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My mom said that to me every time. Thankfully I got the lak;dfl;

I remember when mommy used to suck the bad germs out of my willy. Thanks mommy!

Even playing vidya sucks when you are sick

>tfw sick today
Hope I'm better for my first day of work tomorrow

I'm sick as well and despite 5 dudes getting laid off last week, I'm taking tomorrow off.

Who does this for you now?
You don't let it accumulate, do you?

>if you're too sick for school you're too sick for cummies!

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I'm not sick anymore though. I'm just staying home an extra day so that the other kids won't get sick.

>Yea Forums is unironically filled with high schoolers
grim stuff

nah m8

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Yea Forums is 80% underage.


>tfw middle school dropout
From what I hear, I haven't missed anything by not going to high school.

the one time my mom let me go full ham on games was when i was riddled with fever. played one of the gamecube medal of honors for hours then couldn't close my eyes without seeing and hearing game stuff all night. a bizarre and excruciating experience that I'll never forget. i was truly too sick to play videogames

Same. Did you try drinking soup, feels much better now that I did.

I want to click that nose.

My friend's mom locked down their family PC with a password when she left him alone at home when he was sick, but he knew the password and played all the vidya he wanted. It was fun seeing him freak out sometimes when I'd be at his place, we're playing games and shit when suddenly his mom comes back home from work early or something, and the whole thing turns into "FUCKKK quick turn off the computer and pretend we've been watching TV or something". Fun times.

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What do you do for a living?

I shit you not
>like week or two ago sister and her kids all got eye infections
>they send over the kid that doesnt for us to babysit while they all go to hospital with the youngest
>week later we all have eye infections too now
>woke up with my left eye damn near swollen shut
>look like some nigga about to turn into a zombie

I havent been sick in months and I forgot just how uncomfortable having medical ailments was. Pink eye sucks cock.

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shut up cat

I'm a freelance linguist. You don't need diplomas if you're good.

>I havent been sick in months and I forgot just how uncomfortable having medical ailments was
Everytime I get sick I always have the same thought of "shit, this sucks so much, from now on I will cherish the state of being healthy much more", and of course every time you get better you keep treating your health like it's a given thing (until you get sick again).

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Man I regret dropping out a lot. Not the act of dropping out itself but the time I could've dedicated to actually learn. Now that I'm a self learning computer science faggot I regret it a lot.

>not having closed nasal passages
>being able to change altitudes without getting dizzy/headaches
>being able to actually taste food and not your "sick"
>being able to do light cardio without damn near passing out
>having energy

welcome to hell

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who she

Wouldn't have mattered, both of us wouldn't have learned anything if we had stayed in school anyway. What we lacked wasn't the school, but the maturity and experience necessary to know that learning is important.

I learn more now at 26 than I ever did in school. Learning stuff on the internet is easy. I speak a few languages and have been network engineer simply by learning Cisco stuff.

But if it was simple and free, I would gladly go in university to follow some courses, it would be fun.


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But am I too gick for gusic, Gom?

Fuck off, Lois.

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>user will never suck the bad germs out of your willy
Why even live?

We've had too sick for school video games for as long as I can remember, it just used to be a picture of Lois from Malcolm in the Middle.
They were designed as gateway threads for discussing childhood video game stories

t. been here too long

You're right. And yeah, I can relate. I'd go for university courses as well. That said, there's online shit like ocw and libgen so that's helpful.

My wife does it for me now.
But only sometimes.

You need to find someone who does it every time.

The whole point retard was so you wouldn't be rewarded with being sick so you would stop faking it to get out of obligations.

>sick before quiz day
>e-mail professors
>all tell me to suck it up because no retakes
>get into the habit of never e-mailing professors because of this
>miss quiz this semester
>professor asks me why
>tell them
>they say I should've e-mailed them
I love academia :)

Are you always sick on quiz day user

rinko iori

Well, im not too sick to FUCK YOU MOM
Slap her across the face with my cock, she got down on her knees an i start fucking her in her moisty pussy oh yeah slut mommy

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Edgy and coompilled.

This was my train of thought too last time I was sick. I spent like 5 days edging in bed and didn't cum until I was better. Don't really know why. The end result wasn't that satisfying at all.

Poor Jew user. Have a rhinoplasty and open those nasal passages

It’s a drawing

I have some bad memories about this kind of stuff from high school
>Feeling really sick and didn't want to school
>Mom made me go anyway even if I end up vomiting or something
>Ask her if I could skip school to play video games
>She didn't say anything about it
I just started saying I wanted to play when I was sick

OH yes more user I'm gonna COOOOOOM