French Court Says Valve Must Allow Steam Users To Resell Games

>Forced to put up refunds by Australian courts
>Now forced to let users sell their games by French courts
What games are you anons selling first?
Going to sell a bunch of random shit I bought via Steam sales. Based lads. Gonna buy some Dota 2 items afterwards.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>If Valve refuses to change its rules and post the court’s decision to Steam within a month, it will have to pay a fine of up to 3,000 Euros per day for up to six months.

LITERALLY a drop in the bucket lmao

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>french court says
lmao who cares

half of the PC european market.

France invented freedom

Pretty soon, you're going to be able to sell digital games. While it may seem like a consumer win on the surface, if you're not completely fucking retarded and think about it for 10 seconds you'll realize how bad things will get. Digital "used" is not the same as physical used. There is literally no reason not to buy digital used for cheaper. That's not the real issue, though. What's going to destroy game sales is the ability to set your own price. Imagine a game swap thread on Yea Forums: you bought Sekiro and beat it, and now you want to play DMC5. Someone in the thread (there will always be someone) has DMC5 and wants to play Sekiro. You each sell the game to the other for $0.01. This goes on and on to the point that no one is really buying new games anymore. Sales will go from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, and you'll see devs try to make their money back by making more online games that require a copy to play with friends, or microtransactions, or preorder DLC tied to your account. Indie games will just die. Who's going to buy Baba is You at full price when you can pick it up when you have some free time for dirt cheap, or just trade it for another indie game you bought? If you have friends and family with steam, you all just trade games between your group for a penny every time. It will reek havock on the market.

I know that retards want to pretend all devs are greedy and evil (plenty are) and that they should be making games out of pure passion with no monetary incentive, but the reality is that things just don't work that way. Anyone crying about corporate bootlickers and consumer rights who's pretending this is unequivocally a win for us is a complete fucking retard without a modicum of foresight.

Remember, if someone can't actually form a coherent thought and just yells about corporate cocksuckers and doomers, they're a retard incapable of forethought.

write that again but with smaller words

No u

>Most of the economic and trade freedoms over the word are base on France ideologies through centuries

Someone never finish high school.

Is the EU so poor they have to make impossible demands to American companies just to fine them? Not enough cash for Ahmed?

Is this for real? Lmao

>Pretty soon, you're going to be able to sell digital games. While it may seem like a consumer win on the surface, if you're not completely fucking retarded and think about it for 10 seconds you'll realize how bad things will get. Digital "used" is not the same as physical used. There is literally no reason not to buy digital used for cheaper. That's not the real issue, though. What's going to destroy game sales is the ability to set your own price. Imagine a game swap thread on Yea Forums: you bought Sekiro and beat it, and now you want to play DMC5. Someone in the thread (there will always be someone) has DMC5 and wants to play Sekiro. You each sell the game to the other for $0.01. This goes on and on to the point that no one is really buying new games anymore. Sales will go from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, and you'll see devs try to make their money back by making more online games that require a copy to play with friends, or microtransactions, or preorder DLC tied to your account. Indie games will just die. Who's going to buy Baba is You at full price when you can pick it up when you have some free time for dirt cheap, or just trade it for another indie game you bought? If you have friends and family with steam, you all just trade games between your group for a penny every time. It will reek havock on the market.
>I know that retards want to pretend all devs are greedy and evil (plenty are) and that they should be making games out of pure passion with no monetary incentive, but the reality is that things just don't work that way. Anyone crying about corporate bootlickers and consumer rights who's pretending this is unequivocally a win for us is a complete fucking retard without a modicum of foresight.
>Remember, if someone can't actually form a coherent thought and just yells about corporate cocksuckers and doomers, they're a retard incapable of forethought.

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We have this thread
Aren't you tired of discussing it already?

so this guy
can understand it?

>We have this thread
>Aren't you tired of discussing it already?

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french subhumans never fail to choke as hard as possible in any game i have played with them. its always some retarded shit about how they dont speak english but can spout off the equivalent of muslim scribble, followed by doing the most retarded thing possible in a given situation.
oh, and if you even think about bringing up the issue to address it in a nice way, prepare to be permabanned

Why are courts always so interested in going after valve over Petty shit they shouldn't have to do like refunds or game reselling but nobody is interested in going after them for their false advertising regarding their adult games policy.

If you do business in a country, you have to abide by their rules. Valve is free to take their business elsewhere.

It's funny that when I shit on both the American and European stances to what corps should be allowed to do it's only the eruopean side that gets angry.

No one of value is from france so w/e dude

And they should. Fuck europe. Nothing worthwhile ever came out of that dump

>It's funny that when I shit on both the American and European stances to what corps should be allowed to do it's only the eruopean side that gets angry.

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Case in point.

this thread sucks i hate you guys

Valve only has to set the same criteria for selling as refunding and voila.

>Fuck europe. Nothing worthwhile ever came out of that dump

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>this thread sucks i hate you guys

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>Indie games will just die.
Tell me again why this is bad.

>set the same criteria for selling
Why would they be allowed to do that?

>decent players
pick one

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>only the eruopean side that gets angry.
They have an inferiority complex and a continent sized chip on their shoulders.

if you can buy used games for cheaper than new, there will be no incentive to buy new
even more "games as a service" shit will crop up so they can profit from or disincentivize used sales
"online passes" that were prevalent in the later 7th gen will come back several times worse
>There is literally no reason not to buy digital used for cheaper
>What's going to destroy game sales is the ability to set your own price
>You each sell the game to the other for $0.01
>no one is really buying new games anymore
>you'll see devs try to make their money back by making more online games that require a copy to play with friends, or microtransactions, or preorder DLC tied to your account

Because it'd still count as you being able to resell your games.
Just for a limited time :^)

>no indie games

>if you can buy used games for cheaper than new, there will be no incentive to buy new
>even more "games as a service" shit will crop up so they can profit from or disincentivize used sales
>"online passes" that were prevalent in the later 7th gen will come back several times worse
>>There is literally no reason not to buy digital used for cheaper
>>What's going to destroy game sales is the ability to set your own price
>>You each sell the game to the other for $0.01
>>no one is really buying new games anymore
>>you'll see devs try to make their money back by making more online games that require a copy to play with friends, or microtransactions, or preorder DLC tied to your account

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I welcome anything that cuts profits of Valve. They do absolutely fucking nothing on Steam and still collect billions from it.

ok but can we go smaller

>I welcome anything that cuts profits of Valve. They do absolutely fucking nothing on Steam and still collect billions from it.

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Based commiebro

Just change the rules then. Don't sell games but licenses to access them. You can't sell those

but that's already what happens

>Force users to keep the game for at least one year before they can resell it, as to not damage profit margins
>Set a minimum resale value, like $5 (make it variable so the price is based on some percentage of current market prices) so people can't just trade games for pennies
Wow, so hard! Also most indie games are garbage and I don't give a flying fuck about most of those braindead hipster basedboy devs.

Okay, and if this goes through what are the likely outcomes of this? Because it feels like publishers are going to very quickly snap back to around 2009-2010 where fucktons of content were cut from games and sold as fresh copy DLC to curb pre-owned sales. So many season passes that locked crazy amounts of content behind them.

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>Force users to keep the game for at least one year before they can resell it, as to not damage profit margins
You literally can't do this, you fucking idiot. Why do retards think that this ruling will allow Steam to set rules for resales at all? Have you ever seen a store place rules on you being able to resell physical commodities? This push is for digital to be treated that way in terms of ownership.

I hope they try to go after Square Enix next so they just stop selling to the french and cancel all french accounts so I stop getting those mouthbreathing retards in my party on FFXIV.
God what a glorious day that would be.

you are completely correct and anybody who disagrees is a pedantic, hyperbolic retard.
>yeah but if valve makes it like this it'll be fine
why the hell would they be able to put restrictions on reselling, that's what this court case is about

>why the hell would they be able to put restrictions on reselling
Because literal retards with no understanding of economics or law need to pretend that this could totally work out fine, and they need that assumption for their arguments.

You're exactly right.
The reasoning behind a lot of thinks European courts do is making themselves be seen to be unlike us courts that always let corps get away with anything.
Of course this focus on being different to the other guys leads them to take it too far sometimes.

