
are we the baddies?

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Other urls found in this thread:


yes but at least we have fun unlike reddit

Okay reddit

>not current
>no Naoto thread actually up
Fuck you

Free speech vs moderation. They'd be the same if they had no moderators telling them what's ok to talk about.

literally this, the state of this board and even this site is because of how shitty the mods are

The posts on reddit are far too calculated, systematic, unfun; the posts on Yea Forums are based, redpilled, and enjoyable

One sentence convinced me that libertarian principles don't work, thanks user

I see nothing wrong with your picture op
just Yea Forums being based as usual, and reddit being gay as usual.

>memes and discussions


wow reddit really has Yea Forums beat huh.

soul vs soulless

and that's a good thing

>ebic redpilled xd
>actual vidya discussion

yea this place is garbage lmao

Attached: 18251695_1505679236123663_4349414373073092608_n.jpg (1080x810, 115K)

>wild ass shit versus stale news dump
Reddit actually has a lot of retarded stuff but gets downvoted

>actual vidya discussion

Its a bowl of oatmeal of nothing.

>""""""wild ass shit"""""""
>the same two dozen thread templates that this place has been recycling for years

>cyberpunk 2077


>yes but at least we have fun unlike reddit

>he says while reporting posts for offensive terms

Yes it is garbage, always has been.
Maybe you should stop coming here forever?

>>the same two dozen thread templates that this place has been recycling for years

git gud and find good discussions fag.

>libertarian principles don't work
They do, but only if your society is made up of ubermensch which is literally impossible unless you go full eugenics and kill billions.

>trying to have fun

shitposting and semenskull threads vs advertisements for games


Silly user, we have plenty of shill threads here too.

If reddit is so good, why don't you stay there? Dopamine addicted bitch

>reddit is nothing but shilling for terrible games and capeshit
Cancerous place full of people that think they're far smarter than they really are.

its fun to scream reddit at people

>video game discussion
>sanitized video game discussion

The libertarian principles are present in both websites, it's not like r/games is controlled by the State.

better than a place where the stupidity drips out of every second post

yeah but 98% of the threads on r/games are just new articles or advertising games. If you actually want to have conversations you'd go to r/truegaming

The subreddits I use for some of the games I play are typically more on topic and less prone to bring up politics out of nowhere.


Reddit was, is and will always be superior in every single way.
I'm only stuck here, because i have no idea how to use reddit.

And yet here you are, shitposting and making this place worse.

If I want to have actual free thinking conversation I'd go to a place without sjw mods. Unfortunately I don't know of a place.

Yea Forums is a mess of vidya memes and shitposting
Reddit is informative and incredibly boring

I know which one I'm keeping.

>Unfortunately I don't know of a place.
lol you're just as retarded. imagine being this out of the loop, you definitely came here in the last couple years

You can't say nigger in reddit, so Yea Forums is automatically better.

>actual discussion, info about games, informative threads(game mods, etc)
Yea Forums

Attached: 1235456886894.jpg (400x500, 31K)

8ch had the right idea, where people could have highly moderated or lightly moderated boards. For example, they had Yea Forums for funposting and /film/ for cinephiles.

Either you are less than 10 years old or more than 60.

Been here since 2007. I'm just getting old and tired.

>Reddit is informative and incredibly boring
reddit isn't one place user, there is every kind of subreddit imagineable, each with their own posting style, average IQ. It is impossible to catergorize reddit into one type of posting.

Attached: 1536541179786.jpg (1220x1578, 262K)

This 100 times, no one come here to discuss video games.
At least no one with functional brain.

inb4 you're b&

I wouldn't mind reddit as much if it didn't have such a terrible fucking layout. It does not function well as a forum AT ALL.

I mean if you're serious with that question, basically it's like Yea Forums with different boards and in reddit's case it's subreddits. Different names, similiar function. Each post or comment can be upvoted or downvoted and you have an account instead of being anonymous.

Posting images along with comments isn't a thing for Reddit, unfortunately.

>If you actually want to have conversations you'd go to r/truegaming
I'd say you'd go to more niche specific subreddits with a fraction of the userbase. Usually keeps the preteen memers out since they can't farm karma as efficiently, and mods that can keep track of other crap. Most vr subs are pretty darn good.

Although, usually in both Yea Forums and Reddit, it's borderline impossible to go 3 replies in without discussion going to crap. That's more of a userbase problem I think. The same way Yea Forums has its more mellow boards, same goes for Reddit.

Also when you lump all those interests together, things would be great if people behave, but a good portion of the userbase just want to stick it how their purchase or taste is superior to each other. So literally just grade school console wars crap.

Fine, r/games is
Though from what I've seen all of Reddit generally lacks the wild west attitude of Yea Forums towards moderation

t. reddit shitters

fucking die then, what a pathetic thing to even type. who the fuck says things like this?

Who the fuck would even post on reddit, that topic list sounds like a set of marketting press releases for bugmen to sperg over, fuck that. You just know there's an army of cryholes ready to lynch you over some petty arse bullshit for not towing the line. Reddit is like The Emperors New Clothes with everyone living through the perceptions of everyone else "oh no i might get downvoted abloo bloo", fuck that bullshit


Attached: VumL9nK.png (1140x942, 47K)

>8ch had the right idea
They did, except being full of themselves thinking they can go borderline no official moderation. Then they wonder why shooters come to the service to show their manifesto or boards dedicated to cp, and wonder why.


now compare Yea Forums and r/gaming

Funny how the dude streamed it on facebook but facebook gets no blow back right, that's weird lol

>fucking die then
Just waiting at this point

See r/Kappa if you're into fighting games, they're pretty lax.

what a terrible thread

Spoken like a true brainwashed NPC
need your mommy and daddy mods to protec you from the scary gun people?

>people who actually play vydia
>Game companies that pray on average consumer

Assholes like you are why I like this place. Fapbait and replying to multiple people

coulda been a COOMER Thread instead

t. home of leftypol

Nah, Yea Forums just isn't interested in video games, that's all.

Attached: typical redditor.jpg (698x961, 100K)

Oh, definitely.
Facebook is verified retirement home social media vs problematic front page bait. Of course the other will get the blow out.

