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Did you not want the option to play as a man user?

To please everybody. Kassandra is for the SJW journalists that bitch about every game that doesn't have a female lead and Alexios is for the teenagers that buy these games which is like 80% of the actual audience.

Why is Alexios so hot you mean?

>playing as greek-Geralt

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I played as Kassandra and only fucked horny old men though

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Because Syndicate actually used the idea well, so they had to ruin it.
Alexios is best anyway.

but you already have tons of strong womyn
your mother
that black pirate with blue eyes
the whores in Korinth
Layla in the present

it's diferent, in Syndicate each of the twins has it's own story they are not interchangeable

That's what I mean. They were both half characters, but it worked okay. It was a logical step backwards from the co-op in Unity, but the game was still better.

>Right now it's two-thirds Alexios and one-third Kassandra

Wonder what the ratio is now. I've played it twice as Alexios. Meant to go as Kassandra, but couldn't be bothered. Plus, suspension of disbelief.

based coomer

I wonder if they'll continue with Kass being the canon character come the next game considering how many people chose Alexios. Evie was vastly superior to ever picking Jacob in Syndicate so I'd love to see Syndicate's metrics on this as well.



Why not??

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I pirated it because fuck Ubisoft. Unironically the only AC game I’ve enjoyed since AC 2. They have all been shit (even Black Flag) but this one was fucking great. Felt like the Witcher 3. Map was huge and great. Genuinely one of my favourite games this year.

Did you play Origins too?

Brotherhood was improved AC2 how did you not like it?

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Is that the one with the shit base building mechanic where you have to defend towns and shit?

I didn’t play Origins as I got bored of fuck of AssCreed games after the one in London, but if it’s like Oddyssy I would definitely play it.

>caring about AC story after III
>playing AC after Rogue/Unity

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>playing this game twice
seek mental help

>but if it’s like Oddyssy
It's the same game but in Egypt and missing some features like the region conquering war stuff.

I wanted to save everyone, and I liked Greece.
It's a terrible Ass Creed, but better than Origins, and at least it includes assassining, despite ruining it with the fucking levels.

>region conquering war stuff.
You mean the ‘how to over level yourself massively’ mechanic? Get those explosive arrows. Point them at your feet. Fire.
You take no damage. It does like 1000% hunter damage (including AOE) to anyone it hits which is enough to kill pretty much anyone. I was taking out forts 10 levels higher than me using that until I realised I could just do it in conquest battles and kill like 8 enemies at once, run around a bit, and repeat. Instant win.

Kass is best girl and a cute though.

>and at least it includes assassining
What are you talking about, Origins is constantly filled with assassination stuff and promotes using stealth because you can easily keep up with the upgrades to the Hidden Blade. That was initially one of my major worries going into Origins. Hell, it literally starts with you trying to assassinate a guy (Albeit, in normal combat) and then immediately sticks you with the goal of assassinating several other guys moments later while handing you the Hidden Blade once you do it. With Odyssey you're forced to get specific skills to do anything with the stealth mechanics reliably. Sure, in Origins the stealth is not to the extent of Unity or even Syndicate but Origins at least feels a bit like an AC game compared to Odyssey and tries to push the stealth mechanics because they're very helpful compared to running in attacking everything that breathes.

If you took away the "Assassin's Creed" title from Odyssey and simply cut Layla's bits you could honestly argue it was a brand new IP. You'd still have the Isu there but even a rename for them would convince everyone.

>If you took away the "Assassin's Creed" title from Odyssey and simply cut Layla's bits you could honestly argue it was a brand new IP.
True of Origins. They both have that babby tier version of Souls combat, or what they were going for. But Origins has fuck all actual assassining. At least Odyssey you have to go gather information, and you're not restricted just to story progression. If you can even accuse Origins of having a story.

>If you took away the "Assassin's Creed" title from Odyssey and simply cut Layla's bits you could honestly argue it was a brand new IP. You'd still have the Isu there but even a rename for them would convince everyone.
And it would be far better for it. Black Flag and Odyssey would've made great new IPs, but instead they beat a dead horse and as someone that loved what AC used to be about it hurts me to not be able to play a game like Odyssey because it has the tagged on AC bullshit that's been tagged on since III

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>dude, level scaling lmao
>dude, let's force players constantly upgrade their weapons and armors, lmao
>dude, let's sell a useless XP booster that will inevitably fuck over people who play with level scaling and force them to buy the Drachmae booster, lmao

>add a female protagonist because you follow studies that show that sexes prefer to play as the same sex in games
>be surprised when the majority sex plays as the same sex they are
Ubisoft, wise and smart.