>forced to use steam because of DRM from a Total war game
>steam allows resell
>sell all my games
>close steam down
>back to piratefagging
Nice knowing you guys

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Let me guess, you are American?

What are you talking about you babbling retard, your logic is shit.
Renting video games has been available since the 90s, pirating is available too, neither has killed the video games market, in fact, it has only grown larger. Shit the biggest games in the world are free to fucking play.

Stfu you fucktard

>renting physical copies is comparable to digital resales
>piracy is enticing to the public at large
Stupid fucking subhuman.

Sure thing American. Nice to see you are using a European language and European inventions every single second of the day

the situation changed and this whole case is now moot
keep up to date you retards
you're discussing hypotheticals

They literally did not.

nothing because everything I buy is good

we're already moving towards a service game hellscape where you're expected to pay upwards of $100 on top of whatever you paid for the base game.

>implying you'll get actual money
You'll get steam wallet money and that's it.

Just like when you sell games on ebay you only get ebay bucks, right?


Welcome back to the shittiest point in gaming, niggers.

yes. It's not about consumer rights, but about milking some money via fines.
I work in fire protection industry, and I can say that's intentional. They make nonsense rules that companies prefer to violate, because paying fines is cheaper than damage those rules would to your business. Regular fines become simply part of operating costs.

It's basically a shakedown, but as long as fines aren't too high, businesses prefer to pay them than fight them. Welcome to EU.

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Godspeed based frogs

im glad to hear im not the only one who has had an overwhelmingly bad experience with french subhumans
whatever humans existed in france died off mostly in the napoleonic wars with the remnants dying in ww1

I wonder how they got away with it for so long.
The reason PC games are all digital is because they left you no choice. Even if you bought a physical copy you were forced to use Steam.
If the courts had stepped in sooner and defended the right of physical media to be resold or given to friends, Steam would not control the market as it does today.

Belgium alone fucked over Lootboxes

>If the courts had stepped in sooner and defended the right of physical media to be resold or given to friends, Steam would not control the market as it does today.
And if Steam hadn't become the standard, the PC industry wouldn't be anywhere near as big as it is now. We'd still be getting fucked by much worse DRM options.

I'd rather have low prices on Steam/PC than the ability to resell desu.
Look at what we pay for Vidya compared to console bros. I want to keep that.

Eat shit, valveboy. PC gaming was doing fine before Steam turned it into a $2.50 per game appstore

>Okay, and if this goes through what are the likely outcomes of this?
All digital goods providers will be only renting you products for limited time, and within system that calls mothership every time you launch something. No more download and play, essentially online-DRM everything.

Zoom zoom

>PC gaming was doing fine
>Every major publisher pretty much abandoned the platform, or didn't care about their PC versions
How old are you, zoomer?

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Fuck that image was meant for a tech thread.

couldn't they just tax a "brokers fee" for each game resold

>valve or epic does something/is involved with something
>straight month of spamming the same thread
you should kill yourself already, listfag

>We'd still be getting fucked by much worse DRM options.
we would still pirate, user. Or at least crack original games, like you often had to do with Starforce protected games

Who knows.
It will largely depend on how they regulate the reselling.
In any event it not going to go through just yet. Months, years probably.

>we would still pirate, user
And that wouldn't change the fact that the whole thing was still a huge dumpster fire with little support and almost spiteful releases. How can you look at piracy as a solution to the problems PC gaming had? It doesn't help the industry at all.

This is going to have serious implications if they win this, since this would start spreading into non-video game areas. Digital music, movies, and all sorts of other shit are going to have to allow resales.

Also easy way to make money.
>Buy game
>Copy all game files somewhere else, external hard drive if needed
>Sell "game"
>Still play game.

The 3,000 euros per day fine is a penatly for Valve if they don't provide a link to the court ruling on their site and application for 3 months to the french.
One of the law brought up against the legality of the steam wallet is 375k€ and 3 years of jail.

>Every major publisher pretty much abandoned the platform, or didn't care about their PC versions
They still have and still don't

it's not. It's what WE do. Normies and children on the other hand would pay up and then curse and cry when their DRM does heuristic analysis and refuses to launch game because of false positive

I know how to fix it let's add a rating system to posts that way good threads stay at top and bad threads get deleted.

Not true at all. The last actually bad PC release I can think of was Arkham Knight, and that was so notoriously shitty that WB removed the game from Steam in an attempt to fix it. Meanwhile I'm playing Jap games, JAP games like DMCV and Ace Combat 7 that run flawlessly.

this is oging to be interesting.
It is potentially ot just impacting valve but also epic store and all other stores.
Heck it will even impact netflix.

Either the jews will lobby against this law or they're actually the ones behind it and they want to kill digital stores as a ay to impose digital licenses and kill actual ownership of products.

>it's another episode of Yea Forums embarrasses itself by trying to talk about adult stuff
The ruling doesn't require companies to provide a way to resell games, it requires them to not interfere with the reselling of games.

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>it requires them to not interfere with the reselling of games.
And guess what Steam doesn't allow you to do which could be construed as "interfering?"

You only think that because America invented propaganda

It's interfering because it will ban your account if you sell it. France says selling your account is your right.

PC games industry was dying, not because of piracy but because of middlemen taking so much money on physical sales that profit was dwindling.

yet they are still paying customers, so their opinion and the laws of their country is relevant

that's... pretty smart actually

>Europeons be like "yes, your majesty, boomer judge cucked by rapugees, you totally make sense"

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Not him, but hear me out.
Before this, the process of re-selling was supply and demand, only locally and going to specific locations could you buy and re-sell your games, some games can get damaged over time etc.

With digital games, on the INTERNET, every copy is counted and accounted for. Anyone can know who has what and there is no limit on location and availability. It isn't in place yet, but if a marketplace website comes out the industry WILL take a big hit.

NO ONE will buy unless there is a sale because people can play a game, beat it in a day, and put it up cheaper then the company that is selling it at no profit to them.

Its not like gamestop, where physical product is limited. Its digitial, theres potentially unlimited copies that can all be sold at one location. IE Marketplace. There is no "Oh no used copy, ill just buy it new" There will always be used copies, and no reason to buy new cause physical damage is not a concern. You don't have the risk to have to go back to the store and swap discs.

And there is no go around this, they can't put a "limit" on it. France wants digital items treated as physical. There is no "cant sell it for ___ time" or "Limited to ____". Can they enforce selling a game on the street? No. Then they won't be allowed to on digital stores.

>burger being burger

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You're a fucking idiot. The court ruling is that you own your digital copies. How the fuck can a company tell you what you can and can't sell your own property to another private party for?

>Neo Yea Forums is full of cocksuckers defending steam

based french players working Yea Forums into a SEETHE, brother

>Reselling digital games
>Unionized gamedevelopers
>Cancel culture
>Gamestop on suicide watch/Walmart bans violent games
>20% tariff on eveythink chink

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Then I'd be fine with it honestly. I just want to avoid a scenario where smaller devs just gets fucked over and you end up with either artsy free games done 10 minutes in RPG maker or AAA games being your only options since it's generally small companies that gets fucked over when government meddles with the free market while the big corporations just finds loopholes or adapts and becomes an even stronger monopoly.

I find it sad that people think this is some pro-consumer move, as if EU courts ever have given an actual shit about that. EU is and has been trying to get piece of the San Fran cake for years now. We already have bullshit like Netflix being forced to take in a certain percentage of shitty European movies into their library rather than letting the market decide.

EU doesn't do shit for consumers, they are only after a cut of the cake like everyone else.

Also consider this is opening a huge can of worms because digital resales currently aren't a thing for the digital music, movie, and so on industries. This is absolutely going to affect them as well.

I unironically want this to happend, but in a way it crashes the industry.

Hey guys. What if ISPs could collect a tax of 30% from every digital good transacted. That would be great. They are providing a very essential service after all -Steam friend

See how stupid you sound when you apply your logic to situations where most people are used to competition and actual markets (not applicable to places like US or Australia)

Boomer courts who don't understand how digital goods work. I normally use this argument against Steam, but in this care it can be a defense. These are not physical goods, you do not own games on Steam, you purchased a lifetime license to use the software. No software license in history has bad the ability to be resold. Refunded, yes, but not resold. These courts can shove it up their boipussys.

