Nintendo switch

I think it’s safe to say that Nintendo won

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It has the same left joy-con stick drift probably that launch Switch had, except there's no way to replace the joy-con on the Lite because it's not removable. Blunder of the decade.

Won what?

It won gamers hearts

yesterday was the first time i saw a switch being played in public and it was exactly like the stereotype described by Yea Forums


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Based nintenposter

Well mine was a few weeks ago and it was a cute grill. That was in Switzerland though.

already hacked the 2017 model and I can dock it

Cool but the switch lite is just so comfy

nothing is comfy about paying thousands of dollars for games

God I wish I lived in Switzerland

Was him a gigachad?

Those spam posts are entertaining.

>skinny pale guy
>cheap, worn down cloths
>kinda awkward when in conversation
>chose to sit next to me instead of on his reserved place next to my fiancee
>smelled of sweat by the end of his playing session
we only talked a bit but the essence was he only booked first class because he heard everyone gets an power-outlet. I offered him mine so he could charge his switch while playing.

Stick drifting was a meme made up by angry snoy bois and never was an issue unless you went out of your way to put shit under the stick

Rent free

it'd be cool if they invented one of these but it'd connect remotely to the dock, like wii u in reverse

That's comfy af, spending money releases endorphins, not that you could relate, I suspect

I buy anime figures

Mommy let's you use her cc? Or does she get them for you?

>has so much expendable income that he over paid for first class just to use an outlet

Sounds like a Chad to me.

How are the sticks? Are they better quality than the joycons?

No it's not retard stop falseflagging

Yeah it was, snoy's are that desperate to justify their drought

I have all the consoles and my switch i bought during Christmas last year has connection drops and drift constantly. Never any of my other consoles have gave me these type of issues.

Mine works fine maybe stop trading your toys like a child

Another fairy tale. Keep seething.

>thinking about buying a switch
>think back to when i bought a n3ds
>remember that I have no interest in nintendo first party games
>remember that there is little third party support
>remember that my n3ds has sat gathering dust for the past 2 years
>also remember that I've already played the definitive version of Breath of the Wild on PC and it was meh
>already own Crash Team Racing on PS4
>don't go out often enough to justify the portability - prefer music anyway
>realize it has no games
>save my money instead

>he bought a ps4

>lose gen race
>just release a new console early with the only difference being "you can take it out the house now"
>claim its a whole new gen
>race in new gen completely alone until PS5 or Xtwo comes along
>claim ultimate victory

k den

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Im not gonna argue most of that because its a lot of it is opinion and personal likes but
>remember that thereis little third party support
I'm gonna have to give Nintendo some credit here, they atleast made an attempt at it this time around instead of the almost zero effort of the WiiU to get third party/indie devs onto the platform.

Attached: dragonlolidrinking.gif (127x128, 201K)

I bought a switch and really enjoy it, but I had to stop playing because the drift was fucking up my ability to play

>calling others out for being consolebros in a switch thread

The Switch got good exclusives and portability.

You forgot:
>remember that I have absolute shit taste and need to off myself as soon as possible.

>has so much expendable income
I guess that's one way to call money you get from mom.

What else is there? I don't care for Mario or Splatoon.

idc about portability though, thats a subjective bonus, not an objective one. If Nintendo released a console only version of switch with one pro controller for £199 i would buy that for the exclusives. As it stands its not worth it for those first party games.

Xbox one

Be honest with me, is the new switch worth it? I'm literally on the way to my local game shop right now and they're selling the old switch for way cheaper with estore credit as well on top.

You bought crash team racing, but you aren't interested in any of nintendos IPs?

I grew up with a Playstation 1/Sega Master System II. Never played anything Nintendo outside of a couple games on a Wii (Donkey Kong Country Returns was pretty good, Mario Galaxy put me to sleep) until I bought the n3DS/emulated BotW. CTR is my jam and I was playing it through emulation all the way up until the remake.

Why would you even want a lite if the old version is already cheaper?

You just have a huge nostalgia boner for sony then. I guess there is no fixing that.

I assume the same about people who vehemently defend Nintendo as if they can do no wrong. Most of Sony's first party titles/exclusives are garbage this generation as well. Easily the worst decade of vidya.

Finally a portable gamecube, without gamecube games.

Nintendo already won with the switch
The switch lite is a piece of garbage that works to undo that win, I can't believe their are people on this board that were fucking dumb enough to buy one.

>remember that there is little third party support
>console has over 2500 games and it hasn't been 3 years yet
>every single time it gets a game Yea Forums was NEVER EVER, it throws the board into a shitfit
>got Witcher III, Ori, Doom 2016, Wolfenstein, Bayo 1-3, Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain, and a bunch of other shit I can't be bothered to list out
You absolute retard. Bitch about all the opinionated shit you want, but don't go spouting misinformation like it's fact.

>already played it, already played it, already played it, already played it (1, didn't like it), not interested, not interested

PC/Switch master race obliterates the need for Xbox/PSX

I have no interest in the mini. Great that it's more optimal for travel usage, but the fact it doesn't dock kills it for me, clearly a model I wouldn't be interested in.
I hear the new regular Switch models are better than the old hardware, but I'm contemplating if waiting for the announcement on the Pro is even worth it.

Mine works fine, must just be you.

>Won what?
The wet t-shirt contest, motherfucker!

I'm gonna wait for the flaws to start propagating in reviews from extended use
I'm thinking it will be $179 or less by the holidays via sales anyway

>no way to replace it
lol you’ve never did a complete tear down of your portables

I'm talking about new battery switch not lite

Meant for

Won the ability to dab on the Vita's grave
*Omega dabs*

remember when ninteniggers talked shit about the vita and fast-forward to now they're in the same spot of begging to ports because no games

OP: nintendo-fans are still mad over how horrible the Wii actually is as a console hahahhaha imagine playing games on that thing haahahahaha.