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Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone who's smart will jump on the Epic Store bandwagon at this point. Valve hasn't made a game in years and is completely out of touch. Epic is heavily invested into vidya development and it's better if a company like that rules the sales business

i dont understand why do you keep doing these daily threads. does anyone actually want to play this?

Only 9 days. I thought this game was out for a month already

It's a good game, why wouldn't you want to play it?

Ok Mr. Chi calm the fuck down.

Is performance still fucked up?

Because it's a terrible game.

I got the presequel fro free and played it for 45 minutes before uninstalling, how better is 3?
I'm not sure if i'm going to pirate it, wasted bandwidth

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borderlands is not a good series and if you only played that one for 45 minutes then you will not like the other one, downloading it will just be a waste of time and resources

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Fuck off chink

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>Epic is heavily invested into vidya development
New fortnite skins isn't vidya development

It's not though. Obviously piratebros want to play it but can't yet. Otherwise we wouldn't have these threads.

poor ass lol

nice try epic shill but I couldn't buy a game even if I wanted to

t. poorfag neet

>does anyone actually want to play this?
Reddit kids want to

>paying for bad games

dumb ass lol

isn't that from the episode where mr krabs tries to keep the krusty krab open 24/7 to compete with plankton?

Yeah, falseflagging isn't a common thing around here lol


You can stop counting now, everyone who wanted the game bought it already

>Makes a thread about Borderlands not being cracked

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Why didn't anyone eat at Plankton's restaurant? How did plankton even manage to pay the bills? Why didn't he ask Gordon Ramsay for help?

How else are they gonna get paid like when they shilled memelands 2?

I stopped using fat Gaben's trash tier platform years ago after using it for over a decade , it's dead , only brainlets still use that PoS.

Level 40 with FL4K now, just got to NG+ but I think I'm gonna try out Moze or Zane for a little bit.

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>Why didn't anyone eat at Plankton's restaurant?
He serves chum. To fish. He's literally serving people to people. And it tastes like shit, there was one episode where he got a "regular" that Krabs was desperate to bring over but he seemed set on eating at the Chum Bucket, until he reveals he was getting paid by Karen all this time but can't do it anymore because the food is just THAT bad.

Damn nigga how much money did that post put into your account?

Yikes. Pirates, step up your game. It’s pretty sloppy right now

Saved and baste

But Krabby patty is made out of crabs

I literally just want to play it for an hour so I can scratch the itch and know it's shit. I need a demo.

>Playing bad games
You’re a fucking retard if you intentionally play bad games.

Well, how many crabs do you see eating at the KK?

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you can get to level 50 fast by doing mayhem mode 3
it also makes orange drops spawn like crazy

>0.05 yuan has been added to your EGS account


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Now this is a game that i'd actually want to play

buyers remorse thread?

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Just stopped to say I have never played any Boredlands game and never will.

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>all of those tags
>he thinks this is mind-blowingly degenerate
First day on the internet?

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>borderlands 2 was garbage
>the preseuqel was worse in every way
Why would the third be any good?

Epic continues to buy up only the shit games.

have you played any of these games?

Yes, I bought 1, bought 2 because of 1, and then pirated presequel.

Not him but this is my history with borderlands
Thank god i got BL2 free with my 660ti at the time and presequel in a humble bundle, those 2 would be my greatest buyer remorse

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>5 points have been added to your social credit score

>No argument
it's truly sad that the strongest argument steamcucks have against epicchads is muh shopping cart. have fun when gaben turns half-life into a gacha mobile phone game.

Fortnite already is one.

>Actual game with gameplay
Imagine being that jaded and cynical. Go play some more artifact steamcuck Gaben needs the money to buy more big pink cookies :)

Yes. Patch is supposed to come out soon.

Shopping cart, reviews, communities, ect.
EGS is a barebones version of steam on purpose.

>user my son
>You have to choose
>Use the service that you have your whole library on and has been working for over a decade
>Or jump on the new marketplace that has Fortnite and some timed exclusives
As of now EGS is objectivly inferior in terms of library, User Experience and customer care
Provide me a reason to use your shop that isn't some shitty garbage and anti-customer practices, provide competitive prices
How come Borderlands 3 is still 60$ for the base version despite Randy getting 12% more cash?
Choke on a cock shill

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