Why did this game have to die, bros? It was the only battle royale that I actually liked.
>literally a fraction of the people playing
>everyone left is sweaty niggers or retarded spics
>or chinaman hackers
>lootbox rng is the worst
>still like the actual gameplay
Why did this game have to die, bros? It was the only battle royale that I actually liked
>Why did this game have to die, bros?
Because it deserved it.
keep shitposting lmao, I get constant less than 5 second matchmaking. The only way you would think that is if you are an Aussie or Brazilian
Still good on PS4 - yes it's not worth being a serious contender for PC competitive shooters. Console gamers are retarded and I can finish the daily challenges in 2 games or so. Already did all the Battle Pack challenges so I technically got my $10 back.
Also I have a habit of playing Caustic and screaming "Arbeit Macht Frei" into the mic when I throw the gas grenade.
idk about pc, i play it on ps4 and its pretty fucking great, takes me less than 10 seconds to find a match on any gamemode.
also idk if devs actually did this on purpose or its an inside joke lmao
>Caustic the only white male in the game, kills people with gas.
>Octane, mexican that loves drugs and jumping over walls.
>crypto, the smart asian
bit it didn't die? takes 3 seconds to find a normal match and 10s for ranked in plat
crypto looks fun
the game is not dead, It's also very fun when you're not dealing with battle royal rng garbage. I can even call my teammates niggers when they deserve it and not face any consequences.
This. Nobody wants to play as some nogette or obese Hawaiian
They just should pay Ninja another million so that he plays this for another week or two
Titanfall 3 had to die for this nigger simulator.
obese canonically gay hawaiian. don't forget that.
Season passes killed the game
Oh well
how dare you insult gibby
>M O Z A M B I Q U E H E R E
sauce btw ? its umm for research
Battle royale fatigue has set in and there’s nothing in Apex that you can’t get in fornite or pubg. There’s only one BR on the horizon I remotely care about and it’s mostly because I might be able to play it on switch and there’s barely any spellcasting games out there.
Are cheaters still rampant? Especially in Asia. It's the one reason I stopped playing.
read the watermark
>weapon and character balance is ass
>(mostly) god awful characters and character design
>transparent drip feed loot system that obviously tapered off rewards (ultimately dropping zero boxes once you hit a certain level) in order to trick players into buying season passes
>dodgy hitreg and netcode
>oversaturated genre
>generic, forgettable nu-Disney aesthetic
and also all this I don't even know why I fell for the first few weeks of hype, Apex is fucking ass dude
It’s weird that the weapon balance is so bad seeing as most of them are ripped from titanfall 2. I swear if this series died for some flavour of the month zoomer shit.
I miss /tfg/ bros
kys zoomer
here's a pro tip: games don't need to be #1 next best thing flavor of the year to be 'alive', a game is not dead until the servers are shut off or the playerbase is reduced to dozens of people.
being this retarded, i guess you think Heroes of the storm is still alive and well too
the developers literally discontinued the competitive scene for that game, gigaretard. meanwhile, apex tournaments, no matter how cringe and bad they are, are just beginning and the money is just piling up.
just because you are bad at a game or you dislike it doesn't make it 'dead' as soon as it isn't a new fresh release anymore. i bet you're the same faggot that calls games like lol or dota 2 'dead'
Is the game actually dead? I've been wanting to get into since Blackout on PC is completely unplayable and I refuse to pay money just to play it on PS4 with worse controls.
How is the console version of Apex? I switched to console for Fortnite because I got sick of PC being sweatfags and macro-niggers and never looked back. I don't take build-a-bitch simulator seriously enough to deal with that on PC. I probably won't enjoy Apex as much as Fortnite with a controller but if that's the better system I'll give it a shot.
top stream has 1k viewers on twitch, comparing that to lol or dota... ok retard
>Why did this game have to die, bros?
it didn't though
sure, it's not "le epic next huge game that kills any other game" but it has a steady playerbase and its proscene is rising
matches take less than 15s to get into so i'm not sure how that's dead
the gameplay is good, its fairly decently optimized, the ping system is really good and it has the advantage of having every other game in its genre (fortnite/pubg) be a mess
it's a shame that the characters are something out of a leftist fantasy, but what ultimately matters is your movement, aim, using abilities efficiently and map awareness, so i'll play as a retarded ooga booga healer as long as it lets my team win