fucking hell, I just beat this guy and I'm still fucking mad. Everything this guy does breaks the established rules of the game and is designed to literally shorten lifespans. This is a completely luck-based boss. The only reason I won is because after dozens of tries, he finally didn't do one of the things that makes it impossible to win.
First, he can add a kick to any of his combos, whenever he wants, closing any openings he has, literally whenever the fuck he wants. Secondly, he has a 3-hit combo that he can do, whenever he wants, closing any of his openings, and killing you instantly. Thirdly, his attacks are so fucking meta that it hurts, it's literally specifically designed to make you roll early and then punish you out of the roll.
>I'm gonna raise my weapon and hit you right about...JUST KIDDING NOW I'M HITTING YOU LOL
it's so meta, it's like the developers watched how people played and designed the game to frustrate them.
This guy takes the cake though for most unfair boss I've experienced in any dark souls game, period. Every other boss in dark souls history can be reliably learned and beaten. No matter how many times you die, you know it was something you could improve. Little by little you got better and better until you learned all the animations and eventually won. There's absolutely no reliable way to learn this boss. He has no openings. Literally every single "opening" he has can be closed whenever he wants, either by an attack that hits you while you're attacking, or a delayed attack that hits you as you roll away. Therefore there is no reliable strategy, it's completely luck-based.
I honestly want to murder whoever invented this boss and just shortened my life via stress.
The only thing I can even think of is parrying, but of course parries are completely unreliable in this game so who knows. Is this literally a boss that can only be reliably learned through parrying?
Fucking hell, I just beat this guy and I'm still fucking mad...
Other urls found in this thread:
git gud
Git gud. You can beat Champ without even rolling if you know his moves.
Maybe candy crush is more suitable for you
ah here's the git gud police right on time to pretend like they didn't struggle and get lucky just like everyone else. this boss has no openings, it's purely a shot in the dark whether or not you can hit him without getting hit, period. Every single attack he has can have a kick/combo added to it to close the opening at any time.
I summoned samurai, hit him with spells and after musashi died i buffed my sword and wacked him. Took me 3 tries. Maybe you should change yout playstyle if it's that frustrating. You're supposed to have fun.
>using summons
>being a spellcaster
your opinion is worthless, please leave
I played every playstyle in these games already. You should play the way you enjoy. Unless you're doing challenge runs or roleplaying, no reason to not using every tool and moving on.
It's literally the tutorial boss with like 2 extra moves Jesus Christ
you seem upset your blogpost didnt get moore likes. heres another (you) for ya. hope you feel better champ :)
>complain about difficulty
>boss can be parried
literally git gud
I actually thought Gundyr is in the top 5 best designed bosses in the souls series and is an absolute clinic in boss design
no I expected this pathetic grandstanding behavior, I wanted to see what you'd guys have to say. Clearly you'll stoop to any level to feel good about yourselves so I wanted to see what you'd say about a boss that literally does not have any openings and is purely luck-based. As I suspected, you just pretend to be pro gamers and pretend like you didn't struggle when most of you probably used summons and other lame shit.
those two extra moves close all of his openings. Dark Souls is a game series about A)dodging B)hitting during an opening and c)dodging the next attack. repeat. This boss breaks the formula. He has no reliable openings, you have to hope that he doesn't close his opening when you make your attack, and you have to guess whether or not he's going to do that attack that hits you while you hit him, or hits you while you roll away.
so you have to parry him to reliably beat him, whatever. that's fucking dumb but whatever, parrying is ridiculously unforgiving in this game unless you have a parry-specific tool.
he's a dark souls boss that doesn't have any reliable openings and requires luck unless you master parrying. fuck that
>using a shit
>not 2h an UGS the entire way through
fucking faggot
>gets filtered by the literal tutorial
Are you the guy that makes all those trannyera "we need an easy mode" threads?
