Post kino rivalries in vidya

Post kino rivalries in vidya

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Why was old nurutu so good and timeskip so shit it fucking hurts

Sasuke is everything wrong with naruto and the only good arc was the bridge builder arc, everything afterwards sucks

>Sasuke is everything wrong with naruto
If naruto was as a character was written bettter sasuke could have been more tolerable

>if thing was better it would be better
Yeah it would be

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naruto thread? when are we getting the next good naruto game we need a real 2d fighter like the ps2 ones made by arc system works

Does naruto know he looks like a cat?

he's actually pretty good, especially pre-time skip, where he acts as a retard to gain attention because in reality he's alone in the world and doesn't really know how to act to gain people's love, which is all he wanted (that's why he wants to be Hokage, because everyone admires and loves the Hokage)

Sasuke exist to prolong this idea, sasuke is the first person to even interact with naruto so he really thinks they have become friends and goes to stupid lengths to bring him back, that's why Sasuke ask him so many times why is he so retarded and why he keeps coming when sasuke just literally thinks of him as nothing

that being said, post timeskip this all gets thrown out of the window, but hey

Just like with most shonens, the powerlevels when off the deep end and the writers had to keep up with the stupid bullshit they came up with by writing even stupider bullshit. Shippuden was still good for a while after it started, but then people started glowing, destroying mountains and shit.

knuckles in s3, it's kino to play as him

Naruto was always trash though. Mainly because it had an autistic garbage man as a protagonist.

why does hero academia seemingly copy the beginnings of naruto

Rock lee should of been mc


>the moment when he dropped his weights

I'm still mad he lost.

why am I laughing at this

I feel FMA did powerlevels well enough, though I guess that's fairly easy considering no one really got more powerful outright.

giving rock lee beer

Because BnHA is soulless trope-filled lazy shit.

fairly odd parents is the best manga and always sticks to clearly defined rules

>should of

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Why is it so kino bros?

>boy who is seemingly an underdog strives to succeed in a world where he's horribly disadvantaged due to something out of his control
>story makes it out like it'll be an uplifting story about perservering and having the resolve to fight against the odds
>underdog MC ends up getting super duper special one of a kind powers that make him better than everyone else by default at some point, remember all that hard work shit, fuck that the MC can crush mountains now!!!
Why do the japanese keep pulling this shit?

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bunch of heroes in training having a compulsory showdown while displaying latent abilities and powers

reading naruto as a teen was lit
thanks japan for all those mangas

>rivalry goes from bitter contempt for one another with some playful banter to the complete opposite
Rivalries are nice when they evolve along with the characters.

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how would the series change if Naruto was female?

would it be better?

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Power scaling and the sense of danger went away immediately. I would've wrapped it up near Pain arc.

Pts Naruto had a huge sense of danger to it. It was more grounded. Then ninja Jesus and shit ruined it.

there were tons of filler och dragged out arcs in the original series as well. i'd had enough when Shippuden started and decided to not even bother.

Decidedly worse

that pissed me off. It's another reason MHA pisses me off as well and it keeps getting worse.

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Naruto is literally garbage tier shounen.

Just like Naruto then?

You ever want to take a chainsaw to someone?

Fucking hyuga neji was right the whole time

Why do the worst things become popular?

Deku should have become Batman.

How can it be a kino rivalry when it's between two of the shittiest and least interesting characters in its own series?


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It was never good, thats just your spic nostalgia

>Rival gives you a boost to even the fight

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Naruto is literally just a soulless fanfiction about Hiei from YYH.

>Female as the main character
>In a shonen

Look at me mom! I fit in on Yea Forums!

Both was cringy trash. You literally have to have an IQ of 95 or lower to enjoy this shit. The worst writing I've ever seen in even a shonen anime.

>little girl infatuated with cool guy she doesn't know
>still "loves" him as an adult when they barely ever talk

It's ridiculous how seriously this trash takes itself.

>sense of danger to it, more grounded
The series is literally the posterboy for 'it was just an illusion/clone/ninja log' bullshit. There's almost never any sense of danger because it's always just another fucking log.

Why is all anime such trash nowadays? Isekai bullshit, which is a term I wish I didn't know, where the MC is in a video game world and is a pussy basedboi bitch and/or immensely overpowered

are you retarded?

~3.4 billion people on the planet have an iq of 95 or lower

Tourney arcs are the laziest writing gets in shounen.

You know I'm right.

Every piece of japanese media is AT LEAST 50% wish fulfillment on the writer's part
You should know this by now

Tourney arcs are basically a shounen tradition so I'm okay with them.

It's like how in every crossover movie/episode/game with multiple protagonists, they have to come up with a reason for them to fight each other.

No. Naruto was one of the originals. BnHA doesn't try to do anything other than add tropes on top of tropes. It left such a shit taste in my mouth. Shounen-fags are retarded and will jump on anything that has these tropes, regardless of actual quality.

Correction, Naruto is soulless fanfiction about Hiei AND Kurapika.

Honestly it's literally just a lazy grab at elements from YYH and HxH and thrown together into a pot with 'friendly neighbourhood ninja!!XD' slapped on like a label.

Chainsaw is a bad weapon though

>Naruto was one of the originals
You can't fucking be serious right?

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imagine liking naruto

what if sasuke was female?

it would make Naruto look like an obsessed weirdo

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>Naruto was one of the originals

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Ok, correction.
>Naruto was one of the original good ones
I'm not saying that the entirety of Naruto is good, most of it is shit- but it's miles better than most of the garbage that is shat out today.

that's not how this show works nor what the commenter meant

Naruto was actually one of the original big underdog style protags.

/fa/ as fuck

It’s more about seeing gore and shreds is a person’s entrails, but I’m open to ideas

>MC rejects the boost opting to fight as he is.
>Rival respects the MC even more.
Damn good movie.

Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad. However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up. Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.


haha imagine if after Sasuke and Naruto’s fight where they punch each other’s arms off, Sasuke gets put on trial and is sentenced to have his balls removed to put an end to his family line, and he lives a domestic life with his boyfriend Naruto, haha

Now that you say that, holy shit was that a missed opportunity. He had the setup with the studying and the notebook and everything. What if instead of giving him free godlike powers, all-might just supported him with resources and stuff instead, and Deku had to get through hero school while pretending to have powers he didn't actually have just making due with being fucking smart and working really hard. That would have been WAYYY more interesting.

Chainsaw is also an amazing human body destruction device and no amount of hurr durr unwieldy will change that

Need to update this for BNHA

Chainsaws use friction to cut stuff and because of that it's good at cutting flesh but when you'll reach a bone it'll get stuck there

It's weird that your suspension of disbelief is broken by something like that of all things. How is it worse than any other kind of instant romance that happens all the time in all other media? You sound bitter and jaded.

Naruto was literally bad from the start. People spread the myth that it was good during the chuunin exams because there was a deluge of new minor characters to distract from the detestable main cast. But guess what? In typical shounen fighting tourney style most of these characters aren't important in the slightest and exist to have a cool fight and then be forgotten about. You whine and bitch and moan about how X character was underutilized, but that's the ENTIRE POINT of Fighting tourneys in shounen.

That and one punch man, by breaking the power level system with Saitama the characters can be way more interesting. Pic related is a perfect example of this.

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The characters are usually boring on a conceptial level and not really brought much at all after the tourney ends. Naruto's cast never goes away but also never does much of anything of interest despite having potentially interesting personalities and designs.

But none of the One Punch Man characters are actually interesting. Mumen Rider's a bro, but what else is there even to him?