Legit though, it's down right stupid the idea behind 8ch's zero moderation. "guys, why do they want to take us down for hosi

>posting trailers, reviews and discussion threads on a social media aggregation site is praying on consumers

alright schizo

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Even if I'll conseed that maybe r*dd*t has a more clean look, the problem is those threads aremfilled with sőygoys fishing for upboats and muh reddit. Anything outside their little bubble gets send to the gulag.

Sorry you couldn't make a coomerpost redditor

Attached: xaxavvv.jpg (884x851, 192K)

The problem is that reddit comes here to shitpost and our mods are about as effective as putting out a fire with gasoline.

It's full of unironic redditors, what did you expect?

coomer posts are absolutely based and the best meme against the porn addiction on blue boards

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Ah, yes. Visit 8ch right now. It's still up, right?
Good job missing my point. I mean moderation as in illegal material stays up putting themselves in danger. Questionable design from the get go.

lmao, land of free.

Attached: reddit.jpg (881x704, 91K)

>full of themselves thinking they can go borderline no official moderation.
They followed all laws and removed illegal content. They did literally nothing wrong. Hope to have it back soon, desu.

user, the mods ARE reddit

You don't belong here. Go back.

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Reddit just takes stuff from elsewhere on the internet then filters it down into the most bland sterile politically correct form

Nah man. Last several times I went on it, boards dedicated to jailbait and cp just sat fine. Those were like mainstay baords.

>Free speech
you're out of your fucking mind. Mods literally filter words here like little fucking snowflakes and you get banned for saying anything they dont agree with that sounds like "trolling"

>g-go back
based retard

Attached: coomer.png (1545x869, 193K)

I just got off a racism ban where I posted 3rd world monkeys should be banned. Gotta love the redditor mods.

As I said, as effective as putting out a fire with gasoline.

>boards dedicated to jailbait and cp just sat fine
I've been there for years, and I never saw anything like this. They had a global report function that could be used to shut down stuff like this. What were the boards called?

>Yea Forums

>gay filenames
Again, you don't belong here.
Facebook might be your cup of Tea, nigger.

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Literally everytime I see coomer posted it's just a faggot from Yea Forums posting one COOM in a Marie Rose thread or some shit with one reddit going "b-based!" while everyone keeps posting pictures anyway lmao.
Pretty sure the coomerfags are people still coping that gamer never took off and have to try forcing it again instead of staying in their testmax threads on /fit/

Attached: cringec.jpg (952x713, 240K)

>pre normalfag internet
>post normalfag internet

>Those were like mainstay baords.
lol Why are you making shit up? In the top 100 boards, there was nothing like this.

there is help for porn addiction

Attached: CoooM.webm (640x480, 2.23M)


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Chaos is obviously better.

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I think /jailbait/ was the most common one. Different names were tossed around though. For me it was like every time I went on the site.

I'm saying this as I believe in general 8ch had a more reasonable community than 4channel.

Go back wojaknigger. If you can't do that, at least stay on /r9k/

Attached: lmao234.jpg (738x888, 98K)

Never, the mods themselves are from reddit. Face it the old Yea Forums is dead, all the reddit larping attracted actual reddit users.

based ignorant retards, those were also some of the best boards on the site too

Bull crap. We're talking .net right? I think 100% of the time I visited, it was front page.

>Face to face conversation
>Internet discussion

>Wojak edits are forced memes
well, who would've thought?

Attached: implyingyoucantforceameme.png (1408x3352, 1.22M)

There's also help for being addicted to forcing memes.
Better luck next time with the "sipper" wojak to meme about teetotalers

Attached: Tie-a-Noose-Step-10-Version-4[1].jpg (1920x1080, 853K)

You're the reason everything's gone to shit. Please go back.

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It's probably just a discord/reddit group that gets their rocks off from "LOOK GUYS I MADE AN EPIC MEME ON Yea Forums AND WE JUST HIT 10K HITS ON THE KYM PAGE"

>Reddit Syndrome: Repeating a meme or joke ad nauseum until it lost semblance of humor

Attached: (YOU).jpg (300x300, 15K)

>shit like this actually exists
zoomers were a mistake

These "people" don't play videogames. While people are having fun in Underrail or RoR or whatever threads, these are the people who proudly exclaim "I only come to Yea Forums to shitpost!" but still having the gall to complain about board quality.
At least these /r9k/ fucks off themselves in groups once a month

>thread is about the price and revenue of video games
>conversation has people talking about communism vs. capitalism
>get banned for 3 days 'for responding to off topic trash'

okay faggot niggers

Never saw it. Could just be 18 year olds.


Attached: pool.jpg (372x434, 20K)

Oh user I have finished underrail, that is the only non garbage thread on this board right now
Doesn't change the fact you're a dumb coomer

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redpilled vs. tranny propaganda on 1st of April and witchhunting devs to the point of devs commiting suicide.

back to pleddit, faggot

I'M A Yea Forums USER

Stop advertising Reddit.

yeah, this is true
i once visited a discord group back when discord wasn´t such a big meme, hundreds of people hellbent on shilling one stupid meme 24/7

Notice how a decade later Reddit still has to steal our humor and memes, Twitter memes are FOTW at best. Yea Forums is still king of Internet culture no matter how many Wojak edits keep getting posted.

Not April Fool’s.

This April Fool’s, we decided to take things a little more seriously and shed some light on a growing, pervasive issue that has affected the community of r/Games and gaming communities as a whole. In recent times, it’s come to our attention that what has been intended to be a forum for the potential spread of knowledge and involvement in video games has instead become a battleground of conflicting ideas. Ordinarily, this isn’t an issue; discussion by its very nature is certain to bring argument, but when that argument descends into vitriolic attacks between individuals on a regular basis with no chance at deescalation, that’s when, put simply, something’s got to give.

Never browsed it either. But I doubt it would've been better than Reddit's equivalent board that got taken down.
But to be fair, it could be the case, tho. Although the site *is* blacklisted off of Google for hosting cp, so, maybe.

Attached: consolewars.jpg (445x115, 13K)

Though certain memes (such as “gamers rise up”) surrounding gaming are largely viewed as a humorous interpretation of a mindset, at the core of the humor is a set of very serious issues that affect all gaming enthusiasts. By showing disdain or outright rejecting minority and marginalized communities, we become more insular. In this, we lose out on the chance to not only show compassion to these people, but also the chance to grow our own community and diversify the demographics of those involved in it. Whether it’s misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism or a host of other discriminatory practices, now is the time to stymie the flow of regressive ideas and prevent them from ever becoming the norm.