Just use the free XP and money booster.

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i didn't mind playing as Kassandra, what was the actual problem with it?


>liking the Witcher 3

Are you 17? lmao


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Why not?

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I love Kassandra. Shes really pretty.

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For literal faggots who want to play as a man instead of based Kassie.

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Kassandra is an annoying cunt with a terrible voice actor. Fuck off transexuals


have sex

>dude, level scaling lmao
Even that wouldn't be a problem if you could just assassinate anyone ever. At least in NG+, you can crank up the assassin damage % so it works as intended. But you shouldn't have to.

The setting.

I don't see the difference.
Both looks like man to me.

HAH !! You just got PWNED!

You can reliably assassinate people in Odyssey. You must only disregard all other playstyles, wear Assassination damage focused gear and dump all your points into assassination skills, most notably Critical Assassination, which you're gonna use a lot.

Because I beat up and enslave all the female enemies and force them to work on my ship as my personal lesbian harem.

that’s revelations the one before it brotherhood is top tier classic ac

Alexios because I always play as a male before playing as a female.

Even with full assassin gear, and maxed out regular+crit assassin skills, you still can't reliably assassinate all enemy types until you improve the percentages in endgame.
Now call me old fashioned, but I miss the days of old AC where a knife to the face meant they stayed down.

As an AC Origins playtester, the lack of instant kills for assassinations infuriated me to no end. I bitched and moaned as much as I could, but it seems like no one listened. I'm sorry I failed you, user.

>can't be raped and abused as Kass

Don't worry, everyone knows that stupid arse decisions like that are all corporate, since it'll make people think they need to buy the XP boosters.

>playing female
deserved to be instant banned.

actually its only the retarded Quebec studio
they are the only ones who make 1male 1female forced protags like in Syndicate

nobody reviewing these games cares enough
if it's not obvious and on the cover then it doesn't matter

>you still can't reliably assassinate all enemy types until you improve the percentages in endgame.
You can and I was playing on the hardest difficulty too. You're not wrong though, the mastery system is the only system that actually makes you stronger, alongside with some traits. That being said, it's supposed to be an action rpg with stats and shit, you're not really going to get the old AC back with linear gameplay in a semi open world. They already milked that fan base for years, now it's time to milk me dry and it doesn't really matter since they basically retconned the entire series with this AC into "lol layla & others are also in a simulation, thats why artifacts exist", making each game in the future irrelevant in the overarching story.

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What if it's a female playing as a female.

Are you female, user?

no that's the one in Istanbul
Brotherhood is in Rome

>tfw my Kassandra stayed pure to end up becoming the fucktoy of her own son

feels good

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>this triggered trannies so much that the love interest of Legacy of the First Blade got retconned out of the Fate of Atlantis DLCs.

>The salt journos had when the DLC automatically made Kass pregnant.

Good game but I had to bail after like 30 hours of the same shit over and over. I just wanted to fight harpies, outwit sphinxes and kill me some gorgons. Don't care about all these hellennic fags.


what annoys me the most is that there are two female npcs (roxana & kyra) who are forced onto you as a love interest and have sex with you (kyra's scene will always end with sex), with no way of declining their advances and yet all of those trannies were fine with that happening. my kassandra isn't gay and I had to reload so many times only to find out that it is impossible to not be romantically involved with either of them.

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I'm a little girl

Never played the game because fuck Ubishit. Is't their an achievement for "going straight" at the end of the game and having a child?

I think a minor subset of people disliked it because it implied that having a family is what makes you an adult.

I just got it few days ago on uplay+ (free month) it's pretty solid, combat is fun, story is meh but quests are far better than the classic "follow that guy" map is HUGE long hours ahead of me it's objectively better than The Witcher and yes I said it. but bear in mind I stopped Ass creed after unity so ....

