The only time Yea Forums created a game was in 2012

>the only time Yea Forums created a game was in 2012
>it wasn't even made by Yea Forums, but by Yea Forums
>it was only a visual novel (considered by many to not be a game at all)
How come we've never been able to harness our creative energy into collaborative projects of any worth? It's not like amateur projects aren't a diamond dozen on other forums. Yeah there's /agdg/ but that's a bunch of silly gooses trying to make games by themselves.

Minecraft and Yandere Sim don't count, they were solo projects.

Attached: katawa-shoujo-17440-2560x1600.jpg (2560x1600, 841K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yea Forums

What about pokemon clover

creating a game is really hard, a VM is pretty much a glorified “choose your own adventure” comic book. The only thing you need is an artists and somebody who understands basic coding.
Yea Forums has been creating music for what, 5 years now?

Yea Forums can't collaborate, we tried making a Yumme Nikki fangame and it died after a couple months, there's no creative energy here, just losers trying to one-up each other for le epic comeback dopamine rush.

Too many tards are here now, anyone even attempting it would get shitposted into oblivion, and even if it didn't the tards would latch on and would end up ruining the project. If you tried to make a VN on modern Yea Forums you'd probably have a bunch of cucks that would want ironic "humor" and niggers in it.

>Yea Forums has been creating music for what, 5 years now?
That's different

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Literally the best-selling video game ever made was made by a frequent Yea Forums user and had its grassroots start on Yea Forums from almost the very beginning.
>Minecraft doesn't count

>there's /agdg/ but that's a bunch of silly gooses trying to make games by themselves
Collaborations are already a massive pain in the dick, you're very unlikely to find any actual professionals willing to work with you through an anonymous weeaboo imageboard populated by teenagers and degenerates. Making a game, even just a visual novel that you can put together in Renpy, is a huge multimedia effort and any creative type is going to want to deliver their vision exactly as they imagine it even if they're unable or unwilling to most of the work.
It is a fucking miracle Katawa Shoujo even became presentable never mind actually released and was as good as it is, and even then the team wasn't at all cohesive and professional, they went through well over a dozen people outside of the core five writers (even among them there were rewrites and replacements). They were lucky enough to have passionate, talented and generous people help them. Sebastian Skaf composed the amazing soundtrack by himself, for free. Mike Inel spent a whole year making professional quality animations for the game and routes' intro cutscenes, for free. Tons of artists contributed on sprite work, backgrounds and CGs at every stage of the project, for free.
The game is a passion project and labor of love on every level and it'd be a miracle if we ever see anything like it from here again.

Attached: KatawaShoujo.jpg (1572x2000, 1.37M)

I remember playing an RPG Maker game made by Yea Forums where nyanners was a tarantula who lived in your room, and one of the town's background music was the Seinfeld theme. I can't recall its name though.

Excessive irony is just beyond cringeworthy and it killed this site

Wasn't Hopoo also a Yea Forumsirgin?

Attached: 328244-risk-of-rain-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 43K)

We COULD do something like that.
OR we could shitpost all day long.

>Yea Forums creates vidya
>Yea Forums creates music
>Yea Forums creates manga
This place doesn't make any sense

>How come we've never been able to harness our creative energy into collaborative projects of any worth?
Because Yea Forums is a normie site now, and normies generally put their energy to equally stupid and pointless but less autistic endeavors

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>collaborative projects of any worth
Who decides what has worth?
I think Katawa Shoujo is a great "game".
It holds value to me, and it's good they won't be able to ruin it with an "official" sequel.
There is also Unteralterbach. Sure, that was krautchan, but posters from over there are most certainly also here.

Also, remember any time "we" did any bigger collaborative project, it ruined the site forever. Be it Occupy or the 2016 election.
If it ruins the site, it should at least be something worth it.

He was and might still be, but even if he was he can't say shit anymore unless his games get stuck with our stigma, which I would really hate to see. He deserves better.

Wasnt that /vp/?

so what number their general is by now?

Yea Forums and /gd/ makes sense


Well, manga are comics.
Even Japanese call them that: コミック

making a video game is far tougher than any other if you're uncoordinated

we have a "hidden" board with its rules' both on its sticky & the main rules page defeating the point of being hidden, by being on the main rule thing

>How come we've never been able to harness our creative energy
most people don't have the slightest idea what creative energy even looks like.

you know how there are people who spend time going outside somewhere to yell on streets with cardboard signs and think they're changing the world? as if that's how the structure of the world works? this is further than that. to have someone else change something existing is easier than bringing something into existence yourself. the vast majority are not even in not even wrong territory. in their heart of hearts they can't tell the difference between making a videogame over years and watching a video analysis of a videogame in 20 minutes. that's why they can do the latter so confidently.

A game is a considerably larger project than music, not saying it's easy making music, but there's a lot more that goes into game development and the moment people on Yea Forums organize something that takes a lot longer than a month to actively work on, it's very likely people lose interest/shitty drama happens that will kill the project for good.

>Katawa Shoujo was that fucking long ago
Man...good times.
Damn good times.

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shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru

Chapter Master

What board?

overall subnormal intelligence

creating a game with people in real life is hard enough, cant imagine making one with anonymous people

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>>the only time Yea Forums made a game was 2012

Forgetting something? Maybe a game that was first posted here and asked for feedback? A game that one guy worked on for a long time; continually taking the suggestions, comments, and critiques of Yea Forums to improve his game? A game that - eventually - became one of the biggest, most recognizable pieces of video game culture of the past decade, perhaps of all time?

Man, it's on the tip of my fucking tongue, but I'm too much of a newfag to guess what's behind the spoiler.