>no I expected this pathetic grandstanding behavio
>i came here to get mogged and bullied like a little slut
i see
better get on your knees then and let us have our way with you
I unironically agree with everything u said. Except evry boss is using the same delay tactic before he swings. I still beat it but its bullshit and cheap
I beat this boss before making the thread. I got lucky, just like anyone else who didn't use range, summons, or parrying.
it amuses me how hard you try to act hardcore. a game can literally be a lottery and you'll still say "git gud."
Bait him to do his forward jump attack and roll straight at him then punish
Been a while but I think you can also riposte him
let me repeat for the third time: I beat this boss before making this thread
He was piss easy. Just use a faster weapon like the Millwood axe and roll through the attacks
Quite literally acquire proficiency. THE CHAMP is unironically one of the most fun and well-designed bosses in the entire game, in spite of the fact that he's just a big guy in armour.
What you need to understand is that the kick he throws out is specifically designed to attempt to catch you when you think you're safe and as a result becomes pretty predictable. Despite the kick and the fact that he can (and will) pull off many spectacular combos, he still has plenty of openings that can easily be exploited. If you truly spent as long as you claim you did trying to beat him then eventually you should have realized that it's not RNG and that he has specific triggers that practically guarantee certain attacks at certain times.
There is absolutely no such thing as "impossible" in this game.
>I beat this boss before making this thread
by luck which means you didn't basically
this doesn't contradict what I've said. I've acknowledged that parrying could be a reliable way to win, I find it annoying that the dodge/attack playstyle simply isn't.
what triggers those special attacks is dependent on what you do. if you roll away, he does the attack that catches you. if you stay, he does the kick. you have know way of knowing which one he's do, so you have no way of knowing which action to take.
I guess I was just suppose to parry him, whatever. Didn't realize they were forcing that on us now
>you have no way of knowing which one he's gonna do
but you literally just said what causes those attacks and that means you DO know what he's gonna do at a given moment. Come on man this is the exact same kind of memorization the rest of the game demands.
you're missing the point. It doesn't matter if you know because he can choose whichever one fucks you over. If you stay, he can choose the one that fucks you. If you roll, he can choose the one that fucks you. you have to hope he doesn't choose the one that fucks you.
I find champ to be easy as shit running melee, spellcasting on the other hand is a struggle. I will say most bosses Abyss Watchers on up turn the game into rocket tag.
It doesn't fuck you over, because you can still dodge it unless you've already committed to an unsafe attack. Stop making excuses. You've seen his moveset, you know how his attacks work and what causes specific attacks to be used at specific times. You have all of the tools and answers required, so stop being a little bitch. There's never been a boss in the entire series that can randomly become unbeatable due to bad RNG or whatever the fuck it is you little bitch babies decide to blame in lieu of taking responsibility for your lack of skill.
yeah he is hard and unpredictable, but that is how you learn and adapt and improve on him and then overcome him. That is how these games work. Why is that then a complaint that it isn't a cake walk? If you want an easy game, don't play it. Play any other game that'll let you toggle on easy and 1 shot everything.
At least complain about one of the several *actual* bullshit bosses in the game, i.e. Sullyvahn who on consoles attacks faster than you can actually dodge on account of the framerate by cancelling all of his attacks into eachother.
typical. just deny it then even though every single attack you make is an unsafe attack whenever he decides to add a kick or a combo to his openings. Maybe you had a different experience with the fastest roll, maybe mid-rolling is what made the openings unreliable, idk, and I don't really care. Point is, I've learned now that you're clearly suppose to parry him. There is no "safe" attack in the rolling playstyle from what I experienced. I know all the openings and I know that all of them can suddenly not be openings whenever he wants, that's bullshit in my opinion but you can defend it if you want since it clearly makes you feel like a toughguy.
>improve and overcome
more like get lucky because he didn't close his openings this time and actually let you win.
Whatever, I get it. Parry the guy, only legitimate response I've got in this thread other than tryhard assholes who want to pretend like they beat this game using a guitar hero controller while playing blindfolded with their feet
uninstall the fucking game then nigger
i'm going to beat this lame shit and then bitch about it nigger because it's a meta wankfest designed to annoy the player with a bunch of annoying crap. fite me
TL;DR: you're bad and will continue blaming the game for your own shortcomings.
