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What game? So I can boycott.


feelsgood that fag acceptance is dropping.

if this is a joke it's actually funny.

Is it?

since muslims hate fags and they are breeding faster than faggot whites it probably is

Yeah atleast in the US from 54% positive attitude to 45%.
And with the rise of right-wing parties in Western Europe and Eastern Europe becoming more confident and influential, queers gonna learn their place again.
Also kinda this.

>I'm Happy videogames, a tame and creative hobby about spaceship shooting things and cartoon character jumping on platforms are being used as political soapboxes to push that garbage that is identity politics because it makes people mad and gives me a lot of (you)

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bioshock is very political, actually

non of them are sjw

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subtle underlying themes vs gay flags niggers and trannies everywhere

based homophobe

jokes on you, I was just pretending to be retarded

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Bioshock has politics in it's story like pretty much every story. is not propaganda there's no hamfisted message. you see the story and you're left with your own conclusions you have to come to yourself.

>bioshock, fallout, metal fucking gear, deus ex, cawadooty
shut the fuck up

There's exactly only one gay flag in Celeste, and it was added in an update and shoved into a corner. Stop being so easily offended, special snowflake.


make me aids ridden faggots

It's the most subtle and tasteful shit ever compared to this spew of hamfisted indie shit.

What game?


bend over

I recognize the flag on the left as the gay flag but whats the right one?

trans flag
the lgbt community is filled with amateur vexillologists for some reason.

>female lesbian black protagonist
>not SJW

Would it be better if it was gum?

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>putting fag flags in every piece of media is gonna be perfect for tolerance, there's no way this can backfire
this is your mind on hormones

>war is political
lel. War is business, my pale friend.

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Thanks for the laugh.

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>Discussing political concepts or using them as a theme
>Blantant contemporary American identity politics shoved in your face
Its the same bro, now bake the cake bigot

>game made by mutilated freaks has reference to lgbt shit

well duh.


holy fuck you know ive been thinking the same thing recently
>alright guys we need a symbol for all our gay sexualities or whatever the fuck
>I KNOW....straight lines!

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What the fuck do you think CoD 4 was at the time?

>rock throw

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i mean the straight line plague extends to more than lgbt flags
i blame the french

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Is this a male pregnancy joke?

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It's dumb how there's this general mentality of "this character is either straight or political". When people talk about how they don't like politics, they're being dishonest. Like calling out virtue signalling; the act of signalling a virtue isn't the problem, it's the virtue that is being signalled. It's just more palatable to express bigotry in the round about, dishonest way.

Why are trans fags trying to tag themselves with gays.

Gays don’t like you, your still a hideous abomination to them.

something something gays have anal sex something something poop comes from the ass

very sophisticated humor

Why has the west become obsessed with and supportive of mentally-ill dick choppers?

>try to own libs
>instead expose your own shallow understanding

gaping holes are always filled with evil


>supportive of mentally-ill dick choppers
Who doesn't like to make an helicopter with their cock?

based retard

Because winning the culture war with freedom and being the biggest consumer states gives us the luxury of realizing that a lot of tradition is arbitrary, though it does have its uses. The idea of "reality having a liberal bias" is there because of things like trans issues being a non-issue; chop your dick off and call yourself Sally, that's not my business and that's your freedom. It doesn't harm me.
But yes, you can debate the harm that does, I'm not going to support it here, but what they do factually doesn't concern me. They can make their own mistakes and I can waste my life playing video games.

>Muh scientific faggot fugging to reprodux

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I'm a lesbian (female) and i dont even see the point to putting the flags in games.
Unless it's a game about trannies....just why?

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International movement supported by governments and the biggest corporation like amazon is just about some retards freedom to choose to chop of his dick, how much of a fucking low iq retard can you be?

When you say it like that, it's just a low hanging fruit issue. Of course it would find support.

Trannies are mentally ill gays

Why anything? Some characters and people are supportive and it's natural to show it. Does effect gameplay.

u seething turd bby lmao

Someone post the "but I have to look" tweets already

The issue is when it affects the end product.
No, I don't want my video games to have fucking advertisements for anyone's agenda.
No, I don't want my video games censored or limited because some tranny or /pol/ack needs to blame their problems on something.


It's in the room of someone who supports those causes? If they were Christian and had a cross in their room we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.

In this context it's not an ad for an agenda, it looks like it just shows more about the character.

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they both were pretty hard on jews too

for real though what game that art from what i can see looks cool

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Yes, but why put any kind of political/religious shit in your game if its going to make people angry?
Focus on making your game fun, dont focus on making it political.

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It's not a false equivalence because to leave it at just "politics" is to oversimplify and many people do that.

Someone should edit them to be the straight pride flag.

You're acting like devs scratch their heads for months on how they can include a rainbow flag in a game. There really isn't an issue here.

Bioshock is the only game on that image that tries to force a political agenda down your throat, that being an anti libertarian message.
The rest are just games with a political themed story

Another "muh terrorists are evul" modern military shooter?

Oh and maybe FF7 with it's enviormental agenda that goes away after the first 2 hours, but even then the protagonists are portrayed as terrorists that don't give a fuck about killing inoccent people

there's a difference between the exploration of ideas and political themes and propaganda

Nothing screams "liberalism" like social fads pushed by big pharma.

>that's not my business
It is when they want to force you to start using female pronouns when talking to or about him.

>Dev tucks away a gay pride flag in the background

What other social fads have they pushed?

>game/movie/whatever doesn't include any kind of politic theme
>SJWs find something they don't like and scream that the game appeals to the male fantasy, white supremacy or whatever shit
There's no escape

If a trans flag is only visible at the end of a game on a small cutscene behind other items and is never mentioned before or after this event, is it propaganda?

