Is it referred to as the O (as in the letter) or circle in your country Yea Forums?

Is it referred to as the O (as in the letter) or circle in your country Yea Forums?

Attached: PlayStation_button_C.svg.png (1024x1024, 51K)

circle. only brainlets call it "o"



Sony prompt are clearly sorted by colors, Green,pink,red and blue, not by shapes, you are retarded


thats a ring not a circle

That, is another Halo.

Square, triangle, circle, x (ecks)
Anything else and you're a weirdo

That circle is off center.
>left distance 2.3
>right distance 2.4

Attached: 15162186524131.jpg (800x450, 88K)

Came here to kill a prophet, not a plague


Kwadrat, trójkąt, koło, iks

we call it zero

krzyżyk kurwa


That's not a circle. It is an annulus.

Attached: 1200px-Annulus_area.svg.png (1200x1200, 83K)


It's referred to as the Thief button as by jumping and hitting it you can do super sneaky master thief moves.

Now I'm living in Japan, I wonder how they call it. Maru?

based, came here to post this

Red bendy connected line


Was from Wikipedia. Probably to avoid copyright.

I've never seen anyone call it O in my life
Círculo always

Attached: ixndp2ealtm31.jpg (500x333, 32K)

>copyright on a red annulus above a black filled circle

ok it's a black lit sphere but still

It's circle in my language. Never heard of anyone referring it to as O as in the letter.


It's a fucking circle because it's with other shapes, dingus.


I used to call it Zero when I was a kid, now I just say circle

Only reason Sony (to a certain extent) calls the X button "cross" is to seperate it from the Xbox X button.

I've called it o a few times. It's usually accidental


A B X Y > Square Triangle Circle Cross
Every time I hear someone say 'press the triangle button' I die a little inside

Cross is the correct term.

Attached: st-andrew.jpg (380x531, 36K)

It's pyramid, doofus

The official name has been "cross" since before the Xbox was even a thing. It's just that no one gave a shit until that one tweet.

I never thought I'd see something even more retarded than "cross" but here we are

Little circle

there is a square and a triangle
why the fuck would that X and O, it's circle and cross

Box, pyramid, hoop, and cross

because the Playstation is a Japanese console and the buttons are clearly based on the signs people hold up during game shows and the like over there.

Attached: 1554822822643.jpg (478x505, 51K)

Is a circle and a zero isn't a fucking "o". Every time I hear someone saying 'one point o' and such I get slightly mad, how fucking lazy one person can be to not saying two syllables, I can understand if you are a soldier and have to shorten some numbers for radio communication but most cases isn't.

little ball, based favela bro