I'm just trying to tell you how these games work. They are meant to be challenging, even bullshit at times, but once you learn a way to finally beat the encounter, the feeling is "I finally did it, fuck this boss". That is a good feeling to have. Pontiff for me was a fucking bullshit fight, but once I finally beat him after like 10 tries, it felt really good.
The boss has "RNG" moves, is that your complaint? Well fair enough then. Dark Souls 1 and even 2, the bosses were very scripted on what they did and rarely deviated from a set pattern. Dark Souls 3, some bosses movesets are so random and fast, I can see why it is annoying you.
I can try understand your complaint and try help, but then insulting people who try understand your issue isn't going to get you anywhere.
The boss in Sekiro that is fat and drinks that liquid. I died so many times on that fat cunt, only to realize I was doing the Dream Sequence way earlier than intended (before even beating the Ogre) so it was way harder.
>doing something you dont like
Lol i beat him first try, you just fucking suck
If you're a shitter at Souls, pick up an ultra class weapon. I'm serious. Just like MonHun, picking a weapon that encourages you to wait and find openings to attack lets you learn the enemy's moveset and where there are openings to attack. It teaches you to observe and pick the most opportune moment to attack (it's also good for teaching you that super armor exists and that you can sometimes trade hits to get an opportune strike, but that's more advanced stuff).
you know man...just git gud
OP, blinded by his frustration, blames the game mechanics rather than himself.
Calm down, breath deeply and try again. Literally just a case of gud getting
ah yes, the classic anonymous grandstanding from Yea Forums-pretending to be perfect at video games. you fags would defend a slot machine if someone made a thread complaining about it.
>but once you learn a way to finally beat the encounter, the feeling is "I finally did it, fuck this boss".
I didn't get that feeling, that's why I made the thread. I feel like he could have closed any of the openings I used to attack him, he just didn't after a random number of tries. Should have parried him, whatever, I'll consider that in the future.
of course you did, and blindfolded with a steering wheel and your feet while you beat tetris in one hand and mindsweeper in the only while using telekinesis to write your thesis and your dick to fuck 6 girls at the same time. I bow to your anonymous claims of superiority, oh great one.
I'm gonna do that next playthrough, then I'll do a spellcaster fag build and then probably drop this trash
yeah yeah yeah
Why don't you get down on your knees and give my cock a gentle kiss OP, maybe that will help vent your virgin faggot rage.
>Dark Souls 3 is har-
This boss brings out the two worst types of players. Whiny bitches that need to git gud, and toxic ego rubbing gaylords that will say its one of the easiest bosses. Ignoring the health bar, I can't think of a harder boss as far a consistently dodging his attacks imo. What bosses do y'all find harder ?
You're absolutely right about the delayed attacks and hyper aggressiveness, But almost every single boss and enemy in this game has that problem, So i cant fault the champ in specific for that. But hes very doable even with a fat roll heavy weapon build, I must have died 30+ times my first playthrough and it never gets any less stressful, But i can guarantee your second time playing through the game and fighting him you'll have a much better time with the fight.
Nameless king in base game and freide in dlc
champion gundyr is a little bitch, he is unironically easier than the regular gundyr because you should've improved by this much by the point you meet him
>This guy takes the cake though for most unfair boss I've experienced in any dark souls game, period
Never played DS2 amiright ?
>This is a completely luck-based boss
Objectively wrong.
>and killing you instantly
Depends on your stats.
>There's absolutely no reliable way to learn this boss. He has no openings
Objectively wrong. His attacks can be learned just like any other boss.
>Therefore there is no reliable strategy, it's completely luck-based
Objectively wrong, see above.
>this boss has no openings, it's purely a shot in the dark whether or not you can hit him without getting hit, period.
You sure do like stating your opinion as fact when its objectively wrong.
>Clearly you'll stoop to any level to feel good about yourselves so I wanted to see what you'd say about a boss that literally does not have any openings and is purely luck-based
>here is no "safe" attack in the rolling playstyle from what I experienced
Because you're bad at the game.