>not my business and that's your freedom. It doesn't harm me
Use the wrong pronouns on a tranny at work and see what happens

one of you will never be a biological woman capable of mothering a child

Yeah the difference is things I like explore political ideas/themes and things I dislike are propaganda

ok, lets try it with swastikas and see if anyone gets upset. ill use your example to defend it.

It just pisses me off that some of the developer's thoughts went on a pointless shit like a dumb gay pride flag, instead of "well how could I make the game better" or any other kind of shit you should think about a game. Not a fucking flag. I would be pissed off even if it was a nazi flag

legit did this once and they asked to call them by a female pronoun. Now I have aids.


Not really. Even that Canadian law Jordan Peterson intentionally misinterpreted to fear monger turned out to only "criminalize" misgendering in the context of how misgendering a tranny while murdering them could be used in court. Doesn't even mean that it's automatically a hate crime even in that context.

But user that's the end of the final update of the game, and not telling your artist to draw those flags is not gonna give ore time to the developers.

Why would it piss you off? Characters in SJW games supporting this or that is natural.

>Yea Forums
lmao why do snowflakes get triggered at sexy vidya characters?
>also Yea Forums

t. cum butt man

>vidya should be respected as a art form or at least on par with other forms of media
>vidya shouldn't be political
Choose one

good thing that's actually not happening

Pride flags are about acceptance and nazis were about exclusion. Not seeing the equivalence here.

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If I hired an artist to draw a CG art and he randomly put a fucking gay pride flag into it because "muh political view" I'd fucking murder his ass, no one asked for that at all.
>SJW games
This is the problem.

nah dude i think you are mistaken

what's wrong with trans/homosexual characters in videogames?

The difference is exploring political ideas of a fictional story in a fictional story to justify a fictional story, compared to exploring real life political ideas in a fictional story to justify real life ideas.


So it's okay to characterize contemporary fictional character by anything but their politics? It's not like the game was about telling people drumpf is one supreme court justice away from undoing gay marriage laws. It's just letting us know the character better.


if i was a dev i would add those flags as well as a little gatergame flag
a true puzzle for both retarded side to decrypt

Please pass the egg salad.

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>equating pride flags to swastikas
But I thought you guys loved swastikas


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Came in expecting exactly this. Perfect.

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what is wrong with promoting mutilation aids and degeneracy? And you wonder why the west is being overrun by brown hordes. It doesnt affect you until it does

this thread is just off topic garbage so imma post cute boys any requests got a usb full of these faggots

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Not that guy, but you must be trolling. LGBT issues aren't immigration issues.

if at this point you don't see the whole picture you must have brain damage

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I just don't have paranoid schizophrenia. Are you per chance jewish?

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off yourself, no taste

No, Nazis were about accepting objective genetic superiority and uplifting the human race. Literally more compassionate than charging money for suicide pills and penile inversion.


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no i have above a hundred iq, the same people promoting both is a coincidence your stupidity is boundless

how could affect me that some persons arent happy with their body and want to change sexes?

shit taste

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>drinking inside EVA
This is not supposed to be full of that orange juice?

What do you get out of hating our tranny pals so, Yea Forums? To me it seems like a total waste of energy at best, and kinda self-destructive at worst. I mean, you're already plenty unpleasant so do you need to internalise even more impotent hatred? Especially for something as marginal as fucking trannies, who make up less than a percentage of the population I' sure, and are no problem for anyone except those actively looking for things to be mad about. Please stop being such a turd. Not for me, not for the trannies but for you.

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Just remember, when the day of the rope/ racewar happens: you brought this on yourselves

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Post Persona 3 boys

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These games had entire worlds and universes with different groups, races and societies each with their oen beliefs and values that then showcased each by having a conflict of interest among the groups. (except maybe CoD, which was the most "in your face") and usually had a more open approach so it was up to the player to decide who was good or bad, differentiating "bad" from "evil".

There's a huge difference between doing that and having a modern politics commentary on a medieval fantasy videogame that only tries to tell you what is good and bad.

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Because people are low IQ and incredible visceral and the microcosm of human history that you are experiencing has this most visceral feel-good politics placed front and centre and championed as the moat important thing.

The civil rights movement in America was strictly about removing freedoms from people relating to how they can choose to freely associate. It's sold as something completely diffetent - peace and love but it's peace and love at the end of a barrel of gun demanding that you not have any negative opinions about the protected class.

Politics is for idiots. It's all lies.

Yeah I guess when you give out suicide for free and make free speech illegal you do it out of compassion for the human race. I guess it's only idiots who adopted the symbol for supporters of turning countries like America into white ethnostates.

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I want to believe that most who post this image are joking, but you know there's autistic manchildren who really can't accept responsibility for their actions and won't be honest with themselves.

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>tiny trans flag only several pixels long in the background of a scene
Wow stop shoving things in my face

Just clean your room bro, wash your penis and shut up.

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its not so much about the devs including it
its more about all media celebrating it and praising the skies about it
they're the ones doing the shoving

just play bing bing wahooo games

Yes but also
>implying hideaki anno gave any shits about consistency

Clean your front hole bucko

you fags dont even know if this is a game op posted

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>MC is a canon loli(male)
Based and trappilled

You mean the media we've been fucking ignoring for decades? This is a layer cake of non-issue.

kinda this the left literaly has endless money, and republicans are just democrat minus four years truth doesn't matter money does.

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Cool, I like my dick and I like to suck dick

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I appreciate the (You) but you obviously meant to reply to Regardless, I'm more offended by the laziness in the political message. People have crosses on their wall but is there a single person who has mysteriouslu floating toothpick gay pride flags behind their keyboard?

Also, gays deserve to die just for commandeering the rainbow.