At r/Games, our community is becoming increasingly responsible for perpetuating a significant amount of these combative and derogatory schools of thought. We remove those comments, we ban the perpetrators, but the issue still persists at a fundamental level: the notion that it’s okay or acceptable to ridicule and demonize traditionally disenfranchised and marginalized members in the gaming community. This is not just an issue in r/Games or on Reddit alone; this is an issue deeply embedded in the ranging depths of the internet, frequently in communities that center around the discussion of games.

Is "c**mer" the most offensive Wojak edit yet?

What We See

Unfortunately, this inflammatory content is not an infrequent occurrence. The condescending, dismissive, vindictive and pessimistic attitudes we see in our day to day activity is troubling, especially when those interactions involve harassing or outright targeting regularly discriminated communities. It’s not uncommon for us to see the real issues surrounding these communities be trivialized, derided out of ignorance, or worse, for the sake of entertainment.

To that end, we want to show you, the community, what we mean by “what we see”. These are some of the more awful comments we see regarding transphobia, homophobia, islamophobia, racism, misogyny, pro-pedophilia/pro-rape, and vitriolic personal attacks against other users. These kinds of comments occur on a daily basis. We’ve compiled an entire album of examples of the horrible things people say on this subreddit. From bigotry to vitriol, this album merely scratches the surface of the magnitude of the problem.

In the interest of providing examples, we elected to remove the usernames from these comments; instead, our intent is to show the stark reality that we face on a daily basis in the overall effort to provide a welcoming and responsive community. Preventing the cultivation of bigotry means giving it no ground to go to, and as a whole leave only space for those who would respectfully participate. We must closely examine our own communities, in an effort to encourage acceptance and inclusion, to foster a healthy community in which we value empathy and respect.

t. spamnigger
I'm sure your reddit overlords will let you know when it's time to spam "toomer" though
If you've ever seen the youtube comments for any video with "Doomer" in it you'll see the huge amounts of unironic LITERALLYMEXD redditors that plague Yea Forums


Do Better; Be Better

Despite the strife that’s both within and caused by our community, there are a multitude of opportunities to prove that we can come together and be a more wholesome, accepting community that exists on a single core idea: enjoying and discussing video games together. Though the industry as a whole has suffered a great deal of trials and tribulations, we also are fortunate enough to be at a point in time in which there seem to be a glut of fantastic games, from major AAA titles down to near-anonymous indie projects that come out of nowhere.

So let’s revel in what’s available to us, and also appreciate the myriad of backgrounds that we as gamers come from. Our differences in experiences comprise the diversity in the content that we consume, and by allowing ourselves to appreciate those differences, we change our perspectives and interpretations; this applies not only in games, but life as a whole.

Let’s not let the good eggs go unnoticed, though: There are plenty of you who, as members of the community, want to take care of one another. Sometimes this means identifying when conversation becomes confrontation, when discussion gets out of hand and turns to name-calling, slurs or other degrading language. To you, we say thank you. You’re what keep us going, you’re who we want to see more of, and you’re everything that is the potential for a strong, open community for those who love and enjoy video games the way we do.

It’s also important to recognize the opportunities not afforded to everyone, as well as the resources available to give them a helping hand. So this April Fool’s, we’re also asking you to take into consideration the idea of helping these organizations out. These folks have made it their mission to represent and benefit those who still face their own challenges, obstacles and prejudices, and any assistance they can get is another step forward for their cause.

LGBT+ Charities:

The Trevor Project

Resource Center

Point Foundation


Ali Forney Center

New Alternatives

International Lesbian and Gay Association Europe

Global Rights
POC-focused Charities:

National Civil Rights Museum

Center for Constitutional Rights

Sponsors for Educational Opportunity

Race Forward
Women’s health charities:

Planned Parenthood

Reproductive Health Access Project

Centre for Reproductive Rights

Support Line

Additional Causes:

Able Gamers

Paws with a Cause

Child's Play

Out of the Closet Thrift Store

Life After Hate

Remember the human

- r/Games mod team

You understand that unlike doomer, coomer isn't a self insert but a counter reaction to shitty pornbait OPs, right?

Literally every single time people complain about the new wojak or meme word being spammed they jerk themselves off on how soul piercing it must be to get so many people telling them to fuck off when it's just a monthly cycle at this point. It's nothing new and I fully expect when teetotaler wojaks take off I'll be accused of being a militant lowtest nondrinker

>actual threads made by real human beings
>Robot-tier journo article titles

Attached: annette03.jpg (256x301, 82K)

I got banned for making a videogame thread. Since then, I swore never to take this shithole seriously ever again.

>Robot-tier journo article titles
>Robot tier journo article titles

All wojak garbage is the same and I've seen enough people going out of their way to make "LE WHAT'S A COOMER GAME???" threads as an excuse to post the mutilation pepe equivalents of coomer from /r9k/.
It's not like they're the final solution to shitty porndump threads anyway. You see just a couple of .jpgs versus thirty people spamming pictures of their waifu who aren't going to stop because of a garbage meme that's just GAMERBRAIN 2.0
All I feel when I see a garbage new wojak is "Holy shit am I really going to have to see this for another month before the new one cycles in?"

Yea Forums obviously is more fun and leading culturally, but the problem is lack of intelligent discussion, and informative content. Yea Forums sometimes shines here, but generally, you have to wade through mountains of shitposting and just plan stupidity which is getting quite tiresome lately.

if you want good info and civilized discussion, reddit is straight up better.

At least we're not Twitter.

Video games aren't racist in the least. These people are narcissists and define themselves in opposition to other people. The worse everyone around you is, the better you are comparatively so economically speaking it's profitable to your social esteem to declare everything racist, even if it isn't "look how awful everyone else is, not me i'm great". This is the reason these politics have become so ubiquitous because it costs an individual nothing but you can profit immensely.

>he doesn't know that Twitter is the new imageboard

Junji Ito-eqsue

I got banned an hour ago just for saying nigger. what the actual fuck happened to this place?