Literally git gud OP. This boss might feel cheap to below average players like you but you're still objectively wrong. Its not a "luck" boss. Absolutely all of his attack animations can be learned, and can be dodged if you get the timings down right. Hell you can beat him easily without even fucking rolling or blocking in any form without getting hit ONCE.
Search "Champion Gundyr no hit" on youtube for the proof that you're just bad at the game. Heres people doing it at fucking SL1
Here's someone beating him on NG+7, Sl1, no rolling, no parray
Or, he's VERY easily parrayed
But please OP, please contue to cry like a little bitch about how this boss is pure luck.
DS3 was my first Souls game. I beat him on the first try. Git fucking gud.
His attacks are slow and predictable, the fact that there's two of them doesn't change that.
Also his laser attack takes one of them out of the fight for a few seconds letting you wail on the other.
>Pictured here: How OP remembers the Champ fight going
Hits like a truck, vast moveset, fast as fuck, more health than anything. Gael is a fucking beast.
When he's with his clone they can combo any fucking spells making some attacks unavoidable.
he's brown bread
I punched this boss to death.
>Everything this guy does breaks the established rules of the game
Not at all, you're abhorrent at the game.
>I don't adapt to bosses for shit
>I cry when I lose
Not really you just have to be more patient and balance dodging both of them with taking what little openings you have ala Ornstien and Smough.
Only Darklurker also has some of the slowest attacks in the game and some of them give amazing punish windows like the lazer.
Really the only attack that consistently hits me is the dark orb. If you're good at angling your camera while running it should be cake
Barely has any health and is easy as fuck to dodge.
Is this boss just a meme? Do I get trolled when people call him hard? Like the long-haired thunder faggot in Sekiro who also was one of the easiest bosses?
This remind me one of my biggest grip with the game. Do anyone have fun fighting ds2 bosses? I find them extremely boring. The arenas, entrance and music are always terrible. And you're always waiting for that single moment to give a few hits. It was never exilerating, just a shore.
just parry him bro or raise your skill level to an acceptable amount
Honestly the only time I've found anyone justified in calling a boss hard it would be Orphan of Kos.
Why didn't he turn into black goo?
>he unironically plays soiborne
I don't usually say get good but holy shit son, just get good. Learn the patterns, always be prepared for the kick and don't be greedy, you'll be fine
you know what I hate?
every time I go into a bossfight blind, I end up doing really well, on my first try I got him down to 20% health
then I got stuck on him for hours, why does this happen?
>What bosses do y'all find harder ?
Gael and Friede are easily harder than him.
The only good main game boss is darklurker.
Dlc has some good ones. Although the Ivory King is overrated as fuck
You're getting in your own way. On the first attempt, you don't have any biases formed.
git gud
I find Gael significantly easier.
Silly question what was the whole deal with Caster Stigma when souls first got popular and is it still present today? I've finished all 3 souls games as a shieldless caster and bloodborne with beast claws but my friend still likes to shit on me for playing a spellcaster/ranged when I can
Ranged combat trivializes most of regular enemies and a few bosses maybe. But it's not like you couldn't stunlock regular hollows in melee just as well.
imagine being THIS mad at a video game
CHAMPION Gundyr is my favorite Souls character.
It's mostly just a joke. Similar to how people talk shit about using a dex weapon. Using melee weapons means you are a manly man and casting spells makes you a passive pussy. But if you truly think this way you are a tryhard.
I agree. He was definitely the hardest boss in the game. The faggot even glitched me into a wall once.
>definitely the hardest boss in the game
Not even close
You seem mad.
I'm sorry you're bad at video games.
What would you consider harder?
I'm not offended by faggot. I just think that a strange thing to call a boss.
Of course it depends on your level and how you approach the fight, but Midir, Friede and Soul of Cinder are way harder.
>Friede and Soul of Cinder
What the fuck.
>This is a completely luck-based boss.
just parry him
How would a luck based Souls boss be like?
If you never focus on hitting Miders body and only attack and dodge locked on to his head you will find his fight to be super easy. Him and Gael are just stamina battles imo.