>free suicide
Yes I do believe a state sponsored euthanasia program is something any morally superior society should offer. No human being has ever given consent for their own creation, all human beings deserve the right to self terminate.
>illegalize free speech
Opinions cause harm and should be banned, what if someone had the audacity to assume your gender in a public setting?

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does the right have no rich people?

Republicans tend to follow democrats by like 20 years. There is no conservative party. People are just controlled by entertainment and all that matters is what media the next generation grows up consuming as fashionable. Fuck politics. Fuck jews.

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>barely visible on whole picture
>Yea Forums still have a melty
fuck your safespace, gamers. We own videogames now.

it does have rich people, but not federal reserve or Amazon tier rich people it's like a lake compared to an ocean

Yes. SJWs and trannys do.

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Has a few here and there, like the Koch brothers(well 1 now).
Very few new rich are right leaning though.


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I have several things between my computer and wall.

hope ya liking the cuties

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Do you have two floating gay flags?

Isnt it bozarre thst we reached a point where an obvious mental illness is being seen as something normal?
How did we get here? How did we reach the point where, instead of helping these peoplr, we're gonna let them stuff thenselves with hormones, chopp their dick off, watch them commit suicide at high rate and just pretend that everything is fine?

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how come the rich right are so low-tier compared to the left rich?

>but only the politics I dislike

stupid dog, yer makin' me gay!

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Because it makes us feel good.

We're the moral side. We're the intelligent and tolerant side. We express our confidence and coolness by never being critical of anything

i find this one really cute

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Remember, being retarded is okay now.

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My issue isn't with trannies, homosexuals or anyone specific at all. Imo as long as you're a functional member of society and don't actively seek to harm others then you're good to go. Your life, your decisions.
My gripes comes from devs trying to put politics or agendas to appeal certain audience over themes irrelevant or unrelated. What will you archieve? Those with the same values will now support whatever you're selling for reasons unrelated to the product and those who are against will now stop supporting it.
You're not really making whatever you're doing better, it's just a different kind of marketing.
If you want to push those values, why not organically put them into whatever you're doing? Make good characters that happen to be gay, trans or whatever thing you wanna doo, but don't expect that those traits will make them good characters.
As long as it fits the unvierse and it tries to convey themes through all the systems the game offers, that's good in my book.
Right now, it feels like you getting a heart attack in a room, someone goes to perform CPR and people stops him and starts asking for a female/trans/non-binary person to do it instead because too many males have been doing it until now. Yeah, I'm fine with that, I really just don't want to fucking die, but until you provide a good replacement Imma stick to what worked till now.

Celeste was a great game but I ask myself what the point of revealing him/her/whatever to be trans 1 year and a half after the game releases was. Doesn't improve the story, doesn't make it any better. So what's the point at all.

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Pharmaceutical companies.
They realized that instead of helping people they could just boost them on medication permanently, and making them pay expensive invasive surgeries that will require even more boosting.

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Cheap labor is profitable i guess, of course, there could be other reasons i don't know of, and there probably are

Don't even have to read this longass post (not that I ever would) to recognise it as
>i don't mind homos as long as im never reminded that they exist

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I have mail and stuff. Those flags aren't even flying, they're stood up on the desk against the wall.

Not him. The only people shoving it down my throat is unironic epic counter culture punk rock conservatives on this site. Maybe its because of the media i consume is political but i hear about shemales and gays more from people who hate them than people who celebrate.


The exact opposite side of the same coin, so why do you have a problem with devs adding it to their games?

This, people finally wizened up to opiates but theyll gladly take whoremones and prep for life.


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imagine it like this, in the medival times the king always fought with the nobles for the rights and fair treatment of the peasant, now in this retarded liberal system tehre is no king only nobles, and they want to bring the commom man down as low as they can


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ok i will admit it don't like identity politics, happy?

I literally live with 2 homosexuals and my best friend for 20 fucking years is homosexual and we still hang out every week.

Why are you so obsessed with the idea that someone just doesn't want to be reminded of politics wherever he looks since being nice to other people regardless of their sexuality or gender is common sense and shoueln't even be taken into consideration as something to set on the status quo because it already is for most first countries?

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good thread

I don't remember Bioshock having an explicit message that unless you followed it's preferred political aperture - that you're the worst kind of monster and basically all that's wrong with the world. Nor do I remember the gaming press of the time dog-piling on with articles about how you're an absolute monster if you don't like Bioshock and it's message - or that Bioshock's devs were monsters for not being more extreme in it's political content.

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Go back

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but kings and nobles hated the peasantry.

>I have no counter argument so I'll just say tl;dr
Let me summarize it for you for user. No one should really give a fuck if the LGBT community is around, just don't think that acceptance of existence means everyone has to accept you in their presence in some manner all the time. If you want to exist then go for it, just don't roll up in my comfort zone and start going maximum over-fag and get surprised and offended when I ask you to stop.

Positioned so nicely flat against a wall so that if the desk movies they fall down?

It's pathetically lazy. Put a sticker on something. Put the flsgs in a pencil tin. Do something other than flat flags drawn onto a wall just connected with a desk because you just HAD to put gay flags in your game.

Of the people that played the game, I guarantee you far more were made angry by what you have to do to actually get the scene that even HAS the flag than were made angry by the flag itself. You're overthinking it.

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Endocrine disruptors.
If you start wondering about them, it's going to be a shitshow.

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it's funny because you didn't catch his joke

As long as you think that people who happen to be homos or trannies are being more "political" than those who prance around being unapologetically straight, you need to be reminded and annoyed until you die or get better.

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Bullshit, Bioshock is much more philosophical and anthropocentric than political.

>gay flags are actually about violently enforcing a fully gay country
Who knew?

