Stamina Smash

Why doesn’t this mode see more regular play at side events?

Any compfags wanna gimme a rundown on what’s wrong with this mode? Imo it’s just as viable as the regular percent mode, and shakes up the meta considerably.

So why is it so underrated?

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literally just because it isnt the stardard mode everyone had been playing since 10 years ago

Yeah, but it could at least see side events.

It has way less depth and less characters would be viable in it.
In stamina mode it's literally just about who hits the other person more often, while standard is way more free form, you can kill opponents at 2% or at 200%, because dealing damage is only one aspect of it.

I'm also pretty sure that way less characters would end up viable in stamina, considering how much more narrow the goal is.

because fighting characters that have superarmor and deal more damage is just boring.

As a compfag myself who has gone to multiple real life tournies I have no idea. I'd definitely be interested in stamina mode, and I'd definitely be interested in squad strike too. Hell, it's easy to forget how many ways there are to play smash. Sadly though, the competitive scene will never care about it because people don't like doing new things. The only things people are willing to change from one game to the next is stock count. Any other additional modes or content will be deemed "casual side stuff" by the smash YouTubers and ecelebs that influence most people's opinions, so it's just not on the table.

Ironically enough, I find the only side event people kind of care about, doubles, to be unwatchable. Fuck doubles. I'd honestly rather have 4v4 on some giant stage than doubles, (not that 4v4 should be taken seriously in any way but it would be fun as fuck to assemble a team of four players and participate in it.)

It's awesome but doesn't work with the whole platform aspect of the game, some characters can just camp and gimp

I feel like if stamina mode was modified to where shit like projectile camping was less optimal. It could work. It's just that shit like laser camping becomes a lot more of detriment. Did they ever add knockback changing based on percent in Stamina mode? One thing I remember is certain characters just being able to infinite you like Fox and uptilt in the older games.

I'd rather have 4v4s that make large stages legal like Hyrule Temple and custom stages.

You arent showing up to run it and instead are on here asking why isnt someone else doing it

The game isn't really structured around it at the outset.


>liking change
>or growing

Idiots who have no idea what they’re talking about.


Squad strike does get side events.
They made valid points while the guy you thanked was misinformed.

It gets some side events that nobody cares about or takes seriously yeah. I think it's a superior format to singles honestly.

Come to think of it, remember that stage morph shit where the stage changes mid match? I'd love a big tournament with squad strike stage change on, but of course there's going to be competitive players bitching about stage change because they hate change because REMEMBER these losers have made it their life and career to make money off this game. You and I can go to a smash tournament with a variety of rulesets that don't necessarily have to be casual and still have fun whereas the YouTubers and top players and influencers I'm talking about's very paycheck is determined by these tournaments so they have a vested interest in downplaying anything else fun as much as possible because when everything is exactly the same that's when you can solve the game down to a science and have the same 6 people winning everything by spamming safe short hopped Aerials.

Rant I'm super high.

can't you push the enemy off-stage in stamina mode too? t. doesn't play smash bros

Yah but its a lot harder.

Knockback is treated like 0% for the entire match, so ring-outs are next to impossible to get, thus making comeback potential extremely limited.

You know all those characters with high damage combos they love to fish for at low percents?
They're now touches of death.

You're asking the same people who don't play on WarioWare or Castle Siege because "they're small" making the overall comp. stage pool boring.

Not addressed at one particular person in this thread, but there's a lot of people essentially making this point.

>It would be bad because different characters would be good and you would play the game differently

Yeah, that's obvious. It would be an entirely different game with a different tier list and a different meta that none of us know because nobody has ever bothered to actually explore it.

Because smash is about high risk -> high reward, stamina is about out-camping your opponent.

because knockback doesnt start scaling until the last like 50% so theres a bunch of horseshit infinites and otks
its not what the game is designed around, its not fun to play, its not fun to watch

If stamina was competitively viable projectile camping would be really common. No one wants to be in grand finals and some snake player is draining their stamina by using too many projectiles

You mean like he does now?

Not a compfag but from what little I've played of it some characters become absolutely fucked, or get absolutely fucked by the lack of knockback. Characters who shit out damage with low % combos dominate everything and characters who rely on knockback to set up their gimmicks and/or kill (charge shot, thoron, etc.) effectively have a massive part of their kits removed and will typically just get pressured to death by anyone with decent rushdown. Characters with fast projectiles also become cancer incarnate because losing a small amount of your limited HP pool is way more devastating than getting a few % from a stray projectile (which is technically now a kill move, like everything else) and there's basically no point where they're obligated to close any distance between you, making the game even more passive than it already can be. You can't even really spin this as some "emergent meta" because we already know, due to the nature of the game mode, who's going to be strong and who's going to suck cocks.
Also it somehow manages to dumb the game down even more because of the lack of % specific combos.