I wonder how videogames feel like for people like OP.
I wasn't including the DLC, but yeah I'd say that Gael and Friede are harder, I had to grind my ass off and look up how to really optimize my damage in order to beat them.
I never heard of Midir, and now I find he's apparently something I missed in the ringed city.
Soul of Cinder isn't that hard, and he's pretty fun to fight.
>have to parry rather than rolling around on the floor
>REEEEE how DARE they make me use a GAME MECHANIC that's in the game to beat a challenge
It's mostly just a pretty easy way of dealing with everything because you eliminate a lot of elements of spacing and timing that would result from being within melee range of enemies and the spells had a decent shot of hitting like trucks to make up for the limited amount of times you could cast them. Pair that with the braindead souls AI and the reason behind the stigma becomes obvious.
I think watching some idiot fight Mirror Knight in DaS2 illustrates this best since the spell reflecting shield he has demonstrates how much of a crutch it can be.
If he had an ordinary amount of health he'd be fairly average. His patterns are easy to dodge (he doesn't even chain them unpredictably) and give you long opportunities to safely heal, the arena is extremely simple and his movement will frequently place his head right in front of you to hit it.
If you summon it might become hard because his movement and attack patterns that are usually laser focused might become unpredictable.
Based entirely on the game's subpar running jump for precision platforming. There is one boss that probably fills this role.
>Ashen one bossfight revengence difficulty S rank
I imaging people just see rage compilations of Souls games or are told its the hardest games ever and go in with the worst attitude. They only experience game through its difficulty or lack of. Most conversations about this game are "its too hard" or "its too easy" and that makes me sad. I just like my dank souls.
Imagine actually being below even a Soulsfag level of skill.
>bitching about the only good boss in DS3
Royal Rat Authority
Why is everything so extreme with you people? The ONLY good boss? Really? The ONLY one. Come on bra
I literally beat him first try. Just fucking roll
the answer is autism, the answer is always autism
NK, Twins, Pontiff and Soul of Cinder are harder imo. Champ is easy once you stop hesitating and go all in
This happened to me so many times
>he doesn't know about the parry button
No other franchise has gotten memed to this extent. I like the game, but I still count my deaths on boss fights
This guy is legit my favorite boss in the series fucking git gud
It's true that this boss has moves specifically designed to "catch" the player based on common rolling times etc, but every single one of them can still be learned despite that. It's entirely 100% wrong to say this boss is "luck based", OP is just shit at the game and comprehend that that there's common levels of skilled play above him.
>those videos
They make it look easy and prove that OP just needs to GIT GUD. He'll probably watch them and still deny objective reality.
How do I play these games ironically
>It's true that this boss has moves specifically designed to "catch" the player based on common rolling times etc
That's WHY he's the champion.
They did struggle retard that's part of gitting gud
Bro, you can literally beat him by NOT EVEN MOVING ONCE.
Also parry
ikr, gundy's been there and done that, he knows about all of your gay little tricks so he stomps on them
funny enough I beat this guy easily, but couldn't make it past Rom on Bloodborne
the series has a wall-boss that everybody gets stuck on
Champ Gundyr may seem like bullshit to you, but at least you stuck to it & beat him, congrats OP
You can parry him user.
He's piss easy if you know how to parry, i've literally beaten him at level 20 with a +2 dagger before by just parrying every glaive swing he does.
Gundyr is only hard if you still haven't learned your lesson from every previous enemy in the game and are still trying to make slow weapons work.
They don't. They aren't supposed to work. Switch to something fast and safe.
Just fucking parry you retarded casual
Bait thread
gundyr was the first extremely challenging boss i ran into on my soul level 1 playthrough. you basically just have to be quick to recognize and react to his animations. i relied on parrying a lot, too. if i could get him far enough away he would often do the jumping slash which was quite telegraphed and easy to parry.
Watch this you braindead nigger faggot casual, there is absolutely nothing unavoidable, unreactable or unpunishable in his moveset, even without parrying or rolling.