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>we should live together
>we gotta kill browns, homos and everyone i dont like
I literally can't tell the difference and that's what makes me a centrist/intellectual.

of course you dont, fascist

(((other reasons)))

You're overly autistic about this.

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>if you're not agreeing with me that means you're my mortal enemy!
you fucking morons are making more and more people hate you every single day. fucking black and white simpletons, its crazy that people on an actual spectrum think in binary.

>trannies use wireless mice
not surprised they'd want castrate those too

can we talk about video games?

what do you expect when there hasn't been a decent release this whole year?

>Dev tucks away a swastika in the background
see, now do you agree with me?

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>force real life identity politics in your games
>perfectly fine

Don't forget this is a video game thread ;)

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About what now? Get lost!

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Pretty sure that's a joke. What's really funny is how touchy people are about the use of the word "nazi" but not having the same autism for people being called trannies for literally anything.

Yea Forums is a reddit culture warrior board.

I read it and you're a retard.

you faggots are boring

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based posts
OP btfo

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Damn i heard it.

Ah yes, the famous "we don't advocate for genocide, but anyone that isn't us is part of the barbaric opposition and if we were to kill them it would be justified!"

That would still be a reflection of the character and would also still be a symbol of exclusion and not inclusion.

Celeste was already SJW shit so why would you even care?

Hat in Time was much worse due to being apolitical then taking a shit on itself after you'd already bought it.

>inb4 commies say "durr nothing is apolitical"

Didn't they get castrated when they went to optical?

So you actually think the homos are secretly plotting to kill you? I knew this place was fucked in the head but... oh my.

Just remember, it's 1930 and nukes, IEDs and drones hurt.

If The UK and France had nukes at the start of WW2 and Germany did not, then Germany would have been nuked.

what makes inclusion moraly superior? spoiler alert: nothing

Conservative pundits were encouraging their base to be culture warriors before internet culture warrioring was a thing.

>Unironically believing culling an entire ethnicity is equivalent letting homosexuals be in a relationship and not be ostracized for it.

Actually, just help out on the whole uplifting the human race by necking yourself.

Nigga what the fuck is a video game?

>obsessed with fighting exclusion
Ok Gayben, I know your profit margins are shrinking faster than your waist but that's no reason to be a bigot.

>pride flag in the background
>indicates such things as "gay people should be allowed to exist"
>"ok whatever fags"
>nazi flag in the background
>indicates such things as "murder everyone that was born into the wrong ethnicity"

Take your meds


Why not discuss what the thread is about?

Regardless, it is genuinely lazy. I don't care about the politics or whatever. I'm going to make a game and I'll have some references that are political in the game but they'll be in the form of a single, obscure texture of a magazine inside a draw with a front page quote reading "10 years ago I would have been forced into an instution but now I'm a role model for children" or something like that. Very GTA-esque satire.

Not a fucking swastika and wehrmacht standard floating beyind the keyboard aimed at the viewer.

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whats wrong with wireless mice

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how are lgbt people persecuted when multi-billion dollar mega-corporations are on their side

I'll give you this example. How many action movies from the 90 had a romance shoehorned it for no reason? both characters weren't interesting, the development wasn't interesting and all it did was mostly just be there because it appeals to the lowest common denominator. But the reality is that for an action movie that was completly irrelevant and would've been better left out and focus more on the main themes.

That's the same for most modern politics and groups. Left or right. The trans characters in Andromeda or DA Inquisition, or how the twist in gone home was that she was a lesbian (I'm aware these are the extreme examples but I'm focusing on how they are used, rather than their existance there). In Andromeda and Inquisition both characters are shoved down your throat without being part of the story or even relevant and in Inquisition they even retconned the lore for it since it didn't make sense before. But the worst of all is that they use the trait of being trans or homosexual as a selling point, like that makes the character. To me that's extremely insulting. On the same level as putting a female character jsut for the boobs. You didn't care about it as a character, you just wanted to appeal to an audience and those traits are all it had going for. The fact that they are trans, homo, female, have tiddies, dress slutty, are lolis or are a celebrity is all that mattered.

That's what angers me, and what I don't like.
Make characters and stories that are good and happen to have these traits among them, DON'T make a story with these traits before anything else because that's all they are, traits. The combination and execution of them is what will define the final quality, not their existance.

Attached: 2e0.jpg (593x796, 54K)

"Come as you are" is a morally superior Christian value. Jesus washing whore's feet was pretty accepting. Yes, the bible also preaches exclusion, but the book that tells you to treat foreigners like yourself is important to western society and is often the moral authority.

If you keep hating yourself you eventually think everyone hates you.

It is my pleasure.

Attached: gigahabib.jpg (1242x1394, 87K)

>put gays in game, people get mad
>don't put gays in game, other people get mad

i just want to grill for god's sake

Video games are an entertainment medium created for the sole purpose of distributing propaganda to unwitting children at an early age.

Is that a picture?

>unironically equating a disgusting, degenrative mental illness and radically violent political bludgeon with a political platform revocling around building a successful nation and protecting one's family and the environment.


Attached: Liar-Princess-and-the-Blind-Prince_2018_02-15-18_012.jpg (600x587, 83K)

So you've actually never seen a film? Almost all films have some sort of romance in them even if they are primarily comedies or action. You cry about homos but the straights write their breeding propaganda into literally everything, from religion to media.

>Why yes, I can't talk the local language, how could you?

>unironically missing the point because you're on a spectrum but can only think in binary which is also ironic because they believe gender to be a spectrum
Help humanity out, kill yourself.

