It's happening, we won PC bros !

it's happening, we won PC bros !

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Other urls found in this thread:

denied classification? so its not secret? WE WON PC BROS

Who cares? The game was utterly boring

It was always a matter of when, not if. Question is if they're waiting for the new consoles to make fags tripledip.

I’ve never felt like a game was actively trying to waste my time until I played this. It’s complete shit and PC gamers are better off not having it, trust me. I guess it would look pretty though.

brainlet here
wtf does that even mean

It was denied classification in some sjw country. Probably Asstralia.

One of the best games of the generation. Will double dip and and love it. Give me mods and downsampled 1440p at 100fps.

It means Australia didn't like the PC version of the game, but had no problems with the console version.

PC port cancelled

Only mods can save this game.

Nice bait. It's an Aussie only issue.

GTA V also had this problem with the PC version in Australia.

You can keep this one, concolefags.

enjoy buying it in rockstar's own store though

what is this GUYS LETS ALL MAKE OUR OWN STORE meme? does anybody want this?

Can't wait to pirate

It will most likely be both considering how well GTA V is doing on Steam. Pretty sure Ubisoft sell their stuff on Steam too but it runs though whateverthefuck their own store/launcher is called.

I agree for sure, but I reckon it would be great with mods

>Unable to abstract information beyond the headline
Based retard, nobody gives a shit about Australia denying some age rating, the fact that they denied a rating for a PC Version a year after the console one released proves that a Port is coming.

it's not cos they want a store, it's because they can avoid paying steam/whoever the publishing cut

This. Realism games are boring as shit and the gunplay is literally time freeze cheating. No challenge at all.

Australia ratings board being full of faggots yet again.

Honestly don't care
Rdr1 was good but 2 looks boring

>No reading comprehension
That's exactly what I'm saying too dumbass. Meanwhile the OP is trying to act like it means there will be no PC port.

Only if you play on controllers, which are the worst ways to play any game besides platformers or sports games.

>he fact that they denied a rating for a PC Version
They didn't. That Bonaire garbage wasn't even submitted by the real Rockstar Games. It's just clickbait at this point.

Why is Australia being such bitches? There isn't even really anything that bad in RDR2

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the ESA is a corrupt joke. classifications from them no longer mean anything

how's that fuck all of a brain of yours's going?

Can't wait for everyone to start saying it was never good after months of shitposting about a PC port never happening.

how are australia ratings relevant to me

I want RD1 on PC, 2 was complete garbage and a borefest all that crunch time and years of development and where did it go to? Fucking online of course, fuck you rockstar and fuck online. That shit should've been in single player.

It's pretty violent featuring decapitation and dismemberment, nudity, smoking and alchohol use, crime etc

I don't get it either. If you look at their little charts on the right they were oerfectly fine with the console release.

Maybe something to do with the PC online? Buying lootboxes/gold something?

Well did GTA V get passed? Because that has all that and then some.

Good riddance, Jewstar Games makes shitty vidya now anyway.

when is the last time you or anyone really looked at the classification information of a video game??? a porn game to see how lewd it is?

you're a fucking retard dude, keep asking yourself why you are still a virgin to this day

Thats cool if pcbros get to play it. But goddamn is it boring. Part 1 was a much better game.


You heard me

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

adhd generation, smartphones and tablets have shot the attention span of most kids who grew up with these things, they can't sit and watch a film without browsing and texting at the same time

Epic store.

unless you're australian, they're not
australia is weirdly retarded when it comes to videogames

rockstar have their own launcher now, i expect zoomers would know about it since you play gta5 all the time

wasn't social club a launcher?

I just went to install it but...

What the fuck?

It means some SJW cucknation got buttblasted at the notion of PC master race modding Red Dead Redemption into being historically accurate.

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Aussie here. The R rating never used to exist, so if the game got a R18 rating, or adult rating, it was just banned outright. The State of South Australia made a movement where the other states joined, saying we wanted a R18 rating so games for adults don't get banned like this. After many years, it passed, and Australia got the R18 rating.
But this didn't change anything. The previous highest Rating, MA15+, was the default highest rating for games and R18 meant banned. Keep in mind, this is only for Video games. Movies and TV Shows had R18 rating for years without issue.

Now, any game that would've got MA15+ not defaults to the R18 rating, and games that the "Classification Board" wants to outright ban now get a X rating, which is usually for hardcore porn or very violent/graphic content. The Classification Board seem to go very heavily against 3 main things. 1: Drug Use. Drug Use of any kind, even fake drugs that gives you "benefits" are instantly given the X rating. Saints Row IV got this rating and had to specifically patch out all of this stuff to be released here. 2: Sexual Violent / "implied Rape" - This is why Hotline Miami 2 was Banned here. Even though the devs said they would patch it out, it was still refused. The dev outright said to Aussies "just pirate it" because our Government was so retarded.
3: Banned simply to send a "political message" = GTA V was temporarily taken off retail aus store shelves for some sort of dumb viral thing where they implied in GTA V you can "rape and kill sex workers". Aus Classification Board has had bias against Rockstar specifically ever since.

But why RDR2 on Consoles was fine and got the R18 rating, but the PC version got denied, I have no idea.