It would make sakura even more hilariously irrelevant. Without naruto wanting to bone her early her only dynamic would be rivalling naruto for sasuke's dick, and you already have ino for that. And even worse if he didn't because now she has no really dynamics with the team at all.

black clover did this as well
and they keep making it out that he's at an disadvantage when he has literally one of the best abilities in the entire setting


That's what I'm talking about. You can't have a good series without a good core cast, and Naruto doesn't have a good core cast. Whenever people discuss the series they only discuss its side characters, despite most of them figuring into the plot only tangentially or in a supporting role. People speculate on how much better the series would be if X character did something of importance or showed up at key plot points. It's to the point where most of the praise for the show and its characters is really all in people's heads because it's all imagination.

Not really. Naruto could stay the same, hating Sasuke because she wants to be contrarian or some shit.

nah. Black Clover does it right IMO. Also one of the only manga that hypes up team work and executes it well.

Reminder that Kisame is best boy and Obito is a bitch.

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Which is ironic because Kisame was literally Obito's bitch.

I need a Naruto Xenoverse.

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Not the guy you're talking to but I can't get into Black Clover because the MC's weird looking face just ruins it for me. It looks like something went wrong during character creation in a videogame. Too distracting.

Would be better if they were both girls.

You're onto something keep going

Except Asta relies on his allies a lot more than most Shonen MCs, he just doesnt do it in a passive way.

Naruto would've been better if Sasuke was a girl. Also if they referred themselves as mages instead of shinobi

Nigga, do you even read the manga? Without a support or a full team with his anti-magic swords wouldn't have worked the overpowered bad guys. The bad guys would have just slap him around ( just like what happened in the fight against Licht) and he received constant damages.

That’s pretty based

I know what you mean. Good thing the supporting cast looks cool and gets lots of spotlight as well.

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stopped reading there

but that would make them both useless

Only because Kishimoto was afraid of making female characters have any real character.


that was a joke

except they dont?
Im pretty sure Timmy has to share his parents with his cousin now? and I think even his parents know about Cosmo and Wanda now. I dont watch the shit but from what I've gleamed from a few Yea Forums threads theyve completely jumped the shark in an attempt to kill themselves or keepthemselves relevant.
That show shoulda ended after the magic birthday muffin movie. speaking of which
>sticks to the rules
>has a muffin that can break "da rules" anytime

Oh, okey. And sorry for my grammar. English is not my first language.

Give me back pain arc punished naruto
This cuck Naruto isn't cool and I think he just got sealed into a ramen bowl this ain't cool

he said that as a joke because it was the last word in your post.

it's literally called shinobi strikers

I already got that it was a joke, bro.

Fucking fuck you Tabata for stealing 80% of the names from my language jesus fuck thank god this country has so many huge nerds or everyone would cringe into inexistence.
I guess this how Germany feels all the fucking time though.

yuno is the most boring and bland rival character in the history of shounen to the point where part of me thinks that it has to be intentional or satire

What names did he even steal? Can names even be stolen anyway? Did your county copyright your names?

No it's not. Xenoverse has a sp and a story, and feels good when you level. Strikers has cac and is practically 100% besides the soloable missions, and has no story.

Yeah boruto is complete ass. In my mind it ended after Naruto and only Sahara Wataru continued the story.

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With bnha being somehow worse than Naruto
There will be a time in the near future where we will miss nardo asspulls and Madara fuckery

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I think Yuno is the shonen trope of the dude just being handed new insane powers and being the chosen one while Asta is the one working hard as fuck and not being able to do shit on his own.

>had fun Black CLOverwatch on PC. game was dead across all platforms because it wasn't popular enough.
Madara was the shining light of the War Arc.

fuck i miss him now bros

>That slowly fading laughter into a deadpanned look
God bless mad man Madara

I loved that game. I was even in a discord for it to set up games with other players. I was a bit butthurt that Bamco did not market it at all and instead chose to give all the attention to Jump Force and the MHA arena fighter. Mereoleona being added last also hurt me, but it was understandable.

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Say that to his face faggot

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"Silva" is kinda of a super common surname over here, there's also a girl whose name is literally just the words 'fragile storm' in portuguese which led me to believe 'Silva' is taken from there as well and not just a corruption of 'Silver'.
But on a second thought the naming is actually pretty varied, but that one girl's name really fucking jumps to the eyes, we're not really used to whole german cocksuckery japan does.

the biggest offender of this is when naruto simply starts attacking with "arms of energy" it's so bloody stupid and unfitting to what was established in the beginning.
But as you said, it's the fate of all shonen to fall into this trap, create an interesting and tight system with rules in place then abandon it 2 seasons later in favor of big explosions.

At least if boruto ever got canned they can just hit reset back to the world wide genjutsu

>still seething
Gaara OP pls nerf

getting baudelarian spleen from this

imagine not being able to enjoy things because you're worried about what other people may think
grow up

I mean people unironically like Dragonball now so

Naruto has better female cast than Dragonball, also much better doujins porn games and overall fap material. Prove me wrong.

I would and as much as I love the impregnating Tsunade stuff
The milf chi chi stuff gets me more
Just ashame there isn't a lot of it

>Kisame is best boy
That's true.

>tfw even as a child I realized how cringy this trash anime is and how the writer is a homosexual, unintelligent hack


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Also Samui has some pretty large breasts.

what do you mean nah

Your hate will go away, and Naruto will go down in history as one of the best shonen in existence.

You didn't manage to prove me wrong.

He wasn't trying to and he wasn't saying you were wrong he was saying he just still liked the other better

Why aren't you watching the best shonen currently airing?

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Yeah but it sucks and is more like Battle of Z

all shounen except the goat. Even all haki does is put you in the game so that you can hit people

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I am, and it's really not very good at all. Really just more of the same. If you're new to anime, it'll seem a lot better probably. But if you've seen a few shonen, it really is obviously just the same character interactions that they keep writing.

I saw a lot of people chatting about it but the fucking power system is just "DUDE BREATHE LMAO" like come the fuck on.
Still better than Black Clover what the fuck was that? Why does the MC literally not stop screaming?
Shonen is fucking trash, HxH was the peak.

be careful giving any criticism to black clover
it apparently can do no wrong ever around here

>HxH was the peak
And it's still largely trash.

Sounds like you had a bad interaction with one person and have taken that to be the letter of the law.

Valens and Ludo in Gladiator
He was the best bro ever just goes and decides to give himself to the dark god in the end what a motherfucker

>Sounds like you had a bad interaction with one person and have taken that to be the letter of the law.
Eh, it's the majority of the people in any discussion about it on. There are some that are chill though. I guess you could get better responses in the black clover threads on Yea Forums

Guy vs madara was godtier and he should have won.

I kinda have to agree with the other user, that would be extremely based.

I am. I really enjoy the back story and personalities of the later demons in Kimetsu, but the story and fights aren't really anything special. The anime has great animation, visuals, and music and one of the few cases where the anime is better than the manga. Really it shows how much impact a good anime can do considering the sales of the manga like doubled and I always see people online talking about it.

>it's the majority of the people in any discussion about it on
On what? Black Clover's subreddit? Because it isn't happening on this site.

Let's just agree to disagree because we're only going to butt heads with ''i'm right, no i'm right''

What is the best jutsu, and why is it SECRET BLACK MOVE FLAME CONTROL SCORPION SHOW

Pure Kino

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I'll agree that you don't know what you're talking about. Stop making asinine blanket statements that aren't supported.

Don't be a rude dude

Do you have any evidence that supports YOUR side

read the BNHA spinoff manga with 3 outlaw heroes, you should get some of what you want

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You're asking me to prove that people aren't acting according to ? But you aren't asking that poster for evidence? That's stupid. There's an active black clover thread on Yea Forums right now, feel free to check it out.

I'm glad Nero smacked sense into the two of them. I want to see brotherly hijinks in the next game

Exactly so you don't have anything

I just told you where the evidence was, are you illiterate?

