What game lets you do the most fucked up shit?
My vote goes to Rimworld
Torture, live organ harvesting, slavery, cannibalism, massacres, skin humans and turn them into chairs, it has it all really, even more with mods
What game lets you do the most fucked up shit?
My vote goes to Rimworld
Torture, live organ harvesting, slavery, cannibalism, massacres, skin humans and turn them into chairs, it has it all really, even more with mods
Yeah but where's the rape? Why are people so afraid to include it in the games? It is human nature to rape your enemies wives.
>He hasn't heard of rimjob world
There's mods for that
I am talking about the default game. Why do developers not include rape? It's more prevalent than violence or stealth in real-life. It should be included in every game, unironically.
Because there's no real gameplay use of it?
What would rape even add to the game?
Imagine Gears of War.
Instead of dividing your enemy into two, you rape his asshole (with your penis). This adds additional humiliation in multiplayer. It's only natural.
Moralfags ruin everything. Somehow it's gotten in their brains that showing nipples is worse for society than gore/murder.
Maybe so the game isn't randomly banned from Steam?
>What would rape even add to the game?
How so? there are tons of raping games on steam
There's always a good change to get banned making any adult game depending who at Valve reviews it
You can rape in Fallout 2.
are you still shilling your dogshit "sex" mod for fallout 2 holy shit
Imagine it with pregnancy
>Kidnap females from opposing tribe
>Rape them all
>Release them back into their tribe, pregnant, causing anguish and terror in the tribe
Rape should legit be in every game
not him, but you can rape in the normal game of fallout2
Why is it always Nathaniels that are fucking creeps?
dwarf fort
Did they update Tiberium ?
Kinda want to spread the word of NOD again.
>Because there's no real gameplay use of it?
Imagine a game like GTA where you can actually do whatever you want like in real life, but deal with all the repercussions aswell.
RDR 2 did it and everyone praised it, why not go further?
Real talk
Why is rape considered worse than murder?
You can survive a rape, murder not so much
this basically. Rape should be in every game. Even in racing games. Heck, ESPECIALLY in racing games. Imagine your enemy giving you a blowjob haha
The same reason an Alex is an ADD riddled retard who lost all his friends
Because women are a protected breed
Nobody will admit this, but women are considered of much higher value than men today
That's why rape of men (prison rape, etc.) can be played of as a joke
Nobody cares about men
A man dying = who cares
A woman getting hurt = national tragedy
because rape is in the same bag as prolonged killing / torture. the latter are usually no go in the games either
are the skinned humans alive when they're chairs? How long can a human live without their skin? does the game go into great detail on the pain they must be feeling and the sheer amount of terror in not having a single part of your body protected?
Literally me
Aww, is the lill chubbie sad he can't rape?
Yes, murder, cannibalism and making clothes from the skin of people is acceptable but rape is not. LMAO tits bad, murder good!
Rape = +1 goy (bad)
Murder = -1 goy (good)
Pretty much. People care much more about you if you have a vagina. Being a man is like being invisible by comparison.
We're making generalizations of course, but modern women get treated better in pretty much every regard.
At least I don't have a cunt that bleeds I guess. I "enjoy" being what I am as a male, but it has it's distinct disadvantages. I think all of this is in part the reason why people want to become trannies.
Man, I love Rimworld.
I'll never be able to recreate my Vampire prison of human nuggets in any other game.
You have to kill a human to skin them
There are mods that let you skin them alive, though, along with medieval torture stuff
Women were always considered higher value than men. Mothers aren't expendable. We're pretty much cannon fodder, that's why there's a rift between standards for men and women
It's how it always was and it's how it will always be
Why is there never any rape? You can do the modt heinous things to a human in videogames but you can't forcefully fuck them
greatest game ever. (and really, its not about the edge shit, its fucking insane how much you can do in it)
The very few doubts I had about buying this game have vanished.
Go for it, user
The modding single-handedly carries this game from ok to amazing.
what a shame
im disgusted by skinned alive people but i find it fascinating
that cartel boxcutter video was a bad influence
Sounds pretty boring. Stone age primate drudgery.
really. its fucking amazing. buy it!
social taboo
sex in rimword is stupid, is a base building game, not the sims
i mean there is not even basic biological needs like shitting/bathing, hell there is no even water management/consuption
The story is also "fall in remote planet, make base and build spaceship to escape as fast as possible", you are not supposed to do any long term stuff