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wtf, Yea Forums told me Australia was based

hope you enjoy it pcbros, game's is breathtaking with oled + hdr

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it's funny how bad RDR2 looks on console.

it'll be quite something on PC

hope the game will actually look good on PC

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it's looks more than fine on One X
base ps4 and one are blurry and low textures

Conservatives are the ones who ban games for being too violent, sexual or containing drug use.

It ain't breathtaking until we've modded it.

Democraps are the new Conservtards.
Even adopting the virtuous concept of Original Sin and applying it upon heterosexual white people.
Funny how times change.

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it looked like shit -- then it got downgraded. all versions are identical.

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If it ever does, there will be some realism enb's and shit no doubt

it looks bad on X too

oh, wha. what? another open world game? can I go back to sleep then?

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So there’s something different in the pc version or is this just standard issue government shenanigans?

Kek, burgers are all conservative prudes no matter who you shift the blame on. You're just animals incapable of breaking your brainwashing

Is this your wallpaper?

>smoking and alchohol use
violence, gore, dismemberment, swearing, drug, torture is ok though lmao. BUT NO BOOBIES TOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH NOOOO NOT THE BOOBIES!!! CENSOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pc gaming is irrelevant

console gaming is irrelevant

No, this is.

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Basing everything around casual sex as a society is it’s antithesis. Why not just go back to tribalism at that point?

The ingame camera and photobooth annoyingly takes images at a resolution of 1920x1080 regardless of console then immediately compresses them into a .jpg with absolute garbage compression settings and loads them into the social thing. Absolute garbage, how the fuck Rockstar code a lighting engine so absolutely gorgeous into this game and then fuck up the photo mode so badly.

Developers aren’t allowed to make good looking games because it makes consoles look bad. It’s industries worst kept secret and it’s actually illegal.

Aside from Day Z, no games have recently been refused classification by the Australian Office of Film & Literature Classification.
This refused classification rating, as well as We Happy Few's and Kingdom Come's have come from the International Age Rating Coalition, an automated service where publishers can enter the details about their game into and receive a rating. This process is supposed to be cheaper and more efficient, but fails to understand shit like the context of sexual violence and drug use.
I hate having to defend the OFLC.

looks like a miniature diorama, but that's probably what they were going for.

>mouse and keyboard
finally a proper way to play this game

Lol they used a word search ai. Government people are very stupid and have much too much power.

Hdr’s a meme but it’s a forced one.

>Democraps are the new Conservtards.
This. What people call conservatives don't even want to conserve anything of this modern society.

Australia doesn't like the R* editor because you can zoom on the gore and tits. Same happend with GTA V.

>ADHD is influenced by social factors
Hello, boomer

pc cant even run call of duty. this will be a disasster

>Tfw HDR OLED tablet
RDR2 uses fake HDR, no?

Ok sónygger

No they can’t focus on movies because they are uninteresting and there are no movie stars anymore.

If they have a brain in their head it will have a resolution slider.


Sounds like meddling if i’ve Ever heard it. Do they ban micro transactions? That would do some good.

They absolutely will

You post this in every Red Dead thread. On my mom's life i believe that you're just one person because every single time you post mere minutes after the thread's creation and the sentence is always almost exactly the same. Fucking schizo.

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Everyone knows it will come to pc eventually, nothing can elude piratebros.

It’s called a bot. 75% of the people posting on 4channel are not people.

Is this the begging for scraps general?

Fucking aussies holding up the game. They should just release it without those niggers

No, micro transactions are allowed. Only drugs are outright banned.

They would be justified after the season pass for gta being nothing but shark card bait.

>cockstar made a launcher
kek get ready for them to release it exclusively on that.

That’s funny because gta v actively shits on drug use.

lmao stick with fortnite

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It’s a sick white kid dance that’s why you hate it.

Except there is challange to how dead eye works and its on a timer that can't be refilled on a mission if you want gold, try playing the game before shitting on it

2 was much better than one, I don't know what you're so pissed about

It's pretty much in the bag.
>references to it got leaked ages ago in the companion app
>Rockstar games launcher specifically says it will be for upcoming Rockstar games
>now this
shame it's so bloodly later but my PS4 slim runs it like shit so I'm still looking forward to it.
Can't believe I double-dipped again though, probably gonna pirate it this time.

Hi zoomie

The blacks can’t into backpack kid.

Just like gta5. Why are sonytards so fucking stupid?

GTA v is in steam

GTA5 came out years before the Rockstar store was even out. It isn't an asspull to expect them to make all their subsequent PC releases exclusive to their store.

>yet another butthurt sonyturd faggot

RGL is probably going to start exclusivity considering they gave away San Andreas as a sweetener.
GTAV is not exclusive, it relies on Social Club (now RGL) but is still sold on steam, uses steam cloud and steam achievements, etc.

I can see RDR2 being actually RGL exclusive.
At least I got a free digital copy of Max Payne 3 though, I was impressed they did that for me automatically.

>RDR2 uses fake HDR, no?

It was only good when it was new. Once everything had been discovered, it lost its magic and is now a mediocre game.