His mundane power is early on hinted to have a hidden power

Show me in specific a post

Look at me Mom! I defended Nardo from the haters and trolls!

I already said to fuck off and to agree to disagree because it only leads to this shit exactly fucking always

I've shown you a whole thread. That's the third time I've told you about it. If you're averse to reading, you shouldn't be here.

And I already said you were full of shit.

Shut up i'm defending you, i'm saying you're right. There's two sides of the coin always

This is the best jutsu

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Arc where they chased sasuke was kino.

>Someone criticises Black Clover
>user says 'be careful now retarded BC fanboys will appear and start shit
>Retarded BC autist immediately appears and starts shit, claims that retarded BC autists don't exist
Fucking amazing I love this website.

>Why was old nurutu so good
Because you never watched again past the age of 12

When someone says "you're not allowed to criticize it here," you're not posting an opinion. You're stating that that's how things are, definitively. There is no "agree to disagree" with a statement like that, especially without evidence and while people are criticizing it. I should be charging for English lessons.

There aren't any BC fanboys here, learn to read.

Okay then, you're right.

I know.

Guys what's the difference between shadow clones and the other clones everyone else can make?

And why was it forbidden? Tons of people knew how to use it.

blunder red...

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Not many people actually use shadow clones in the anime, you're probably confusing them with subtitution jutsu

Naruto blatantly copied hunter x hunter and when it didnt it went to complete garbage

>Not many people
>19 users that are canon across games, filler and manga

Overhyped trash being carried by ufotable. Forced myself to watch it because everywhere i go people are talking about this shit. Didn't want to miss out on the boat. Made it all the way to like episode 19 i think then dropped it. I couldn't do it myself anymore. One of the most generic shit I've seen in pretty much any medium in a long time.

shadow clones are pretty rare desu senpai, and it's forbidden because casting shadow clones can kill you since it divides your chakra and if a shadow clone is destroyed you don't get the chakra back. Shadow Clones are different from earth/water/rock whatever the fuck clones in that they are more durable, they feel like people when you hit them, they have greater levels of autonomy, and most important, it's impossible to tell a shadow clones apart.

Hey, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are solid. Buu arc's a little shaky, but still.

It's just GT, Super, and the absolute DeviantArt dumpster fire that is the Heroes universe that are crap.

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that's how it be

>watching any anime post 2010, except for some movies

Super was lazy but I really did like the zamasu and goku black arc. I honestly think they should've ended it when trunks cut zamasu in half (and not have him become the universe)

19 people out of like 500?

god tier
>chunin exams
>rescue sasuke
>hidan and kakuzu arc
>jiraiya in the hidden rain
>anything with kisame and/or guy
great tier
>naruto + jiraiya
>sasuke vs itachi
good tier
>rescue gaara
>pain arc
starting to lose me tier
>kage summit
>anything to do with kabuto and orochimaru in shippuden
just plain bad
>great ninja war
>final naruto vs sasuke

did i miss anything

>I saw a lot of people chatting about it but the fucking power system is just "DUDE BREATHE LMAO" like come the fuck on.

Now to be fair, Battle Tendency's crux is DUDE BREATHE LMAO and that first arc up to training with Lisa Lisa is the tightest, best single arc in shonen, and Hamon as a whole is used much more creatively and consistent internally than Stands until midway through Part 4. The fights are usually touch-of-death affairs where one blow is all it takes for either side, full of tension and unique usage of powers. The issue is DUDE BREATHE LMAO is used poorly, not the concept as a whole.

There weren't 500 characters in Naruto.

Yeah I pretty much agree with that

Z stopped being good after frieza and was entirely carried by the characters' charisma. The androids were the dumbest shit imaginable

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>HxH was the peak.
I knew you would say that lmao, imagine actually thinking this

>The androids were the dumbest shit imaginable
Remember how they never utilized their infinite energy? Even in the ToP when they were easily stronger than multiple universes.

You could've saved it by having a proper emotional end beyond Goku just calling Zeno to save the day. If Bulma had survive the arc up to that point and she chose to stay in the ruined future and be killed by Zamasu so her son could escape in the time machine 4-seater time machine with Mai, Goku and Vegeta, for example. The main issue is it feels like the issue is brought up and solved so quick that it never feels like a real problem with consequences, but adding a major character death would put a real price on Zamasu becoming the Universe.

Frieza fight will always be pinnacle dbz for me

I'm actually cringe enough to think it's cool how he went from smug to whoopsie
Is there a fan edited version of Naruto? I aint watching it again, and I don't reading it for the third time will do much for me.

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>it never feels like a real problem with consequences
That resonates with me compared to super as a whole

You're right, it's closer to 1000 than 500

Shadow clones are:
>impossible to distinguish from their user
>more durable
>possess more chakra
>are capable of casting greater ninjutsu

they are 'forbidden' because
Shadows clones:
>Can exhaust you leading to death due to the fact that they split chakra evenly
>They aren't actually forbidden, this was retconned and changed, Shadow Clones are only forbidden to non-senior jonin.

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I agree the Goku Black arc was the best one. I think the biggest flaw with Super is it felt so low stakes.

The first two arcs are movie rehashes so literally nothing new.
The U6 vs U7 had some neat concepts, but it was a tournament where win or lose, nothing bad would really happen to the main characters. So they get transported to another universe. Whatever.
Goku Black started out good, had some fun moments. Shit the bed near the end when Goku literally uses a "I Win" button.
Other shit happens, training arcs for the ToP
Then the ToP itself was a rollercoaster of cool moments and terrible new characters like Ribrianne and Jiren.

Let me get this right, do you want to change reality and make Naruto an enjoyable experience? Just make your mentally ill head canon then

Kishi changed it from "hard work beats talent" to "chosen one beats everyone else".

forgot Tsunade search arc

And 9/10 people can't think. What's your point?

And Tsunade fuck arc

What sort of mentally ill Yea Forums experience am I experiencing with this post?

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Dr. Stone is a god damn beacon of hope for shonen. Kimetsu wasn't bad but kinda droned on for me and I just couldn't feel like keeping up with it.

this is the canon answer

Hashirama wouldn't lose to Jigen.

there actually is an edited version of naruto that removes all the filler episodes and removes a some dead space in the episodes.

Also you can just skip the filler episodes, there are multiple lists of them.

>HxH was the peak

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Feel free to name a better one I need something to watch.

>fma ended
>naruto and op is still going

>watching battle shonen past the age of 14
You're retarded beyond salvation already

Delicious Momo tiddies?

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FMA always had a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Naruto is a tapeworm

Cell Saga was KINO and Buu saga had its moments. When compared to Super though, they're works of art.

The movie rehashes are especially egregious because you know how they're going to end, but I think the Goku Black arc as a whole is really decent in terms of stake. I think the main problem with DBS is over half the content is tournament arcs, and they miss the point of the traditional tournament arc.

In DB, the second World Martial Arts tournament is just a raw fighting tourney, 1-on-1 matches over and over. But the undercurrents are Tien and Chiaotzu out to kill Goku and destroy the Turtle School for revenge, of Tien testing his limits and becoming a nobler fighter through struggles against Roshi and Goku, and leading up to the eventual arc of the revival of King Piccolo, and these undercurrents drive the events and make them more than just a series of combat encounters. When you watch Roshi fight Tien it's not just to see who's stronger, because the answer is clearly Tien from the very beginning. You're watching to see how these two different individuals clash and learn from one another, how the mellow and wise Roshi interacts with and teaches the brash, angry and clearly dissatisfied Tien, leading to actual measurable change in Tien's character. This is what makes tournament arcs compelling, and part of what makes his inevitable fight with Goku exciting.

