What's the best fantasy WRPG I can waste my life in?

What's the best fantasy WRPG I can waste my life in?
Already played the witcher series

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Dragon Age Origins

Played it


death stranding comes out soon. should keep you busy

Try out Etri-
Oh, you poor soul.

Not fantasy

Skyrim is the gift that keeps on giving you can always make a new character and screw around

chamberlain try skyrim yes? very enjoyable with mods, base game lacking. no gelflings to enslave!

Fallout series


Skeksis play Divinity Original Sin 2, is most suitable for divine lords. Many clever strategies, can solve problems with dialogue, tricky traps, or brute violence when suited.

Undead Lizard, almost like Skeksis, but not as handsome.

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>Started hmmmming irl now


Divinity 2
Divinity Original Sin 2
Guild Wars 2
Mutant Year Zero
Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Too bad the game itself is just an alpha-state sandbox.

pillars of eternity 1 and 2

go back

classic wow

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is there gelflings? How does the mana/health system work?

Pathfinder Kingmaker with turn based mod and kingdom auto management. There is over 100 hours of content. Characters are okay and story keeps you interested unlike Divinity OS.

Not OP, but i started Pathfinder Kingmaker and they said it was bad, also got a 72 points on metacritic.
Also i got stuck at the bear thing
Should i try again?

Since the enhanced edition, the game is much better and should be peer-reviewed. It's way better than PoE, Tranny or DivOS especially with turn based mod. It's the true revival of CRPG that everyone stopped playing because it was buggy as fuck at launch.

Ok, guess i will start a new save and download the mods.
Thanks user, now you may choose your reward.
2d cutie or 3d cutie?

Meant re-reviewed

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2d cutie


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Dragon's dogma is the best non western western rpg.

>Pepe edit of a forced Yea Forums meme
Worst thread on Yea Forums right now

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tyrany is decent but it's short as fuck so not much wasting

that's regressed sci-fi not fantasy
and it's literaly half finished

Nah the worst thread on Yea Forums is another 2077 shitpost thread that we've had 1000s of times before.

The dark crystal is off topic, but it's a great show regardless.


Planescape, it don't get no better

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Is this the hmmmm thread?

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Blah is this the same artist that draws Yu gi oh ?

Not that i know.
Also, regular pathfinder mods works with enhanced edition, right?

Yes it's very easy to use. Just google it. You have to install Unity Mod Manager first and then extract the turn based mod. It makes the game way more enjoyable because you can plan ahead and use real strategy instead of just pushing random button and watch your guys die so fast you don't even know what killed them. RtwP is terrible.

i guess

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I enjoyed Planescape: Torment.