Maybe most people find the game boring

Yes and it gets you the rockstar launcher version of the game


You are not "most people"

the only non gay and non retarded post in this entire thread

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it begins, the console cope

it's still steam integrated.
RDR2 probably won't receive that, it probably won't even be sold on steam.
GTAV is one of the best selling steam games, I bet they are drooling imagining how much they stand to make if they don't have to give away a 30% cut.

>yet another seething sonycuuck

And you base this off what exactly?

Why yes, I will enjoy pirating it, how did you know?

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You'd think the country that produced Mad Max wouldn't be so prude about vidya

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the fact they made a launcher when they were previously using Social Club and gave away San Andreas for free on the new launcher (a tactic both EA did with Origin and Epic did with EGS)

No customer reviews is why they drool kiddo.

Wow what a prize! The most boring Rockstar game ever made.

It's just a really poor implementation that has sort of been fixed in one of the patches.

ironically I have never heard anyone in Australia complain.
We are so used to just buying keys off GMG and other sites that use global keys anyway that its not even a blip on our radar.

Your statement requires corroboration.

Bullshit. You’ll pirate it because of the disrespect but you’ll enjoy it. I always wanted a good western pc game


It’s fake. HDR is a digital film process.
Australia is even more cucked than Germany.

One of the best actually

I hope rockstar is paying you

But that doesn’t mean you can just skip the newest 4K implementation oh no. If you want standard resolutions and refresh rates nvidia forces you to have also hdr. So thank nvidia for that.

>RDR2 is 100+GB on console

I really need to get a bigger SSD, this 250gb just isn't cutting it anymore.

Look up the story how morphine in Fallout became Med-X

No arguments I see. You can hardly control how it works until the end of the game and it can still result in your shot being blocked and it slows your aim down where sometimes you can't target everybody before the time runs out. And again, no refills on missions. It's hardly an instant win button

Yea Forums is full of poor fats color me surprised


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>external USB
Do you have a stroke if you open a PC case?

It’s so common I made a mistake

Oh fug.... the air is stopping me


I'm down for it. I hate aiming on controllers. Grew up with M+K.

You can have that on console now what’s your problem?

rdr2 console is m+k compatible?

What kind of faggot opinion is this, it's not a twitch shooter, retard

Most likely because of the gore, it's hilariously over the top. You can shotgun someone in the face and there will be nothing left except a lower jaw. Sometimes you'll take off their whole head and a piece of spine will be sticking out of the neck. You can throw someone into a fire and they'll burn down into a black and red charred pile of meat. When you go into first person you see everything in grisly detail. They went in deep on the gore this time, for whatever reason.

How about an entire bot general

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It went from bonire to red dead redemption 2 to red deD redemption 2 PC next one will probably be red dead redemption 2 PC Australia pls we just want to release our gsme

I don’t give a fuck about that overhyped shit, just give me RDR1 w/ Undead Nightmare and I’ll be happy

I hate australians so god damn much

This. Story games with no interactive story or choices is boring.

This is a sandbox game tho :) and your honor affects a bunch of stuff in the story

Everyone whos not a rockstar shill or doesnt have shit taste in games agrees

Oh what’s that? Rockstar is full of ignorant fucks who wanna put PC gamers in their place by never releasing the first game on PC? Lol that so epic wow they owned us gameRz xDddd

>That music choice
Why the fuck do content creators feel the need to fuck up a showcase video with unfitting music?

>Source: Me

You're rather ignorant yourself it seems

I hate rockstar. Only three games they've made that I liked were Bully, RDR, and by extension RDR2. GTA's since 2 have been garbage jankfests.

Can you join KKK?

Wait, the fuck? Last time I knew of, you had to buy an adapter? Are you guys yanking my dick? I will literally kiss you on the mouth if you're telling the truth.

I'd kiss you on the mouth either way. ;)

M+K is infinitely more precise than joystick. That's undeniable fact. It isn't an opinion. Twitch shooter or not, the game becomes unfun when you have fumble with an analog stick to snipe someone in RDRO.

So you just have shit taste in games

No but you can kill them >:)

You just need to git gud if you cant shoot on pointing less accurate than a mouse, trigger pulls feel more satisfying than mouse clicks

Oh no. Did I insult your patrician tastes of Fortnite and Hearthstone? Get the fuck out of here, zoomzoom. Make sure mommy gives you your Adderall today, so you can focus better on your math problems.

kind of, but also a shit 'network' thing, this launcher is a soft relaunch

Boring. It would be nice that you can join the both extreme's. You can side the feminist side too after all(which is completely a-ok).
I just wish RDR2 would give an actual choice.

Never played fortnite and never even heard of that other thing

Nobody outside of polcels would want that. Killing racists is never boring and the KKK are a bunch of retarded hicks on top

Meh, from what I've heard, Arthur doesn't so much as side with the feminists as he helps them out once and then after that mission is over you can go right back to feeding suffragettes to alligators.

Yes feminists are better than KKK retards, kiddo

He doesn't even side with them, he's just trying to ingratiate himself with the local populace so he can steal their money. user is just pissed rockstar shows female empowerment in a positive light

>Yes feminists are better than KKK retards
Nah, they are the same.
Especially after the Boghossian Exposure revealed for how low IQ and KKK-like Feminism is at its core.

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I bought it full price. Biggest buyer's remorse of 2018, hand down.

