Bosses have unblockable supermoves they can let off when while you're staggering them via critical hits

>bosses have unblockable supermoves they can let off when while you're staggering them via critical hits

yeah nah fuck off

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Dude, just cast curaga.

Dude, just make a good game.


>fmv plays
>roll roll roll
>off by one number
>gameplay resumes

>tfw I never saw a single summon animation
They really made those things too rare.

can't be possible
ifrit happens a lot

You are so retarded overpowered at this point it doesn't matter.

I never got him, or any other one.

no way jose

I"m serious. Every single time summons came up on the reels, they never matched.

ITT: Retards that actually think there is RNG in the game.
Protip, there isn't, it's just animation that makes you think there is.
There's a hidden EXP bar, a hidden Summon bar, a hidden Limit Break bar and so on.

damn that sucks

did they hide a good game in there somewhere?

Not really, Crisis Core isn't bad but it's definitely average with shitty plot and nice music.

There is RNG, you idiot. EXP isn't even hidden, its literally SP, and it's not guaranteed to level you up, the game only tries to keep you at the same level you're supposed to be at, by increasing the odds of leveling if you're under leveled and decreasing the odds if you're over leveled. This is why there are instances where you will end up gaining 2-3 levels in a row.
Summons and Limit breaks are random too, the only way to make them happen more often is with certain equipment. (do summons even have equipment that boosts their chances?)

My point is that there is no random because all 3 have an invisible bar that keeps track of how many times you "lost" and keep increasing your odds every time until you succeed at which point it resets.
Levels, Limit Breaks and Summons are all affected by this same system of odds being stacked in your favour the more times you "fail" the RNG.

If it wasn't for the DMW, this game would be way better.

It's possible but extremely unlikely.

That's still random number generation.
It never hits 100%. It's extremely likely, but never certain. I think levels are the sole exception, and even then you have to be way, way underlevel.

If you want to be pedantic sure, but the odds are so absurdly stacked in your favour you'd need to have literally -999 LCK to not "win".

Why the fuck are so many people posting about Crisis Core now?
By the way, it's an okay game. Not great, but not shit.

It's like there's a remake for 7 coming out or something.

I assume the remake got new people trying out FF7 + the compilation

Just spin the slots and get lucky, you dummy.

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Yeah, but nobody's talking about shit like Dirge of Cerberus.
Nobody ever did, though, to be fair.

Guess that makes sense. Oh well, I still liked Crisis Core a lot when I played it the first time and decently enjoyed it upon replay. I had good slot luck, though.

>Dirge of Cerberus


The only pedant here is the guy trying to "Uhm ACKTCHUALLY" people calling it random chance.

Crisis Core has always been called "The Good One," so people give it a chance.

>game allows you to stagger enemies in the first place

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>stealth section with rhythm minigame

Yeah, but then the ending fight would be so much less kino.