Contrast with DBS, where most of the ToP is a series of pointless fights for the sake of them in a structureless mess where the only fights that matter from a storytelling point are Goku vs. Jiren and Goku vs Kefla. It has rare moments of brilliance in emotional payoff, like Roshi almost killing himself to defeat Frost or Piccolo and Gohan teaming up and regaining their warrior spirit together against the U6 Namekians, but those are rare and few between, and ultimately the only point anyone remembers is the very ending because it's the only part that isn't let down by either poor animation or inadequate buildup, or both.

Probably the only ninja that actually behaved like a fucking ninja should. Also his voice was godlike, shame the VA died.

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Nothing tops Yugi and Kaiba's rivalry.

Everything that wasnt Goku vs Jiren was filler. Watching Gohan and Piccolo struggle against nobodies was just sad.

This. Not to mention, where the fuck were Goten and Trunks? There was no killing in this tournament, and Goku and friends elected them to not just fight Buu, but kill him.

And they left them at home. Didn't bring either one. Trunks at least got two future arcs to be a cool main character. and Gohan got to kill a main arc villain. Goten will NEVER EVER get to have a big moment to himself now that it's the Goku and Vegeta show.

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Goten and Trunks have literally never been anything but jobbers, even fused. Fucking Goten loses to his three year old niece in End of Z. He doesn't even speak in Broly. Give it up.

>implying Naruto vs Sasuke wasn't the last good thing Shippuden gave us
You fucking faggot, they even played some of the old music from part 1.

Just got done watching 7 episodes of this, actually. I'm incredibly bored, this show sucks hard. Nezuko isn't cute at all either, and people are making her out to be this cute moe imouto type. I don't get it.

Total agreement. Marathoned the available episodes a couple of days ago and then read all the way through the manga because I was having such a good time. Dr. Stone does it right and it's so refreshing.

lee is best boy

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Imagine thinking anyone who shits on that popular entertainment property you like does so out of personal inadequacy and discontent. This shit is pandemic on Yea Forums because some people are actually dumb enough to think no one could possibly earnestly dislike that thing I like

>Kisame's VA died
When did this happen?

Naruto got sealed away and Sasuke ran away to his wife like a pussy lol.

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>narutard spics are old enough to post now

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>Next game starts with Vergil and Dante chilling in the office eating pizza and they both hear the phone ring, they both rush to see who can get to the phone first.

>Distinctive appearance, impossible to mistake as a side character
>Steadfast, loyal and hardworking
>Talented physical combatant but poor magical skills
>Instead of thinking his problems through, as he knows that's not his strong point, he uses training and sheer force to overcome obstacles
>Transformation that causes damage to his body when used
>Never gives up as a defining trait
>Mentor is unassuming at first but hides incredible power and, in a final battle vs the major series threat, sacrifices himself using all this tremendous strength, going all out for the first time and falling just short of finishing the fight, leaving it up to his pupil

>Despite all these main character-ass traits, he's somehow not the main character

Rock Lee is the poster child of JUST

I like GT. It's the most wholesome series alongside with DB. DB > DBGT > DBZ > wall > shit > DBS

>he glides
>actually, he has propulsors in his hands and feet
that's actually cool, because since it's not OP, with good writing (kek) it can become interesting
Now lets look at the main series
>he has nothing
>suddenly he has the most OP quirk of them all (OfA)
>actually, he has 8 fucking quirks now

Like 5 years ago i think? He pretty much died soon after Kisame died in the anime. That's why he barely speaks if he appears after that episode, and if he does they just re-use his old voice lines.


Because the average shonen viewer is a loser who wants to be strong and special with no effort of their own. They love these kinds of story.

He also got cucked by Sasuke.

>average shonen viewer is a loser
Or just a nostalgiafag.

>m-muh gadgets and preptime! Deku should've had an asspull utility belt instead of defined and consistent powers that build along the plot and his character growth! why couldn't this incredibly predictable and boring thing happened so I could self-insert as the retarded loser without powers!

You Anime Batman faggots are the worst.

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so... a loser

Well, if you define it that way.

The majority of mangas all age like fucking milk because they aren't made with longevity in mind because they're made majorly by teenagers trying to break into the industry while they're still in school because if they don't break into the industry they have to get an normal job and it kills their chance of ever being a manga artist. Its just how it is in japan, so much so that huge name manga artists tell kids to just give up if they don't get anything published by the time they're 18.
This, coupled with how editors won't let shit die and force them to either continue the series or end it on a dime based off of ratings makes shit like powerscaling problems so common along with horrible rushed endings.
So what you have is a series made by kids who are more worried about broad appeal to survive the initial phase and if it gets succesful, it gets stretched out for like 20 years.

The selling point of black clover is that the manga goes at a breakneck pace where you can watch everything pile into each other instead of being stuck on namek like a lot of other series do at times. When that is removed there's no selling point

The series should have ended with Pain.

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Who needs jutsu?

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yeah the entire series doesn't take itself that seriously, that's what's good about it, any other character apart from saitama is just someone with a fancy name and power, they give awesome fights/badass moments and only a select few have actual depth to their character

>Rock Lee, Shikimaru, and Hinata
This would've been the kino Team 7.

But then we'd have missed out on best opening.

Sasuke was also way better pre-timeskip. He was a cocky brat that wanted to get stronger for genuine reasons (to become so strong that his brother could never hurt his friends) and sincerely liked and cared for Naruto.

Post-timeskip Sasuke is an unrepentant edgelord that shits on everyone around him and never gets punished for it. He became cool again after Naruto punched his face in at the end of the series but most of the fucking series consisted of Sasuke being an unlikable fuckhead.


I read all of Dr Stone in a day and it's pretty fun. Kinda like the wholesome edutainment of magic school bus but on shounen steroids

Naruto and Sasuke were the only transmigrants of Asura and Indra to unlock their latent powers and had to earn it by having Hagoromo judge them. Mind you, transmigrating is like reincarnation but at a later point of the incarnations life. Naruto and Sasuke weren't transmigrants during Part 1 for example but became transmigrants sometime after Naruto vs Pein and Sasuke vs Itachi.

Oh we doing this!

Also props for good EDs

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>even in openings they admit Naruto's superpower is putting people in awkward situtations by hugging them and them pretending to lose because it's too cringe to bear

Pein was the ultimate bigbad in Naruto. Tobi and Madara never quite cut the same feeling of godlike antagonism. Madara attempted the same but the series devolved into DBZ-style power ups via transformations and shit and Madara was so retardedly overpowered that it was impossible for him to be an appropriate antagonist.

Pein was overpowered but not so overpowered that he was unbeatable. Naruto defeated Pein with a mixture of intel + Sage Mode + Kyuubi Mode + MUH NINJUH WAY and would have been horrifically destroyed any other way.

Problem is that there is filler in every episode, constantly, every time it gets a bit serious like in a fight they start sprinkling flashbacks, and usually reuse the same flashback 2-3 times.

Silhouette's good, but kinda overrated. Also, both Naruto and Shippuden had kino soundtracks.

Pains big selling point was that he had a reasonable and relatable goal. Obito was just a sad loser, and Madara was typical "lol take over the world".

Jokes on you I'm 26 and watching Naruto for the first time right now.

>Naruto was one of the originals
The "original" was Dragon Ball and it started in the early 80's.

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>Battle Tendency's crux is DUDE BREATHE LMAO and that first arc up to training with Lisa Lisa is the tightest, best single arc in shonen
part2fags are fucking insufferable

Why was Naruto so much weaker than Sasuke in the beginning of season 2? Sasugay literally teleported behind him and he couldn't even move.

