Marie Rose
For me, it's Marie
gamer thread
Good thread
wait this isnt what I posted
shit taste
she is swedish so probably only taking your dick if you are jamal or mohammed
Definitely third on my list of DoA girls I wish I could be
overrated shitty pedobait that killed the series
For me it's Kasumi!
when I still played DoA
Marie wasn't even a character !
go back to twitter
watch these two posts get deleted within 10 minutes
I love my wife Ayane!
and people are retarded enough to get themselves banned for it
>get banned for 4 words while softcore porn stays up for hours
we live in a society
also learn to dodge bans
Are jannies actually mad at the coomer meme?
Very. Post a coomer wojak once and it's guaranteed to get deleted before the thread archives
No other pic or meme gets this reaction
>getting triggered over softcore threads
are you 14?
also keep spamming it and you will soon learn what ip-range ban means
Honestly the coomer meme helps me regulate my masturbatory habits. I skip a couple days every now and then because of it. Janny, you should get your shit together too.
Forced memes (especially those that involve copypasted wojaks) deserve to be terminated with extreme prejudice.
It's a cụmbrain thread.
This post has been up for literally 9 hours, unspoiled. Jannies have given up
Yeah cause threads like these are where mods get their fapping material
>ip range ban for typing 4 words a few times
top lel
meanwhile this
It seems all the nu-mods are just sexist pissbabies who would rather ogle barely legal titties than do their job
Why is there so much DoA porn
There really isn't. Overwatch has way more.
softcore game porn is still more gaming related than this forced twitter meme
I wish. People just post photos of the game or ripped models. I wanted more good old fanart.
Stay mad nigger. Waifuthreads will outlast your shitty gamerbrain 2.0 meme
They're annihilated purely on the principle that it's a reddit discord forcing it
Why do NORMIE FAGS have to ruin everything
Marie is shit
Reminder not to play the steam version of DoAVV
>log into steam VV
>get 100 rocks
>log into japanese VV
>get 5000 rocks and 4 free SSRs
There's no contradiction between these
But don't worry you'll be spamming "toomer" next month to refer to X cancer of the week
Fucking retard. I've never posted the stupid phrase and I live in waifu threads on Yea Forums, I was just posting relevant context.
What boring taste
she needs a more perverted face
You first spamnigger
What was the illusion game where you could download a 1:1 Marie Rose model
Such a cutie
Very nice.
her face will become perverted once I penetrate her cunny
Doesn't make it false
Still, rude.
Honey Select
Still not false.
Oh jannies! You left a few posts.
Won't somebody clean those up? They're preventing me from COOMING AAAAAAAAGH
I love Tamaki so much
>Jannies delete the butthurt fags screaming abou gamers but keep the thread up
Tamaki loves you too
But they're still leaving a few up.
Oh jannies! I can't fucking COOOM if there's a few insults up!
Post yfw the jannies are making discordtrannies seethe FOR FREE
I like Ayane, dont know why
Nyo deserves her own video game.
It's quite enjoyable to watch.
I started to like her because of the impregnation doujinshi by Minpei Ichigo.
Do you have her birthday suit?
I quite enjoy Honoka.
Never liked her, I hate her hair.
She's too old.
Moon wife
cute autist
Those are not realistic depictions of average women
This is the perfect wife.
Why's she gonna do a bellyflop?
I love Ayane very much!
Marie's butt is way too erotic.
To catch a ball
Ayane is way too perfect, how can anyone compete?
fuck you for posting such powerful coomer bait
not even the most powerful succubus could tempt a man so hard
Like this.
Like this
why is she dancing like that, is it a mating dance?
because there's no way i'm not putting it in
Who knows, hard to say with mythical creatures such as her.
Is it?
absolutely disgusting
You cannot convince me this is not the perfect butt.
What these games need next is a deep character editor.
It is a pretty cute hiney.
>ywn be this comfy
Stop posting brats, start posting women.
I want to have mix raced kids with Lisa!
ugly blue hair trash
>cooming to low res 3d models
sad honestly
based Marie Rose poster
So you can run into Ronald Mcdonald wnen playng online?
>not Ran Ran Ruuuuing Marie players
Don't worry about that rude man, I think bluenettes are cute.
child-birthing hips
You need to put a child in them first.
The pinnacle of peak performance.
That's not Ayane
built for knot
post imgur!
Bitch I will.
this thread made me break nofap
I feel nauseous, thanks
Why do you feel nauseous for masturbating?
I feel my connection with God weakening.
Shatter the chains that bind you.
Manhandling her tiny body.
That doesn't sound possible!
How does Marie's armpits smells like?
What game is this?
Jackie Chan.
Like fresh coconut
I already did it.
I want to make her a wife and mother.