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That's stupid because you already pay your ISP for internet access.

How could this crash the industry in any way you retarded over dramatic cunt?

>digital resales
you retards realize that according to the law there is no difference between a digital and a real sale?
You can resell anything you can as long as it classifies as a goods. It doesn't matter if you bought a box with a key inside or online.
It's the fucking law.


>How could this crash the industry in any way
Try arguing without screaming like a retard, failing to address anything said, or being the kind of idiot who pretends that digital and physical are the same or that Valve will be allowed to stipulate conditions for private sales between people,

if you didn't live with your parents who pay your bills, you would know ISPs aren't charity and they already are paid for providing internet

I bought a double headed dilator for us to use together fag-sama~

It doesn't work that way with any purely digital industry right now. I can't resell a picture I bought digitally, or music I bought, or a video I watched.

user this will nuke the industry and make it untouchable for a few years.

Honestly, I don't know why eurocucks let their courts and government do shit like this to them all the time, I couldn't dream of this happening In freedom land.

>how the fuck is this not the same as trading physical copies of games
>"you are selling a game for 1 penny"
no, you fucking idiot, you are selling it for another game. Same as a real life trade would be. And that never destroyed the gaming industry. People like to keep their games. Games will be fine.

Why does the EGS not have to allow reselling?

What the fuck is going on?

so what's stopping valve from region locking the entire eu just to weave out of this mess?

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>Honestly, I don't know why eurocucks let their courts and government do shit like this to them all the time, I couldn't dream of this happening In freedom land.

I've been here for so long that I can't even tell if someone is trolling or genuinely retarded.

>Same as a real life trade would be.
Tell me exactly at what point in history people were able to trade any game with anyone instantly and both were 100% guaranteed to get perfect copies of the game with no possible issues? You stupid fucking piece of shit, physical and digital trading are not even remotely comparable. Only peak retards pretend they are.

They are huge jews and that would be a massive profit loss.

Your healthcare industry needs nuking. Thankfully a few scare ads is enough for everyone to get back to sucking pharma cock.

This can become a positive. We can start to see a comeback for Physical PC games which is fine by me.

Because the case was brought against valve and court judgments don't make laws.

That shit in court has started 4 years ago

Valve is fine bending over backwards to get to the Chinese market, but this law would make them leave French money on the table? Get real.

Why are Yea Forumsermin so retarded?

brexit means brexit

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steam must now remove the bit in their t&cs about not reselling
steam is NOT required to let you resell your games.
just because they can't stop you doesn't mean they must let you.
nothing will change.

Pretty sure everyone is asking themselves when the fuck will the UK actually leave.

anyone in the eu that gives a shit would still be able to vpn steam. at least until french courts decide that vpns are haram

Fine is only 1m / year. Valve can pay it from pocket money and ignore same way fb & google deal with Eu shenanigans.

I'll let you use my pornhub premium if you let me use your netflix :) also
>trading 2 things of roughly equal value is gonna diminish the value durr

Subtle imagery

No one has a clue, not even the government.

Literally nothing. Hell they can just region lock France so their version of Steam is in a bubble like China's is. Every single time a government adds new rules and restrictions consumers end up suffering and having to go through shady methods of obtaining what they desire. Look at this shit with Humpty Drumpfty trying to ban flavored vapes because some kiddos died while using unregulated THC vapes. All this would do is create a black market for standard vapes that will cause more of the same deaths. It's drug war 2.0. If France keeps trying to fuck with Valve they will end up becoming a nation of G2A clients.

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Normies are the bigger spenders and they can't use a computer for shit besides steam, youtube and social shit.
Don't expect them to use a VPN.

Ok faggot, then where can I buy your digital version on windows 10?

>people swaping digital games
>developers stop using steam and epic games
>no more downloadable cd keys you can only get them through physical copies

Buy shares in gamestop because we are going home boys

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You're awake early on Sunday muttboy

>>no more downloadable cd keys you can only get them through physical copies
>CD-keys are back
>No million of clients

I'd gladly take this.

You miserable imbecile. You can resell an unused key, but not a registered key.

Valve is just where this started. If valve loses this and it sets a precedent, Epic and other digital stores are absolutely getting nailed with this too.

i've never met someone with a single digit iq, can you sign this (You)? i gotta tell my mom wow

>>no more downloadable cd keys you can only get them through streaming

Lol, no publisher is going back to physical discs, they'll just start pushing subscription streaming and "games as a service model" even harder since resale can't really be done very well on those.

Fuck the company rights.
Fuck yanks.
And fuck not owning anything.
That is all.

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They put an Anti-Brexit official in charge of figuring out how Brexit is going to happen. It might take a while.

Boris Johnson?

>Every single time a government adds new rules and restrictions consumers end up suffering and having to go through shady methods
Legalize everything

In my opinion the Indies will benefit. Their games will have more exposure as the used market will make more games available to more people. For an indie the most important is exposure and formation of a fan base.
Moreover, it is not as if the current situation of the Indies is very good.

I fear the streaming future more than anything. With all other forms of media, physical releases are still prevalent. I can buy a CD, vinyl, or even cassette of an album I want. I can buy a blu-ray or even sometimes DVD of a movie I want. Physical books and comics are just as widespread too.
Gaming is the only medium that has almost completely ditched physical releases. We get boxes with just a key in them now. I've tried every game streaming service besides Ubisoft's and surprisingly the only one I was ever able to use with my innawoods internet was EA's streaming beta and the visuals were fuzzy as fuck. I'll basically be pushed out of my hobby if streaming becomes the future.

I'm gonna sell 90% of my steam library. I'm never going to replay any of these games. I wont be the only one. This is going to be fun

People have traded books, movies, music, games for ages, but they had to walk to the store or gathering point and actually meet someone with the product they wanted, and the product would be in used condition. In the meantime they bought other stuff because they could not realistically trade everything and forever.
Digital trade is way too convenient to be allowed with the same rules. If it is to be done then some limitations or high revenue percentages for the developers would have to be placed. Like, "buy game for $60 and when you resell it for $60 you get $10 while the developer gets $50" kind of percentages.

>I'll let you use my pornhub premium if you let me use your netflix :)
I hope you didn't think this was in any way even approaching a clever or applicable analogy, because those are subscriptions, you fucking idiot.

lmao who cares

I don't deny there would be an effect, but I do question the exact magnitude of the effect you're proposing. Is it not true that for most titles the bulk of their sales occur in the first few weeks from release when people are less likely to want to trade the game away anyway? And for the case of games that have particularly long legs in terms of sales, is it not also suddenly true that there's a limited supply of 2nd hand digital copies of any given title such that you may not always be able to find someone interested in reselling/trading the game for something you have? In fact, in the case of relatively niche indie titles the odds of finding someone who will want to resell it will be proportionally smaller as-well. I sincerely doubt we're looking at game sales going from: "hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands" just because of this.

>Caring about console ports
>Actually playing console ports

Video game companies are making massive amounts of money these days, is it really too much to ask to actually own your games and to be able to sell them like you would with any other thing you own?

America worked with France to invent freedom. Then France invented the world's first and largest anime waifu figue and gave it to America because they're bros.

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What's your point? That you've been fucked thus far, so you SHOULD continue to get fucked?

Part of me really likes this as it lets you resell what is essentially (as deemed by the french court) your property.
Part of me is concerned about the affect it could have on smaller developers as places like G2A would get flooded with even more games which would result in massive undercuts from the first party market and could incentivize people going to 2nd hand sellers for dirt cheap and possibly illegitimately acquired copies forcing developers to build in similar systems we saw in older console titles that made it worth less to resell games like madden coming with online passes.

>Something you don't own
Lmao frenchies are stupid!

What about selling individual games? How do I sell my DVD copy of Half Life 2 without also selling my Steam account?

>is it not also suddenly true that there's a limited supply of 2nd hand digital copies of any given title such that you may not always be able to find someone interested in reselling/trading the game for something you have?
I don't think you have any idea at all how this whole internet thing works.