Knowledge is power, Sasuke was able to dip his entire body into everything forbidden while naruto was only allowed his leg at first
and even then Sasuke was allowed to be in the deep end while Naruto still was only in the shallow side

He spent 3 years with the hack Jiraiya and all he learned was just a bigger Rasengan. Meanwhile Sasuke spent 3 years with a guy obsessed with jutsus. So what do you think?

Damn I can only rip their flesh open, guess they can't kill anyone then.

>hack Jiraiya
Jiraiya was by far the strongest of the sannin. He destroyed all six pain puppets alone and only died because of rinnegan hacks

It wasn't, you just saw it as an absolute pleb.

But bike bro is the least interesting character in the show.

>hack Jiraiya
Fuck you apologize right now

Oh I thought you was talking about his English VA.

>jiraiya didn't even teach him how op shadow clones were for training

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Its pacing is top notch, the fights are all creative and fun, the animation quality is fantastic and Joseph himself is an incredible hero to follow, especially coming after the one-note and relatively bland Jonathon. What's your issue with the arc?

Who the fuck watches this shit in eng dub?

man that shit alone allowed exponential growth
more people should do it, even if they're not able to make as many clones as naruto

speaking of anime I cringe so hard when MHA tries to make every loser in the class do something useful during fights or rescues. Like 90 percent of the powers are garbage

Doesn't change the fact that he can't teach for shit. Also, how shitty is your memory? He barely managed to take out 2 Pains, and that was when there it 3vs3.

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I hope they don't forget about utility powers in favor of combat ones

Naruto basically needed it to learn the basics of ninjutsu in a hurry. It would be wasted on someone like Kakashi who already learns everything in a flash

>>underdog MC ends up getting super duper special one of a kind powers that make him better than everyone else by default at some point, remember all that hard work shit, fuck that the MC can crush mountains now!!!
Wait what happened? That can't be as bad as how Nardo did it right?

Heh heh yeah.

Everything involving Sasuke was the worst part of Naruto.

>Muh english dub hate
When will this meme end?

It's okay. Not your fault you were born in USA, the land of slow readers.

>about utility powers in favor of combat ones
Now I haven't read the manga so excuse my ignorance but is there a reason why Momon isn't the god queen of everything?

>can create LITERALLY ANYTHING, including devices as complex as tracking devices and homing beacons, from nothing
>the only price to pay is that she must eat fatty foods

That is fucking insane. She should be uncounterable

Because the english dub is superior in every aspect? Itachi's english va is pure kino.

>best shonen

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can anybody explain should of to me? As a non english nigga i'm not sure if its right or not but it sound really wrong and retarded

I thought about that too
she's super strong if she can get over her inability to think cleverly (though she can when it matters but i'm talking about 24/7 creativity) and low esteem

>Naruto chapter 1 released September 21 1999
Dang naruto is 20 years old.

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powers are only as good as their wielder and she's kinda slow to act. As she's been setup she lacks combat aptitude and would serve better as support. Sort of wasted potential if nothing changes, but it's par for the course for women in shounen

should've = should have

"Should of" is wrong
"Should have" is right

I've been rewatching part 1 recently and so far

>Sharingan brothers>Naruto Bridge>Chunin exams=Orochimaru's invasion>Tsunade search

With my knowldge of Naruto courtesy of the Ultimate Ninja series, all i can tell is Sasuke's rescue is pure kino, Pain arc is god tier, everything went DBZ tier with the war and Boruto is literally painful to watch

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She's getting Green Lantern'd

Never should of come here then.

Best rival in the history of cideo games and you know it

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>people always saying rock lee vs gaara was the best fight when naruto vs sasuke part 1 exists

The best Naruto games are Japanese exclusive. NA2(2007) Ps2 platform fighter and GNT4(2005) gamecube 2d fighter in a 3d arena.

yeah i know but how did it even come into existance. It's just such a weird way to say it


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>>final naruto vs sasuke
Watch the anime

>naruto vs sasuke part 1
That fight was stepping into dbz territory. Just two guys flying around and throwing energy balls at each other. Gaara vs Lee felt unique.

>people saying anything was best fight when Guy vs Madara exists

Turd-world esl niggers that can't afford clean water and soap but can shitpost relentlessly.

I'm an episode behind the finale and holy shit you guys weren't kidding, Super was a fucking mistake and I watched GT.

>deku's mother literally cries with her son because he doesn't have powers instead of encouraging him to make up for his lack of talent through hard work
>does nothing but cry when he doesn't get what he wanted and doesn't put in any effort before he gets one-for-all
>gains no confidence and is still bullied despite having a sudden increase in power
>the MC manages to be a complete fucking loser throughout the whole show

this is what not having a father figure does to your life

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>Bleach started so good with that ghost mystery shit
>Shits the bed really early when Rukia gets kidnapped and it all goes to hell
What the actual fuck happened. What were they thinking.

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The perfect age to fuck me.

they did her dirty

Kubo was a shell of a man by the later parts of bleach. The work ground down his soul

I guess you could say he was hollow

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>tayuya will never spit in your mouth

It was unique because everyone's powers were very clear and the match up was easy to understand. Garra is a defensive, offensive character with zero mobility. Rock Lee is min maxed in physical fighting and speed. The name of the game is whether Lee can break Garra's defense before his stamina gives out. The stronger he makes himself, the faster Lee's countdown gets. And damn if he didn't get closer than anyone before him did but the way he did it made logical sense.

Naruto vs Sasuke 2 was a very emotional battle (that was sullied by the fact that the anime had to make up some scenes that didn't happen to push the idea that they were potential friends even though they hated each other in their actual scenes together). But it's also when you could see power levels start to get out of control.

Should have becomes,
Should've sounds like,
Should of to people who don't speak English well.

>the animation quality is fantastic

Fuck off Carlos

Asura and Yasha.

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>later parts
But it went to shit really early

First Shippuden song is best song

Carlos you stole my girlfriend!

>Bleach started so good with that ghost mystery shit
>shits the bed really early
hmmmm, reminds me of something

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Tsunade is best girl
Haku is best boy

I love Naruto games

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YYH remained good up until the final season, but it also had a nice ending.

Yeah I hate to be that guy but it sounds like that particular thing touched a nerve for him

I think it's stupid too

What are some games where the true villains are humans that even manage to hijack cosmic horrors?

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what is that?


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You were younger

>female main character
>has no interest in the cool male MC
>doesn't ever fall for him throughout the series despite every other girl, except the cute shy one, begging to touch his dick
Is there any series that does this? Japan is pretty strict in that their women want asian-like no emotion MC, or hot blooded but oblivious white-like MC.

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I agree that it really isn't the best shit out there and it's somewhat overrated, but shounen shit is my guilty pleasure.

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Powerlevels were never the problem. The manga even sets it all up in the first page. But rock lee lost so genetics always won

I hate this shit, it's so lazy.
They continue to try and make X protagonist seem like an underdog who is only getting by via hard work while giving him special crazy powers.

It's why I won't watch battle shounen.
Dragon Ball never did this. Goku always had to put in the work, but they never made him out to be some underdog starting from zero, they always made it blatantly clear that he can only do what he does because he's special. Krillin could try as hard as he wanted, DB always made it clear Goku was gonna rapidly outpace him.
If Dragon Ball were written today Krillin would have been written to be some super talented rival that Goku could never hope to catch up to before eventually beating him, and Jackie Chun would have gone on some rant about Goku being able to nearly beat him because "muh hard work" rather than extreme innate talent.

>Guy still loses
The final nail in the coffin for taijutsufags.

Living water from outer space comes into contact with an artist while in search for a world to leech off and proceed to be made his bitch.

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7th gate guy destroyed Kisame underwater. He may not be god level, but he's still one of the most powerful in the world

When all dubs in the US are FMA-tier

what manga is it i mean


Daily reminder in every naruto thread, the anime would've been watchable, no, it would've been great if Sasuke was a girl and Naruto achieved her dream of repopulating the Uchiha clan in the last episode by pumping her full of Kyuubi fueled energy.


