
Why is she so short?

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She's only ten and still has plenty more growing to do.

Paki gene

So her futa cock will be 7"?

taller than me

Scotland is fucked up.

Isn't that 5'8" or so? That's over the female average.

This can't be real, that's taller than I am.

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The average woman is what? 162cm? She's pretty tall if anything.

She's half a foot taller than me ;~;

That's above average

That's like 2σ above mean female height even in the tallest countries

Pick only one

she's a big girl

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Isn't she like 10? I don't think i've seen many women over 170cm let alone children.


for a JRPG or any form of a JRPG female? That's tall for those.

Bitch is taller than the likes of Ayla.

It's fine I want to be picked up and carried while I wear dresses anyway

why do people love her feet

for some reason Yea Forums has this meme of saying little girls are 174cm tall and then saying they're short

>6' girl with her

cm shouldn't be used beyond 1 m.
It's impossible to estimate height in cm within a reasonable error margin.

You're not cute, you disgusting virgin manlet.

>You will never be a 7'2, white as diamonds bodybuilder with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Why even live anymore.

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this guy is the god damn pinnacle of human evolution. imagine if all humans were like this guy, we'd be gods

Because she's a child.

Manlets are CUTE!

why don't you get on your knees and suck him off too, cucks

are you a girl


that's not short
I'm only 175cm
and that's tall

She,s literally 40 centimeters taller than the height average of 10 years old girls

Based and futapilled.

someone's jelly

Sure it is.

174cm in Asian is giant tier for women

That'a pretty tall for a preteen

Imagine the bullying...

In Japan she's considered a fucking giantess

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At my place, she is considered my fucking wife so you better watch your tongue, kid.

Post her feet

that's way more than 14 cm

im 178 cm, extremely tall for a girl here. guys always mention it, ask me what i do for a living, state programmer, they always give me this look of being horrified. and then when i meet westerners they act like im really short. life is suffering

178cm is tall for a woman pretty much anywhere.

>I'm only slightly taller than a cute Scottish 10 year old girl

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Shojo height tax

Are there even any official height numbers for characters in Pokemon? They just use something nebulous like "tall", so if Rosa is considered in Japan to be the typical 5'7" amazon then how fucking tall is Cynthia?

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thats not what im told, they always make comments about how im "shorter than them" and then wax poetic about how they are 183 cm, they are probably lying though

You're not extremely tall for a girl, this is extremely tall

Fucking manlets, when will they ever learn?

You're shorter than most western men, sure but the average height of women in most countries is way below 178cm.
Learn to read, user.

where the fuck you getting this info?

Sorry, can't hear you down there, little child.

oh. well ok, that makes sense, thanks for explaining

>girls over 160cm

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She told me

Claiming that I'm short won't magically make it true.

Shorter than me, fag. I'll stuff you in the garbage unless you have the decency to do it yourself.

192cm here

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Jeez, user, you must be really tall then.

If you wear some lipstick and a nice skirt, I'll show you a good time, little bird.

I wish i were shorter than her
now we're talkin

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How to get qt Scottish gf?

Fucking manlet, when will you ever fucking learn.

Don't divert from the topic at hand now, user.

174cm is a normal height for a fully grown woman, let alone a teenager.

Nah, she’s a wide girl

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What the fuck? How is a 10 year old girl 5'8" 1/2?
She's gonna be an amazon when she's a full adult.

Oh I'm tall, baby. I'll pick you up and never let you go but only if you are a good twink ass-jackhammer butt milker.

You're a big girl

just the fact that someone made this makes me upset

Post wife

You've proven that at the very least you can make me laugh.

>12 cm taller than me

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haha, imagine

fucking manlets

Yeah, right!


Another good deed done for the day then.

Time for a bit of coom.


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Post source. That's almost 5'9" and obscenely tall for such a young girl

For you.

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Have fun.

Well. This is the end.
>helicopters keep flying over my house
>get gang stalked every single day
>just lost 540 dollars in stocks (literally all the money i had)
>family wants to murder me
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
>younger sister has picked up off me and now will literally not stop watching hentai
>step dad does nothing but smoke weed and drink knock off beer, also sometimes hits me
>mom is starting to do harder drugs again, tfw have seen her come into my room and take money from my wallet

Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and have kept me entertained. I'll return the
favor this one time. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 5 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
Nope, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you just make your own thread
(((they))) have cucked my ISP range, so just posting this in the first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link/url + more quick rundown:

Goodbye Yea Forums.

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Wat she's 174cm tall!? Taht's humongous!

You're retarded. 5'5" is average

At least kill some niggers.

How deluded must you be to think 5'10" is shorter than most western men? Only 14 percent of the population is 6'0"+

Fuck this height obsession. Height isn't everything, retards. I'm just 165cm, and I can guarantee that I've reached higher positions than any of you lanklets

Just do the math fucktard. She's 6cm short of 6 feet. You really can't form a clear picture of that information in your mind?

I'm 165cm it's fucked, it's over.

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Not really, you're just not used to it.


I agree. If my life ever turned to shit with no return, i would start wasting some gang members in a ghetto.

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Sorry, was seeing things more from my country's perspective.

If you've ever held a ruler in your life you should know 1 foot is about 30cm, 2m is about 6'6"

>big ears
>lack of jawline definition
>probably a poor gonial angle

it's over

hey thats my height

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1m74 is tall for a girl, and probably wrong considering she's an early teenager

peak scottish female form

Congratulations, you're just short enough to be considered a cute manlet.


>10 year old girl is 174cm
if she undergoes puberty she should end up being 2 meters tall

>5'7" girl

somehow I think OP is a tranny

You're memeing it's impossible for a girl so young to be that tall.

Do we even know how old she is? There have been 16 years old Pokémon protagonists in the past.

works for me. means i can hide behind someone tall easier. the less conspicuous the better

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Being so tall as so young is almost always symptom of premature puberty. I had it and was over 170 by the time I was 11. I ultimately grew to be just 180, stuck in it during middle school.

>5' 10"
>last gf was 5' 8" so taller than me when she wore heels

Not really an issue when they're your gf and you know they want your dick, desu. I miss her lads.

I'm 170cm and even i want to kill myaelf every day.

Works for me too. The more manlets inhabit this world, the better.

wanna form a suicide pact?

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