Attached: thread over.jpg (246x246, 18K)

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Katawa will likely never be replicated, it came from a time where people still believed in Yea Forums and the power of community, look at us now. Oh, I mean the good boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums was and will always be dogshit so there's nothing to expect from this place

now read the rest of the op

Attached: Rin.jpg (3507x2480, 3.6M)

Which girl did anal again? Was was the pink drills girl's disability?

The cutest thing on no legs

Attached: emi.jpg (800x600, 348K)

We tried ;_;7

Bless you Greth.

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Fucking kill yourself, you pathetic nigger

>Normies never create anything
Imagine being so far up your own ass that you're high 24/7 from huffing your own farts

i wish emi was real so i could cut off her arms

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can you fuck the drills?

Attached: anal.png (1000x844, 362K)

Plenty of stuff has started on Yea Forums, it just doesn't stay Yea Forums. Also it is monstrously difficult to organize a project through Yea Forums alone and these days nobody wants to group up outside of here for fear of drama or whatever. Spoiler alert, coordination is key for a single group project, a full video game isn't something you can easily just slap together with user submissions like a Yea Forums sings.

99,99% of anons are (bad) idea guys and when push comes to shove no one can code or draw.

wasn't there a yume nikki fan game being made by people from here? whatever happened to that?

As a matter of fact, yes, you can.

just go on over to the game dev general on /vg/

Attached: AGDG.png (2053x1781, 1.69M)

Pic related was made by a guy from Yea Forums. He also gave out like a thousand free keys for it in a single thread.
Pretty fun game.

Attached: DieSiiOVsAASpxg.png (616x353, 259K)

>mostly woajacks

Crapawa Shitjo is not a game.

Fucking Onsokumaru, shut the fuck up.

this image gives me physical pain

did you even read the post
>it was only a visual novel (considered by many to not be a game at all)
it says it right there

excellent, that's the only girl who tickles my pickle

too bad she's gay

Are you new or something

Still in development but shits going slow. Enough people are dedicated to keeping it going that its unlikely to die out but its a very slow process so far

yes, i'm new because i can read

KS may be weak in writing, but damn if it isn't a masterclass case study of the chemistry of art.
The music and the art came together as the second most immersive thing I've ever played, second to the original 2 Thief games.

It's a meme you dip

He's calling you new because you don't recognize the single biggest KS meme from when it came out.

Here's the latest build BTW spoiler is the current map

Attached: Current Map.png (1240x1193, 79K)

It might not have the best writing but fuck me if it didn't completely wreak havoc on my emotions the first month it was out. I've wanted to go through it again so many times but I don't think it'll hit me the same way.

glad to see it's still being worked on at least

is that her disability? do you get to fuck the gay out of her?

I wouldn't say the writing is weak, I'd only particularly praise Rin's route but nothing in the other routes is stand-out bad (except maybe the drama in Emi's route hinging on Hisao not realizing the most obvious thing in the world but the payoff is worth it), it's more a problem of lack of cohesion/direction which is very understandable considering how it was written.
Like Shizune's route usually gets pointed at as the bad one, but that's because it's a lot more of a slice-of-life comedy-drama thing and the romance (and Shizune) takes a backseat as it goes on. The writing itself is alright, has some of the best comedy scenes in the game, it's just not what people wanted/expected from it.

>I don't think it'll hit me the same way.
The music brings it all back every time I hear it.

Attached: rin.png (800x600, 586K)

she doesn't even have her own route, fucking her is the only choice that matters in the deaf girl's route and it's not even a full sex scene

Nope, you fuck her in one of the bad endings because she feels abandoned by her best friend/crush

well feuck, into the trash this shit game goes

Well I’m a unityfag and I would like to help make one. Really just need to make a thread on /vg/ and then we shitpost ideas until we find one we like. Then I can at least setup the repository and website to get things rolling.

I don’t have time anymore to project manage but I can put in a lot of PRs

imagine the smell hahaha

the rape in hanako's route is some of the worst and most hamfisted "writing", if it can even be called that, I've ever read

I was helping make a vm and the guy leading it was a total sperg.

He fired me because the artist didn’t like me. Then fired the artist a week later. Still doesn’t have a game 3 years later but somehow gets 300 a month on patreon.

You are better off not playing the game for that, indeed. The deaf girl's route is absolute total shit, and NTRing her with drills is only good part.

making a videogame requires a triple digit iq, which most of the mouth breathers here don't have

>not understanding social situations
>spending countless hours trying to adjust to her wavelength and understand a 10th of what's going through her head
It'd be a long hard journey user. It might be worthwhile though. It's funny, Rin's route was the only one I completed. I've never taken the time to go back and complete the other routes.

Coding is honestly the only thing that requires any form of intelligence. The music, art, and story are all tied in through the code.

because none of you faggots can program a game worth shit nor coordinate a project like this

also, most of you have horrible taste in vidya

Attached: 1568797904318.jpg (628x676, 41K)

/tg/ has also made at least one game I can think of. Yea Forums makes music, /pol/ makes television, Yea Forums makes video games, etc. No Yea Forums board can ever come together to make the thing that their board is about. The fact that you go to Yea Forums means that you are a huge autist about vidya. You can't cooperate on a video game with a bunch of other game autists, the autism is too strong. Too many disagreements. It's solo or nothing. But you can cooperate with them on anything else you feel like.

>year of our lord 2019
>still can't hug misha

Risk of rain started in the /agdg/ threads over at /vg/

Yea Forums can't collaborate on larger projects anymore.
No one actually wants work together on something, and games take a lot of cooperation to get anywhere.
There'd just be "ironic" shitposting and stupid drama everywhere.
Plus most people here are idea guys who can't actually draw or code or anything like that.