Thoughts on F-Zero?
Thoughts on F-Zero?
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I enjoyed F-Zero X more than GX.
He was number one
Should get a fighting game
Why do you like it more? I think the music is better in X, but just by a little bit.
Never played it. I want a remake of the Gamecube game or just another addition to the series in general. It looks fun and I like the aesthetic and setting.
I know Nintendo doesn't want to make another F-Zero without going in a new direction though. I think they should take advantage of Captain Falcon's Smash popularity and make a game that has similar gameplay to Saints Row 4, but with a greater focus on driving. Give Captain Falcon his Falcon Punch and Kick etc., fighting crime and taking mercenary jobs for action-oriented combat with gaps filled in with exciting racing and chase missions around Mute City.
I spent a whole year playing F-Zero X almost daily, fucking loved that game. I had a chance to play GX on a cabinet a couple of times, never tried it on GC, I wasnt that interested when it got out, which I regret now.
I can't say whether X is actually better than GX but I think GX's aesthetic is a bit cluttered and overdesigned, even though X looks like dough for the most part. I prefer the overall feel of the driving in X as well, and I like the stages more.
I agree, I dont like how GX looks in retrospective, but X still holds on, and the music is better as well.
Gave myself some time last year's summer to beat GX's Very Hard chapters as well as cups on Master. Took me a while, lots of struggles & hardships, but I fucking did it.
The difficulty of some of the Chapters is really deceiving: From playing them on Hard you'd think some are easy when they're not. Chapter 5 is really hard despite only being muscle memory because the accuracy required is literal perfection
You should try it out, it's pretty easy to emulate with dolphin and you can play it in super high resolutions. I'm jealous you got to play AX, how was it.
That's a fair criticism. I don't really think it feels over designed, but that's probably just a personal preference. I like the twitchier controls in GX because it's really satisfying nail a hard corner going crazy fast
Playing F-Zero X with a mouse for steering its really a experience, i completed every cup on master and got 2 ghost times.
really recommend giving it a try
I love and hate Half-Pipe and Slim-Line Slits.
Thunder Road is the best track followed by Dragon Slope.
Oh yeah one thing too is I was never able to get 1st in Phantom Road in Master Diamond Cup, and quite frankly, I think that probably is too much even for me.
Phantom Road is fucking impossible
That's impressive, I only managed to beat them on Hard. I think the story mode really sets GX apart from the other games and it's probably the mode i've spent the most time playing
>*AI steers perfectly at 1600 on the slits*
nothin personnel player
I like them, but they get really stupid and annoying in time trials and kill all my fun. The original has those dumb AI bumps, GX has snaking and is a glitchfest in general, the GBA games require you to spend most of the races going sideways. Haven't played X because of the graphics so maybe that's better
You don't have to snake to beat the time trials. I think the glitches/advanced techniques are on of the coolest aspects of GX. They are really fun to practice and get good at
snaking is more for speedrun autists than being required to beat the game challenges so dont be discouraged by that
It was weird, since I was living in a small town at that time. Went to a bootleg version of chuck e cheese, and there it was. It took a few tries to get used to the movement of the chair while driving, specially in sharp curves. Definitely worth a try, is really fun.
I don't mean beating the ghosts, I mean playing for good times. Having a lot of tricks is nice but I hate how most of them play out in practice. MTS and quick turns are fun, snaking is by far the worst because it's just asking for RSI and looks dumb, things like shift boosting, side attack spam and releasing accel to preserve speed are obnoxious and glitchy too.
I miss it
I wanna see my favorite characters racing in HD damn it
But user what if I AM the autist
I mean that's why snaking is a separate category. If you don't want RSI you can just play max speed
Never heard of it before Smash 64. I used to ship him and samus with each other when I wasn't shipping her with Link, and would often have the three of them fight in a love triangle on Zebes.
For the record, there was a similar dynamic between Pikachu, Kirby, and Jigglypuff.
To be honest, I only played F-ZERO for the first time at a barcade last year. I'm 28.
I love F-Zero, really wish Ninty would make more. I think GX is my favorite, even though the A.I could be cruel at times. I managed to unlock the AX Cup and did the majority of story on Very Hard. GP Legend is underrated though - if you have a GBA or a good emulator you should play it.
I like the series as a whole, although I do prefer 3d iterations. Its a shame that Nintendo doesnt know what to do with the IP now, hope they come up with something soon.
>People want sega to work on F-ZERO again without realizing they shut down amusement vision.
I'm loving the return of F-Zero threads. GX is the best. X lovers are boomers. Both have good music. Race me.
>X remake with Forza 4 graphics will never be a thing
It's tragic that a studio can make two 10/10 games in the form of gx and monkey ball 1 and still be shut down
It hosntley really fucking tilts me, I will never forgive Sega
If the planets align and we get GX HD, what would you like to see added (aside from online races)
A few new racers would be neat, you could even tie in Metroid with a space pirate trying to win the prize money to give to the empire or something.
F Zero had damn good waifus.
>If the planets align and we get GX HD, what would you like to see added
Switch console on sale, cause Im going to buy one
A track editor a la the 64DD expansion kit
i like it when the game is taking itself seriously, in GX everything is WACKY and it gets annoying real fast
I like both about equally but I have more nostalgia for X and come back to it more because of the X-Cup and now being able to emulate the DD expansion.
If F-Zero were released today, poltards would whine about all the "forced diversity" in the roster, even though that was the case for 20+ years.
Why does Nintendo always write space people as bounty hunters, yet never really build the world around that? Shouldn’t Falcon be hunting criminals instead of racing
Because it's a racing game. Any "lore" about captain falcon is just flavor text. In GX you race satan and then combine the belt you get from winning with the belt from the grad prix to be able to challenge the creator of the universe.
Favorite Nintendo series, with F-Zero X being the best imo.
Particularly because rigging the race by killing rivals was equally as viable as going fast. It was fun to engage with the other racers like that, and it was also nice that they coded in specific racers to follow/fight you depending on their backstory, that helped me appreciate the unique roster even more. Also this
>lateral shift
more like literal shit