You could have brought up a ton of dubs that are actually good like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Black Lagoon, Cromartie, etc. Instead, you use a shit one like FMA as your example. Jesus christ, user.

Souboutei Kowasu Beshi. It's about a mysterious haunted mansion

Should have ended right after the dark detective arc

Don't worry Naruto can still pump Sarada full of kyuubi energy.

>Instead, you use a shit one like FMA as your example
Agreed, FMA:B is the superior dub.

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something like BnHA/MHA is concerned with pushing the 'correct' checkboxes to make sure it's hitting the correct buttons in the shounen formula for commercial success, in an almost cold, corporate, 'disney-esque' way. Rather than starting from a more organic point to build a story around. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make much sense once you actually scrutinize it. The author clearly didn't have much of a plan for what would come after the All Might v AFO fight

Reverse, Naruto's personality works better as a girl while Sasuke works best as unintentionally hilarious edgelord. Then we can bait the shonen audience and go full shoujo with Naruto redeeming Sasuke in the end.

The rivalry in DMC4.5 is hollow and contrived as fuck.

based, wish there was more art of her

wasn't there a superpower school manga where the mc had no power and it ended poorly or something?

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The Asuma arc is the best arc of shippuuden

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>nietzsche nihon fanboyism

>>underdog MC ends up getting super duper special one of a kind powers that make him better than everyone else by default at some point, remember all that hard work shit, fuck that the MC can crush mountains now
When does this actually happen?

>Shonen is fucking trash, HxH was the peak.
Which one?

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I was listening to a video about the whole kick vic thing, so that was the first thing to pop into my mind.
Agree wholly with you on Bebop and Champloo.
Not so much with Black Lagoon, and haven't seen Cromartie yet.


Also Frieza Arc was the peak of Shounen, its been downhill ever since. HxH included

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It'd literally be this. Joshua and Estelle, they have the same naruto sasuke dynamic, with the optimist idiot chasing down her edgy friend with a "dark past". Onky difference is that they'll hook up now.

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He's an insane siscon.

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The fight with pain was the most kino in all of Naruto shut up nostalgiatard

i love how both the op and ed give off a different feeling with almost every episode, they can be depressing or cathartic

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I don't hold much against the 2011 version but why was the color design so bad? Why'd they hire a bad color designer?

>The androids were the dumbest shit imaginable
The android arc was where Dragon Ball Z's power creep got really stupid.
>Hahaha, I, Doctor Gero, somehow made android far more powerful than Super Saiyans and a literal Intergalactic Dictator despite only using data of Goku and Vegeta during their fight on earth!

It makes sense how Cell would be stronger than everyone, but the other androids were just stupid

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naruto was literally just zoomer Dragonball

dragonball is the ocarina of time of shonen

FF7, Sephiroth hijacks jenova and gives it an ego, his ego.

Luffy was good example until he got godlike haki shit God dammit why why why why why


Naruto has better writing than Dragonball

DBZ didn't even have a power creep. It was crazy from the start. Naruto had a power creep but it was set up in the beginning of the manga.

The writing was still shitty but it was carried by decent character writing, a unique ensemble cast, and cool fights. Kishimoto's tendency to just make shit up as he went along came back to bite him in the ass the longer the series went on because eventually, he made decisions that retroactively ruined earlier parts of the series, like the Third Hokage and Jiraiya basically abandoning Naruto, Jinchuriki being a known phenomenon but the village treats Naruto like shit anyway, everything Itachi ever did, etc. It got to a point where he just started giving out blowjobs to the Uchiha and substituted Naruto's training with finding out about yet another ancestral power he has access to, and every character that didn't have a Rinnegan or was named Naruto was an irrelevant cocksucker, except Gai who came out looking like an absolute badass in no small part due to the fact that he WASN'T an Uzumaki or an Uchiha and they allowed him to do something, like kick Madara Uchiha the fuck in half.

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luffy is just one of many. What really separates him is the devil's luck he has. Blackbeard is pretty much the only other guy with anything close to it

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It's still really stupid how the third allowed Naruto to be treated like that when he was the son of a hokage. They even kept his lineage hidden from him.

he mellowed out a little bit after killing his brother and getting his own squad, but became a turbobitch with a retarded end goal near the end. The whole experience with his brother coming back and them fighting together was supposed to have changed him for the better, but it didn't show until he fought Naruto the last time

DBZ definitely had a power creep.
Dr. Gero somehow made androids literally stronger than the inter-galactic tyrant who conquered and destroyed planets at a whim because he was so strong, despite the fact that Gero was just some random Red Ribbon scientist who only had data of Goku and Vegeta on earth to work with.

He didn't know what Frieza was, he didn't know what a Super Saiyan was, but he, a regular human, created robots far stronger than them.
That is the definition of power creep.

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This is not a good sequence

it has much better writing than Z but I think DB is basically perfect, and im a narutofag too

Mx0 had the MC join a school for magic while being unable to use magic himself, but it got cancelled after two years

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I thought I was the only one that stopped after rukia got taken, what a shitshow


>t. HxH 2011 zoomie

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If anything after killing his brother he fell off the deep end and went batshit crazy by attacking the kage summit, only after he went away for a couple of real world years as his eye transplant was healing that he came back more reasonable.

English is a really fucking weird and hard language to learn if you're not a native speaker.

Try to get through this sentence without having an aneurysm: "Though I coughed roughly and hiccoughed throughout the lecture, I still thought I could plough through the rest of it."

Nah I mean she could progressively fall for him over the series or something, fuck knows...

Lies. The Zabuza arc was a perfect example.

the rivalary between Banjo and Steve is truly kino, the Incineiroar redemption arc arguably had one of the most kino moments.

So there's no girls in HxH, why is that? To pander to fujos?

Kishimoto vs Anko

not in my hero

Funny enough, the author came out and said that he originally planned on keeping deku powerless and having him win his fights more intelligently than brute forcing with "one for all" bjt his editor made him go the shonen powercreep route instead. To back pedal/not offend the editor he said in the long run it was a better idea.

Could you imagine how cool it'd be if deku fought like a JoJo who had to carefully observed his enemies quirks and come up with cool ways to defeat them

Yeah instead you have water clone subtitution instead of logs.

>Who is Zabuza

you guys got a favourite ninja?

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Did you forgot the fact that while his power is something great, it also obliterates his bones like a bomb inside his body? His journey is not one to gain powers, his journey consists in learning to control said power. All men are not created equal.

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>sometimes ough sounds like "off"
>sometimes ough sounds like "ooo"
i can see how that might be a bit confusing

A fucking faggot. Haku deserved better.

Killua's all the girl I need.

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>this guy was supposedly on Kisame's level

The only time that happened was when Zabuza used a water clone and then it turned out that Kakashi used his copying eye to copy his water clone, which surprised Zabuza, but not enough to make a difference.

It turns out he is now acquiring all of the powers people who previously used One for All had. So he's going to end up having like seven quirks. It's also explicitly shown that it will not always be detrimental to him to use and the power he can put out with relatively little damage to himself is already absurd.

Waves arc perfectly encompasses what the show should have been. Mercenary work and child soldiering.

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>the 3rd vs oro was supposed to be the peak of the shinobi world
>even brought in the first 2 hokages for greater magnitude

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this, I fucking love Dr. Stone. Half-tempted to read the manga just because I can't get enough of the show

>He didn't know what Frieza was, he didn't know what a Super Saiyan was, but he, a regular human, created robots far stronger than them.
That's called a plot convenience.
>The writing was still shitty but it was carried by decent character writing
>Kishimoto's tendency to just make shit up
that's the point of writing though, do you guys actually think writers should plan absolutely everything? That wouldn't be fun and unless a writer is used to that sort of thing it could make the work jumbled since he would have to fit everything into a little box.