You've had a natural 5% chance to get banned for saying nigger since half a decade ago. I say it tons though and haven't got banned for it

Reddit is literally designed to create a specific type of bugman due to the up and downvote system. If this doesn't create the desired hive, Reddit itself steps in with throttling and quarantining to eliminate it. Reddit is one of the ideal sites to paint with a broad stroke because it's literally about creating bugmen, and you need to go back.

Yes user, we are.
Everything here is thinly veiled trap or or waifu garbage or a faggot thread of Link fuckers.

But as another user said atleast we have fun sometimes.


Go back.

r/games is better than r/gaming

Depends entirely on how many people report you/if a janny sees it.

>best threads on Yea Forums are the off topic ones
>mods have been banning those constantly for a couple years now

>tfw we live in a world where Yea Forums has been worse longer than when it was good

>Yea Forums - funposting with a chance of shit wojaks and pepe edits
>reddit - hivemind where you can't speak your mind because muh downboats

Attached: A nigger visited reddit more news at 11.png (1316x173, 31K)


Attached: ForcedRedditBuzzwords.png (678x683, 357K)

>close Yea Forums
>Reopen Yea Forums immediately

Meanwhile Yea Forums, is proving super resilient to noise based censorship.

/pol/ was literally turned into a neo nazi board by specific targeting of stormfront, very based and resilient

oy vey shut it down the goyim know too much

Reddit had been our good ally since 2015. There's no need to pretend we hate them. Hell, most of us use reddit frequently, or is originally from there.

Fuck off JIDF

>try to discuss video games on reddit
>banned for having a differing opinion or being rude to game devs by calling their game bad

there's 0 discussion on reddit because if you don't follow the group think you just get downvoted into oblivion, whereas if you follow the group think you get upvoted to the top.

Thx u stormfront u saved us all

no, we're not fucking allowed to have fun
Yea Forums has somehow gotten even worse this last year to the point where jannies ban vidya discussion and force them to go to /vg/ unless it's a smash thread or other big release like WoW classic

Attached: indie games on v.png (1309x646, 52K)

Who hurt you?

what the fuck? obviously, yes

/pol/ was taken over by redditors a long time ago.
It was a joke seeing that retarded Area 51 livestream get a constant thread on /pol/ giving literal youtube subwhore zoomers free money with people unironically believing the government set it up and wanted a bunch of autistic weeaboos to harass gate guards

Reddit is shill plaza with normalfags,Yea Forums is mostly normalfags but not many shills.

>but not many shills

Attached: Apply Yourself.jpg (625x626, 31K)

but half that cycle is fun

120 of you guys are insane

Attached: cap of votes.png (663x362, 37K)

If a discussion starts on Reddit and takes one direction, it stays in that direction and everything else goes down the downvote drain
You can't do like here and make a couple of strategic shitposts to redirect the main thing being discussed before it becomes a collective
You'll see that sometimes two Reddit posts on the exact same topic have a completely different popular opinion, and it's all dependent on what the first comment to get wave-upvoted says

I guarantee most of those are joke responses

everything should be a bannable offence
i want everyone banned
fuck you

Yea Forums taught newfags to lurk
/pol/ taught newfags to speak up no matter how wrong or dumb it is

> Here
> masses of stupid bullshit spam. Way too much off-topic porn discussion and anti-porn discussion. Liking any console gets shit-loads of fanboy spam from other console fanbabbies.
> There
> circle-jerking, with any unpopular discussion or comments hidden and unable to hold a real conversation. Coporate dicksucking (except for "popular-to-hate" corporations like EA)
It's shit everywhere, man. There is no good place to talk about video games that doesn't move at a snail's pace.

Yea Forums and /pol/ are the same board, the same anons, the same hands

underage hands typed this post

Same. GameFAQs and Steam forums get fucked pretty quickly, especially when the game's popular.

The only enjoyable conversations about vidya I've had was unironically in real life, most times with normalfags, sometimes without.

Not with the current mods we don't

Didn't you make this thread last week? But no we aren't look at the pic everything on reddit is YouTube videos like trailers and reviews or twitter posts. So please stop with your low effort bait and fuck off this site

r/games has UNIRONIC communists posting there under protection of mods

reddit is mind numbing mediocrity all day all the time
here we have literal cancer lightened up by the rare but golden shitposts of the century

Be careful saying something like this here or you will get imaginary downvotes

>reddit has UNIRONIC communists posting there under protection of mods
Every single subreddit is this, and I mean every single one

everything currently wrong with this site can be traced back to the mods.

>Yea Forums taught newfags to lurk
no it fucking didn't you tremendous newfag

do you seriously think passive aggressive and sarcastic posting shouldn't be a bannable offence? seriously?

Yes. I can't fucking wait for 8ch to come back so I can leave this casual shit hole.

This user is literally a post 2010 newfag pretending he know anything

>shit up Yea Forums with forced memes, low effort bait and contrarianism
Every time

If you report any post that is not actually against the law your probably no fun to be around

t. bootlicking faggot
it's the mods fault for letting that happen in the first place, but hiro needs the revenue that newfags generate so I guess it was unavoidable

Fuck off and kill yourself, no fun allowed faggot

I remember retards screaming about mods being too strict and no fun allowed in 2015.
You got what you BEGGED for. Enjoy it.

Your posts show mods aren't banning enough

Well. This is the end.
>helicopters keep flying over my house
>get gang stalked every single day
>just lost 540 dollars in stocks (literally all the money i had)
>family wants to murder me
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
>younger sister has picked up off me and now will literally not stop watching hentai
>step dad does nothing but smoke weed and drink knock off beer, also sometimes hits me
>mom is starting to do harder drugs again, tfw have seen her come into my room and take money from my wallet

Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and have kept me entertained. I'll return the
favor this one time. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 5 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
Nope, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you just make your own thread
(((they))) have cucked my ISP range, so just posting this in the first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link/url + more quick rundown:

Goodbye Yea Forums.

Attached: IMG_3498753745_2019_1 (6).jpg (559x1024, 56K)

I believe this image summarizes it best. Yea Forums has become a parody of itself.

Attached: 1568823976274.png (1694x1124, 174K)

OMG this thread blew up, thanks for the gold kind stranger, lmao is that a jojo reference?

