Are there any singleplayer RPGs that can give me an "offline MMO" experience?
I love MMOs but I don't have the time to grind like I used to.
Are there any singleplayer RPGs that can give me an "offline MMO" experience?
Try FFXII or Xenoblade
Final Fantasy 12 and 15
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2
Dragon's Dogma
Kingdoms of Amalur is the only gave that's ever given me this feeling.
>taking and MMO's biggest weakness (gameplay) and removing its biggest strength (social)
Why are you so autistic?
Dragon Age: Inquisition. It’s dogshit but it sounds like that’s what you’re looking for.
The .hack games.
sword art online
There are two games that come to mind and they've already been mentioned.
Cube world
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoh it's said already
This. Especially the first ones. Not GU
SWTOR (free to play mode), it's basically a free single-player MMO
>dude gives the reason in the OP
>Why are you so autistic?
the only autist here is you
Final Fantasy 12
Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 and X
Dragon's Dogma
Dragon Age Inquisition
Rogue Galaxy
Sword art online games (they're shit tho)
.Hack games
Monster Hunter
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
MMOs aren't as social as they used to be anyway
Dragon Quest IX is literally an off line MMORPG.
>an "offline MMO" experience
What the fuck is an "offline MMO" experience supposed to be? Especially when you talk about no grinding. The largest point of a MMO is the socializing and the grinding for an excuse/time to socialize. What the hell do you think you're going to do with an offline MMO? If you just want a large world with stuff to find everywhere, we just call those normal RPGs, not offline MMOs.
I mean, there are literally offline MMOs which can be played solo - Phantasy Star Online games, Ragnarok DS - but they're pretty much all grinding and not what you're looking for. Probably because that's what you have when you take the online component out of a MMO.
White Knight Chronicles- enjoy a global cooldown on ALL your attacks
>game is has a fun grind, and plenty of exploits/mods if you don't want to grind
>player pawns can be found around the map, so you can always meet new characters
>you can play with or without pawns, whether you want a full party, just your pawn, or run it solo
Xenoblade Chronicles use a very MMO-style combat and questing style. They even have Aggro as a stat.
Crosscode is the litteral the thing you're looking for to a T.
>What the fuck is an "offline MMO" experience supposed to be? Especially when you talk about no grinding.
Most, but not all MMOs having a real-time fighting system that includes auto-attacks which you can intermix with abilities on a cooldown, different levels of mobs in an area and some kind of aggro mechanic which affects whether enemies will attack you without provocation, and which members of your party they will target.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has all of these.
Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, and similar games based on each one sound a bit like what you're looking for. They have you pause the game to select specific skills (or change strategies) but otherwise you can watch characters just attack enemies. Most of the WRPGs using a big party tend to behave this way.
Xenoblade, Final Fantasy XII and later, and the .hack// games do much the same thing. Although .hack// also has you pausing to select abilities, Xenoblade has them on cooldown and the Final Fantasy games have you setting up Gambits (or other names in other games) to give a set of commands for the AI to follow. I don't recall if you need to keep attacking yourself or can Gambit the character you are playing, though.
I've never played it but isn't "singleplayer MMO" like FF12's entire shtick?
Xenoblade kinda felt like one I guess
what the fuck has this world come to
I personally recomend: dragon dogma, dark arisen, the pawns you Found in the game just acts like a noob or an annoying player
I don't really know how to explain but it seems most people in the thread got what I meant
Try playing the first Dungeon Siege
You can control up to 8 characters at once and most of the gameplay consists of running forward, smacking everything that moves and collecting the loot afterwards
>Final Fantasy XII
Emulate the international ps2 version or play the remaster on consoles/PC. The "best" version is the Switch but I don't know if PC has a mod for the added QoL stuff. Emulator and remasters have speed-up/fast-foward to make the game enjoyable. Tons of character progression and party variety with the jobs system(international and remaster only)
>Xenoblade series
Emulate the 1st one on PC with the HD texture pack.The New3DS version works well if you're okay with the aliasing and low resolution. There is a remake coming to the Switch that looks well-done and has cut content. The 2nd one is only on the Switch. Both have good character progression and party choice. Chronicles is good as well if you become a fan.
>Dragon's Dogma
I'd consider this just an RPG but it's good. You go through the world with your main+partner and 2 random "pugs". By the end of the game everyone can just respec into whatever. Combat is fun. It is the least MMO-like imo.
>Kingdoms of Amalur
Started development as an MMO and it shows. Talent trees annoyed me but only because I didn't like most of the abilities. Combat is fun but the game is very easy. It's 100% an MMO world with MMO quests.
>Dragon Age: Inquisition
This is a lot like FFXII but Dragon Age and more 'modern'. Doesn't require speed-up features. Certain roles are forced on certain party members but it's mostly fine. Story isn't done until you've completed the DLC. I thought the zones were really nice.
Get the Zodiac Age version
Is that the remastered version?
I second this
Crosscode is the name.
ARK can be played in single.You can tweak the grind values