Half the games in that pic have themes that don't even align with this site's. You're full of shit.

re read that post again, but slower this time

That is a pretty free interpretation, it histroricaly andprobably correctly was interpreted as you can become Christian whatever you were before and not as you can be a sodomite and stay with us too.

see>its ok when its my side!
you guys are honestly fucking retarded. people don't want gender politics, or politics in their games. i know you're confused about your gender identity, but please understand that the pride and tranny symbols are political symbols too. please stop it, or become the 41%

I work at a big company and they showed pride support, but I'm located somewhere more conservative. When you get to the gears within gears of office politics, you can see how sexual orientation can be a factor that excludes you from the social circles that upward mobility, and to an extent job security, are built on.

I wasn't the one that brought up trying it with swastikas, fag, I'd prefer neither but equating the two makes you a giga retard

Maybe you should write shorter posts with a single message if you want people to respond to everything you write. I'm not going to deconstruct your shit when the very first paragraph of your drivel is wrong. Tonnes of films have romantic subplots that vary from interesting to utterly pointless. You just don't notice it because straight propaganda is in your blood.

>Almost all films have some sort of romance in them even if they are primarily comedies or action.
Yeah that was exactly my point. Those romances don't make any sense and are just there because that's what they think appeals to most people, but they could be removed and the movie would work anyways, if not better thanks to lack of distraction.

I'd appreciate if you read my posts and replied with a proper argument instead of just quickly replying because you still assume I bash homos for nor eason when I already explained I can't even do that.

Not that guy but people also do want those in the games and those people often make games. I'm not seeing the issue.


Homosexuality is far more disgusting and repulsive and no civil society should accept it.

that wasn't my post you illiterate nog, I just have basic reading comprehension skills

Yes, I get the idea. You want me to believe that you are generally concerned about secondary traits and plots and today you just happen to find yourself in a thread about homos, where you would be equally critical of an uninteresting straight romance plot or character.

Problem is that I'm not that stupid. No one is falling for it. Ever.

Don't aknowledge him, it's one guy posting (his cherrypicking appears in several other political bait posts) and he's either an extremist or a shitposter but in any case it's just a retard looking for (You)s

General tips to the both of you: if who you are is important to how people should/shouldn't reply to your garbage posts, state it up front.

Being a culture warrior isnt "side" specific.

>you complain about people doing scatplay in video games but not when a married couple kiss. Hypocrite much?

based retard

>You greentext false equivalences to point out the supposed incongruity of homosexuals online. Hypocrite much?

as a trans women im disgusted with any single one of you incel bigots like srsly just go outside and have sex (or pay for it) lmao

I appreciate your input and agree and I'm contractually obligated to enforce tits or gtfo.

I can't, all my money went into your expensive surgery.

Attached: balloon dog.jpg (700x700, 46K)

Attached: 1566273194472.png (360x521, 263K)

>click on all the trucks
>only vehicle in the picture is a bus
>press "Ignore", please click on the picture
>select bus
>Captcha passed

Unless we’re on the same insurance network, none of your money went towards anything

I think I was pretty clear about what the issues where and how they've been happening to the medium for decades, that these "agenda pushing" is less about the message and more about how it's the exact same thing they complain about: putting things in works for any medium not with though and proper development but simply for trendy and marketing.
I don't see any difference between "Buy our game, we have lolis and harems in it" and "Buy our game, we have transexuals and non-binary people on it". None it's telling me about why this product is better than the others, I'll have to try it myself and then judge, to which most of the time they turn out to be all cover, nothing of substance inside.

I tried using examples from both sides because my issues aren't unique to left politics by any means, and have been happening for longer than both of us have existed. I don't see the point to continue this conversation, you've showed to be the exact thing you cry about: someone unable to listen and empathize with other human beings becauser it's much easier to just labels everyone else in a binary system of "good people" and "bad people" since it makes life much easier to deal with than simply aknowledge most people are afraid of the unkown and won't trust those who try to aggressively change the way you think instead of slowly explaining things and why they may be a welcome change to their lives.

That's all I got to say. I'm nobody special or even knowledgable in all these, I just want to play videogames, man.

Attached: what.png (124x333, 89K)

Really? That's all? I was hoping for at least one more of your way too long meandering posts. Bummer.

I feel ya man. I just wanna watch a good movie/play a game, but everyone has this "sick new story that's topical" and all of a sudden I'm buried in chaff that people didn't stop and think "is this actually good though?"

>I just want to play videogames, man.
Hey, you can't do that! Shoot this man on sight!

>"God I want to rape and murder that dumb Swede bitch Greta"
>"Hang Niggers babies from trees XD"
Moralfags need to go back to Twitter

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I don't have a problem with politics in video games, I just dislike trannies and don't want them in my gemu.

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All I really care is honesty. I can deal with a more mediocre or unpolished experience if I can still see that tthe devs really wanted to make a good game. That they had an idea they though was cool and what prevented them from making a great game was lack of experience and skill, not will.
That's why most AAA and many Indies nowdays feel so bad to me. They did not want to make a game, they wanted to tell a story, complain about some politics or virtue signal about whatever shit. If the values and ideas you're trying to tell the world can be conveyed in a form that's not a videogame, then you probably shouldn't be making one.

But celeste IS a good game, and one that sold itself on tight platforming and great level design. It just so happens that the main character might be trans or whatever, so by your own philosophy you shouldn't have a problem with this.

And I didn't as I explained here , or rather, my complain was how it was added a year and a half later when the base game worked perfectly to convey the themes of depressions. Adding transexuality now to the game doesn't change either ends of the experience, it's just irrelevant.
Would've worked better if it was there from the start or properly foreshadowed.

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>An evil corporation is essentially trying to genocide an entire fictional race by turning them into food. Being a part of that race, your job is to save your friends. A timeless story about fighting against malicious greed, no ties to real-world politics.
Modern games:
>The game doesn't have anything to do with politics per se but the developers decide to put a trans flag somewhere or say that the game is actually a metaphor for Dolan Drumpf because that's what's hot and trending on Twitter right now and they want to score easy social justice points.