Attached: 1566249336436.png (714x800, 88K)

lmao keep working for free I'm sure you'll be paid someday

I agree, you should be banned for being a faggot

Reddit and San Francisco are 100% completely and unironically correct. Gamers are toxic
If you want more microtransactions you're a faggot, end of. If you want less, you're also a faggot, end of
No debate, no discussion, the word "conversation" is now somehow associated with evil which is a blatant red flag
If you want to talk vidya, go to literally any board isn't for talking about vidya

mods are strict on actual board culture while they let reddit junk flood the board. They're more ban happy then ever, saying otherwise is proof of newfaggotry

I never asked for any of this.

Attached: Asked For It.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Shut up. 8ch Yea Forums was shit, almost as bad as it is here, and I was there for years. Instead of the bullshit you have here, it was literally breaming with "I wonder who is behind this post", tinfoil hatters everywhere, every single fucking discussion derailing into politics, holocaust infographics, random "the liberals are destroying the world" all over the place, even where it didn't make any fucking sense, and calling them out for not talking about video games was just "well the liberal cancer is destroying video games, so discussing the Jewish Question IS discussing video games". There's getting upset at political correctness and virtue signaling in video games, and then there's taking it way too far in the other direction to the point that Shovel Knight letting you toggle all the character's genders with visual differences for all of them gets people frothing at the mouth.

The issue with 8ch was the same as the issue with here: if you want to talk about video games, your thread either gets derailed and becomes a different discussion, it gets filled with bullshit spam of some sort, or it just gets ignored, unless you are talking about a very popular game that Yea Forums actually wants to discuss. 75% of threads are either barely about video games or explicitly not about video games and those are the ones that thrive.
8ch had no place to pretend to be superior when they were as prone to the bullshit, just in a different flavor.

Most of the bullshit and Wojak shit actually gets deleted and banned, though. The issue is mostly that this place is too popular. You're going to see mountains of stupid spam regardless and discussion sucks because it's too fast-paced here.
The only way to save Yea Forums is to make most of everybody leave.

Objectively false. People would talk shit about the jews but discussion would actually be vidya related. You are just triggered people would shit talk jews.™ mods have turned into the most gigantic faggots in existence and most rules are enforced arbitrarily based on whichever retard is male-PMSing that day and happens to see your post. It's a pretty large stretch to say that we have free speech just because people can say nigger something I've previously received a 3 day ban for by the way.
Certainly still better than reddit though. Just barely. It is the nature of mods to be fags.

>derailing into politics
(((They))) started it first. "Everything is political" and all that jazz.
>"the liberals are destroying the world"
Completely right. You have to be blind not to see this in every country.
>"well the liberal cancer is destroying video games, so discussing the Jewish Question IS discussing video games"
Correct. A modern fascist state would be better for video games than what we have now, even with the traditionalist censorship.
>There's getting upset at political correctness and virtue signaling in video games, and then there's taking it way too far in the other direction
No such thing at this point. Again, (((they))) started it first. Eradicating them is good for vidya.
>Shovel Knight letting you toggle all the character's genders with visual differences for all of them gets people frothing at the mouth.
An unnecessary waste of resources to please irrelevant whining females is the kind of thing that's been ruining video games. Why wouldn't it be worth "frothing" over if it leads to shit like TLoU2?

You sound like a massive faggot and possible kike.

epic post based wojak

Your memory is shit, then. Threads were regularly being derailed because of it, and it was in literally 90% or more of threads, regardless of content. A few years ago, it tipped over and became clear that more than half the board obviously just didn't want to talk about video games, but ironically cared more about liberals "who don't actually play video games" ruining video games.

You're a retard.
> They want to make everything political and kill video games. This is bad, so let's make everything political and kill video games ourselves to show them who's right!
Unironically kill yourself.

lol if the mods laxxed their moderation that problem would fix itself but that will never happen because that would piss off almost every redditor here and that's a big no no to hiro

Making everything political to build a movement that will get rid of our enemy will rid us of profiteers and degenerates. That means games with actual good design and gameplay and attractive characters allowed, at the cost of games that oppose national values being banned. I can live with that last part, especially for the good we get in return.

If the mods laxed their moderation, every thread would be porn, waifus, spam, and wojaks.
Most of Yea Forums is off-topic non-vidya discussion, and you want more of that?

Oh, you're just a baiting shitposter. My bad for taking you seriously in the first place.
Still fuck off, though.

Nope. Mark actually deleted off topic threads and derailment unlike the mods here.There are more politics here than there ever was on 8ch Yea Forums.

>seething /pol/cel thinking shitting on zoomer buzzwords is censorship
Fucking lmao. It's least the moderation can do on you deceivous little parasites.

This is true, even the blacked memes are stormshitters using agitation propaganda to furtyer cement the idea of "muh nasty nonwhites" are taking our women. All the happening threads are used to keep the place in a constant state of "on edge".

They prey on angry insecure young men.

How is it a shitpost? Do you really think any modern anti-leftist party would just straight up ban all video games? American conservatives are led by (((them))) and thus do not count.
No one else would give a shit, most of the games ever banned by third world shitholes have been either for shitty games, or temporary arbitrary bans on good games removed a few years later.
Getting "political" is playing it even against the left, succeeding literally means better games with no catch. But I guess the subconscious brainwashing has already gotten to you, because now you're responding with hostility to the only people on your side.

They also deleted wrong-think opinions while allowing correct kinda political shitposting, enforcing a political hugbox. That place was an absolute shithole and proof that the kekistani types are nothing but literal alt-SJWs.

Censoring to fight the left is not the same as censorship by the left.
Long story short, censorship by the left leads to a world with shittier games.
Censorship by the right (side) leads to a world with better games and cute girls.
This is all you need to care about. Stop thinking unless it is for ways to destroy kikes.

>They also deleted wrong-think opinions
No they didn't. Not on Yea Forums at least. Mark even allowed faggy overwatch generals despite the fact that everyone hated them.

Pro tip, when you say wacko shit like (((them))) people know not to take you seriously.

Videogames get banned or censored in Australia thanks to the right wing party in charge but people are so desperate here to stick to the narrative that everything, EVERYTHING has to be the fault of SJWs even when literally the opposite is happening. How retarded and childish do you have to be to not only see the entire country of America in black and white terms but then to also apply the same logic to the entire world? And even dimwits IN Australia are doing this, all thanks to the narrative they read online every single day.