We are going home boys.

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>Pay money for thing
>Don't own thing

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You will not be able to sell individual games, you will however be able to sell your account.

netflix is purely subscription based. How will it affect them?

It won’t, because you do not own anything on Netflix.

No, because I actually have an understanding of political philosophy; common law and english radicalism have been the main source of freedom across the globe, with the current trend of its retreat almost enitely based on the adoption of french republican principles.

If you find a way to, steam can't stop you. There is no law saying they must provide you the means of sale.

>Pay rent

>that many soijaks in a row
yikes cringe dilate have sex trannies

I am pretty sure that the French Revolution went horrible wrong.

Without the associated Steam account the DVD is worthless. Steam is thus preventing you from reselling Half Life 2. They therefore must provide a way to transfer games between accounts.

>pay money to visit cinema
>cant resell cinema ticket
truly a new and unique concept

and everything suddenly becomes shittier when people get this pro-consumer friendly privilege to resell any on them.

Looks pretty good right up until you hit that 6 months button

Nothing prevents you from selling that ticket to somebody else.

Not according to the law.

>>that many soijaks in a row
>yikes cringe dilate have sex trannies

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I'm aware it'll be far, far easier to find that shit on an online marketplace but that doesn't negate the fact that there will be limited supply inherently and there may not always be a copy up for sale. Do we even know what percentage of people choose to resell their own goods now? How much of the percentage of individuals who don't would choose to do so now that it is far more convenient? These are the sorts of questions that need answering, and I just can't imagine it'll be anywhere near enough of an increase for it to have the effect on sales the first post claims.

My point is they don't have a case. Also, I've never been fucked because I don't buy games I don't like, unlike the typical Steamcuck. My primary store is GoG, meaning I can *ahem* "try" every game before I buy it. If I like it then I'll buy it, if I don't then it's just taking up hard drive space.
>b-but what if you want to sell the game in 10 years
Good luck getting more than $3 from selling an old as fuck game anywhere else. There's no point in selling games unless they are brand new. Yeah, obscure PS2 only games will fetch you $80 - $200 but that won't be the case with widely available digital PC games. Even if a game is delisted from Steam, the ability to sell it will probably be taken away as well. We already have a refund policy that protects Steam users against bad purchases. I have no sympathy for the 700 hours played but then leaving a bad review on Steam saying they want their money back fags.

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Just sell your account.

>limited supply inherently and there may not always be a copy up for sale
Please stop.

I get consumer rights and all. But wouldn't this completely undermine steam's business?

Please feel free to point out to my retarded ass how I'm incorrect.

>Vidya industry goes on a crusade against internet wild west piracy
>Gets btfo in turn
Fukken poetry

How is that a bad thing?

Only eternal anglo, literal commies and "classical liberals" aka proto-commies love that shit show

Yes, and every other storefront, however it only allows you to sell your account.

>Gonna buy some Dota 2 items afterwards.
Absolute retard.


>Buy used digital game
>It doesnt work coz activated on another account
Is this power of Roman law?

Am I stupid or is this fucking awful? Russians could just buy games with stolen credit cards and sell them for a penny. Wouldnt that crash the entire economy?

If Steam prevents you from playing the game you rightfully own, then Steam is violating the law

So if Valve just decided to not provide any of their services to France any more would that make it so they can basically suffer no repercussions from this? Or can they actually suffer repercussions from French laws no matter what just because

Do people in Europe not understand how computers work? Is it why they're always passing retarded tech regulations?

This thread is way better and less spammed than Smash shit.
At least here, only 50% of the thread is filled with insane mental gymnastics

They wouldn't sell them for a penny but I don't see how developers would make money at all

You can not legally acquire stolen goods. If you buy a stolen game, it will be removed from your account.

>Going to sell a bunch of random shit I bought via Steam sales.
Yeah, great plan. One major flaw though, everyone else already has the shit people bought in sales and bundles themselves too.
You should be able to resell your digital goods, you own them, but the market is going to be retardedly oversaturated with the stuff you're trying to sell that you won't actually manage to sell them.

I'm gonna sell you dota 2 items and use the money to buy random games when a sale rolls around

Do you know how licenses not work?


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I wonder how hard it would be to lobby the digital commissioner of the EU. We need a final solution to the dead games problem.

You've been reposting this thread non-stop for days user, I think you have a problem. The OP also still didn't actually read anything about the case, since you think it's about the individual resale of licenses.

You can say that about LITERALLY ANYTHING in the market

this is fine though, all it does is amplify failures and ensure devs try more to make a good game instead of screwing people with advanced marketing.

They don't comprehend consent of borders.

And like with Apple and Google they want some money and give them to Ahmeds.

Because you and every other idiot in these threads doesn't seem to grasp the sheer size and scope of the connectivity the internet offers.

That's what happens when you "buy" a game on steam. At least in most of the world.
With EU consumer protection laws and rulings, it's still a license to use contract BUT you have a right to what you paid for, making it a classic sale in all but name.

Enjoy getting $1 for each game just because you wanted to feel what it was like selling to gamestop again.

>screwing people with advanced marketing

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So you literally can't refute a single part of it because you're a cum drinking retard?

>devs try more to make a good game instead of screwing people
That's not what this means at all. Small and medium devs will die, and large devs will go all in on "games as a service". Get ready for everything to be a service steaming game or gachashit for literal subhuman chinks and SEA monkeys who pay for PNGs.

>pay movie ticket

The more people start to realize purchaser sovereignty of digital goods ought to be on the same level as that of physical goods, the better

>buy game when it's on a sale
>sell the now used game when the sale ends for more money than it was bought for

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>”The sky is green”
>No it’s not, retard

More like:
>buy game when it's on a sale
>sell your account

>small and medium devs will die
maybe, but let's be honest there are only like 7-8 indies that are even good, the issue I see is that microtrnasactions would go up, because if you can sell a game that means you are taking a game you don't play and selling it to someone who will pay it, thereby turning an inactive player to an active player. There is only really one way to profit off of an active player and that is microtransactions.
>large devs go for games as a service
that is a big IF, but if people really like the idea of selling digital they might not want that option to be removed and games as a service could die for not offering this option, hell GaaS is essentially selling all the games you have after your license runs out.

Which part specifically of that post was so wrong that it's comparable to saying the sky is green?

>that is a big IF
How? They already tried going in on that shit and now they have an excuse.

>that is a big IF, but if people really like the idea of selling digital they might not want that option to be removed and games as a service could die for not offering this option, hell GaaS is essentially selling all the games you have after your license runs out.
Nope, the greedy publishers will see being able to sell your games the same way they see piracy, they will try ways to prevent you from doing it.

>You each sell the game to the other for $0.01. This goes on and on to the point that no one is really buying new games anymore.
You mean old games? New games have yet to have their keys sold in the first place. Your post is full of assumptions based on assumptions, no one knows how exactly this will force Steam, GOG, uPlay, Origin, EGS, etc. (and ultimately all digital marketplaces like iTunes etc.) to implement reselling. It's more likely there'll be a marketplace where prices closely approach the normal price (with lots of variability around holidays and sales probably) and for multiplayer games it's more likely reselling will terminate the account and force a new one to be made tied to the key so that no more than one account can be active on one and the same key (or maybe keys will simply get recycled into new ones and obviously void the previous account). This could go down in any number of ways, but consumer protection laws were bound to catch up with digital licenses sooner or later.

I don't see how this is going to enforce them giving you a means to resell individual games through their services.

All I can see this doing to removing the *btw you can't sell/transfer your account to other people or we ban u* clause in TOSes.

I'm going to make it so there's only 1 save slot, it can't be erased, it transfers with the game when you resell it.

The court ruling doesn’t force these storefronts to let you sell your game, but rather your entire account.


>valve allows game reselling
>they take 10% of the cut and only pay you in monopoly money that expires in one year
most of y'all have never used the marketplace and it shows

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my ass.

>where prices closely approach the normal price
You're an idiot.

one actual part of the ruling (according to articles, not ass sourced) is that money in steam wallet has to be extractable. no longer monopoly money.