Yes, I truly can't see any difference between these two.

>Ordering burger
>We have lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions etc.
>I'll just have the lettuce and tomatoes, thank you. I don't like onions.
>Right you are, sir. Our mission is to give the customer the possibility to choose whatever they want.

>Ordering burger
>The best combination is cheese and onions.
>Excuse me, but I'd like to choose, it says so on your menu that you can...

So much for the tolerant left, based leftist retards

Based cartoon
Based post
Based user

Based and redpilled.
Any form of liberalism is cancer.

>being triggered by literally anything does not make you a snowflake
lmao calm down snowflake

maybe you or your kids will have to witness their inevitable suicide and it'll scar you for life?
maybe your shitty nanny state makes it so you pay with your tax money for their delusions of "born in le wrong body" and subsequent body mutilation?
maybe you are retarded and have never understood how marketing, baiting people to spend time with whatever OTHERS want instead on using your time how YOU want?
maybe you really cannot see the broader picture and have no ability to think abstractly? who knows?

Remember when Yea Forums wasn't filled with resetera falseflags for 50% of the page?
No one likes you, piss off. You're here because your board is a shithole. It's a shithole because of those two flags you posted in the OP and the drama queens who they represent.

>Food analogy
>Americans can only understand things if correlated to burgers

Attached: 1468042283218.jpg (474x473, 12K)

>Political philosophy vs political propaganda
Shut up you retard.

The moral of the story is to stay the fuck off social media if you value your career.


This has got to be a troll post.

>Because winning the culture war with freedom and being the biggest consumer states gives us the luxury of realizing that a lot of tradition is arbitrary, though it does have its uses.
A lot of tradition is there to protect your freedom, now. That's why no one wants to replace the constitution despite it being entirely a traditionalist manifesto for our country.

But you wrote this post intentionally to be stupid. No one would seriously tell themselves that having a segment of their population chopping off their dick and having a 40% suicide rate is "none of my business", especially when they're raiding Yea Forums day in, day out as a crutch for the crippling attention issues they have.

Why do you care so much about birth rates and people chopping off their dicks? It's not like you will be able to make any children anytime soon.

posting this image should be a banable offense

>fucks up in less than a dozen words
the iron, the pottery

>don't put gays in game, other people get mad
I have evidence at hand that strongly suggests the only thing faggots deserve is a HANO jump

Attached: darling_quran.jpg (2477x1399, 576K)

When the problem solves itself


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>though it does have its uses.
I know it's protecting freedom.

>suicidal trannies
>invading Yea Forums
Sounds like a made up problem that takes care of itself anyways.

Try to guess this guy's iq. I'm thinking 80

Attached: CalculatingGorgeousKouprey-small.gif (606x608, 1.18M)

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I laughed.

>all those words
>that blatant spite and angst
This is why people use that phrase.

Attached: 1552601867534.png (469x469, 317K)

>left can't meme

as evident in your post

Attached: peepeepie.gif (496x498, 1.99M)

How do you know when you water your succulent? I read when the soil feels dry but it always feels dry even when I water it

Where's the biohazard tattoo on the faggots

>literally everything in the image is well known by everybody
They're objectively successful memes. Meanwhile every time you see a leftist attempt at a meme it's too emotionally charged to be funny, at least in the way that was intended.

How many times do you want to prove that phrase right


>Game forces trannie propaganda

I'm not intelligent enough to understand this, I mean that because trannies probably have to have a high IQ to be able to play the mental gymnastics they do to convince themselves that they're cute girls.

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Snowflake means you don things for the explicit purpose of being unique, it has nothing to do with fragility or weakness.

>fell for the succulent meme

A cute korean girl sold me it, I couldn’t resist

>this the left literaly has endless money
Actually the DNC was headed towards bankruptcy before the 2016 election and needed the Clintons to bail them out

I don't understand why Yea Forums doesn't just ignore tranny games They all flop and their makers will off themselves anyway because they didn't get a nobel piece prize for uploading a video of themselves dilating or whatever

...selling boys succulents is a tradition in korea, its like secret code for "I like you" kind of like flowers in the west

Ok I fuckin' lol'd

kek damn Yea Forums thats gold

I just hate sodomy. It goes against my personal and religious beliefs.

t. Korean girl trying to sell me more succulents

Attached: 2019-09-22_173039.jpg (600x2286, 745K)

>abes oddesy
>freeing slaves from oppressive white guys
>not sjw

its from celeste.

And both were self hating over their race

>It's only propaganda when I don't agree!


Attached: Glukkon_stages.jpg (503x194, 21K)

They're stand ins. They're clearly the whites (successful, tall, innovative etc) to the abes race blacks (muh tribal culture muh freedums)

>see how i am evil and bad and hateful. moreover i am despicable and most importantly very silly. look at how silly i am, for my silliness is the main source of humor in this situation. you should be laughing right now. my entire being and psychology are being deconstructed right now right in front of you and i even though i should feel bad right now i am left entirely oblivious. insert ebonics and valleyspeak into my description to show that the maker of this meme is very hip and socially conscious. this whole thing is intended to prove that the left can indeed meme by the way, contrary to popular opinion. please stop laughing at us.
- every single left wing meme in existence

FUCKING Kek, Billy is a master debater

>just dont look at it!
it's more about labor exploitation and destroying natural environments as well as criticism of greed and corruption gone too far.
But yes, you free slaves. Are you trying to say that abolition is SJW?


>I can't use a dictionary
Learn to pronounce
noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Shut up you retard.

Trans and Trash are only one letter apart.

how's an army of high schoolers and boomers off their pills gonna win anything?