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Okay incel


there's hints in RDR2 of another undead nightmare, zombies in cabins in online, a vampire in saint denis and a witches coven in the woods

Cope :)

With such low birth rates, low fertility, and no marriage rates, the word incel is quite ironic coming from a feminist's mouth. A projection even.

It would be good to have choice anyway. It takes a lot out of sandbox-game when some options are locked away because "nobody wants to do that".
It's like making civilians unkillable by player because nobody outside of mass-murderers would want to do that

Well it sucks for choices even more if it doesn't matter in the end. If is true, fair enough. I have nothing against the fact you can side with any extreme or side, it is a videogame after all.

That is bad argument. Killing civilians isn't better than just killing criminals, but you can still do it anyway. Can you at least kill children in the game in the name of realism or did Rockstar chicken out once again about that?

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>it's happening, we won PC bros !
Why should i care when we are getting Cyberpunk 2077 on GOG?
Why should i care when we are getting Baldur's Gate 3 on GOG?
Why should i care when we are getting VTMB2 on GOG?

Have sex. See, I can use buzzwords as well!

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>Rockstar Launcher exclusive
>single player game

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Seethe harder kiddo

They're trying to get it classified via the IARC system, so R* is just being cheap and trying to get around paying all the different classification boards by filling out one questionnaire.

Meh. I'd rather hear what else they're working on, like Bully 2 or the next GTA. Red Dead 2 is dead.

Seethe at what?
Pic related has me laughing.
As does the daily bombardment of articles by single mothers who can't find a single man and become feminists, because no man wants them. LMAO

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No it wouldn't, the KKK weren't even a big thing at that time and yes feminists are arguing for positive change while KKK are just hicks that can't cope

Cope harder lmao

It means that:
-It exists indeed and it's going to be released at some time
-It won't be given an age rating, so it'll have trouble being sold on physical stores but who cares about physical on PC nowadays

Lmao look at this faggot seeting :^)

Attached: Screenshot-2019-9-22 Men confess why they refuse to date single mums.png (620x272, 37K)

lol did that make you upset?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-9-22 feminists can't find partners - Google Search.png (600x866, 96K)


Attached: Screenshot-2019-9-22 feminists with no partners - Google Search.png (629x886, 121K)

Sounds like somebody is spending a little too much time on the internet lmao. Stop worrying about other women and get one for yourself lol

I still haven't played GTA IV and V. Why would I care about this shit?

Well why are KKK in the game then at all? Quite stupid devs then, makes the whole discussion pointless and addition of KKK pointless.
And is shooting civilians a positive change to you? If not, why can you do it in the game? When you make a sandbox game, you should give all tools for the player to do what they want.
Devs are such cuks these days, but even sadder is that people defend them.
And as I said, I have nothing against the choice of being able to join feminists and spending the whole game with them if so, but I am against excluding choices because "they are wrong". Takes a lot out of the game. Would be like WRPG game wouldn't let you kill a character because "that would be wrong".

>It won't be given an age rating, so it'll have trouble being sold on physical stores but who cares about physical on PC nowadays

They could just get a regular rating from ESRB, PEGI and/or ACB, but that begs the question; why not just use the console rating? Isn't it the same game?

Again, Rockstar just wanted to get it re-rated on the cheap, since IARC costs literally nothing!

>Well why are KKK in the game then at all
They didn't disappear. I can't believe you're actually upset that they portrayed them in a nagative light you little incel

>gamer posters are sjws
Nigger what?

It is okay to portray them in negative light. I don't mind that at all.
The question is, that why cannot you join them in the game?

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Because they didn't implement that and it would have been pointless to do so anyway, what kind of story would that tell. Not every open world needs to feel aimless like a bethshit game.

Oh boy big deal. As long as it's not an Epic exclusive I couldn't give a shit. Rockstar has already required social club for years.

But all the aspies on steam store what will they do?

One of the most boring games I ever played. Maybe if someone manages to mod out all the fucking useless animations I'll give it another try, but if it's the same shit as on consoles then I'm good.

Choice is good. Having the KKK always be scripted and one dimensional in interaction is just boring and weird.
But, I think we are grinding the same topic to dust at this point. I think you'll understand why I don't like the game that much. Played it at friend's place and it wasn't that much fun. VA and cutscenes were good but that is kinda it.

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They could be doing it the Ubisoft way, still selling on Steam but you will require their shitty launcher. Actually, you already require to use that shitty social club stuff so nothing would change. Unless they decided to not sell it on Steam, but that sounds stupid.

>Having the KKK always be scripted and one dimensional in interaction is just boring and weird.
Why? They don't deserve any respect.

>I think you'll understand why I don't like the game that much.
Sounds like it's because of your incel tendencies

>Played it at friend's place and it wasn't that much fun
So you don't even know what you're talking about yet you still get upset with how unfairly the racists are shown apparently, sounds like massive cope to me

Also, KKK interaction is not one dimensional, you don't have to kill them and can even start a dialogue, there's your choice

>maybe if someone makes it like fortnite I'll like it

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>"fuckin hell cunt, that croc just ripped off the roos leg and now it's eating him alive"
also australians:
>"r rated game? that's too violent"

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I thought the first one was a solid 7/10. I'm not sure how it caught on so hard, it was on par with LA Noir for me.