The vast majority of game sales are on release day. A resale market would just take the place of sales, which aren't an important source of income.
I don't understand why people think resales would sink the industry.

Find a archive of a past thread n this, at least one of them should have a link to the ruling. You yourself do not have proof that this ruling will allow you to resell individual games.

Well, we did spawn Amerisharts, so he might have a point.

>according to articles
Which ones?

Theresa May stalled negotiations for years by making impossible demands, hoping to cancel referendum results

it won't sink the market.
it will force creators down a certain path of protecting their products from resale cannibalization (all sorts of tactics to get you to hold the product as long as possible).
it will strengthen steam's monopoly.

every article including a translation of the first french one says "resell games" not "sell accounts".

find one article that says "sell accounts" rather than "resell games"

Reselling accounts would be considered to be reselling the game. Tell me what will force valve to let you resell the individual games.
>The court clarified that any resale of the game must be of a single copy, and not of duplicates.

That is the worst source you could of posted.

i would expect if the ruling was to the effect that selling accounts was being legally protected, an article somewhere would mention that steam is being forced to remove the ability to ban accounts for account selling from their terms of service.

Epic implementing reselling is never going to happen because they don't even know how to add a shopping cart.

>he said, on an American site using an American invention

>muh indies
Maybe it's about time they got real jobs?

>an article somewhere would mention that steam is being forced to remove the ability to ban accounts for account selling from their terms of service.
Probably because journalists can’t read in the same way they cannot play games.

this is a japanese site invented by japan.

The classic eurorat, trying his hardest to destroy the free market by having it flooded, all so he can enforce post-marxist communism on the poor masses

I am pretty sure moot was an American.

Nope, nips stole Usenet first, kiddo

holy shit imagine being this much of a retard. Not even the guy you replied to. Moot started this shit hole from Jew York.

so source is still: your ass.

the ruling is a very broad "game has to be allowed to be resold" you could definitely interpret that as accounts can be sold but not necessarily because steam could argue that the account itself is steam property that they do not permit the selling of.....
realistically the endpoint of this law is steam will make games resellable on the steam community market and collect fees from poorfags while devs are left to cry more.

Didn't this used to be Gamestop's entire business model?

you're talking about moots Yea
we're on hiroshima's

this has been bought and sold no one cares at this point. This is still Yea Forums just the people who bought it changed the name. This does not make it new.

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Early Yea Forums was literally a bootleg Futaba.
The whole concept of IBs was popular in Japan before it got to the West.

Both go down or have problems at the same time, so it is still the same site basically.

>not owning the things you buy is free market
may as well abolish copyright, it's just a government enforced monopoly of ideas

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As a frog, our judiciary system is fucked up. The law might have won this one, but valve is definetly gonna make an appeal, so it's going to be twice like that, and after they appeal, they're probably gonna want to bring it infront of the european justice or just pay the fee and move on until the next judgement. Facebook, Google, Twitter... They do that all the time. They prefer to pay the bill than to change their consumer law.
Judgement take years in our judiciary system, and they make twice as much benefit in that time to really care about a few hundred or millions to pay.

this is literally no different than trading games with your friends at work and school and it has not killed the gaming industry yet. The worse outcome is a digital FUCKING GAMESTOP who will buy back your keys for pennies and resell them for %80 of their worth along with all the scamming and bad consumer experience that goes with it.

>Japan invented the concept of talking over the internet

Yeah ok

invented by japan (moot took the code from japanese site 2chan)
owned and operated by a nip

>you could definitely interpret that as accounts can be sold
That’s probably is how valve is going to see it.

I don't care fuck France
T. American

I said imageboards you fucking moron, not forums.

They're a superior culture after all

It was your choice. If you think not being able to resell your games is getting fucked, then you shouldn't have used Steam. Plain and simple.

lol I can't wait till the time comes when no companies will sell games in Europe anymore lest they get sued because of some bizarre law

absolutely not.
they're going to introduce game reselling on the community market (where they can collect fees) specifically so they can continue banning account selling (unable to collect fees). if a lawsuit is brought against them again on the issue they can argue to the court that they already allow game reselling, that account selling is outside of the parameters the law has set.

Good. If Indies and AAA's can't make a profit without relying on fucky licencing laws then they deserve to die out.

yeah dude just like remove half of your demand lmao

if game companies can survive with people playing their games for free like you do, then how can they not survive digital goods becoming resellable???

>the only viable business model in eu will be f2p lootbox garbage because of some frog commies

Based frogs. The amount of buttblasted Yea Forumsalvedrones showing up lately is really nice. Really shows how much they love taking it up the ass.

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its the last day postal is on sale on steam is it worth getting the full collection or should i just get the postal 2 collection

also is the game any fun ?

>b-b-but they about to ban lootboxes.

I don't play them for free. I try before I buy. If I don't like the game after an hour then I have no reason to keep playing. If I do like it, then I purchase it. It's no different than playing a game for an hour on Steam and then refunding it if I don't like it. It probably hurts the company less than getting a refund because no money is being taken away.

>The year is 1999
>Reselling games is perfectly legal
>Video games are fine

>The year is 2019
>Reselling games is once again perfectly legal
>Video games are doomed

Explain yourself, doomers

>This goes on and on to the point that no one is really buying new games anymore. Sales will go from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, and you'll see devs try to make their money back by making more online games that require a copy to play with friends, or microtransactions, or preorder DLC tied to your account. Indie games will just die. Who's going to buy Baba is You at full price when you can pick it up when you have some free time for dirt cheap, or just trade it for another indie game you bought? If you have friends and family with steam, you all just trade games between your group for a penny every time. It will reek havock on the market.
Fucking based.

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>this is literally no different than trading games with your friends at work and school
Are people saying this just taking the piss, or are there actually people this stupid here?

>Indie games are bad
>AAA games are bad
What is good to you? /vr/ shit?

you had at best a dozen friends before the internet.
and if you "shared" your game with them you probably wouldn't ever see it again.
now you have thousands of "friends" online and everyone knows you just have to copy the game's folder to make a duplicate and pass it on.
this kills singleplayer games.


>Yea Forums literally thinks nothing bad will happen from this
>Yea Forums literally thinks EA and the like are just gonna sit idle while their profits go down
>mfw Yea Forums is too underage to remember all the devs that killed themselves(Like Phil Fish) after the Refund law was implemented.

>Buy boxed game in store
>Register CD key with Steam
>Sell Steam account to Emanuel Macron
>Sell boxed version to Angela Merkel
Who owns the game now?

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> Page 30 of the ruling
>So that by providing for the company VALVE the following device which "funds paid to the Steam wallet are neither refundable and non-transferable ", clause 3.C relating to "Steam wallet" is unlawful under Articles L. 133-3, L. 315-1 L. 315-2, L. 315-3 L. 521-3, L. 525-5 and L. 525-6 of the Code monetary and financial code.

fuck it's like Brexit but instead of restarting Irish civil war it restarts imperial wars on the European continent.

Piracy, an act where you can get any games for free, didn't cause the industry to crumble but somehow digital secondhand market will?

Are you saying it would be hard to implement a game transfer system in steam? It wouldn't.
You must be 18 to post here.

>The masses pirate games on a scale that could do irreparable damage to sales
Fucking retard.

Doesn’t mean shit. Just because Sony moves there HQ to California doesn’t make it an American company you stupid muslim

Angela owned the disc, Macron owned the licence. iirc, you still need the CD to launch your game for verification back in the day after you install it

consider the following:
-you cannot prove piracy would result in a lost sale because no money is exchanged at all
-you can prove that the secondhand market resulted in a lost direct sale

>The masses buy secondhand games on a scale that could do irreparable damage to sales
Fucking retard

Except piracy is already a thing and we know that most people don't do it. When physical games were king, Gamestop made a fuckton of money legally selling used games at prices hardly lower than new so we already know the market is there. Now, people can legally get "used" games for dirt cheap from anyone anywhere at any time. You're the fucking retard here. Stop comparing apples to oranges, you stupid fucking ape.

Yeah because people pirate game they have no intention of playing

you can prove people want to play the game from the piracy, you cannot prove they are willing to pay for it.
demand-side theory of value.

