>Press C to crouch
Press C to crouch
>Press Esc to close the game
>It doesn’t even open a menu or ask to confirm, it just closes the game immediately
A true boomer would know that Z is crouch.
I bind C to crouch first thing in any game. If a game has items: Z goes back and X goes forward through them and F uses them. Everything else I change on a case by case basis.
>press f1
>get a screen outlaying basic controls and information about the game
Wish games had stuck with this. It was so refreshing to see it in Ion Fury.
Press Ctrl to shoot
>crouch toggle
>ironsight toggle
CTRL is for hold to hold, C for crouch toggle.
>press space to shoot
Only reason I hate ctrl is because I never played piano
I don't remember that. In original Doom it was CTRL to shoot, space to open doors
post more quake hampigeons you retarded boom booms
>try to remember the good old times
>remember that I had to costumize the keyboard every time because devs were autistic
thank god for a standard after quake
Quake doesn't have WASD default.
>no mouse look.
even in Duke Nukem/Blood the mouse lok thing was actually rare to play it with
>press C to crouch
>press Ctrl to P O W E R S L I D E
Build's mouse aiming is really shit, there is a fanmade fix for it but it still isn't great. Then there's the inherit distortion when aiming vertically because of how the game engine works.
>press Z to prone
after quake you frigging dork
>Press R to reload weapon.
>have to take finger off WASD to crouch
True retard option
>j to jump
>s to shoot
Even Quake 2 still isn't WASD default. Half Life was though. There were still games that used other setups as default after Half Life like Thief and System Shock 2. It wasn't really a standard until the 2000s.
>m-my finger will get lost if I stray too far
>Half Life
>le autoaim for people without mouse
You can just turn it off. Most if not all FPS games back then had the auto aim toggle on by default. I don't know how much of an effect it has in games when using mouselook.
CTRL is ALWAYS crouch
shift is ALWAYS sprint
X is ALWAYS prone
Although I appreciate that the benefit of PC is player choice I stand by my opinion that anyone who differs from my choices here is a fag
I agree.
Ctrl-crouch only makes sense in games where crouching and sprinting are necessarily distinct states (i.e. move slow vs move fast). C-crouch is much more comfy in games which use sprint to shift IF there are reasons you would need to sprint and crouch simultaneously or in quick sequence (e.g. sliding maneuvers).
Trying to roll your pinky from shift down onto ctrl while still holding shift is hell.
What games require you to press sprint + crouch at the same time without making sprint a toggle?
>tfw left ctrl key broke so I have to rebind crouch to c every single time I play a new game
I didn't choose the boomer life, the boomer life choose me
Z in prone
X is fire modes
if you run and crouch in insurgency you can make a slide
>3d game
>arrow keys to move
>press alt+f4
>game crashes
I haven't played Insurgency but I imagine it would have a sprint toggle function, right?
X is prone because it's easier to hit it with your index finger. Z is awkward since you have to take your middle finger off S or contort your ring finger or thumb. Z can fuck off, I don't use Z for anything. It's an overflow key.
C for change fire mode
>press q and e to strafe
>E to jump
>Space to interact
>but I imagine it would have a sprint toggle function, right?
Not by default
Press ``unbinded key`` to use special skill
>those flash games that always had the controls mapped to either z, x and c or i, o and p
Warframe. Sprint must be held since tapping produces a dodge roll (if you use toggle sprint it has to be its own button since you need the dodge roll and that belongs on Shift much more than the sprint toggle). Sprinting into a crouch is your slide and/or your aerial dive kick.
Crouching is also essential to your bullet jump maneuver, and maximum speed is achieved by double jumping out of your bullet jumps at the apex, dodge rolling for maximum horizontal acceleration in air, then triggering a divekick-into-slide and keeping your crouch on so you can bullet jump again. So the entire game becomes a kind of finger gymnastics of
>hold sprint
>tap and hold crouch while holding sprint
>tap jump while holding crouch
>tap jump again
>tap sprint
>tap and hold sprint
>tap and hold crouch while holding sprint
and then you just sort of rinse and repeat, very quickly. All while holding W, and also occasionally A and D as navigation warrants.
It's hell on the pinky. But if you use your index finger on C to crouch, it's much more comfortable.
>Diagonal Inputs are done by pressing Vertical Arrow Key + Horizontal Arrow Key
press [RT] to fire
What is the tactical advantage of that picture?
a true boomer wouldn't know what crouch is
>thumb in the lower right corner
It's too real
If you don't have a numpad you are a tranny
>sprint toggle with stamina
>Press E for light Melee
>Press Q for heavy Melee
>they can't be rebound to the mouse buttons
so many problems with the PC port of this game
This game was a lot of fucking fun
It was, but the PC port is just such a fucking mess, control-wise.
I really wish someone would mod a fix like they did for Near a Tomato.
>flashgame has Z and X as primary buttons
>have a European keyboard
>has no thumb
True amputee
best in stealth games
C - toggle crouch
Strg - crouch
Ctrl - crouch
Shift - run
Caps lock - toggle crouch
Tab - toggle run
>invert y axis
The heck does it even mean.
Shift - crouch
C - toggle crouch
No sprint because no good game has ever had a sprint button.
>Press Page Up to look up
>Press Page Down to look down
How I miss the good old days
>Q and E are "lean" or strafe
>press m for monster reddit memes
What kind of people even use lean
What about Super Mario Bros?
>Not having plenty of keys on your mouse to bind lean, shoulder swap and grenades to
Will never understand why people still use 5 button mice in 2019
E is always use
Q is always special ability/skill
G is always for grenade
>hold F to use
>pressing F is enough
This, but G as a grenade key is too out of the way. Grenade goes on mouse button 3 which for me is my ring finger.
G is ok for switching grenade types though
good players
WASD, F,C,V, B, E, Q, R, LShift, LTab, Space
Q is the last weapon.
>Not using Ctrl by pressing it with the side of your palm beneath the pinky
lmaoing at ur life
That's called a joint user.
sorry,only kid's games have this kind of tutorial
Imagine actually using WASD lol
You must have really small hands
it's actually prone
I also arch the hand, kind of like the claw grip
>press shift to crouch
>He didn't beat Doom keyboard only
>has never played MOHAA online
Holy shit, this is exactly what I do. Do you use V for prone as well? Tab for map?
>hold Shift for focused movement
>press ctrl to crouch a bit
>press ctrl+shift to crouch more
>press it too much
>This shit happen
stop jerking off on your keyboard
>press _ (nothing) to jump, the character will do this automatically
>ctrl goes full prone
>guy below shoots
>recoil makes the guy above go back and forth
>guy above loses balance, falls forward and shoots the RPG on at the guy below
What about Half-Life 2? All things considered it is still a good game and it has a "sprinting" mechanic disguised as HEV suit's auxiliary power.
half life 2 isnt a good game
>There are people here who STILL haven't migrated to RAGE
>that pic
hello oblivion bro