ITT: Vidya tropes you actually like
>Game establishes a safe zone where no enemies can spawn and you can stock up
>halfway through the game, suddenly enemies spawn in that safe zone
Any more games that do this? All i know of are Silent Hill and to a lesser extent XCom
ITT: Vidya tropes you actually like
I think resident evil 2 does this where zombies spawn in the main hall halfway through the game. Idk if it happens in the remake.
Did RE2 age well or should i go for the remake? Im usually put off by PS1 grafix
Demon's Souls, with Yurt.
It is pretty dated. This is coming from someone who grew up with it.It does still have pretty good scares here and there and the music is still top notch.
I haven't played the remake (aside from the demo) but from what i've heard and seen it is pretty good, if a bit different at times.
The better example of something like this in RE2 is the zombies that burst through the "door opening" loading animation.
I thought that was more common throughout the game
Dying Light has this.
You gotta dump the qualudes
But in RE2 save rooms are guaranteed to be safe which is more appropriate to what the OP is talking about. Even in REmake2 Mr. X will retardedly walk in place in front of save room doors because he's not allowed to enter.
Hallo Freund
Re2 remake mr x does enter the main safe room about halfway in the game, did you now play it?
Perfect Dark sort of.
>muh tropes
Complaining about tropes is the hallmark of a pseudo-intellectual faggot.
This thread isnt about complaining, you retard
>tropes you actually like
Implies that there is something inherently wrong with """""tropes""""".
Oh sorry, i didnt know i was conversing with an autist. Go back to your wrangler.
*huffs own farts*
>originality good
>le tropes bad
>final boss requires you to use every technique and skill youve learned in the game or else you'll get stomped
Also the fact that Exelcus is a pushover while the normal sized human that comes out is extremely fucking hard.
That sucks because the game is breaking the established rules.
SS ishinn was such an amazing fight.
Was armstrong that hard? He's just a guy and doesnt have weapons.
>Final area/stage themes is based on previous areas
>Alternatively, bosses are refought in chambers that are unique, yet slightly remeniscent of their original rooms (like the robot master refights in the Mega Man games)
>As a boss/area goes on, the music adds layers the further along you go.
I don't think having a glass viewing floor for visitors to watch elephants is safe.