Marie is the only good thing that came from sweden.
building ikea cabinets with marie
>TFW when I will never pop bitches with a Brute Shot like this again
Dying is easy. Living is hard
Marie Rose is more disgusting than surströmming.
I've been looking at this thread while having a conversation with my mother. I know she must be proud
At least you're not gay...?
I love traps
So not only gay, you're also in denial.
Your mother loves you user
I'm in the prime of my life, though! For the first time I'm SURROUNDED by beautiful women at college and NOW, all of a sudden, I'm into this he/she tranny chaser bullshit! I'm fucking lost and defeated.
>that plump buttock curve you can see from the side/front
Not exclusive to Marie but oh baby.
Hitomi, ja!
Cowtits have smoked your brain, my dude.
Goddess Worship Simulator 2019
Peenus Holiday
>He doesn't remember the Swedish Bikini Team
Admittedly it was from a time before the West officially outlawed large breasts.
I wish VV had options for swimsuit recolours.
Imagine actually believing this
For me it's Kasumi, Phase-4, Ayane, Momiji, Helena, Marie Rose, Honoka, Tina, Hitomi and Leifang
Why are the DOA girls so great and why can't I learn to play all of them
You are probably using the wrong head to think during gameplay.
I miss the user who used to post pictures of Marie while helping horny anons get off by talking lewd with them.
That's pretty gay.
Got me off so I don't care
>purely on the principle that it's a reddit discord forcing it
He was so out of character he was a really bad Marie ERPer
Go ask here:
Sounds extremely gay.
It's almost like the people that post in these threads are loser degenerate fatbodies
What's Marie's character to you and how did he break it
Hey, I'm too poor to be fat.
>Was going to rub one out to the oni
>Marie thread
Any Marie roleplayers wanna get fucked on Discord?
>too poor to be fat
Not to me, i mean compared to her canon one, he often sounded dominative and Marie clearly it's not.
DOA image dumps are usually pretty fluid. I don't think I've ever seen a 'character specific' one not become a dump of the entire roster.
link to unedited please?
Not available right now.
How old is she in the Japanese version?
She is 18 in every version.
Same age as in the english version
>lowering original resolution
Marie visiting a migrant camp in the woods!
Why would I play something that I can't read tho
extremely based
She's 11 but leave it to japan to say she's 18
Give me Hitomi and Lei Fang teaching Marie about the pleasures of yuri
Depends on who's browsing them, but Marie threads usually stay focused on her maybe 85-90% of the time, that is when they don't get deleted which is very common. For "anyone else's" threads they tend to flow more freely between all girls. Yesterday's thread was pretty nice in variety.
>t. DOA thread expert and own screenshot poster
3meg limit on 4channel
Which team would win?
Japan left their ages as-is for years, just hiding them via the N/A dodge for Americans, but triggered westerners still got their panties in a bunch about it.
>the pleasures of yuri
Hell yeah.
ahhh, just the thread I was looking for
Post more of her butt
I mean, she's very clearly pubescent.
Make me.
Remember, Honoka prefers the company of dogs.
Delet this. They're just friends.
Looks friendly to me
I worship that butt, please i need it.
>just friends
>he didn't get invited to their wedding
Oh yeah?
Yeah because the average woman today is a morbidly obese single mother of three.
Marie is not a licensed medical practitioner, do NOT listen to any health advice she gives you!
I want some sweets now.
I like Marie and Kanna. I like them at the same time.
Why, yes. I DO think about impregnating her all the time.
>boots on desk
wtf is wrong with her.
She advised me to fap to her every morning and before going to bed.
1014 year old woman
Last one. For further buttage refer to
RachelAlucard07 is this still you making these threads? You madman
>posting a brat with no womanly charms
You're not helping your case.
It's not me the one making them.
Thumbnail looked like oni was poking the Swede's cheek and bugging her. Kinda disappointed.
Why is she so perfect?
Holocaust: Marie Edition
>comments full of trannies
Sometimes, you need a bundle of cuteness over womanly features.
That's perfect wife material.
I can't wait for Infinite.
Where's the no pantsu ver?
They should put Kanna in DOA6. She's a demon surely she can fight.
She's got retard strength too
Too spicy for 4channel.
Perfection indeed.
Made for Latin American men.
I'm sure she's meant to be, but they didn't want to mess around with western prudishness. They've done this kind of thing since forever when western culture clashes with their own. See Kanna being 1014. It's not like TN invented the practice.
>Thread the other day has user say that if you upgrade the trend SSR's skill level it increases the drops you get
>Get a second one of Honker's SSR today and upgrade it
>No difference at all
Why did you lie to me?
As an aside, I checked all my SSRs and I have 46 of them, of which 9 are Ayane. That's 20% of my SSRs being Ayane when I have never rolled on her rate up banners.