>from what I experienced
then your experience is lacking
>there is absolutely nothing unavoidable, unreactable or unpunishable in his moveset, even without parrying or rolling.
*if you use a straight sword
Why would any build not have a straight sword at the very least as a backup weapon in Straight Sword Souls 3?
Use the tools available to you. Don't bitch if you think you're too good to use what works.
weapons don't limit your mobility unless you manage to max out your equip load
But they do limit the openings you're able to take advantage of.
Bullshit, anytime he did 2 hits in this video, he could've also done a UGS swing, especially in normal gameplay where rolling would make it safer.
And the vast majority of times he only does 1 swing.
So don't use a slow weapon then you fucking idiot. Not every boss needs to cater to every playstyle, that's why the game lets you switch your equipment whenever the fuck you want. Big weapons suck dick in general in Dark Souls 3 anyway, so why would you even bother?
>enemy design that pigeonholes you into 1 playstyle despite the game presenting a wide variety of options to you is a good thing
Yeah because he's not rolling and at SL1, so he's playing it excessively safe.
He could easily squeeze in UGS or Great Axe swings into a lot of those openings if he played normally, i think you should really stop coping and just admit that you're not as good at the game as you think you are.
Just because the game gives those options to you doesn't mean they have to be GOOD options. Some weapons just suck. That's the case in every game. Adapt and stop crying.
idk why you're affirming what this faggot is saying, you can beat gundyr with every weapon available to you i mean, I only ever beat him using ultra greatswords and polearms
Fuck off retard, you're giving that dude bad advice.
Gundyr is absolutely and very easily beatable with large weapons.
>you can beat gundyr with every weapon available to you i mean
Sure, you can, you can beat any boss with any weapon, but it will take 3 times longer and be much more difficult if you stubbornly stick with garbage weapons. If you're already struggling, just switch to the better, easier options.
killed him in 2 tries
Nigga you are legit trash at the game, UGS are basically easy mode if you have a proper build.
Doing Gundyr with a big weapon is not at all comparable to doing him an actual shit tier weapon, it's extremely doable.
You just can't time and space your attacks properly, that's okay, but don't blame that on the weapon. lmao
I had no problems against Gundyr with yhorm's great machete. I had a lot more problems against Nameless King, but it was ironically due to the hyperarmor. In most cases you can only be hit twice before being given a free pass to escape any combo. The hyper-armored hit doesn't count for that, turning the boss's 2-hit combos you could escape and heal from into 3-hit combos that could kill.
Beat the shit out of him after dying to the first Gundyr 4 times.
>it will take 3 times longer
>to beat gundyr with a massive sword that does 3 times as much damage with 1 swing than a straight sword does
maybe i just prefer dodging and timing my shots to spamming r1
Actually he's using the broadsword because hes SL1, meaning the weapons he can use is limited and the broadsword deals some of the highest SS damage with basically no stat requirements (10/10). It's actually the highest damage SS in the game at 40/40 quality build, IIRC.
Gundyr can be taken down with ease with any weapon category.
yes? that's how japanese games work.
>UGS are basically easy mode if you have a proper build
Or you can just buff a straight sword and do more damage, more safely, and more easily.
As long as From games treat buffs as flat damage additions on top of every weapon swing, slow weapons will never compare. Only exception is Demon's Souls because of cursed weapon being a boost to your AR instead.
>that does 3 times as much damage with 1 swing than a straight sword does
You fucking wish.
How do you find any enjoyment in R1 spam?
That's how every game works, actually. Why specify Japanese?
Games offer multiple options not because they're all supposed to be equally viable, but because it's up to you to identify what works and what isn't. That's the entire point of a game.
I never said anything about enjoyment. But R1 spam has been the dominant strategy of every single From game.
well look at it this way, your straight sword might have a higher dps but you will need way more and longer openings in order to get your damage in
all i need with my UGS is one hit and wait for the next opening, damage output will me more or less equal
You can easily do Hirata Estate before Chained Ogre, though. Hell, getting the Flame Vent there makes Ogre a lot easier. Juzo's just one of the filter bosses.