His powers have a learning curve but it's still utterly broken, and he's spoon feed through out like naruto and jiraiya. It really is just another fake "underdog"

His growth is pretty lame
>Phase 1: I hurt myself using my powers
>Phase 2: I focus my power to a single body part but it still hurts
>Phase 3: I distribute limited power throughout my body so there isnt too much recoil
>Phase 4: I realized kicking is also a thing

My boy Lee!

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>plot convenience
Is that some kind of fancy way to say "asspull?"

Snake and Ocelot in MGS3 are the best rivalry ever created in human fiction

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>That's called a plot convenience.
So, power creep.
You seem to not be refuting anything i've said, just justifying it.

Funnily enough Boku no Hero doesn't use that gay shit like "hard work triumphs over talent" shit that every author hypocritically forgets around the first arc. The first dialogue in the fucking manga is Deku defending a kid and saying all men are not created equal, while hard work can take you places you also need a bit of luck in order to succeed.

Deku embodies both of these statements, he was lucky enough to inspire all might when he jumped to save Bakugou when everyone else did shit and also worked and is still working his ass to gain his power and control the nuke inside his body.

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most good writers make a skeleton of the overarching story and fill in the messy details later. It's how you get something that doesn't shit itself mid-story. For example the whole last part of the naruto war was fucking ridiculous with the moon bunny

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It's not an asspull. Why are you so fixated on how the androids were created? It doesn't even matter.

Granny Chiyo was fucking based

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I'm not into shota, or guys.

Given the target audience of naruto, it's not surprising that they gloss over all of the "darkness" and actual gritty assassination work to focus on what's essential "fantasy Ninja guild" work. It was essentially dungeon and dragons.

This is all complete horseshit.

I love the puppet ninja in Naruto, one of the few things they did right

>neji doing the trigram pose

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the times have changed gramps, we peacetime now

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That was only effective in the first two arcs because everybody was weaker than him. Since then it's been long proven that both Big Mom and Kaidou are immensely stronger than Luffy is, especially when the latter laid him out in like five seconds. Every important player in One Piece's current story can use haki to an extent or a higher level than Luffy, who's only been using it at base level until recently.

Posting true naruto opening kino

>most good writers make a skeleton of the overarching story and fill in the messy details later
it depends on the writer.
>For example the whole last part of the naruto war was fucking ridiculous with the moon bunny
Why don't you think that was planned?
No, Power creep is when something is unbalanced. A plot convenience is something that doesn't exactly make sense but is needed for the plot to move forward.

But you posted the wrong one. Here, let me help you out.

not a fan of the boruto shit, but at least they nailed the adult Naruto look

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they stopped hunting actually monstrous shit how early in again?
I never even finished the arc where rukia got captured.

I used to passively follow bnha but once I saw that deku now has an even greater "uncontrollable new power" that is actually multiple new powers and is basically the avatar of that world, it jumped the fucking shark.

I didnt think he'd pull a sage mode naruto but there you go.

>No, Power creep is when something is unbalanced.
Okay, i'm glad we have both confirmed that you don't know what power creep is.


where do people get this shit about bnha being an underdog story? The very first chapter said it's a story about him becoming the greatest hero. He starts off as an underdog simply because he has to catch up to the others, but like 60 chapters in he establishes himself as one of the elite class members. The biggest theme of bnha is legacy and the story is about a boy living up to the legacy of "superman"

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If you're not retarded enough you will notice that he stopped being an underdog after developing full cowl, he jumped to 4th place in his class and is currently the second strongest student in Class-A, Deku had kicked before developing Shoot Style, however he was tunnel visioning cuz he still wanted to be all might 2.0, he became his own after that starting with a new fight style. He also started to push OFA further and he's currently able to hold it at 20%. Not bad for less than year in terms of progression.

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It also has a better version of Reverse Situation.

You are my friend is the best anyway

>Okay, i'm glad we have both confirmed that you don't know what power creep is.
Explain it to me then.
Because "muh powerlevel" is an easy way to criticize an anime without actually saying anything of value.

Madara Uchiha should have impregnated every single female in the series.

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Its almost like most people who hate MHA don't actually read it

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>story about him becoming the greatest hero. He starts off as an underdog simply because he has to catch up to the others, but like 60 chapters in he establishes himself as one of the elite class members
So basically Naruto.
That's not Shippuden op 16 though.

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Madara was definitely asexual. He's like those science autist eggheads who only care about this research/work and nothing else.

I'm torn about the Momoshiki fight. I thought the movie got way too DBZ with it, but the giant part of the fight was much better than the anime version. Plus it looks like they actually had to try to beat him, Sasuke got fucked up and both of them looked beat up at the end.

The anime version of the fight nailed the "on the ground" part, and actually used some ninjutsu and tactics, which was nice. They looked like it was a walk in the park for them though, which was kind of disappointing.

Momoshiki looks 10x better in the anime compared to the movie though

Shippuden OP10 > OP16

what did he mean by this

naruto makes a point early on that naruto has a ton of potential and hidden power, when they're training to run up trees. kakashi says that naruto has the most chakra of anyone and much more than kakashi himself.

Plenty battle shounen don't do that though. FMA, One Piece, Toriko, and Hunter X Hunter all start out with naturally talented overpowered MCs.

You're right. Haku was one of the best characters.

What a fucking cuck

Shippuden op 7 is objectively the best in the series

op 8 is a close second

Best rivalry coming through.

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Too many power level jumps to the point where the actual ninja stuff was less cared about (same problem with DBZ).

You're pretty good.....

Damn chill out Tsunade poster. We all know who the real best girl is.

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Fap nostalgia, it's been like 12 or 13 years

B-but no one knows that deku is AM's successor, he's just some idiot that cant control his powers well.

Just like no one knows that naruto is the hokages son, has a special bloodline, is a reincarnation of some godlike being, and was personally trained by one of the best ninja for 2+ years, he's some idiot that cant even control his chakra.

>He doesn't know

the first page even says one of kurama's tails could cause tsunamis and destroy mountains. When you think about it, the series was pretty tame considering what they could've of gotten away with.
>I thought the movie got way too DBZ with it
DBZ never, ever had a kaiju fight.

naruto should've married her
that would've been something

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>I thought the movie got way too DBZ with it
should've clarified, I meant for the on-the-ground part of the fight

Because creators didn't anticipate it to be this big, so they keep adding powercreep to prolong the story for as long as possible

>Demon fox with a gorillion tanks of chakra
>Uzumaki's bloodline = More chakra
>Reincarnation of a fucking deity
Naruto was an "underdog" just because he was a giant retard.

Can someone explain to me the purpose of the girl on their team?

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Power creep in this context is when characters start getting exponentially more powerful in order to keep up with the demand for challenge of the main character.
It's like power creep in games where newer content just gets more and more stronger to the point of being ridiculous compared to before.

In the Dragon Ball Z example it's particularly retarded because it means Dr. Gero has to create androids literally stronger than Frieza, someone who is literally the strongest in the universe save for Majin Buu.

Best opening with one of the best arcs. (Pic unrelated)

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Because she cute.
I wish Dosu had a cooler death, he should have been in the final battle of that arc as a main enemy.

