Now that the remake has been confirmed garbage, what are some good mods for FFVIII to make it look truly HD...

Now that the remake has been confirmed garbage, what are some good mods for FFVIII to make it look truly HD? Any news on them importing the (good) HD models from the remake?

Attached: FFVIII in a nutshell.jpg (600x1557, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>what are some good mods for FFVIII to make it look truly HD
Not possible.

You can get the ps1 emu with original ps1 game mod
Or the mod where you end your life

Just play the original. PSX or orignal PC release (without mods, as all the mods look retarded).

Attached: FF8 original vs ''remaster''_.jpg (1918x2052, 1.18M)

The best you can do is play on a small screen like a PSP

Best main character in the series.

This is unironically good advice.

>soul vs soulless

Perhaps in the future there will be some mod for the PC version that has AI upscaled all the backgrounds. *

* (which is actually a massive pain to do - doing a few backgrounds is easy, but there's lots of them, and each require their own specific upscaling settings to look as good as possible -- if you use the same settings for all backgrounds then most will look bad -- and each background has layered effects like lights and door animations and such which also needs to be upscaled, so doing it all would be a huge project)

(also; AI upscaling is still in its infancy, it will improve in the future)

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What's wrong with the remaster?

Attached: Winhill original-edit (2).png (1344x928, 2.52M)

>pic remastered balamb garden

Copypasta of a summary some user wrote:

- All backgrounds are blurred with a heavy gaussian blur filter
- FMVs only have smoothing filter, no additional work done.
- 3D elements mapping (world map etc) gets no treatment, only some texture filtering.
- The gap in models and backgrounds is more obvious compared to FFVII remaster
- All console versions are running a de compiled version of the original PC version.
- No analog controls. Only 8 directional control. PS1 original had full 360* control.
- No rumble present either.
- Performance: Original PS1: 30 FPS in world, 15 FPS in battles w/ 60 FPS menus (for limit breaks)
- Remaster: World = 30 FPS, battles = 16 FPS but menus also update at 16 FPS now which makes it difficult to do limit breaks and causes input delays.
- Overall performance is *worse* than PS1 because of the above

The remaster uses MIDI quality music:

Attached: welp.jpg (640x853, 73K)

Play the original PSX version emulated with a CRT filter
It looks great

Attached: feclock5-edit.png (736x960, 1.11M)

ThaT foNT iS hurTiNG mE iNSiDE

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What is wrong with the remake?

Attached: fewor2-gigapixeled (1) edited.jpg (1280x1792, 2.33M)

I wasn't expecting it to be that bad. And I came pretty close to buying it on the Switch the other day.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaa.jpg (840x700, 83K)

This a joke? There's a couple year old PC port that was made alongside the FF7 PC port. That has graphical mods.

Attached: esview1-gigapixeled (3).png (1920x1344, 3.2M)

Yes, those character model mods for FF8 are a joke.

Not only is AI upscaling gonna have some difficulties, but what the fuck do you even do about all the low-res background characters?

Just play it in the original resolution you fucking pleb

I just beat the remaster and it was fine.
There was one instance where it did use MIdi music - the attack of Balamb by Galbadia Garden but there weren't any others.

Attached: 2019090623523600-8E25F120CD0D8D3A0B0296B714922EB0.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

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Damn, these looks fantastic.

Ultimate basedbro

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>soulless vs even more soulless

The actual power of procedural generation/AI shit is using it with human guidance. So you can generate the same background with 100 different settings and a human can pick out the one that looks best or mix the best parts together. That's the true power of AI. AI does the work, humans pick out the good shit.

Attached: cdfield1-gigapixeled.png (1280x1792, 3.07M)

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I recently replayed ff8 using the mods listed here
and these AI upscaled backgrounds

It was a fun novelty at first but I prefer the way it looks on a PSX & CRT to be honest

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VIII-HD-1030x721.png (1030x721, 1.18M)

Attached: glfury2-gigapixeled.png (1280x896, 1.7M)

I never appreciated Selphie's sexiness and super short dress as a kid.

Replaying FF8 was a treat.

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More effort put into this than the "remaster," SAD!

Why doesn't Square respect its own legacy

It was the same for me, it was really jarring, but it was the only instance of that happening

Interesting. I wonder why only that part was midi. Not like it was the first time they played that song.

That's like saying "Why didn't the Soviet Union respect Russian culture"...

Attached: drawfags lol.png (1000x950, 299K)

Well, why didn't they?

This is funny. I'm a mix of both but mainly the right side. Especially them limit breaks.

Aura + Meltdown + Haste = 9999999999999999999999999999

Because they were ethnic jews.

Attached: solz.png (650x994, 599K)

¿So Square was run by Jews before the merger ?_

Mostly chad.

Attached: ff8chad.png (1000x950, 378K)

>The remaster uses MIDI quality music

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