I feel like this is just a cinematic, simple game like the Uncharted series in that it's made for the zoomer casual generation more impressed by pub par lighting effects than actually tech.

Not a bad thing, but I honestly can't wrap my head around what has impressed people so much other than RockStar brand loyalty idiots.

Yep. It's a trudge. That's the perfect word for it, I've found: Trudge. I don't think that I've ever been more disappointed in a game.

Uncharted isn't an open world sandbox and is 50% cutscenes and 50% scripted hallways

I've never played fortnite. I'm from an era where you pick up items by simply walking over them instead of spending 10+ second animations opening drawers. My favorite game is Gothic 2 and even there the animation to pick up an item is at most 2 seconds long. I'm sorry that those games I played almost 20 years ago were more intuitive and had less focus on realism.

there's "actual tech" in rdr2

>looks boring
>is boring
So have you played it or not?

Do you really not understand how HDR rendering works??

Uncharted unironically feels better to play than Red Dead

People joke about Uncharted being a movie-game. It is. The base mechanics of Uncharted are REALLY well polished. They literally just choose not to use them for the sake of "story". Uncharted 4 plays fucking SMOOTH, but the game itself is monotonous and predictable 100%.

Coming off of V I don't think I've been so presently surprised by a game before :)

are you that same autist that makes all the other gothic threads?


The game is as playable on youtube as MGS4 was.

Arthur can get raped. That happened in ny game, and i cant describe how gross i felt for days. Didnt even really want to play as him anymore

You know that games don't have to be designed to make it easy for you to pick *everything* up, right? It's partly a balance mechanic and your argument makes no sense


Probably just a few free roam events, don't get your hopes up for a full SP campaign, Rockstar is in the shark card and gold bar business now

Who are you quoting? Is this how you are """"arguing""""? First I'm a boomer and when I disprove your ad hominem you basically just move the goalpost to another insult? You are a worthless human being, forgive me for ever taking you spastic serious.

is his walking animation different after?

Again incorrect, Mgs4 is also on rails unlike rdr

Did you get triggered?

>You know that games don't have to be designed to make it easy for you to pick *everything* up, right?
Your reading comprehension is abysmal. My whole argument was that the realism part of the game gets in the way of, you know, the game. It is absolutely dreadful to play. I already experienced the story once, I don't have to subject myself any further to shitty gameplay if there is no value in said gameplay.

>Why? They don't deserve any respect
They are humans too. And it's a videogame, you can be a degenerate murderer and a robber but that is seen as ok thing to do.

>Sounds like it's because of your incel tendencies
I have no idea why you have to be so rude towards me. I haven't been rude towards you at all. It seems like rather than discussing my points, you want to just call me names. It would be much nicer if you could talk the points rather than say "that's not okay" or call me buzzwords.

>So you don't even know what you're talking about yet you still get upset with how unfairly the racists are shown apparently, sounds like massive cope to me
I don't care if they are shown as the most degenerate things ever. The fact that the interaction with them is on the same level as Skyrim bandits is laughable. Actually, Skyrim bandits have more interaction and that makes me sad. I played the game, noticed the stuff I didn't like and that is why I don't want to play the game. Movement is slow, it focuses so much on realism, but still doesn't want to go all the way. It feels half-assed with that, just like telepathic law enforcement when trying to rob the train etc.

When I found them on some ritual in the forest, they did le epic fail and set themselves in flames and when I tried to help them they attacked me. I think it was pretty badly scripted, like the game said I had to be against them. Either be ignorant neutral or be against them. Makes me sad, would be nicer if you could at least have a good ol' heart to heart with them and try to see things from another perspective.

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lol mad and see>Who are you quoting?
Reread your post, brainlet


>My whole argument was that the realism part of the game gets in the way of, you know, the game
Only because you're trying to pick everything up, that one example doesn't show that the gameplay is bad, how could it?

Such truth , I see you're also a man of culture user .

>They are humans too

>be Arthur
>running with Dutch's gang his entire life, at least since he was a young teen lad
>fiercely loyal to Dutch, the man is like a father to him along with Hosea
>very protective of the rest of the gang as well, literally family
>"Sorry everyone. I found these sheet wearin' fellers in the woods one night about to hang a colored fella. I reckon I'll be joining their gang now instead!"
Yes, I can totally see Arthur doing that. Faggot.

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The irony when you're literally the one and only person on Yea Forums who responds to all criticism of the game by calling everyone a Nintendo or PC fortnite zoomer. Get a life man (or tranny), your lifestyle is unhealthy

Great! Now the game can remove my loadouts and make me watch 10 minutes long unskippable cutscenes both before and after every single mission in 60 fps!

I would also love to have my fun ruined by the bounty system and the broken mask feature in 1080p!

>Only because you're trying to pick everything up
That is some random ass assumption you are making and it's blatantly wrong. The realism part extends to even basic movement where turning your character is negatively impacted by realism.

Yeah you would play Skyrim lol

You get defensive and say it's your opinion that you don't like it but then you call it half assed as a critique and get butthurt when people disagree with you, make up your mind kiddo.

Most wanted QoL mods? For me is cutting the animation from picking up items off of bodies and furnitures.

