How did Naughty Dog get so shit

How did Naughty Dog get so shit

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It was never good.

Same way telltale got shit.
It sold well.

This chump

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>Ps4 was my first console ever: The post

>being a consolefag

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all the good people left

naughty dog is fucking great watchu talking about, they make quality single player games.

They make pretty looking games. Doesnt mean they're always great.

It all started with Uncharted

Everything after uncharted was shit

When Amy Henning left

Once TLoU became a success, he slowly took over the company, forced Amy Hennig to leave and he destroyed their last "fun" franchise (Uncharted).

The people that have a shit moved on to work on other things and the team led by that dickhead “no fun” jew turned everything into a political statement.

I've heard that a lot of people left after Balestra stepped down. Now that Druckmann is in charge he has turned ND into a cancerous place to work at.

But the pillars user, what about the pillars?

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He strikes me as the "my employees only hate me because I'm Jewish" thinking type

Uncharted was peak mediocre but was at least fun. TLOU and U4 are awful.

Not even gonna talk about ps1/ps2 ND because that company is dead.

If someone says diversity is good, stop listening to them.
If someone says variety is good, listen to them.

Diversity is a good pillar otherwise we'd have washed up hasbeens (you know the type) still trying to make games. But yeah the gameplay pillar is woefully disregarded. Or, at the very least, their interpretation of gameplay is too heavily influenced by the other pillars. Think they believe that they can tell a story through the very controlled and limited combat, but they don't realise that it just sucks and feels incredibly on rails

>Diversity is a good pillar otherwise we'd have washed up hasbeens (you know the type) still trying to make games

I'd rather have washed up hasbeens than English majors with gender studies minors who despise video games.