
Oh yes finally! The Nigersaurus arrived at Jurassic World!

What are you going to do with your new Nigersaurus? I'd love to ride a Nigersaurus. Oh i wish they would still exist, the Nigersaurus. Wonder what the Nigersaurus feet smell like, haha.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You dropped this G

>hahahhahahahaha "niger" hahahahahahahahaha
it's almost like I'm 8 years old and looking at a globe again

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I hate all these new games. Fucking shit like like this should be included in the game in the first place. Fuck all this updates shit. It's all making my face so tired. Is it too much to ask to have complete game when it's released..

Lol its just like the gamer word

Whats your favourite Dinosaur? Mines definitely the Nigersaurus

We wuz dinosaurs n' shiet

>shoot them some nigersauria


Have sex.

>70% off on steam
Does any of the DLC add any worthwile gameplay elements, or is it all just new dinos + missons?

I remember in 4th grade all the students in my class (and maybe some of the others in our grade, been a while) were given a randomly assigned country to do a report on, and I ended up with Niger. You can probably guess how I pronounced it before I had to be corrected.

Love the detail on the Nigersaurus.

How did you pronounce it?

Especially its lips right? Gotta love the Nigersaurus


What will you feed your Nigersaurs?

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They really went all out on the Nigersaurus.

b-but what about the meteor


The resemblance is uncanny to be fair

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how do they keep getting away with it ?


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Everytime with you Nigersaurus sympathizers.

You guys realize it's pronounced Neye-jer, right?

Hi ResetEra

Most of this board is under 14

NIGERsaurus user it's right there

>nigersaurus dindu nuffin

So whats the first thing you guys will do with your Nigersaurus?

Shut your mouth you racist cunt.

>the gamer word
This made me chuckle. Thx user.

How are you supposed to pronounce it?

Niger, although some people argue Niger's the more colloquial way.

Jewesaurus propaganda


Always be wary when around the nigersaurus

Oh. Well I feel foolish.

I always assumed it was Niger

Negrosaurus sounds better

>negro saw us
horrifying thought

Hi .reddit

Is there a fatcockasaurus yet?

How did they get away with this

we truly live in a society aren't we?

What the fuck is wrong with white people?? Why would you use horrible racial slurs while naming a dino? .......

>The Nigersaurus arrived at Jurassic World!

I'm actually reading about the N-Wordsaurus and I'm learning some interesting factoids about Dinosaur biology in the process.

The deal with Negrosaurus was, like other herbivorous dinosaurs, they could not shew their cud and instead had to swallow stones that would rest in their stomach(s) and grind up the vegetation they could eat so they could more easily digest it. Now, this meant two things: one is dinosaurs didn't have cheeks because they didn't chew their food, the other is that dinosaurs without beaks who had to constantly 'grasp' and pull vegetation with their front teeth, always had their front teeth breaking or being pulled out.

Here's where things kind of get neat.
Modern day herbivores are retarded: when their teeth wear out they just die. Elephants grow I think 3 or 4 sets of teeth and then once they wear out their final pair they starve to death and die.
Dinosaurs, though, ALL OF THEM, grew their teeth back constantly like modern day Alligators/Crocodiles- even the Herbivores. Blacksaurus lead to this discussion because their teeth wore down so quickly they, on average, grew 1 new tooth back every 2nd week.

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But goyosauri, nigersaurus did nothing wrong. He is a good boy, he would never attack others or steal their eggs. Nosesaurus would never lie to you.

Despite making up just 13% of Jurassic World. The Nigersaurus accounts for nearly half of violent attacks.

It's a park game that has had steady updates and new content for over a year since release, occasionally new free content.
Biggest complaint I have is none of the dlc for the game ever goes on sell.

Newfags, though is still correct

>be caveman out for a stroll
>Find a nigersaurus
>"Sup nigersaurus"
>realize you forgot your N-pass back at cave
>get squished like a bug

Niger is a place you nigger

Science is racist.

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And who lives in that place, genius?


Then who lives in Nigeria?


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Is this game worth playing?


why would you name a dinosaur niggersaurus

ayo hol up

Do you like park building games and dinosaurs then sure.

Preferably on PC, game runs fine on consoles until you have a bunch of dinosaurs on 1 island then it tends to vo to shit

No way they didn't expect this kind of joke to happen

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based subsaharanafricasaurus

They found it on the blackest country of all Africa

Is it really racist if every race equally loathes niggers?

>caring about """"jokes"""" from socialy user rejects on Yea Forums
i have bad news for ou


The people who gave the species its name knew exactly what they were doing. You can't convince me otherwise

That twitter feed is full of niggers making faces about this announcement.

Based and Darwinpilled


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>Modern day herbivores are retarded: when their teeth wear out they just die. Elephants grow I think 3 or 4 sets of teeth and then once they wear out their final pair they starve to death and die.
Is not a fair comparison considering that mammal teeth are super specialized (just look at your teeth on a mirror) compared to reptile and dinosaur teeth which are all the same just copypasted and made smaller or bigger.
Most herbivores don't live long enough to starve to death and by they time that happens in elephants they are already fucking old tho. Is like when teeth fall out of old guys.
Pretty much every herbivore has countermeasures for the erosive power of plant matter like constantly growing teeth in rodents or specialized teeth roots that are way bigger proportionally than ours. These adaptations are specially important in those animals who eat grass (which has silicates that act like sandpaper on their teeth)

White people are so racist, constantly finding ways to humiliate and keep us black folk down

Can't wait for the Beninsaurus!