>try to see things from another perspective.
there is no other perspective, incel, just angry copes, you'll understand when your balls drop

who cares? RDR1 was far superior and wasnt a fucking movie game

You literally said games back then were better lmao take your meds gramps your slipping into an episode

It's not a negative impact just because it doesn't control like fortnite, lil zoom :)

I think RDR2 is the most disappointing game I've ever played. If it came out around 2005 I would have thought it was amazing

Yeah, you haven't played either

You are mentally disabled. I defended myself against your "zoomer" claims by saying that games from my era did not have those problems you are defending right now, hence your zoomer argument falls flat on it's face. Most modern games don't have those problems either, only shitty movie games like RDR2 do. Also nice samefag

zoom zoom

One of the best games I've ever played and I lived through the 90s


Huh, sounds like it's time to look for retirement communities

This world has people who would treat you as not a human. Are you in that case not a human?

>Be Arthur
>Go to closest town
>Shoot a woman in the head
>Keep shooting her body until you get shot
Yes, I can totally see Arthur doing that. Friend.

It is my critique and it is my own opinion. I am not okay when people start calling other people names when they cannot argue against my points. That is just lazy and childish.
And I think Skyrim is a bad game. The fact that a bandit from Skyrim has better interaction than RDR2 characters isn't a good thing.

>there is no other perspective, incel, just angry copes, you'll understand when your balls drop
What on earth are you about? Not wanting KKK burn blacks and gays makes me incel?
Why would it be bad that you could talk with them and convince them to stop them from being racist?
Sometimes you people make me confused.

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Sounds like you truly are mentally disabled.

>Also nice samefag
I'm not wrong :)

They actually improved the controls for online, made movement faster and inputs more responsive, reloading guns and aiming is quicker, and removed the animations for looting so it doesn't take ten seconds to paw through every single enemy's pockets. It's pretty close to the first RDR in terms of speed now. I was kind of surprised they actually listened to the criticisms. The online player counts must be bleeding out.

Thanks for beta testing

>This world has people who would treat you as not a human. Are you in that case not a human
No, but that doesn't mean the game needs to give you the option to join the racists guild

>Sometimes you people make me confused.
I think that's just you.

t. rdr2 buyers remorse defense force

How could you deal with the archaic gameplay then?

Yeah and you're critique and opinions are shit, deal with it and stop crying over being called a doodoo head anynomously over the internet, faggot

>implying shooting some rando is the same as betraying the only family Arthur has ever known
Based retard.

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Sounds like you can't cope

What are you talking about dude? Arena fortnite shooters have been around forever

Sounds like you are seething.

Over enjoying this amazing game? What?

Over getting BTFO in an argument.

It is just silly that people cannot argue so they have to rely on insults and attacking the person rather than the argument.
I guess that is enough for me. If no one can argue my points, it might as well mean I am right. Have a good day everyone on that case.

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Unironically the correct opinion.

agreed, last time i'll ever fall for a hype. You're better off watching a western movie

>The fact that a bandit from Skyrim has better interaction than RDR2 characters isn't a good thing.
They don't though lol, and then there's Skyrim's garbage combat system... At least in RDR2 its fun to shoot racists in the face

the only ones who cared were the early access concole cucks bragging about it not being on pc. now they are mad they can't use that as an insult anymore, they can only brag about being Early Access boys


You have no argument, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it was done poorly, you just want it to control like some other ubishit game and get so defensive when someone merely disagrees with you that you start to call everyone shills and then have the temerity to cry when people reply in tune.

Follow the reply chain, retard.

Not an argument

You are the most pathetic excuse I've ever seen for a human being lmao

>itvs shit, we don't want it anyway
Every single time.


>I'm from an era where you pick up items by simply walking over them instead of spending 10+ second animations opening drawers.

But the latest Ubishit is superior to Red Dead 2, hopefully the community can unfuck that game when it comes to PC though.

Just look in the mirror :)

looks pretty boring, pass.

Yeah you would play ubishit

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being so rabid that you have a folder of anti-feminist propaganda saved on your hard drive. Is it just for arguing with retards online or do you invite your many friends around to laugh at the feminists getting owned, epic style?


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>I am not okay when people start calling other people names when they cannot argue against my points.
Then stop giving incel arguments lmao

why do you reddit retards fall for these fake articles all the time

you wish

This is your brain after being brainwashed by /pol/

WTF why can't I join the Monty Python meme raider encounter in Fallout 2 I thought you said this game had c&c!

Ofc not I'm not some console faggot

>Denied classification

What does this mean?

I try all games.

Wasn't this already found out like a week ago? Not to mention it never specificcally mentioned it being for the PC.

Please tell me this is new, accurate news. I've never been a par of the console wars, I just want games that look fun to also be included on my platform of choice.

Yet you like ubishit

>getting drunk, starting fights, and doing burnouts in the street is OKAY
>women with small breasts are NOT OKAY

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So true. Got the special digital deluxe version at launch. They stole my money. I wanted a video game, not an interactive movie.

Then go mess around in the sandbox :)

it means no game for you

is that south africa? or south america? why would you even live in brown shit holes like that

I don't know about 10 years for owning one of those things but that shit ain't right

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I'm not your buddy from the school you go to, zoom zoom, peer pressure has no effect on me. Being superior to Red Dead Redumps 2 is not designation of enjoyment either, just acknowledgement that Ubisoft's latest outings aren';t as retarded as RDR2 in regard to commands and freedom..