>the right wing party in charge literally ban or censor videogames
>get mad at powerless feminist who wrote a dumb tweet that got 2 likes

Such is life online.

Now show /r/gaming

Attached: 21.jpg (1280x544, 64K)

Name me one Jewish game developer that has been beneficial to the industry.
Name me ten women in modern games crying for censorship that doesn't have a Jewish surname.

Attached: reddit censorship.jpg (1698x974, 407K)

Anglo conservatives are literally owned by Israel, it doesn't count. Arab Muslim countries don't ban with the same intensity, so being traditionalist and nationalist definitely isn't bad for games.

Good goy! Very obedient.

Attached: jewish media.png (1746x1364, 1.18M)

>No they didn't.
Yeah they did. It was pretty common to get permabanned for "leftism" if you went to post differing opinions or criticism in threads about "what are some games where I can kill niggers?" + swastika.jpg.

Attached: chrome_vhrp9YwQx8.png (875x757, 1.09M)

37% summerfags

>Arab Muslim countries don't ban with the same intensity
Based retard.

Good. Tolerating leftism, you know how it always ends.
There should be more games where you can massacre non-whites because they make realistic horde enemies that don't think. Look up crime statistics across the West and you'll see how well they would make enemy NPCs.

Sauds are in the same boat as Israel and USA, see reality for the past few decades.
Why don't you key for Egypt, Kuwait, etc. instead of being a good little goy?

But right-wingers are well known for their lack of cognitive capabilities and mental illnesses? I'd rather be culling out a sickness rather than butchering animals.

Rent: 0 Israeli New Shekels/year


Attached: angry12.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Attached: (((coincidence))).jpg (356x600, 48K)

Holy shit you are just telling lies. Mark would delete all political threads and a thread like that would get you banned. Holy shit this faggy cunt is making stuff up to justify his butthurt.

keep working, janny.

>demonizes charities for veterans, the sick and the homeless while demanding people donate to black charities, gay charities and trans children charities

Attached: this thread.png (201x199, 2K)

t. stein

>Mark moderated the board all alone
Based idiot.

>video game AND sweets
Whoa... don't see that every day! Gotta share

>It was pretty common to get permabanned for "leftism"

Attached: 0b4[1].jpg (453x576, 39K)

Good job proving his point perfectly.

Shit taste in gaming platforms, but I would those donuts.

>literally the opposite is happening
This is peak damage control. Just accept that leftist politics are the establishment now and that almost all censorship comes from the left. Anti-pornography movement? Dwarkin, McKinnon leftists. PMRC was Tipper Gore, leftist. Video game censorship? It was Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman. Even now all the pressure for censorship is left leaning for things like the Catherine re-release, clothing changes in Japanese games, GTA being removed from stores for misogyny or even the pressure on Hotline Miami 2 for the rape scene, Dickwolves and Penny Arcade aswell. I could literally keep going and never stop. You're wrong. Stop lying.

How? SJWs ARE to blame for what's happening. Along with Jew-led conservatives in all Anglo countries, including the States, and their Saud puppets. (((Neoconservatives))) and the Bay Area Starbucks communist legion may be at odds with each other but they're both enemies to uncensored, fun, video games.
Yes, vidya probably wouldn't have existed if Hitler won, but I guarantee that if his equivalent rose again today, we would have good games rather than banned games. See for reference the reasonable social policies of all modern anti-immigration "populist" parties.
I know this looks like satire but everything in the past few decades have proven that voting far-right is literally beneficial for game development, which hasn't been true at any point before in history.
Why can't Yea Forums accept truth at present time?

>oh no! not racism!
Very low iq anons.

>nothing wrong with racism!
Zoom, zoom, beware the edge...

Absolutely incredible.
Again: the right wing party which is in power in Australia are censoring and banning games. But you literally cannot even imagine holding them accountable for their own actions because you will jump through whatever mental hoops you need to in order to pin the blame on SJWs, arabs, jews, niggers, anything rather than just face the very simple reality.

It’s amazing how the only argument liberals can make against 8ch is to straight lie about it. They know the hate freedom of speech but can’t straight up say it so they have to make excuses.

Attached: 49F0B270-118F-406D-BE61-2F76F45A9283.png (2048x1536, 2.4M)

The conservative party in britain are currently trying to ban online pornography, but I'm sure you can tell me some fanfiction that makes this ACTUALLY the liberals fault. Go ahead, I know you want to.

>noooooooo! not thoughtcrime!!!
>who cares if it's true, it's triggering
>if you care about truth, you're underage
>and not mature like myself
>the world should be one giant safetyblanket
You're ridiculous.

80 iq commie, "conservatives" in britain are leftists, no matter what they call themselves. You'd realize this if you had a brain.

What games can i not buy in Australia?

You're leftists. Besides the "right" to kill your children, what liberties do you care about?

>Again: the right wing party which is in power in Australia are censoring and banning games.
>right wing party in Australia
So, conservatives in an Anglo legacy country? Exactly like I said?
Name me a country that bans video games as much as SJWs demand, that has no military or economic ties to Israel whatsoever. Do it now. You can't because there are none. The mainstream left and right oppose each other but represents the (((elites))) interest in the end, which is to prevent the spread of any media that isn't their propaganda. Unfortunately as well, Jewish propaganda isn't fun and doesn't lead to good vidya.

>beware the edge
>give up your guns
>we're going to chemically castrate your son because he needs to be a woman now
>wait why are you resisting
Fuck off faggot.

Attached: 1416334888648.jpg (296x314, 21K)

>lies about 8ch
>it's really the right that loves censorship, even though leftists are currently purging the entire internet of wrongthink, banning "hate speech", etc
Fuck off, chapotranny.

>bans video games as much as SJWs demand
What games are SJWs demanding get banned?

Non American countries are literally not relevant because they don't have a global impact. Nobody cares what Aussies do because it's never going to impact the rest of the world

Too many commies in this thread. I wonder where they're all from, perhaps something in the thread title drew them all here. Perhaps that's a hint...

>Name me a country that bans video games as much as SJWs demand
I bet you can't even name five games that SJWs want to "ban"

>Nobody cares what Aussies do because it's never going to impact the rest of the world
Australian law is literally why characters in Japanese games frequently get aged up or have costumes changed for the western release, you fucking moron.