>. Now, people can legally get "used" games for dirt cheap from anyone anywhere at any time.
And? Maybe dev should make good games so peoples wouldn't sell it.

Careful user you've attracted the butthurt yuropoors

So sell your games at a price peoples are willing to pay for it.

Gonna sell that shitty Tomb Raider reboot, it sucked balls, I never played it, time for KEYS BABY WOOO!

lol french court are retards. you're buying a license to play, not the actual game. you can't re-sell a license

Oh, it's happening.

the digital crash is upon us, time to invest

>The ability of communication, sales, and transfer of data is the same in 1999 as it is in 2019

it's because the decent french pretend to be American

You guys are actual retards.

>indie dev that has a niche of making short and sweet perfection
>before resales: with each new game, he gains more and more fanbase, each game profiting him more than the last and his old games getting new bursts of sales as he creates new fans, all spurring him on to make more
>after resales: his fanbase continues growing but his profits flatline as each previous game gets resold by his old audience to his new audience to help the old audience fund purchases of his latest game which they will later resell to the new audience, starts questioning whether he should keep making games

This whole thing started because of steam EULA clearly stated that you didn't even owned that licenses, but rather its subscription.

Fuck off faggot. Indie shit is for pretentious hipsters. I can name maybe a handful of indie games that were worth more than the lint on my nutsack. Pseudointellectuals make me fucking sick. Go jerk off to more artistic interpretations of some moody cunt with a faggy haircut and absurd clothing. You can suck each other off after you finish your onions lattes, you puffed-up nonce. Jesus God help me, I hope Satan gets to have his way with you people.

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>Have at least 300+ steam games I got on sale out of impulse
>Can just resell em since I'll likely never play em anyway
Probably 80% of my steam library

Can i fucking resell my Overwatch. I wasted $29 on that crap

>gather new fanbase overtime because word of mouth and potential fan buying cheap games to try it out
>gain more profit from their second releases because of day 1 buyer from the new fanbase

>Page 69 of the ruling
>Finally, the "subscription" to the "subscription" (of a game) made by the user, which is referred to in the company's conclusions VALVE (page 76, paragraph 176) and clause 1.B of the "Agreement", is actually a purchase, the game being placed at the disposal of said user for an unlimited duration. It can not therefore be a "subscription" - in the usual sense of the term - but the sale of a copy of a video game, made for a fixed price at advance and paid in one go by the user.

That's not what the ruling says:
>French Steam users have the right to resell games, a Paris court has ruled in a case brought by a consumer group. The years-long case isn’t fully settled because Valve can yet appeal, and why would they not? This is still a big decision. The official line so far has been that games bought in a downloadable form, without a physical form like a disc backing them, cannot be resold. The court also ruled against several other clauses of Steam’s terms, like keeping your Steam Wallet funds if you shut down your account.
>French Steam users have the right to resell games
>Steam users have the right to resell games
>the right to resell games
>resell games

>This week’s ruling in the District Court of Paris, according to UFC Que Choisir, says this should change. While folks have the right to resell games on discs, so far this hasn’t applied to “dematerialised” products beamed down your datapipe without a physical object supporting them. Next Inpact further report that the court decided Steam doesn’t sell subscriptions, it sells licenses.
>sells licenses

why would any steam user ever buy games outside of the marketplace? used digital goods are as good as brand new digital goods.

>indie dev makes good game
>noone will resell it because they want to play it
Problem solved

It's called G2A

yeah thats what was described in "before resales"
>buying cheap games
already existed. resales do that without the developer's permission and are essentially doubling up as i described.

cheaper price, less buyer remorse

>What? What do you mean Valve is shutting down Steam in France?
>What do you mean i lost my whole game library??! Nooo NOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHH GABEN HELP MEEEEE

>short and sweet perfection
say goodbye, market does not value this now.

Company of Heroes 2. Bought it before the refunds were readily available.

If they shut down in France, they also have to shut down in every country that's part of the EU.

So you're saying the incentive a steam user has to buy from the developers are cheaper prices and less buyers remorse as opposed from buying from the resell markeplace?


>devs should sell the game cheaper than the resellers are selling them

resale prices will always be cheaper than the official price, that is just basic economic. In the long run, if the game is good, no one will be affected by this, dev gain new fanbase and potential day 1 buyer. You assume as if a game would automatically being sold in secondhand market upon released

I finished Sekiro, it was a good game, but I don't want to play it. There are more games to play than just Sekiro. I want more games like Sekiro.

Solve this issue. Because I see no reason to keep Sekiro in my library.

>charging for a short ass game
yeah, any indie dev that do this can fuck off

I see no downside.
>those comments
Holy shit Youtube is more intelligent than Yea Forums

Easy fix, steam enacts developers and steam receive 95% of all resales, user gets a couple bucks, no one will bother doing it

That's on you, you don't know how to appreciate games. One and done, you don't care about exploring any secret, trying a different playstyle.

Give it up. No one is gonna side with you. They're too busy thinking about making a quick buck and screwing over companies by reselling to see the bigger picture.

yeah but then EU will sue valve for breaking the law they just made

Except Gabe's wallet

So, no solutions.

Enjoy the market for games like Sekiro crashing.

>that image
You're making me cry, user. Such a good game but fucking hell they made cars that you could use on the police side not available for the racer side unless you bought a Dr Pepper with a code on it. Not to mention half the dlc wasn't released on PC because of some bullshit regarding sales.

The consumer always win, if things go bad, we'll just pirate.

Is he right?

>Now, this has one huge ramification that you didn't point out, this makes Games a PRODUCT and no longer a SERVICE. This is a GIGANTIC change in the eyes of the law and this would mean that ANY business that has an online only game takes the servers down, making the game unplayable, can then be sued. Right now you can't, because games say they're a 'service', and companies can cancel services whenever. But when games are now called products, a company can't 'steal' a product you own.
>This will mean cheaters can't be banned, but that can change via laws. But the even bigger thing, is that you wont see games getting shut down again as they can't be shut down without legal action. And people can't pull games from the Digital storefront data servers without class action lawsuits happening which means no more Telltale stuff happening.

I haven't seen Yea Forums mention this.

lmao who cares, most games nowadays are pretty shit anyway. fuck your witcher and fuck your assassins creed and fuck your call of duty, there are literal decades worth of good games out there waiting to be (re)played

So you think everyone is like you? Shit then everyone is a pirate then because I pirate all my games

>dwarf fortress
>risk of rain
>crypt of the necrodancer

what the fuck? they're good games that aren't bogged down by microtransactions or fucked up netcode or anything like that. they're usually full of new ideas or old ideas refined. indie shit is for people who have played the triple a bullshit to death and are looking for something that isn't garbage. they're games made by people who like games and despite not knowing whether they'll even make back the money it takes to make the game, they go ahead and make it anyway. top it off, usually, you can also mod the shit out of them.

so can i get that autograph or what?

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>le new bad old good meme
Fuck off. Not even gonna finish reading your garbage post.

rather than make games not shit and worth keeping for more than 1 month before selling used with lots of replay ability they thought it would be a good idea to just milk customers even harder

So you think everyone is like you?

He is wrong. It's valve that tried to argue that steam was a subscription which the court disagreed with but it doesn't change the law about actual subscriptions which online only games are a part of.

you lost me at crypt of the memedancer

garbage game

You will only get fucked over if you create a game with 0 replayability value.

Fuck your early access and fuck your interactive movies.

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those aren't fps openworld rpg shooters so they suck this is why indie games are bad

imagine living your entire life as a faggot-ass contrarian who gets off on not having fun and bitching about everything

you know what? i have a ton of games that theoretically if they weren't stuck on a steam account id sell them just like i used to back in the late 00s

I'm asked you first

>What games are you anons selling first?
none because this whole thing is retarded, if this actually passes then it will apply to any digital media and nobody will be selling digital, you're all going to be buying physical because production wont see profit in digital media, better go buy a disc tray :)

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and you know what else? the advent of digital distribution being the majority of game sales in recent years and not having a CD KEY i can sell along with my physical copy of game media is pretty gay and retarded
its almost like the used games market was killed off in the most shady was possible just to force people to buy new copies of software instead of look in a bargain bin at a thrift store.