The Aus board does not actually look at, play or understand video games.

They are given a checklist by the government which says
>Having sex means M rating minimum, ect
Then the game developer has to send a word document describing what takes place in the game. A bunch of random anonymous middle aged bureaucratic boomers then get to decide, based ENTIRELY off one written document, whether to allow or deny a game.

Its a stupid fucking system, you write down everything which happens in RDR and of course it sounds awful, it completely loses the actual context of the content, all you see is
>In this scene, Arthur gets wasted with his mate then breaks into a room in the bar where two people are having sex, later in the night he can do it again and he sees double of his friend having sex again
>Late in this scene he shoots someone in the face and feeds someone to a pig

>why not just use the console rating? Isn't it the same game?
Because those agencies want money

Was this made in 1994? Jesus Trump memes feel like their made by shitty 10 year olds who just learned Photoshop

whatever helps you cope :)

Do you know where you are, retard? Go back to your hole, faggot.

take your own advice and fuck off back to your containment board

>Whitey thinks white people live nowhere else.
>Clownskin doesn't know history of colonization and intervention into countries outside their own, much less Apartheid in South Africa.
>Cuckman thinks that child sex dolls aren't an affluent hobby of well off lilly white virgins

South Australia

It really does seem like a large portion of the outrage against this game is coming from alt-right SJWs upset that it isn't toeing the line.


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>alt-right social justice warriors
This is your brain on centrism.

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Is this the ultimate aussie consolebro shitpost? Can they even afford consoles?

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Yeah, the white shit holes will allow you to plow child sex dolls with Impunity, South Africa( A white shithole) is a rare casualty.

>n-no I can't be SJW! That's my term for people I don't like!


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>that shit ain't right
The dolls or the punishment?

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>Sneedcorder calling someone else a faggot
Go back to Yea Forums Chucklefuck

>This is your brain
No surprise you're not a fan of those.

>That's my term for people I don't like
It's not, though? Are you retarded?

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controllers are far better for third person melee games

lol cope

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Console players get time freeze which lasts several seconds and they still manage to find the game hard. lmao. I've seen the gameplay videos you can't lie about this shit. it's 99% people dead eyeing.

KBM only controls best for FPS twitch games. otherwise controllers are more fun and just feel better

seething libtards

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I actually disagree with you on this one. Not being able to control the camera and where its point at all times is absolutely annoying and defeats the purpose of the game being in third person if you can't see any of the action, but to each their own. I could see why someone would believe this, even if it weren't true.
Like with everything on M+KB, you actually have to be good at it to enjoy it.

You do realize the left spreads the most propaganda, right?

All the shitty channels you watch profess centrism to hide that they are rightwing shills/reactionaries.Why should anyone turn off their brain to become extremists? You just end up getting played by vested interests and fucking things up The world isn't black and white.

It's not time freeze though

Im just not a fucking idiot redd*t migrant.

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lol M+KB is just a cope by PC players to take the challenge out of aiming

>Not being able to control the camera and where its point at all times
that's why you set it to attack with the shoulder buttons

I dare you to go do some PVP in GTAV on PC. Use your controller. You won't last 5 minutes, and I bet you hard money you won't be able to score even a single kill. If you play on a controller, you will be slaughtered by everyone using a mouse as they can basically shoot you in the head instantly without thinking about it.

You spew sony propaganda, I'm talking facts here. Don't interrupt others amateur.

haha yes veri funi video games

it was a fun game, but I would never replay it.
RDR1 on the other hand...

I'm not one either, retard. I hate boomer trumptards with a passion and conservatives, just like leftists are a cancer upon humanity. Seethe more, /lgbt/.

>I dare you to go do some PVP in GTAV on PC. Use your controller.
I do all the time, but again, we're talking about SP shit like RDR

>You spew sony propaganda
Don't even have a snoy

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Nothing triggers the cucksole harder, its one reality they can't handle, they cope harder than anyone over it.

Even third person is better on M+KB. They are so inundated with this belief that it's the one time you'll see them crawling out of the wood work to argue about it with confidence, despite them being wrong about it.

You act like one ;)

>Even third person is better on M+KB.
lol pls don't tell me you played MGSV with a mouse, yikes!

I bet you struggle with the game, and think that's hard too. Just like you all think RDR2 might be too hard, let me tell you. It's your control scheme. Its built in artificial difficulty, because its an inferior controls scheme. If you have range weapons of any type, point and click will always be better than trying to aim with an analog. It isn't even debatable.

I own at GTA online and I switch between mouse + keyboard when I'm on foot or aiming and controller when I'm driving. It is 10 times easier to drive and fly using a controller, but 10 times easier to aim for the head using a mouse

nice copes
>BAWWWWW controller sucks because it's too hawwwwwd for me BAWWWWWWW

No, that's just confirmation bias, and you having a very generalized definition of "left". Anything left of Nazi is considered left to you retards.
The professed leftists only make up about 18% of the fortune 500s on Wallstreet, and the policies of this country predominantly represent business interests, not any populism. Twitter posts and lip service on some entertainment media are impotent petty bourgeosie liberal shit that doesn't actually do anything, and merely placates the same old right wing/ psuedo eugenicists practices and narratives.

