill everyone.

>Minimum requirements on Steam are significantly beyond my toaster of a laptop (what the fuck Inti? visually and mechanically it's just an upscaled 3DS game)
>Nintendo botched the Switch Lite and its performance can't be trusted
>Snoy is Snoy

Just end me.

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"ADEPTS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be ADEPTS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare face. "I HATE ADEPTS" he thought. Platinum Protocol reverberated his entire armor, making it pulsate even as the black coffee circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of superhumans after dark. "With rocket boots and a singing combat pod, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

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Alright. Done.

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After ASG2 his ideals are firmly shaken after he discovered his lil sis is an Adept. At one point he'll come to the conclusion that Adepts and humans are no different and are both hateful creatures.

Good for ya.

What kind of toaster you have? Also Luminous Avenger was done with both PC and Switch (and PS4) in mind so its not a 3DS that is upscaled.

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She's incredibly calm in this pic considering how absolutely nuts she is when she's trigerring her powers in this form. Even her drone form has an angry look.

Do you think Copen ever notices how erotic Lola is or can he only get hard at the thought of ethnic cleansing?

>What kind of toaster you have?
A laptop with 4 GB ram, around 750 vram, and a 1.5 Ghz processor. All are below the minimum specs.
I called iX an upscaled 3DS game because that's what it looks like to me. It uses nearly the exact same sprites and graphics as GV1 and GV2, just upscaled to a higher resolution. Only illustrations like character portraits and skill cut-ins are on a real higher level.

>notices how erotic Lola is

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Too much into REMOVE ADEPTS. He was never the ladies man.

Wow. It's half of what LAiX needs. I'm sorry for your misfortune.

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After listening to Clockwork Daydream I came to the conclusion that Copen is only interested in adept girls for the sole purpose of extermination.

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Delicious Lola tummy

i bet the boy with glasses is actually xiao undercover. once the time fuckery he's done is uncovered, he either runs aways, summons the final/true boss or transforms himself into it

That's because Adept girls are very attractive. Which makes men interested in them. Which makes it that the girls will get know where I'm going with this.

More like child-bearing hips.

I just want Curse of the Moon 2, I couldn't care less about Inti's mega man clones.

If Copen didn't want this, he has no interest in women. Period.

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Copen's an asexual dolt. Also R.I.P. beautiful Russian Rapunzel.