>mfw I didn't throw out my bluray drive
I do need a new PC case though lol

So less games like Sekiro, more games like Detroit: Become Human or like Fortnite? Okay.

i still have a cd tray to this day AND I STILL USE IT niggerfaggot, and if i have a physical copy and CD key whats stopping me from selling my shit after i realize its garbage?

yeah it's not like there are dozens of grey market sellers out there selling cheap keys constantly or dozens of legit key sellers out there having massive discounts constantly.

it's not like you can buy a steam key for an unreleased game cheaper than on the steam store or anything. nope full price always like with physical releases :)

Can you sell Window licenses with this law?

dont worry, im sure they'll be adding a whole new kinda DRM protection if they have to go back to silly discs

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I do wonder if Steam could legally end support for an entire country of people. Disallowing people to access their own games without offering them compensation seems illegal to me.

the vast majority of the consumer market dosent participate in the grey market shit so obviously the bullshit worked to keep the gamin industry from losing muh sales
then it would still be disallowing people to sell games. the point is people should be allowed to easily sell their software instead of this faggotry that dosent let me get a refund without doing a credit chargeback through the god damn bank.

they could make a steam-light app where you can log in with a french based account and play only and only games you have previously purchased

ofc this does not only apply to steam does it? if this gets passed other stores have to bend the knee too don't they?

the fact gamestop is dead and no one wants to buy your shit stops you from it

on steam that isn't an issue, you will always have demand, if americans don't buy your shit game, then the starving Argentinian kids will. you will always have a market available, the industry is too big

It's not a law. But technically, yes, if it becomes a law.

You're the one postnig the basedjack
idk why you think you have any right to discuss monotony

LOL this will kill EGS good n proper

Publishers save so much money going digital they won't ever go back to physical. All this will do is make them double down and start pushing microtransactions, games-as-a-service, and streaming subscriptions even harder because this law won't apply to that.

G2A is EXTREMELY popular among normies. I bet nowadays they account for at least 30% of steam sales/humble bundle/etc purchases just because of how huge the key reselling scene is.

and at the end of the day you also have legit sellers like GMG/direct2drive/humble bundle/fanatical/etc/etc/etc that constantly have sales. the bargain bin has NEVER been bigger :)

i still cant transfer individual games from one steam account to another, LET ALONG FROM STEAM TO SAY ANOTHER FUCKING PLATFORM even with my full consent. that is fucking gay and needs to be addressed.

>it's another episode of "burger thinks he owns the world"

>then it would still be disallowing people to sell games
Nope, because its only applying to digital media, if its a physical disc like that user says, then the publisher can add whatever the fuck they want to keep pirates from ripping it.

so ONLY 70% of games sold are some nigger shit where i cant sell my copy? wow what a deal

>All this will do is make them double down and start pushing microtransactions, games-as-a-service
Thats the end game, everything to go as a payed as service, milking people like the pay pigs they are


this thread is about reselling games, make your own thread for that shit

>refund game for $60
>attempt to sell it 'used' for $60 or less

If the criteria was the same there would be literally no reason to sell them if you'd get more money faster with refunds.

what does G2A stands for?

I literally can't comprehend the stupid shit you just wrote there is meant to mean

you're a fucking moron if you dont think valve having a policy and no function for transferring my software on its platform is somehow unrelated to the ability to sell my software copies after i realize they are garbage and video game marketing is a scam

>What games are you anons selling first?
Friendly reminder that nobody is interested in all the trash that's clogging your library.

You don't own any of your games on Steam. They are licensed keys that they can revoke at their own discretion.

how does it make it any better to buy a steam key form some chink on instagram if i cant sell my steam key from a steam account if i use the fucking thing? am i supposed to make separate steam account for each fucking game?

>not having a disc tray for burning movies for your frens

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>government invents freedom

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if i can get even one dollar for some of that garbage id be happy, and that denies a sale of a new copy to someone
or i guess youd rather have someone give a kike developer money for garbage instead of their neighbor?

Not in the EU, according to EU law you OWN your digital copies.


I wipe my ass with your dumb ToS if it violates the law. No contract is above the law.

In the EU if you buy a steam copy of a game you own it unless it strictly a subscription based software.

your initial post made the assessment that there is no bargain bin anymore, when there clearly is, you said nothing about further re-selling ;)

sounds like you are thinking more of pirating and not selling a legitimate copy of a cd key..
pirate are goign to pirate and the failure of denuovo shows how shit those plans are long term
this is about people who BUY GAMES who want to SELL their copies to their buddy rather than see them get assfucked for whatever bullshit price the developers want while thier own copy rots on a shelf/in a steam library

>arguing to be right
>instead of for whats right
dont ever talk to me or my posts son ever again

this will likely just turn PC gaming into a F2P platform all over again, and every decent game will be a console physical exclusive

can someone take them to court for stable download speeds?

But really why are steamies so upset about this ? I thought they love ve costumer rights


eh it's no well seeded torrent, but usually any huge sized game gets downloaded under 20 minutes

Not really.

>gaming as a service
>turning vidya into fucking slot machines
>publishers planning most of their profit around loot boxes/gacha mechanics
>day one DLC and games having hundreds of $$$ of DLC
>Online only single player games
>$200 special editions
>retarded amounts of DRM

French court declares you should be able to sell your digital copies:


i still support steam over epic but i will not ignore the bad things steam was doing long before epic existed, it's only right that the definitions of digital merchandise be changed like this, there is no guarantee anymore that steam will let us keep our games if they ever vanish.

what's to stop them from making one time use keys

>What games are you anons selling first?
For me, it's single-player games

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These laws weren't designed with infinite and perfect replication in mind, it'll be interesting to see how this all develops desu

>ignoring everything i wrote about the economic disincentive created to this type of product
>"this is just basic economic"

I don't follow. PC gaming allowing the same kind of reselling that console gaming allows will somehow kill PC gaming, even though console gaming was fine with it?

keys are already one time use

>>day one DLC
thats >day one ON THE FUCKING DISK dlc pay-to-unlock-it further
to YOU goyim!!!!!!

your opinion is not everyone's opinion.
the law however is going to make your opinion more important than opposing opinions.

people just not buying into the scam in the first place :^)

why do you act like it's a steam vs epic scenario when there are bigger vendors out there than EGS
PC was never profitable before the digital revolution, if digital is made non profitable companies will develop new strategies to make money, eg F2P

because this is Yea Forums and if i didnt bring up the first part i'd get called an epic shill

>PC was never profitable before the digital revolution
PC was always profitable you fucking retard. That's why PC games were always made. Also why would digital no longer be profitable? Again: Console is profitable despite game resales. Why is PC fundamentally different?

> give game developers bigger cut
> allow to resell digital games

>make bad games
>nobody want your game, the one that bought it sold in grey market
>"it not me, its those damn reseller!"

Does this mean i can resell my ticket after i watch a movie at a kinoplex?

steam jews | game developers | resale jews

not really, no, japs avoided PC like the plague because it was more convenient to pirate and at most PC accounted 10% of sales of a game, then digital makes it more convenient to buy than pirate so ofc profitability goes up and now everyone wants their games on PC

digital re-sale is much more convenient than physical re-sale, I have console games I'll probably never bother replaying again but selling them is too much trouble especially since they're not worth much

If your ticket allowed you to watch the movie over and over, sure.

>b-but goy, you must have that on your disk or you won't see the special skins the other goyim paid a premium to own. What's the point of selling skins and costumes if you can't show them off????

Your opinion suck at least, it the game have zero replay value, then I should be able to resell it

Japs avoided PC because japs are PC illiterate. There was no market.
Also, nothing to stop gaben from making resale hard af.

>make bad games
nice stawman

said by nobody, ever.

Has anyone bought those "random steam key boxes" from those third party sites?

How do those sites work anyway? Where do they get the key?

No you moron.

No because it's illegal

what value did you add to the product that should be rewarded by allowing you to resell it?

>short and sweet perfection
belong in the fucking trash.