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>All the attention goes to Niggersaurus
>When Dryosaurs have been FINALLY added to the game
kinda sad desu

What did you expect?

haha it sounds like niggers

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Nothing different really, but it's still a bummer than a dino demanded since day 1 gets outshinned by a Niggeuropod

A guy on twitter did this and he isn't even black. Why isn't the whole site attacking him right now?

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feel sorry for this dinosaur being named after niggers

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fuck nigersaurus

The Nigersaurus is actually pretty popular within the dinosaur nerd community. Not just because of the name, but also because of how goofy it looks

Its actually pretty cute tho


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>has a long neck yet still feeds from the ground


Stop saying that word you racist fuck

The argentinosaurus is also named after nignogs yet nobody makes fun of it

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>Introducing: the Homalocephale!
>Introducing: the Dryosaurus!
>Introducing: the Nigersaurus!
Who knew so many people like the Nigersaurus

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These Justin Trudeau pictures are getting out of hand


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Oy very remember the 65 million years ago.

Of all the fucking hundreds if not thousands of dinosaurs they chose a nigersaurus, this had to be on purpose

>Discount dracorex
>Discount psitacosaurus
>cute potato sauropod
Even without the name he would get more replies

because its not accurate there is not a blunt in its mouth and the boots are laced

>not blaming the retards giving stupid name to dinosaurs

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Well Africa has a lot of fossils and that country is relatively near Niger so, it could eventually happen.
Sadly, there is not that much chance for an actual ctual BeniSsaurus

Its actually a pretty popular dino

Don't you talk shit about Dryosaurus bitch
They are cuter than manlet-triceratops


Tell these retarded children.


/niːˈʒɛər/ or /ˈnaJdʒər/

God damn it Carlos!

Where do you think the word nigger comes from you double niger


So is this game good now?

It was never really bad. Just a regular zoo game

>no hebresaurus
>no spiclodocus
>no chinkodactyl
>no pooloonychus
>no huemimus
>no cykadon
2/10 game

Argentinians are white

The meteor never really happened. It's just (((altirhinus))) trying to guilt-shame you into giving them more money

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yeah I'm thinkin they knew what they were doing



/pol/ is always right

I love this thread, I always like it when some of the spirit of old Yea Forums shows itself on here.

Did you mourn her today, anons

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Dr wu dlc added further gene mooding to important stats like social or habitat needs.
Claire’s adds paleobotany, a simple system to maximize herbivores. Its ok
The december dlc will add the highly requested aviary in a simple form.


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It's funny regardless of you age unless you're an embittered fuck. I feel sorry for you.

wtf you can't say the N word

>The december dlc will add the highly requested aviary in a simple form.

Wowowowowow- hold on, hold on.
Can you site that?
What do they intend on doing with the aviary? Because if we don't get to see actual different kinds of Pterdocatyl Birds flying around or whatever I kind of don't want them to do it.

Literally and unironically did nothing wrong and got punished the most.
Goodnight, my sweet princess

She didn't even do anything wrong

This. God bless you faggots.

To be fair, dying by the severe trauma of the chomp is a lot better than dying by getting pecked to death. Unless she survived the chomp and then died by getting digested. That'd suck.

Source: leak from march that 100% predicted the carnivore pack coming out the following day, claire’s dlc with paleobotany that literally noone believed, upcoming planet coaster (Ghostbusters pack) and elite dangerous dlcs and planet zoo features.
He just said it was simple. Once terrasaurs escape, they’re gone for good I think.

I'd rather mourn the fact that I'm never going to date the mutt-hating chink bitch with the tomboy haircut from the sequel

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>Unless she survived the chomp and then died by getting digested. That'd suck.

>Ameriplebs unaware of the nation of Niger, and that the animal takes its name from that

It's pronounced like the country - Neeg-air-saur-us.

Its just a new building with 10 plant options (pick 5), each boosts some animal types (sauropods, hadrosaurs, etc), and hurts others. You mix and match from what you grew in new feeders to get the most boost and no downside to whatever is in the exhibit you make. Best to just focus like 2-3 groups and leave the others with normal feeders imo.

It comes from Negro dumbass

American here. It's actually pronounced nee-jair retard.

Bringing on Raimi as a consultant was a bit of a mistake



>all these seething replies

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Wasn't there a whiny mutt nerd in the movie, and she was always angry with him? Also check'd

another artist to follow on pixiv, thanks user

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Of course

Oh, I thought she did something outside the movie. Yeah, that whiny negro nerd had it coming. I wouldn't have minded him being eviscerated by a cute dino.

And where does niger come from then stupid

>Huge teeth gap
If you're into Shadman you'll like her I guess

Sounds like 2019 tbqh

Yes but how is the game repetitive? I like both of those things but when it came out I heard it was a bit barren in content.

Nigerian here, its pronounced Kneeg-ear

nigger nigger my nigger nigger

exact same set of replies as earlier today, obvious bait thread, imagine being pathetic enough to value (you)'s

Despite being 13% of the dinossaur population the Niggersaurus contributed up to 50% of the extinction of the dinossaurs

you will never be a womyn

To be fair, constantly growing teeth can be a detriment if you don't manage to wear them down fast enough. If it gets out of hand, they're pretty much in the same boat of starving to death.