In the first Atlantis DLC, you get the false choice of bringing back one of your lost ones. You can only choose Brasidas or Phoebe, but not Neema/Natakas, In the second Atlantis DLC, you get to meet both Brasidas and Phoebe again but the love interest from the Legacy of the First Blade dlc is mysteriously not mentioned at all. This is all after Alexios/Kassandra is completely heartbroken about their loss, mentioning multiple times they won't ever forget Neema/Natakas.

>it's objectively better than The Witcher
nope Odyssey is shit
Origins is better than Witcher

Sounds like there is a war between boomers and feminists in the Ubisoft writing room.

But that would imply Origins is better than Odyssey. So you're objectively wrong all around.

>Origins is better than Odyssey
yes Origins is better than Odyssey

I don't understand why people can't just immerse themselves and play as Kassandra/Alexious, rather than playing themselves. I don't watch Conan the Barbarian and think to myself, "Yeah, this is me".

I think some of the staff wanted to depict a semi-realistic ancient world, where being an adult meant you raised a family. Doesn't make entirely sense, given that AC:O isn't earth's ancient greek but rather a simulation by the Isu, but it is what it is.

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Sure, except for setting, story, characters, gameplay, style, and VA. But the graphics and the archery is by far better in Origins.

>Origins is better than Odyssey
no Origins is not better than Odyssey

>Sure, except for setting, story, characters, gameplay, style, and VA
yes all of those are better in Origins
>But the graphics and the archery is by far better in Origins.
yes those too

agreed, Odyssey is better if you prefer quantity over quality

>immerse yourself as a character
>by not pretending you're the character
Because then it's not a role playing game, it's just a game

Because people are fucking retarded. I hate to use an eceleb as an example but Woolie gets upset that Japanese games with character creators wont let him make black characters. I legit do not get it

absolute proof that you are a retard
both Kassandra and Alexios VAs are awful especially compared to Bayek

>my piece if shit is better than your piece of shit

>I don't understand why people can't just immerse themselves and play as Kassandra/Alexious, rather than playing themselves. I don't watch Conan the Barbarian and think to myself, "Yeah, this is me".
Maybe it's because the game let you make choices before taking it away.

Best AC coming through.

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But AC:O is a RPG ...

Making choices doesn't mean you self-insert. You're supposed to make choices based on your character. If you play a paladin in a tabletop rpg, then you're not going to play like an oathbreaker just because you like being a little shit IRL.

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Oh yes I do enjoy spending half my time doing tailing missions and the other half instantly beating the brain-dead boat ai.

If you don't make a lesbian slave harem as Kassandra, you're not playing the game correctly.

That criticism on the ai can literally be applied to EVERY AC game. Nothing beats the atmosphere of Black Flag. Continue to cope.

>If you play a paladin in a tabletop rpg, then you're not going to play like an oathbreaker just because you like being a little shit IRL.
Exactly, the dlc was like playing a paladin who's forced to murder innocent because your retarded gm wants you to fall

Since when is having a voiced protagonist and no roleplay a roleplaying game?

sorry sweaty, but Kassandra will never be gay. she's a spartan. that means she hangs around agoges and got a harem full of 7 to 17 year old boys in their prime who are only allowed to satisfy their needs with her permission to use her body. all that pent up sexual frustration can only be released by Kassandra.

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I'd say since Mass Effect. Maybe earlier though

If you can't roleplay as a character just because they're voiced, then that means you were self-inserting in the first place, ergo you're a brainlet. It's okay though, I can still respect your opinion.

At least mass effect has character creation and an influenceable story

>be greek
>years of enjoying GTA IV use of broken Greek words like malaka
>ffw 2019
>shit game is set in Greece
>dumbass trannies use it to spew dumb bullshit
>essentially another "exotic" word for them, so they can sound cool
Every fucking time

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pretty girl

The very definition of roleplay is self inserting. The fact that the characters are locked to an on-rails storyline means you're not roleplaying, you're playing an action game.

Thats not how role playing works. Role playing isn't doing what you would do in a specific setting, its doing what the character would do.