>There was no market.
and who knows, maybe he will, I still think most people actually care about their game ''collection'' enough not to sell too

You don't need to add value to resell something, see: The current used game market.

read the thread

No, it will increase the 'advanced marketing' because companies will have to front-load sales at release when there are no used games available.

You don't get it.
There was no market because japs don't own PCs. The hardware wasn't there. Japs had phones, consoles, and nothing else. They didn't own computers, and didn't know how to use them either.

Stolen credit card or buying keys cheap in low valued currencies.

>f2p BAD
>game is better if you pay money

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Not sure what all the yelling is about, you're just going to have the Steam Community Store now include games... just like how you can trade steam keys already.

irrelevant, their biggest profits were always in the west

resale of physical goods has the value of reducing waste in production. that doesn't apply to digital. so?

your game collection has no value

you could get banned in a second, the servers could shut down forever, you can be hacked

the best way to play smart is to sell everything you aren't actively playing. Because having a retarded imaginary collection isn't worth anything.

>two fag indie threads on their way to 500 replies
Can't wait.

Does it matter? as a consumer, I have the right to do whatever I want with the product I bought with my owned money.

>Valve says "it's a subscription" to avoid the rights associated with ownership
>French courts says you can't call that kind of ownership a subscription, it's ownership
This just incentivizes developers to move further away from any concept of consumer ownership.

There is the interesting subject of banned accounts. Can you resell defective or broken products to someone else without being sighted for fraud? It's not broken per se, but it is banned and may have been used for illegal activity. Who's on the line for that? The maker of the game/product or the person reselling?

yea f2p good

until they make you pay 90$ to unlock full content :DDDD


So Humble is illegal?

>European language and European inventions
You mean American English which is spoken in 98% of the world? And what European invention are you talking about?
The Internet isn't European
The Home Computer isn't European
My keyboard and mouse aren't a European invention
Neither is my monitor
All you fags are good at is letting Ahmed rape your children and throwing acid in people's faces

god i hope this blows up in macrons face and just ends up with steam not supporting french regions

eat shit frogfuckers

You're the most demented poster ITT. And that's saying something.

You are scrapping the bottom of the barrel here with your excuses.
>"think of the environment!!"

No? Why would it be?

dont care I pirate that garbage anyway LOL

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as a human being, you have no rights until the upper part of the pyramid tells you that you have them

developers and publishers need to comply with the law of the countries they want to do their business in. It's simple as that. They can get fucked and lose on the entire European Union market for all I care if they don't want to give me basic consumer rights guaranteed by the laws of my country. When did these fucking kike corporate fucks decide that they are above the law? It's unbelievable.

sell the games and get a valve index to resell easy

imagine being this much of a zogged amerimutt. I guess it all started when they stole your foreskin.

you just said to me they are stealing credit cards, buying games with them, and then selling them for a cheap price

that sounds incredibly illegal.

>This just incentivizes developers to move further away from any concept of consumer ownership.
but you didn't owned any games if your steam library right now.

at least I don't think PC gaming was profitable


>paraphrased headlines
stop posting sensationalist crap, this is to do with steam keys.

ok retard

>as a consumer
exactly, you are a consumer not a producer, not a transporter, what value did you add that you should be getting compensated for? why on earth is the law being reformulated in such a way to allow you to gain value for nothing? how is this helping to produce a fair market?

this site is genuinely worse during europoor hours

And they're telling Valve that I do have the right so suck it Gabe

This isn't exclusive to France. Consumer laws are the same in all of the EU you dipshit. If they don't obey French consumer laws it means they are not complying with all of the EU.

environment?? is your brain functioning?

Why on earth would you need to "deserve" it? Why would you need to help producing a "fair" market? Get bent.

>This whole post
You do realize Valve doesn't give a fuck about Europe, right? YOU as consumers want steam, not the other way around. You aren't even a large portion of steams user base.

I got another question, are those sites scam sites then? Is humble like the peak scam of the industry? People add their credit card info and then they get robbed to death? Is that how this works?

cry about it mutt lmao.

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That was mostly a reference to G2A which is sort of infamous for it.


How can amerimutts be so fucking zogged?

Exactly, you're demented.

seethe more mohammad slave

Why are they like this?

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Humble isn't. They get their keys from the devs.
Unofficial, grey market sites are a threat. The idea is to have you buy the game from them before the CC bounces and the dev revokes the key.

I am in agreement with this judgment but what is with Nathan Grayson? He writes an anti Steam article every 5 days

>My point is they don't have a case
>No software license in history has bad the ability to be resold. Refunded, yes, but not resold.

Actually, you're wrong. Since 2012 the european law extended what's called the exhaustion of rights to digital licence.
So In fact they actually have a case, and steam avoid all of of this for so long because they claimed that buying game on steam was akin to subscribing to a service.

>this zoomer thinks this is a Valve thing and not a world-wide phenomenom that will change real life as we know
You dumbass, this will severely hit Windows, EGS, and GoG( this last one might outright die)

It's over, digital media is finished.

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>digital media is finished.
And that's a bad thing how exactly?

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the real question is why you're sharing an opinion on capitalist structures at all if you fundamentally don't believe in capitalism.

Wait so which sites are bad and which ones are good?

How does one know for sure which ones are bad in order to avoid being scammed?

>developers and publishers need to comply with the law
Of course they do, which is why Valve may finagle some solution like turning the entire Steam client in to a subscription based model that charges a mere one dollar per year for the privilege of using it (fee waived if you buy a game that year). Law totally complied with. Problem solved.

Nothing about capitalism says that you need to add value. The capitalist is a value drain from the start.

Basically they steal credit card info, buy the keys with them, usually the person who got scammed will block/refund payment but the reseller still has the key available to sell.
Though as said, the devs sometime revoke the keys.

Check if the site is affilated with the developer in any way. If the dev is promoting them, they are.

If the're not, it's your risk. You may get a good key someone didn't need, or you may lose.

the only demented one here is you, either that, or you're too young to remember when all PC got was late an crappy ports on account of it's non-profitability

not to mention all PC centric devs going bankrupt

go suck a big fat cock you stupid sit

>Indie games will just die

Is that really a bad thing, given the quantity of horrendous shovelware and asset-flips?

So only humble is verified good? out of all of these?

They aren't allowed to set rules for resale if they were already forced to allow resales. The same courts would see it as trying to bypass the law because Valve could just say "Haha okay we'll allow refunds but only after you have owned the game for 200 years have fun!"

capitalism's entire structure is an infinite growth machine.
you can argue with the long-term feasibility of that model (as Marx did) but you can't argue that the model is congruent with laws enforcing anti-value market distortions.

>you don't deserve rights if you aren't selling anything


>I actually have an understandig of political philosophy
>common law and english radicalism have been the main source of freedom across the globe

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but you are selling something.
the question was what value are you adding.

no the ones on the second line there are all legit key sellers

You're arguing against having more rights to protect yourself against overcontrolling companies?

It doesn't follow that every seller needs to add value, nor that you need to legally enforce this. If capitalism works, then every seller that does not add value will be outcompeted by those who do, solving the problem without the need for legal intervention.

WTF i love smoking corporate cock now

A major decision about the definition of ownership with seismic impacts to the gaming industry should be decided by a legislature of elected officials, not a lone judge.

add to those (no affiliation to gamergate)

Don't worry, Valve will challenge the decision, and it'll keep going up the courts, right to the ECJ.
Lawmakers had their say already, they wrote the laws that the judge just interpreted.

i look forward to selling used games ot my friends or shit for pennies or hats or blowjobs or or whatever
and you arent wrong

I think GMG is also fine, but check.

I've said it a bunch of times in this thread already but it isn't a law.

>nor that you need to legally enforce this.
of course it needs to be legally enforced, there is no capitalism without the law in the first place.

>every seller that does not add value will be outcompeted by those who do, solving the problem without the need for legal intervention.
you know that's bullshit. the law only has to decide something is valuable to imbue it with value.
this law has decided there is value in you buying a digital game, experiencing as much of it as you want, then recouping a portion of what you paid out (or potentially more). why is the law valuing this? what do they have to gain from those actions?

generally when the law distorts the market in ways like this which are completely nonsensical it's a result of corruption.