How is it not? It's literally based on Marxist muh fee fees

Attached: 4843t.jpg (236x290, 15K)

>every left wing meme is just a wall of text explaining why everything is racist like a whale blowing words out of its blow-hole


2, technically.
they are still synonyms though

How about people make whatever fucking games they want you puritanical Pansy fuck

Saved for lulz.

Attached: 4chantranscowardly.png (1902x1114, 1.56M)


put me in the screencap bros! :D

please jump off the nearest tall building

Exploring the human condition is the core aspect of political philosophy. People have been doing it for as long as written literature existed.
"Politics" is simply the dynamics of human interaction. It's why it's dumb to say "keep politics out of my games" and not say "keep propaganda out of my games." That results in dumb fucks like Jim Sterling making a stupid video where he dresses in a white powder wig and proclaims everything is political. Which he's right, if you have a game where more than two real characters interact, you have a political game.

But that doesn't mean you have a game that pushes a point of view or has political endorsement. Not being granular with what you want has resulted in this shitstorm.

>Impliying Yea Forums is smart enough to understand the themes of a videogame

>Make a pretty unfunny joke
>Reply to yourself for the entire thread
>saved for the uluz for my friends on resetera
No one is afraid of trannies, they want them to fuck off of Yea Forums. Take the hint.

>trans on team
>someone in the team puts flags on wall, maybe for shits and giggles, maybe because the character who has them is actually trans
>tiny little flags too, you can barely make out what they are on the full picture
>but no, it's a fucking political statement
This ain't ea, sony or bioware were talking about

Fuck trannies
And fuck lolis

Attached: 93C23F4C-7FE1-41C1-8BF1-6CF471515DFE.jpg (1158x1600, 330K)

Instead of saying that you don’t like “””propaganda””” why don’t just admit that you don’t want to see gays in your games because you hates them? This is an anonymus board

>Half the games in that pic have themes that don't even align with this site's
Okay, name some of the ones that don't align with the site without having to bitch about your strawman of /pol/ (which isn't the entire site).

>conservatards can't read

that was scary

Attached: 1544981743291.gif (500x500, 147K)

What farts have you been sniffing? I didn't save this for ResetERA. I saved it because the thread is hilarious, just like the other hilarious threads that holds precious memories and lulz.

>Instead of saying that you don’t like “””propaganda”””
People were saying this when America's Army came out, America's Army is objectively a propaganda laden game.

>why don’t just admit that you don’t want to see gays in your games because you hates them?
Because I'm fine with gays in my game. My favorite games have gays in it. The gays aren't the problem. Yea Forums and most other places have been playing games for years with gay people in it, and probably didn't even know unless they want to find out more.

But then there's nu-wolfenstein which stops an action-oriented game for ten minutes to lecture me about the hardships of a gay black woman in nazi germany. That can fuck right off. If they had did that to lecture me about ANYTHING, it still would have been propaganda. The topic at hand doesn't change if it's propaganda or not.

They seem to won the presidency

>Illiterate liberals can't create comics, a visual medium, without stuffing words into it.
Clearly they can read because you're on a mostly-text medium right now. This post is going to be about a paragraph long. The problem is that you stuff words into a comic, a mostly visual medium, and then wonder why no one finds it funny.
If you wanted to make a Yea Forums post with your shit spiel, go right ahead. Jamming a paragraph in an image to where it crowds out the visual part of it kills the joke.

All of your memes are either stolen from the right or jammed so full of exposition as to be unfunny.

>This thread is hilarious
This thread is the same stupid bait thread made every day for the last five years. There is nothing here worth saving.


no, you are a cuck

>they seem to won

Attached: 1544519810879.jpg (425x348, 16K)

Do you still really believe that? Moron

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Are the people on Yea Forums that unironically support the redical leftist agenda of transchildren, mandatory buy backs, free on demand abortions up to the day of birth, open boarders and free healthcare for illegals? I dont know anyone in real life that actually supports these fringe left ideas, i only see it in the internet

Attached: IMG_20190920_000624.jpg (1439x1142, 164K)

All these games were either critiques on a political ideology taken to the extreme, or neutrally presented several political ideologies without shoehorning one as the 'good guys'
A far cry from modern politics in games which amounts to "communism good, capitalism bad"

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He's probably going to become a parody journalist in the future. The culture of fake outrage can only go so far.

It was obvious tranny trash from day 1. Only retards and trannies themselves were blind to it.

Political movement flags are inherently political statements, regardless of where they are or how small they are.

My little lamia flag is a political statement, even though it's only posted up in my own home and nobody but me has ever seen it.

The political statement is that anime lamia are cute and their rights should be respected.

Attached: no step on snek.png (3840x2160, 644K)

Not that guy, but you said you keep it in your room. She's keeping it in her room too. Not seeing the problem.

>my video games

You make video games?


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>it's gonna make people angry

Ah I see, developers should just make unoriginal garbage that anyone can """enjoy"""

Gee, I can't help but notice this stuff is so small and easy to miss that it's almost as if it was just thrown in there at the last second. And that's assuming One Angry Incel didn't just photoshop this together because I've seen literally no one else is talking about this and trying to sweep the game's pro-life message under the rug.

Attached: make UCA pride again.png (1330x1051, 912K)

Attached: Ryu hayabusa thumbs up.webm (900x506, 1.3M)

only good post ITT

Why should I care that some monsters are dead?

What? You think there's a deeper understanding to men ass fucking and trading diseases?

No :D

Holy fuck, imagine going this out of your way get upset.

kill yourself you unfunny faggot

Why do Trans need their own flag? Isn't the purpose of rainbow flag that it represents all sexual minorities?

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is real, twitter trannies praised that decision

They made statements, they didn't force agenda down your throats.