>something I've previously received a 3 day ban for by the way
based mods

Not that guy, but sony has censored dozens of titles due to their feminist beliefs. They're really triggered by cute girls. Steam has also banned numerous games for the same reason. They also get rid of what they perceive as overly violent games. Kys, commies.

>give me proof of this easily provable thing
>RRREEEEEEEEEE those don't count
Why are leftists always so stupid?

Please kill yourself and make the world a better place.

At no point has any supposed ban stopped me from playing anything and i'm Australian. I own HM2 and i could go buy LiS2 right now if i wanted easily enough. What i can't avoid is work being censored at the source to appease a group of outraged hysterical progressives.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Fire Emblem
Senran Kagura
Omega Labyrinth
Grand Theft Auto (this one is obvious)

Any Japanese game with sexual content and any narrative driven Western game with unapproved females are fair game for bans

Yea Forums has been unusable for years now
>Every single thread has some mention of trannies and dilating
>If you call people out on spamming the same tired unfunny shit over and over and ruining the board they'll suddendly be 100% sure you are a tranny nigger SJW with dyed hair trying to silence them from telling the truth about crime statistics or other very vidya related topics
>Spread missinformation, make people believe Celeste is trans, people in Control threads ask if the mc is really a tranny as others are suggesting
>All this just so they can hate on dem evil SJW together and finally be part of a group
>Half of the threads are just porn, other part is "What are some video games where I can storm the Area 51" "What are some video games where I can ugh I hate being a virgin why women dont like me lets talk about our social awkwardness and share stories for 400 posts"

Attached: 1376156002897.png (605x605, 560K)

>being this much of a cancerous faggot

>Spread missinformation, make people believe Celeste is trans
Fix your hormones tranny, you don't belong here
And for here I mean the fucking planet Earth

>it's never going to impact the rest of the world

actually it does. because they are so scared of depictions of "underage" characters being sexualized (which includes both actual underage characters and characters they suspect of looking too underaged - almost every female japanese character) in australia, the english-language version of games get altered for everyone. they don't remake game assets country by country, so they abide by everyone's rules in order to get a release and australia's laws cause the biggest impact.

all thanks to their conservative government. but they're not actually right wing because something something saudis.

>If you call people out on spamming the same tired unfunny shit over and over and ruining the board they'll suddendly be 100% sure you are a tranny nigger SJW with dyed hair trying to silence them from telling the truth about crime statistics or other very vidya related topics

Is Yea Forums necessarily bad? No. Is reddit necessarily bad? No. If you want full "No fun allowed discussion" on vidya, reddit gives you that. If you want freedom talk talk about whatever you want within the rules and call someone a candyass roodypoo because they are being a candyass roodypoo, you can do that here. The main problem, and the problem that has existed for years, are the autists that crosspost between both here and there. There exists certain group of faggots that consider themselves THE voice of Yea Forums and determine what is and is not funny. Whether you liked her or not, Bowsette shows what happens when any kind of OC is introduced to where they sperg the fuck out. He Cute, Boomer/Zoomer/Doomer, and now Coomer are all results after this and should give you an idea of how fucking triggered these people can get. If that's not enough, they are in fact Discord trannies they organize raids.

Scroll up a bit and you'll see. SO with that being said, it is proven now that this shit is spamming/flooding which is breaking the rules which means it should be banned on site, right? The only fucking reason Yea Forums isn't even decent at any type of conversation is because the lazy fuck mods don't do their jobs. When Yea Forums split into Yea Forums and 4channel, it was the first time in years where anons could talk and post stupid, non-forced shit. Now these faggots are back stronger but it seems with Wojaks. In all honesty, Wojak and Pepe are gateway memes that invite this fucking cancer and should be banned on sight. FFS, /fit/ is now unusable. 16 fucking Wojak threads in the catalog and maybe 2 or 3 of them are on topic, semi-fitness related where the rest are Coomer shit or varying degrees of /r9k/ faggotry.

>What i can't avoid is work being censored at the source to appease a group of outraged hysterical progressives.
Correct. This is why they are by far and large a bigger problem the conservatives ever will be. They've got the knowledge and radicalism to infect and corrupt art they hate rather than just hide it behind a curtain. That's far worse.

What do you mean by "we"?
Yea Forums is reddit's toilet by this point, 99% of users are redditors who just come here to shitpost anonimously.

Attached: 1541833119074.png (1143x851, 236K)

>powerless feminism
On what planet do commies like this live? Are they just being obtuse?

I only quoted the Celeste part.
Why did you put it in your post?
Because it triggered you so fucking hard. You could have made any fucking example of spammed shit, but you decided to put that one. And why did you?
Because you're a fucking tranny. DILATE.

Dirty Chinese Restaurant and Hatred are other titles they want completely banned. Like you said most japshit games they want completely reworked to remove nudity and add ugly brown people

>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Nobody tried to ban it, they complained there weren't black people. Silly, but there was no banning attempt.
>Fire Emblem
>Senran Kagura
Proof of people trying to ban it?
>Omega Labyrinth
>Grand Theft Auto
You forgot it was conservatives who wanted to ban it

You seriously think "someone complained about this game" = "they want to ban it"?
I guess Yea Forums wants to ban every game then.

>that feeling when Yea Forums is absolute shit but it's STILL the best place on the internet

Attached: 1553930137054.png (256x192, 3K)

Post examples of this "fun" please.

take your meds schizo

Yeah I'm mad I can't discuss Celeste anymore because there is DAILY thread dedicated to spread misinformation about political matters that are NOT in the game, I'll complain about the dozen daily smash threads that are basically "how would you fuck your desired newcomer" fanfiction at this point but at least smash is a video game and it exists, Celeste is not a tranny and people use it as an excuse to argue about trannies in yet another thread.

>You seriously think "someone complained about this game" = "they want to ban it"?
>I guess Yea Forums wants to ban every game then.
That's the point, dipshit. Mainstream media and normalfags don't listen to Yea Forums, but listen to the leftist elite that hold the power and their progressive puppets.
One of them making even a light off-hand negative comment is enough for the devs to self-censor the game, and that's effectively worse than some authority banning it.>You forgot it was conservatives who wanted to ban it
Them too, but it's mainly the anti-misogynists these days. We all know from what political alignment they crawl.