>gundyr is hard
I also get way more openings to do damage than you because my attacks are faster and safer. And with a buff, I do just as much damage per hit as you, or more. I don't even have to think too much about spacing because my attacks have so much phantom range.
Your UGS has ZERO advantages.
>this game is trash
>so I'm going to play it three fucking times
It has the advantage of being a more fun way to play the game.
Imagine not killing Champion Gundyr on your first attempt
As much as I hated ChampGun I feel confident enough if I were to play again to just parry through it all. I at least feel like I have control in that fight even if my hands are autistic and can't get the timing right, because that's my own fault. But Twin Princes on the other hand, just end my life now. That's my DaS3 PTSD boss right there.
Not only is that purely subjective, making playstyles more equal in effectiveness would make the game more fun for everyone. Slow weapons are 100% risk and 0% reward. Fast weapons are 0% risk and 100% reward. That's hardly a good way to design a game.
>first try boss beat with no estus left
is there a better feel than this?
the reward for large weapons is more damage, hyper armor, and stunning
Him and Pontiff are super frustrating and really terribly designed, but at least they can be cheesed with parries
>it's so meta, it's like the developers watched how people played and designed the game to frustrate them.
Souls players have had two (2) games to get good. of course they'd shake things up to keep you on your toes
>is a boss is fast it's terribly designed
Pontiff is great
Having Estus left
Everything about DS3 was shit. Say what you will about DS2 but it was clearly made with the intention to make a fun game for soulsfags (and then we can disagree about how well it turned out), but DS3 is constantly trying to shit on all established tactics while introducing nothing of value to take its place. You like shields? Nope. You want to roll? Have roll catch. Parry? Oh fuck I knew we forgot one but you can forget about it in DS4.
You can always get in 2 straight sword swings in the span of 1 ugs swing, and those 2 hits together will do more damage than the one. I don't think ultra great swords are so much worse that it matters at the end of the day and I generally play with a great machete, but they are undeniably a worse outcome for more input. I'd argue the weapon type that got fucked the hardest were regular greatswords like claymores because they get most of the disadvantages of ultra weapons with very few of the benefits.
This isn't really a unique situation to DS3 either. Most of them have had a similar setup where the faster weapons have higher dps, and it comes down to a lot of little factors regarding enemy speed and animations varying per game on what actually stands out. Nothing in Bloodborne beats saw cleaver damage (though range of larger weapons was often valuable where it's not at all in DS3), but ultra weapons were disgusting in DS2 because of how glacial that game is paced anyway and how easy it was to pancake lock enemies on the ground. Meanwhile in DS1 stuff like the claymore was a little too good.
Rolling is hilariously effective in DS3, though
>The only thing I can even think of is parrying, but of course parries are completely unreliable in this game so who knows. Is this literally a boss that can only be reliably learned through parrying?
You should play Sekiro sometime.
try this with your dinky little straight sword, faggot
feeling is "I finally did it, fuck this boss". That is a good feeling to have
How can it be a good feelin if the process to get there was tedious and bullshit? Really good bosses never make you think "this is bullshit". Really great bosses always make it clear that the mistake was your fault. BB and DS3 rarely do this.
I killed him in the 3rd try until I realized how weak he is to parry. This is one of the easiest bosses in the game.
Basically your arguement is that because hes u predictable hes poorly designed? That's literally the opposite of how that works. Hes a good fight because you actually have to rely on reaction and combat skill to beat him rather than reading and baiting out easy to see patterns
Sure, because it's still a good move to displace yourself and take no damage. I'm certainly not saying they were successful in their attempt to shake it up and break crutches, but they did manage to make the game more unpleasant.
Imagine if he had used a good weapon instead
>Slow weapons are 100% risk and 0% reward. Fast weapons are 0% risk and 100% reward
That's just objectively wrong though. SS are easy-mode because of how well rounded they are, but they do objectively have some disadvantages. SS swords have no poise activation frames except for some of the L2 stance moves and the dark swords stomp. Greatswords have poise activation (hyperarmor) on 2-handed attacks and can poise through your SS hit to deal more damage in return. Try going up against a good Hollowslayer (very fast hyperarmor activation) user with your SS and see how that goes for you.