Lesbians especially seem to hate m2f people


If my home was the set of a television show or video game, by definition it's being shown to other people, at the direction of the scene director who includes everything visible to make a point about the setting or character who presumably owns the object.

There's two reasons to include those flags: the director supports those political movements, or the character does. If the character does, that should be displayed at other points in the game or be relevant to the plot or character development. If it's the director, it'll never come up again or be mentioned, except when the director wants to show street cred to other supporters of that political movement, which makes it propaganda.

In my case, if my life was a video game and my flag was shown, it would be relevant to my character because I go on and on about politics and rights all the time, because I'm a weirdo. The anime aspect is also relevant because I'm a closet anime fan, and that might get exposed at some point in the future. Are the flags in Celeste really relevant to the character, setting, or plot?

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Why do sodomites need any representation at all?

There's a reason autism is considered a mental illness, dude. We joke about it here but it's a real problem.

I've legit only seen one person in real life that argued for one of these ideas. And they only said it because he was actually shot in a driveby because the dumb niggers shot the wrong house.

niggas can't get any pussy so they chop their dicks hoping to attract any lesbos

It's a mental illness for several reasons, the suicide thing has nothing to do with it.

FPBP. Based courageposter

>If the character does, that should be displayed at other points in the game or be relevant to the plot or character development.
No, if shouldn't. Video game booklets and character profiles have included fun facts like likes, dislikes, and hobbies that have nothing to do with the gameplay. Giving characters backstory in fighters and games like it only fleshes out the characters.

And how much of those little fun facts are support for controversial political movements and ideologies? At that point it's just stirring the pot to get threads on Yea Forums made to viral market the game, assuming it's not actually an attempt at subtle propaganda.

Look, video games are art, and if the artist wants to put something in, that's their right. But if people don't like it, it's their right to say so.

Because trannies feel as if the sex they're attracted to have some kind of obligation to have sex with them, bottom surgery or no.
Straight guys don't like dicks, and neither do lesbians. No one likes 'front holes'
Thus trannies seethe because they're basically forced to either date other trannies or fetishists

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I like how everyone here just LOVES Mother 3 too despite having blatant politics AND loads of trans characters.

But if an indie game does it?

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Buybacks won't stop thugs who already get all their guns from the black market, not sure why people don't get that

>getting triggered over a couple of pixels
>getting triggered by gay shit, on Yea Forums

Attached: getbent.png (1176x3297, 3.33M)

They're even bigger attention whores than regular gays and all activism they do feeds into it

are we posting jojos

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>leftist agenda of transchildren
vague conspiracy theory
>mandatory buy backs
Point of contention on the left. Bernie Sanders supports gun ownership. So did Marx himself.
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."
> free on demand abortions up to the day of birth
Hyperbolic right wing talking point meant to convince moderates that abortion rights are a slippery slope.
>open boarders
Liberal immigration advocates don't support opening the borders, and leftists generally agree that it would be a mess if we opened them without fixing a lot of other problems first.
>free healthcare for illegals
America already provides emergency care to people who can never reasonably pay for it as a matter of course. Socializing health care costs would actually reduce them significantly by increasing access to preventative care.

He's not joking, they literally suffer from a form of autism that prevents them from looking away. Every fiber of their being compels them to sperg out if they see something contrary to what they were indoctrinated with as children, it's like a heroin addict around needles.

Attached: no waff.jpg (1280x1688, 343K)

I'm not saying no one has the right to not like it, it's just that your statement about information we know about the character needing to be pertinent to the story and character development is an absolute nonsense response that you know isn't true. It's the "controversy" you don't like but to talk about it like that makes you seem like the pearl-clutcher you are.

Imagine being this upset the reproductive organs of other people, when you yourself is a fucking neckbeard who wastes his life posting on a lithuanian litography imageboard, and therefore you will never ever get your dick wet. I miss the olden days when user was a lot more self aware.

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>Imagine being this upset the reproductive organs of other people.
The problem with the trans movement isn't the sex organs it's the government, social, and political benefits protections it gives to a class that can easily be given to a fucking narcissist and/or sociopath without any sort of mental and/or medical observation.

Well, that and the LGBTQ+ movement doing a shit-tier job of weeding out pedophiles and extremists from its order.

The irony here is palpable

Idunno senpai, in the past 5 years, pedos and extremists seem to come from the more conservative places, but go off

Lol nice tunnel vision

>Well, that and the LGBTQ+ movement doing a shit-tier job of weeding out pedophiles and extremists from its order

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blatant lie

>LGBTQ+ movement doing a shit-tier job of weeding out pedophiles and extremists from its order.
damn bro, thank god the right is nothing like that

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Lol trannies are desperate for attention
Beto many times has said he is going to take your guns. Have fun losing 2020 with these rediculous policies

Anyone else voted for trump in 2016 but will vote for bernie in 2020 just to spite /pol/v/?

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I'm sure the hollywood elite that mingles with billionaires and the literal fucking royal family are super left wing

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Bernie is in 3rd in the polls. Either biden or warren are going to win the primary, which is a good thing

Bernie will cave under pressure.
Next debate there will be a "do you support a mandatory buyback for dangerous fully semi automatic weapons of war in order to protect our children?"
And he'll say yes.

Beto has zero chance but he shifted the Democrat overton window

I'm voting for yang because he's autistic and I want money for the short second before it inflates

Its really almost 50/50 honestly. Seems more dems but a repub senior got caugh with pizza last week

The things I do for love.

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Yang is not gonna make it past primaries

Dont put me in the screencap

I would have voted for Bernie last election if he replaced hillary but he seems too much like a sellout now.



guaranteed 500+ replies bait threads
god you guys are easy to manipulate into pretending to freak out, it's pathetic

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nazi chuds fuck off

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Trannies btfo