I'm just here for the sponge baths.
Not true at all, she is pretty devious, I'd say she knows how cute she is and knows how to manipulate you into thinking she is helpless/innocent
Does Marie really like it that rough?
Bonuses almost always apply only on max awakening.
Want to bite into those cheeks
Yes she'll do anything for a BBC
That's true, but that's also what i mean, that user never sounded helpless nor innocent.
More like Penetration indeed
>when your screenshots get reposted
Very nice.
>that tranny tumblr art
These cheeks are for tender loving only.
Bros I need your help... Marie doesn't get me erected anymore.
Usually it's the other way around but for me it's the opposite.
Instead thick fertile mature woman with smelly hairy armpits like Nyotengu right after she's done with her cardio suddenly squats down and takes a massive angry shit infront of you while looking at back at you with a smug face gets me rock hard.
Kill yourself faggot.
That's me, I'm still around, but my whole IP range was banned from posting images, so it feels weak without being able to add pictures to my post. Sorry about that, I'd get a pass but I don't have BTC
marie and nyo are the best DOA girls by far
Fap to Helena then. She's blond and blue-eyed like Marie and she's Mari's master, which is kinda like being her mom.
i'm more into honoka x marie myself
I'm interested...
>mature woman
Cute peepee.
Creampie Tamaki, Kokoro and Helena!
Why so many Maries nudes? Is that a mod?
No it's official. Didn't you know? We have official DOA nudes on a non CERO-Z game. Retard.
Why is she so sadistic?
I'm about to give my millions to this sexy little devil.
Well she's not arousing so it's fine.
God I wish that was me. I bet I could take the full force of that attack.
I already did that twice
It's not supposed to hurt, she only uses it after she destroyed you so badly you can barely move anymore, for humiliation purposes.
Me on the right.
Woof woof, bark bark
I want to be humiliated by her butt.
>generic anime skank
I'd like Marie more if she acted like pic related.
I want to have sex with Marie Rose in her cute 13-year-old girl butt!
You don't really have a say in the matter user.
Retardera poster detected
Marie isn't 13 anymore, user
>series is such a joke as a fighting game that it has to go full gachashit to stay alive
I want to lick Marie and Kanna
You'll be posting this in Shit Fighter threads in a few years.
I want to take sexy baths with Marie.
This. I bet some people in here have spent over 5 grand for naked 11 year old clothes
Marie's hair is perfect for keeping those screenshots advertisement friendly.
I want to breed the Swede and cuddle afterwards
What's it like knowing you'll never be a woman
That, and the right poses.
>needing to false flag to defend jerking off to pubescent girls in an anime gambling sim
In what fucking universe? She could easily be over 16. Hell, my half Swedish cousin looked this young when she was 21.
Nah, 2 minutes of research will reveal she is physically an 11 year old.
Me. No regrets.
Ignore the schizos, post more marie
Petite is perfection.
She looks like a normal woman prior to the Great Fattening of the last 30-40 years
What did you post to deserve that?
>She looks like a normal woman
>same height and weight as an 11 year old japanese girl
Bad Marie ERPing
32 year old japanese woman
Unf, that butt deserves to be worshipped.
A mature japanese woman is 6 inches taller and weighs twice as much as Marie. That's quite a bit when they're not over 5'3"
I do it everyday by sacrificing my milions.
i need more of this marie!
Uncensored ones on the /e/ thread
>Admitting you're crossposting red board porn child porn on a blueboard
fuck off tranny
>Thinking you can post child porn on a blue board without being called out as a pedo
fuck off tranny
i know, but i still need more!
nyo & marie
>Being this sensitive to being called out for being a completely irredeemable piece of shit that jerks off to prepubescent girls
Just ignore this dumb faggot and keep posting Marie to spite him.
He looks like he just put on a fucking wig and calls himself a girl.
Dead or Alive? More like just Dead.
What would make this game more enjoyable? Beach ball tournaments with randomly generated girls?
>Having to calm down your fellow diaper wearing pedophiles because they're so deep in denial
now we talking
And yet here you are, willingly entering a Marie thread yourself.
>Implying I don't occasionally pop in to watch you seethe
because you're falling for a literal discord/reddit meme and thinking it's hilarious
You came here to fap but feel conflict within yourself and try to express it. It's okay user.
>Everybody's just as big of a piece of shit as me
There's nothing more pathetic than a pedo in denial
a lot of outfits reveal so much of the body that it's practically naked, like the string jewel one whatever that one is, so it's not really too hard comparatively speaking to just add some nipples and genitals to it
that's opposed to a lot of game models where the unseen portions of body are deleted to avoid slowing the graphical processing time