>tfw RDR Online is actually fun now
I wish they would add in more story missions, playing as a bounty hunter is fun as fuck.

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Again, it's not real difficulty. Its like making a bike with square wheels. Just because you intentionally gimp the experience doesn't make it any better, it makes it worse.

Even this guy is forced to be honest about it.

>b-b-bbbut CNN and the New York Times is staffed by jews!!!!

You're right, thank you for educating me.

It is trying to eat your time. It's a very, very good game and they've deliberately slowed things down for the sake of keeping you playing longer. Honestly a good move financially on Rockstar's part, kind of like modern day Lotus Eaters.

That being said, if you're not playing Red Dead for an endless cowboy retreat, then git.

Propaganda to make you more hatefilled and racist, more like. Its certainly worked, as intended.
Divide and Conquer is an old tactic.

>Again, it's not real difficulty
You're the only one who brought up difficulty, sounds like you can't cope.
>game sucks because it's designed to take advantage of its control scheme
lol okay

Or maybe they don't want it to control like some uninspired Ubisoft garbage. You have a horse to get around with.

>The absolute state of Yea Forums

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so what do you guys think the minimum sys requirement is gonna be?

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The graphics are going to be so amazing you will only be able to play it by streaming through two Stadia accounts

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Look dude, I've pumped probably 800 hours at least into this game. I know there's a horse. I also know from playing for so long that some of the most-used animations are way too slow. They've done a good job of making things more interesting with content updates, but that doesn't change the fact that the game is sluggish in almost every area except the gunplay.

Animations played fine for me, might be an issue with your console

You probably just have lower standards than I do.

>unironically defending boring slog AAA game
Keep eating from your trough pissboy

nah, that's not it


>Keep eating from your trough pissboy

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PCbros it's really not great. RDR1 was a classic. RDR2 is a bloated forgetable slog. They use the "emotional long horse ride as thr sad music plays" like six fucking times. It's so soulless

>absence of religion
it is very christian to abstain from any sort of fornication, sex and matters of the flesh are to be saved for marriage

Thanks for the heads up, but until I can get the RDR1 working with RPCS3 on my machine I'll give 2 a whirl.

2 is better than 1 in every way, it's everything a sequel should be and also one of the best prequels in any medium

They only did the horse riding thing twice.

A game that tedious and with as sloppy controls as RDR2 shouldn't recieved the praise it gets . The first game is so much better at being a game. The second game is a boring Tech demo where every challenge is grindy as fuck.

I would love a PC version though, as mods might make the game actually fun to play.

Just like that time conservative senator Hilary Clinton introduced the- oh wait

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This game was almost Yea Forums's GotY last year If Smash Autism didn't drop it would have won.

Even worse, Rockstar launcher

Same. At this point I'm tempted to just make a Playstation Now account and stream RDR1 through that.

Sooo... just like the first game?

why is it so hard for zoomers to install launchers?

>This game was almost Yea Forums's GotY last year
What? It was universally disliked

>Streaming RDR on PS3

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All the negativity shitposters are from other fan bases that are upset at this developers relativity and their games praise and relativity. Basically autism.

in your mind

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A quick google will show you faggot. It actually came in 3rd behind MHW. Won best writing though. Cope

This. PC gamers are just as bad as switch owners when it comes to ports. Regardless of the opinion on the game, it eats them up inside they cant play it.

I found the game fun at times, but it was hurt greatly by the realism it wanted to create. Something as simple as hitching your horse takes way too God damn long...having to align your horse next to the post, press a button, you proceed with an animation of you getting off your horse and walking over it hitch it to a post doesnt SOUND bad at all, but when you multiply this times 1000 and realize the entire game plays this ass slow, that's when you realize how mind numbing it can be. That and I felt like I never got a handle on the controls. Everything was context specific: press square to grab some coffee, but press circle to drink it, now press r1 to shove it up your asshole, finally right stick on the dpad to squeeze your butt checks so itll break inside you. Press start A on a joycon to die.

>it sucks because it doesn't zoom like fortnite!


>I feel like this is just a cinematic, simple game like the Uncharted series in that it's made for the zoomer casual generation more impressed by pub par lighting effects than actually tech.
Well you'd be wrong there too.

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>Fromsoft, Nintendo and CDPR still sniffing R* farts years later


there is no nudity

mods will fix this

I fucking hate incels why dont they just have sex with each other if they cant get any

It feels bad to wait for bloom on consoles, I wonder if it will feel awkward/clunky on PC. I'd really like to see a single player mod to get rid of that shit

>Release a game ten years after it comes out
>Gta v showed Rockstar pc gamers want to play their games
>They give no fucks and never bring any of their games to pc
>You fuckers want to unironically buy this old as fuck game at full price again

Nothing? I don't see people complaining about CODMW being exclusive on Battle.Net

Who the fuck cears for shity Rockstar games?

RDR2 isn't shity

I guess the 26 million people that bought it. Better question is, who cares for your shitty games?

A western desperado game from Sekiro's devs would be fucking cool

most people