OMG our queen released a new video today!

OMG our queen released a new video today!

Attached: rose.jpg (600x338, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How is she still alive?

how is she still so cute


why is she still british

i do not care about your dumb youtuber i watched 5 seconds of the video with adblock and left a dislike at the same time.

La Blue Girl is not "man" nor "woman". La Blue Girl has no time for such petty categorizations and spiritually vapid gender classifications. She is a higher level of spirit in a far more expansive plateau of existance. She has no time for your attempts to classify her. La Blue Girl is both male and female, in one Yin/Yang corporeal body of earthly manifestation.

Only boomers can appreciate Rose.


She fucks Muslims

literal who also check this 5

just because you were born in 1999 and played quake once at a friends dosent make you a boomer and also you are a millenial

>september 20, 2019

nigga i think your clock is two days slow

Heres a link for the anons in this thread who are trashing Rose but are also secretly marathoning all her vids.

Attached: spacerose.jpg (1050x1226, 222K)

>queen of Yea Forums is a 3DPD whore

Attached: 1508792759665.jpg (1000x1322, 181K)

>projecting this hard
Goodness user, you wanna tell us something?

rose should just stay dead

Attached: C-GGp_5VwAAdahi.jpg (799x1200, 162K)

No, she even called an arab kid once alien which got some pakis really mad in the comments

She will never fuck you.

>check her 8 years old video
>check her recent video
>she still looks literally the same

So, is she a trans?

nothing wrong with being a millennial

No. She even hates gay people.

Attached: image.jpg (952x895, 121K)

I haven't heard any of her since like 2017

She stopped releasing videos for like 5 years and then she started releasing videos but only "christmas specials".

Neither will anyone else, so how is that an issue?

how is this video games?

Being this new...

Somehow I missed out on who this is. Somebody give me the short version.

fuck this stinky cunt

More like "I'm an ayy lmao"

daily reminder
>she' 35
>don't have a partner
>fucks everything that moves in hopes to get pregnant

That's not Taylor Swift dip shit

Attached: queen.gif (480x268, 1.34M)

People have been calling your ass cringy for what must be five or six years, you creepy faggot.

She was basically an "internet gf" to gamer boys 10 years ago. She is pretty addictive.