>Naruto was an "underdog" just because he was a giant retard
fucking this. Boruto doesn't even have a tailed beast to leech chakra off of and he's 10x stronger than Naruto was at that point in his life


>ramen shop owner gives Naruto a lifetime pass
don't know why that made me tear up, but it did. He was unironically the father Naruto never had

Nah because Naruto's story was set up with hum as an underdog and makes the direct argument that Naruto was a failure in the presence of geniuses hence why it was triumphant to see him win against them. Deku isn't set up as an underdog in fact with his love for quirks had he gotten one at a young age he would have made it the best imaginable hence why once he gets OfA and makes it into UA is quickly rose as one of the best in the class. MHA is about legacies fighting against one another and cultivating their power to go above and beyond their predecessors, Naruto is a rags to riches story about how someone who had nothing eventually became the most respected person in the world because of hardwork.

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yeah, imagine if kakashi had naruto's chakra, he'd have been unstoppable


If BNHA has a message, it's if somebody doesn't give you a free pass in your shitty life, you should just give the fuck up.

It really would've been better if the author stuck with his original plan kept deku quirkless and made him win his battles through intelligence, resourcefulness, wit etc

This basically. His environment played a bigger role in his upbringing than his genetics or destiny. Neji was wrong.
>Power creep in this context is when characters start getting exponentially more powerful in order to keep up with the demand for challenge of the main character.
Okay, but does it actually matter? Nothing actually changes besides Goku's hair and the powerlevels. It's still to guys fighting with power beams and martial arts. The show gives the illusion that the stakes are being raised but nothing actually changes.
>In the Dragon Ball Z example it's particularly retarded because it means Dr. Gero has to create androids literally stronger than Frieza, someone who is literally the strongest in the universe save for Majin Buu
That's a plot convenience, not a power creep. The androids being stronger is power creep but it's kind of artificial.

Can't believe he animated sasuke/naruto fight

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>If BNHA has a message, it's if somebody doesn't give you a free pass in your shitty life, you should just give the fuck up.
Well no that's not its message at all. But nice try though

>MC has multiple rivals
>One is Redeemed and becomes a a part of the team
>The other is condemned to a life of nigh infinite suffering

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Again, you're not making an argument that it's not power creep, you're justifying the power creep.
Fucking hate when faggots like you move goalposts. You started by going "it's n-n-n-not power creep" and are trying to drag me into an entirely different argument, fuck off.

That weird animation in the Pain fight was kino.

Even if what you said was right Deku never had a free pass in anything in his life.

Then people would have just called it asspulls because there's no feasible way a person with no powers would be able to beat someone with super powers without having a plot contrivance item at his disposal. People really need to let go of the batman argument now especially given how bullshit barman actually is in the comics.

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>Okay, but does it actually matter?
For Naruto it does matter because at some point you stop being able to have moments like tricking Zabuza into releasing Kakashi from the water prison.

I want Boruto x Hanabi femdom.

Post yfw pain is hammered into the ground. I nearly died laughing.

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>Heil Hitler
what did batman mean by this?

>anime forum avatars
I miss 2007

Did you not read the last sentence? Gero creating the androids isn't power creep, it's a convenience for the plot to move forward. The androids being stronger than freiza is a power creep but what I'm saying is that it's an artificial one. Powerlevels being raised make it seem like the stakes are too but the fight's aren't getting gradually over more of the top, it's still the DBZ style of fighting.

user, are you a retard? Nardo gospels shit like hard work over talent, but it's nothing but hypocrisy.
>Fox chakra
>Uzumaki Chakra
>Indra Shakra
Boku no hero encourages hard work but also doesn't discard that you do need luck in order to succeed unironically making it way more mature than that kiddy shit you're defending

>Wait what happened?
The second fucking chapter

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Where's Sign you niggers?

>batman using a gun with bullets

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>literally yeeted the big bad off the planet

Goten exists to be Gotenks and nothing more. Yes Chi Chi taught him how to fight, but he's never going to do anything with it. Gohan was literally baptized by fire and more or less has to keep fighting despite wanting to live a normal life. As far as Goten is concerned he's just a super strong little boy with a super strong best friend and when they fuse they can become even super stronger.

Here's a shorter way of putting it. Because Goku is always around now, there's no reason for Goten to get character development.

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>Nobody appreciates the real best girl

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>Read the last sentence
>The androids being stronger is power creep but it's kind of artificial.
Do you even read your own posts?

>Nardo gospels shit like hard work over talent
which is why gaara lost to lee?

I want Shikamaru x Temari femdom

how the fuck does Darkseid get hit by a bullet? Shouldn't he be able to move fast enough to dodge it?

Who was his other rival? Albino Ben?

He explained in the page before that one that he's making an exception

>D-Deku could use g-gadgets bruh
Imagine asspulling your way out of shit like this

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>underdog MC ends up getting super duper special one of a kind powers that make him better than everyone else by default at some point
Wait so OfA was never a super duper special one of a kind power?

He does it in fortnite now

now i'm mad this wasn't the case

>For Naruto it does matter because at some point you stop being able to have moments like tricking Zabuza into releasing Kakashi from the water prison.
those moments happen all the time. I noticed when rewatching part 1 that characters flashback and explain the techniques a lot more than in shippuden. For example in the war arc, Fence sitter helped Gaara snag Madara by making his sand lighter and it was fast paced and got to the point. If the same thing happened in part 1 they would dedicate an entire episode to explaining that shit.

>Manga becomes about hypersexual ninja girl who wants to fuck everyone in the series.
>Sasuke is that incel that can't understand why his autistic obsession with stabbing people doesn't attract Naruto's unrelenting lust.
>Naruto still ends the series the series with Hinata, because fuck the Sakura and Sasuke shippers.

Wich is why gaara lost to fucking naruto and dabbed on neji who was right all along?

Why does every anime why a timeskip go downhill so hard? Is it just a sign that the writer ran out of material and needs a reset?

Gaara v naruto had nothing to do with that nonexistent theme, and naruto only beat neji because he had hidden powers.

One of the best moment in art

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Yeah Neji was already the victor of the battle since he already closed all of Naruto's chakra points.


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Seriously, people who think hard work v talent was ever a big theme of this series are fucking retarded, the two main fights, neji v naruto and lee v gaara completely contradict that idea.

That and it's usually a desperate resort to appeal to the naive who believe things will be different now that everyone is a few inches taller and wearing new clothes.

And then Neji changes his mind believing we are not tied by destiny and that we can rise and surpass those with talent if we try hard enough, but Naruto did not win with his strength, he won because he used an advantage given to him. The message goes straight to the trash

>hard work v talent was ever a big theme of this series
It kind of was though. It just turned out that talent won, which is depressing but true.

>but Naruto did not win with his strength, he won because he used an advantage given to him. The message goes straight to the trash
He punched him in the chin.

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You said that gero making the androids was power creep when that's just an action. Usually when talking about power creep you refer to an actual character not the creation of the characters.

those nails on her toes look fucked

After powering up with kurama's chakra when he had nothing left, wich is incredibly retarded to say the least

After having his arse handed to him for a whole 30 minutes of repeated attacks and beatings, he lands one hit which incapacitates the enemy and changes his entire mental philosophy. Attacks and beatings that would have beaten any other opponent that hadn't already won from the start.
Naruto couldn't even argue against Neji's beliefs and instead chose to argue with feelings.

It just promotes hard work if anything, a few lines in neji v naruto's fight doesn't define the entire series. all in all neji's point was irrelevant, because neji's worldview was based on a misunderstanding of the situation with his father which is why he matures after he speaks with hiashi

What was the point of literally any female character in Naruto?

one does not just win an argument with the most right person in history. This applies to you too guyfags

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Why is it retarded? The more kurama chakra Naruto uses, the easier it becomes for Kurama when he tries to break out.

It is powercreep, and it would make way more sense to have the android saga before frieza. But the show was supposed to end with the namek saga.

Not this meme again...

Wow, just like that time he used it to summon gamabunta, transform him into kurama and get out of the sand burial gaara created?

You know the answer

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Me too dude...

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