Idk about the gameplay but the art look based as fuck

Attached: 13-Sentinels-Aegis-Rim-Prologue-2.jpg (800x450, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>all those people asking questions in english expecting answers

>that character chart
wtf this's crazy

>talk for 20 minutes in a single hallway
>To be continued...

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>literally cooking with anime girl, now real
anyway I could cum over the art and animation alone

So it's just a visual novel with some tower defence elements
What the fuck were they doing all these years

making 13 anime characters

isnt this 13sentinals

yes coming out this fall

>advertising this as an atlus game first and foremost

I really love vanillaware I hope the gameplay will grow on me like GrimGrimoire's did!

IE where you find the most broken thing and just abuse it so you can enjoy the story?

Pretty much I much preferred Odins Sphere and Dragon's crown but their art and stories are so good it makes up for it :)

the art reminds me of Tree of Savior

Making a visual novel with dungeon crawling

They are watching someone cook some onion in butter with salt? Truly an epic game.

>their new game
It's vanillaware, you plebeian.

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Since when was Yea Forums so full of newfags?

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you faggot, i thought this was somethign about re:fantasy

think how us brazilians feel

>Aegis rim
Fuck you I thought It was re;fantasy
Aegis rim is practically a vanillaware game

That's a big burger.

Why would you ever do that?

>herring soup
>some huge fucking salmon slices
The japs are supposed to be able to into understand this whole fish thing. No one in their right mind would ever make herring soup, what the fuck. You smoke it or dry it or salt it or can it or pickle it or even eat it raw, but this shit would make a terrible oily stinky awful "soup".

Bitch has to learn not to put fucking ketchup on eggs.

Did they do this with other games as well?

its not a japanese soup user

>Cooking show

>fully blue long skirt sailor outfit

This is set in the 80's??

Attached: 16B2B5FC-CF0B-4678-9586-B6AC7AC640D3.jpg (432x328, 19K)

It has timetravel.

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this shit looks boring as FUCK

No doubt, that girl is Sukeban

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>cooking show
I guess I missed the good stuff.

>only one character wears it
More than likely she's a yankee.

but you'll still buy anyway it to support Vanillaware so they won't die right?

I'm gonna marry 21.

she's already married to me

We'll go through all the divorce stuff together, don't worry.

I'll support Vanillaware when they release Dragon's Crown dlc or port Muramasa off the vita. 13 Sentinels looks like absolute fucking garbage which explains why it has been in development hell.

Only if they release it on PC, Xbone, or Switch. Anybody who only makes PS4 games deserves death.

You fucking retard. Is old asgardian food, like fucking vikings and warriors and what not, they dont give two fuck.

>japanese company makes games for a japanese console
>they deserve death

It looks great and I'm hyped to play it.

mad ninsect

It has at least 4 time periods, present, WWII period, post apocalyptic, and far future.

Specifically 1985.

It is quite literally the highest quality an adventure game has ever seen though. Nothing else comes close to this.

Attached: PS Communities_20190922_211336.jpg (3840x2160, 777K)

I vaguely remember some concept art that was not-quite lewdish.

Attached: vanillaware.jpg (1050x675, 445K)

only nitenplebs or Dmcfags want another bing bing crazy action game

I hope they release it on epic store just for the butthurt

Woah rent free

The lack of combat animations for the mechs is kinda lame tbqh, it's like playing SRW with the animations turned off

Looks interesting enough to me, please don't say it's ps4 exclusive

user, I....

it's was previously Vita exclusive

Imagine being suckered into playing a bad game by the art style.

no it wasnt

Console VNs is just stupid. I really hope this makes it to Switch or PC.

Vita would've been the perfect place to play this

I am living in viking country though, NO ONE eats herring in soup. back then it would also be used like it was 200 years ago and still is today; you salt it in barrels so you have food to bring with you on the sea that doesn't rot or spoil. If you make soup you make it from cod, pollock or salmon. Fuck off.

To the makers, Vita and Switch are considered consoles too.

And coming straight from an actual translator, VNs on console is still doing better than PC. This is even more true for Japan. Moreover, the game development started way before Switch exists.

I hate it

Idk I'm kinda warming up to it