>Parry? Oh fuck I knew we forgot one but you can forget about it in DS4.
>From makes a game focused entirely on parrying immediately after DS3
Maybe that was their deal all along. They wanted Souls to be a parry game but everyone just turtled with shields and rolled instead.
champ is the best boss in ds3 faggot literally GET GOOD
>Get mad
>At a boss that has the biggest parrying window in the game
You can parry him reliably during certain attacks but I agree with you. From didn't learn from Gwyn and decided to yet again make a boss that's a pain in the ass if you don't abuse parrying. Pontiff was the same way though he was mostly a DPS boss where you have a chance to kill him before he splits into two if your damage was high enough. Just two parrys and then going ham with R1 spam while he's transforming is enough most of the time.
Gwyn without parrying is FAR harder than Champ without parrying. Dark souls 3 rolling is easy mode, you're invincible 80% of the time till your stamina runs out by spamming roll. DS1 has punishing and slow rolls which also only go in four directions.
Out of the base game I think Nameless King is a better fight, thematically and gameplay wise.
>having problems with Champ
Lmao, he's literally just a reskin of regular Gundyr with a couple of variations to his moveset. If you can easily beat regular Gundyr, you can beat him if you try, and if you can't even beat regular Gundyr with any build easily, you're irredeemable trash.
No, a boss it's bad if its attacks are made up of 3 frames each and if he uses the same startup anim for different attacks.
>Beat Gwyn with a Lightning Winged Spear and no parrying on my first playthrough
That was probably the hardest thing i've ever done in Souls
I did it on the first try, suck my nuts you fucking casual
You're so far up your own ass you do these mind numbingly stupid brain exercises to justify being a complete wanker at the game
>doesn't use tools that are at his disposal despite sucking at the game
>gets mad at it anyway
The thing is Gwyn is consistent with his attacks while champion has a chance to add follow up attacks like his kicks during his combos which can make counter attacking a pain to certain playstyles. Though I agree with you that he's easier than gwyn if you just iframe through his initial combos and ONLY attack him during attacks where he's guaranteed to not follow up soon afterwards. Anything else is just too risky if you are playing a build that doesn't parry.
There's something odd with your HP bar.
You should try going through the game with a UGS. It's definitely possible, it's just a whole different way to play. Much closer to the strategic DaS1 early game gameplay. You might even have fun.
There are videos or people killing him with the broken straight sword and throwing literal shit at him, every single one of his attacks can be dodged an most can be parried, learn the timings before complaining about RNG
I DONT struggle with Champ Gundyr... I will show you. White summon me bro I will not even get hit once fighting Champ Gundyr hes effing easy. Ill parry him like 7 times in front of you to show you.
Poise damage from an ultra weapon can actually be effective against certain bosses. I remember getting a guaranteed stagger with a great mace after about 3 hits against Gael and using it to interrupt his attacks while getting some free damage during his stagger animation.
Not true. Ill show you a perfect Champ Gundyr run with katana or greatsword. Hell I could probably do it with any weapon but I might get hit once if its something I dont use often like a spear.
get good
>parry him like 7 times
thats how i beat him OP try this
dude dodge
The only boss in DS3 I really disliked was Demon Prince since good attempts against it took a really long time and it was resistant/immune to everything but Bleed so most common, general use builds won't be prepared for it.
The lack of hyperarmor on non-weapon arts can't be considered a disadvantage because they are not meant to trade blows, it's like saying a mace is bad because it can't cut, as for the hollow Slayer gs, just need to apply high tier PvP strats, be a passive bitch and never start a trade, it'll be boring as shit but anyone that tries to trade with that is fucking retarded
>and killing you instantly.
the real difference between
>ez pz first try no death lmao gitgud
>wtf bullshit artificial difficulty unfair muh meta rules literally impossible
is in the size of your healthbar.
poise weapons shit on certain bosses. freide and gael come to mind.