>who do I want to fuck next


>smash buttons until a cutscene

Anybody who's still unironically playing Asscreed after 2 is a piece of shit

>>be greek
I am truly sorry

Both makes sense storywise in their own way as well as for certain quest lines. People say Kass doesn't fit because of a lack of warrior women, but that's kind of the point with her and it makes sense of why should wouldn't be able to take on her sibling right away. Meanwhile Alexios makes sense for someone becoming an absolute terror.

Either way, I picked Kass because I liked her voice better.

Kass didn't feel in your face sjw I really liked her maybe I was blinded by how much fun I had with this game.

It was a good idea marred by lazy implementation.
Kassandra's story should have been nothing like Alexios'.

>The very definition of roleplay is self inserting.

It isn't.

>act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy.

If you are not pretending to be that character, then de facto you are not role-playing. The implication that choice is what leads you to role-play is false, since that means you were already self-inserting and you expected a medium to cater to your expectations, rather than fulfilling your role as the character. Look, it's fine to be of a low IQ disposition - which you clearly were, since you didn't look up the definition - but don't pretend that you know what role-playing means or that you are doing any of that.

is this outfit in game?

>yes all of those are better in Origins
Nah. Egypt as a setting was underexploited. Plus, Greece is prettier, and better to explore. There is, at least, an actual coherent story. There are also actual characters. Bayak is on par with Connor for shittiest MC. Just replace, "WHERE IS CHAR-ELZ LEE?!" with "MUH SON (who i only occasionally care about for ambiguous reasons)!" The only decent VAs in Or are the Romans, and the gameplay is primitive compared to Od, with the only saving grace being the assassination moves.
And as always, there's no assassining in Or.

>compared to
No. They're all rubbish. But at least Alex has some flair to it most of the time.

Will the dlc episodes ever be cracked?

Then it's not a rpg

Shut up turkfag, you're only mad your culture is literally a copy paste of mine.

It literally exactly is.

yeah, you need to use cheat engine to get it though since its a cash shop item

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Because she isn't. She's just female. She even has the physique you would expect an Alpha Female with god tier genetics to have.

Uh, that means it is. Turns out some people on Yea Forums are just as dumb as trannies are

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why do you white niggers keep calling these leftist non white zealots and jews "muh essjayydoubleejouu" !?
why not call them by their description ? so(y)bois and non whites


Thanks for the spoiler you fucking fag.

but noone pretends "thats me"
its jsut that noone wants to play mongrel characters. no matter who they are

>I don't watch Conan the Barbarian and think to myself, "Yeah, this is me".
Well in conan you can't decide who he's gonna fuck, kill or spare

That's not a spoiler at all that. It was all over the internet. If I wanted to spoil you, I'd tell you what happened next.

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to make my pipi the big pipi

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>It was all over the internet.
Guess nothing is a spoiler then

cant believe they actually put that into the game as a transmog

>be Greek
pay back your loans already you greasy piece of shit

t. retard

He's not responsible for what his corrupt government did, user. In fact greece doesn't even get loans from banks anymore. They won't ever be able to pay anything back.

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t. American

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>becoming the fucktoy of her own son
Imagine being immortal and becoming the fucktoy of your son, your son's son, your son's son's son, and on and on and on, up until the modern day.
Popping the cherry of your male descendant has been your tradition for countless millenia..

>each of them also trained to be top tier mercenaries
based. absolutely based.

would watch a hentai based on a story like that, much like JoJo

>we could already do that in syndica-

>ubisoft releases their tool to make quests in the game
>every quest goes through their server and is saved there
>can't make based /ss/ quests that involve kassandra fucking her own kids without getting banned

It's not fair.

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That pissed me off to no end.

She's better when you're alexios

You are correct

Based humiliation and abuse fetishist.

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Way to be an autist over nothing lol

I didn't know this about myself user

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you just know

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based, so did i

Quick question: how many of you guys actually like the templar/cult stuff? I find it very stupid and boring.

More than in the other games, but it didn't need to be the Isu bullshit. It would have worked fine as just a cabal.
Modern stuff sucked as always, though.

It was never clear what they wanted, other than being evil and controlling the Greek world. I don't think it was ever even said what they needed the war for. Just one-dimensional bad guys that took out all the complexity out of the real story the game was based on.

Same as always. Control for the greater good, and to prevent something worse popping up. The Ghost covers it in the end, and that's why you can join them.


That's a man

The only way to play