Attached: SHITPOSTING (2).png (989x854, 202K)

i fucking hate reddit. you cant have a discussion on a sub that has more than 100 active members. it all devolves into a popularity contest, regurtitated shit, and if there is discussion its so fucking sugar coated that it may as well be a shill nexus.

>inb4 some cunt says "durr Yea Forums do it too hurr *drools*
Yes, but I can call someone a cunt here and not get banned for it.

Reddit variant would be "should I put more shit into it or water?" and starts eating it instead

What you have to understand is that the quality of discussion in Yea Forums threads is generally better, it's just that you need to word the OP as a stupid fucking shitpost in order to get anybody to reply.

For instance,

>Hey, are you guys excited for the FF7 remake?
won't get any replies, but

Will hit the bump limit.

Tranny game made by tranny with interracial couple. I'd shitpost that garbage regardless of what the actual character is

Dustforce is a better platformer too

maybe it's just the one poster making 90% of all the shitposts
hint hint

thats still not banning anything you massive faggot

Attached: 1568899895871.png (800x840, 117K)

>the anti-misogynists

Attached: 145257757619.jpg (761x1050, 213K)

it isn't. just look at how many people here say "reddit is for discussion, Yea Forums is for shitposting"
it's a vicious cycle

Attached: devolution.png (800x378, 54K)

congratulations you are the cancer killing Yea Forums

Yeah Yea Forums is pretty shit desu

Hello tranny why are you avoiding my comment? Dirty Chinese Restaraubt was removed from all sources due to outcry from Resetra and its ilk.

I don't give a shit what effect it has on your community, if I wanna play a game im gonna fucking play it, fuck you, everyone has the right to buy a product if they have the money and means to play it

Maybe stop shitting up every thread than, stupid tranny.

I think he's pretty great and his opinions on dustforce are correct.

You're literally wrong. I've given all the evidence you still deny it like a leftist faggot. You cannot dispute this, and whatever your next reply is will be to try and discredit me despite complete disregard for reality. Feel free to continue voting for the liberals and communists that absolutely have not, are not, and will never ban, censor, or pressure a censoring of any video games in any way.

>Tranny game made by tranny with interracial couple.
"Tranny gam" means nothing, is not a game about trannies and there are no trannies in the game, the devs can fuck rabid dogs for all I care if they dont include it in the game, why would you even know what race the dev partner is? why do you care so much about it?

Nice blog but shouldn't you be spending that money on HRT
Trannies need to be shunted from society along with all enablers

>everyone who disagrees with me is a schizo!!!!!
Fuck off

still no example of anyone wanting to ban something

I barely post anymore because it feels like Im talking with schizo teens obsessed with trannies and sex.

>game completely removed because "racism bad"
>this isn't a ban

Leftist "anti-whatevers" also need to manufacture the thing they claim to be against, while also believing in relativist standards that don't apply to their own behavior. You're not saying anything clever.

go back to grad school you fucking nigger

Attached: 1569148375773.jpg (700x557, 41K)

It's interracial in game you coping retard. I'm sure you don't mind beastiality considering you're quick to defend niggers but not all of us love pavement apes


>Make up lies about a game being about trannies
>People tell you thats not true at all
>Call them trannies too
Whats the problem with these people, is it actual schizophrenia? I mean thinking you are being pursued by imaginary beings you make up yourself is schizophrenia right?

This place sucks.

I mean Extra Credits have a whole video on how Hatred is hate speech and has no place being sold but i guess that doesn't count.

>ban trannies
>ban commies
>ban plebbit
>board quality instantly increases beyond even past levels
You literally cannot dispute or argue against this. It is unquestionable truth. Do not reply to the post with anything other than an agreement.

Good, stop posting now and kill yourself.

>It's interracial in game you coping retard.
No there is not lmao, have you played it or are you just parroting shit? do you also think the game is about abortion?

99% of Yea Forums is procedurally generated, including your post.

the very reason its like this is because redditors think Yea Forums is just for le ebin may-mays and come here to shit things up while leaving actual discussion to reddit

I disagree, you fucking tranny commy reddit faggot

Yea Forums has been garbage for almost a decade now but you'll still keep coming here anyways so why bother complaining about it

hopefully gookmoot just kills it off soon

So you want people like him to stay?


Attached: fuckalien.jpg (750x557, 57K)

Otaku jizzbrains need to be forced back to /jp/. Unironic Gachashit threads are an embarrassment

Really just the most basic fucking gatekeeping that this site used to have


Attached: NEVER.jpg (540x285, 28K)

Yet you fall for it and use the meme they pushed
Fucking retard

Just a thought I had, but wouldn't then by definition there will always be some ppl that are less than, hence not ubermensch or at the very least not as ubermensch as the average ubermensch thus leading to a never ending cycle of eugenics. There will always be a group of ppl that are worse

I'd like this pic more if it didn't have that very last thread

Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reason as to why this site is good, don't use it.


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also ban /pol/

Reddit is fine if you use a subreddit for a very specific topic, like a particular game or some shitposting format. The broader ones like r/games are just advertisements and shits, it's boring.
This place is better for threads about video games in general if you're willing to filter out the bullshit. Would be nice if the staff did anything about the shitposting but you know how it is.

based brainlet

>American alphabet agencies wander on, post illegal shit
>users tell them to fuck off
>mods clear it out as soon as possible
>hurrr iit's a terrorist site, it's hosting illegal content, reeeeee

The thing is that every thread end up being entertaning anyway, it doesnt matter how it began

kys tranny

Yeah they steal memes, so what?

Attached: 1542950879495.jpg (426x426, 28K)

No, I want to have sex with people like him.

I never want to. This is my home and I love you all. Comfiest place in the world.

Boomer was intended to be a negative meme, dumb zoomer.

Attached: zoomie.gif (931x682, 426K)

no it wasnt retard

There's no place like Yea Forums.

That's nice but you're still using the other side of that dumbass meme and even posting that retard wojak edit
Imagine being a self proclaimed "boomer" that talks like a 12 year old to show children up.

"30-Year-Old Boomer is a character spread on Yea Forums mocking older millennials who enjoy things that are considered to be out of touch with younger millennials, particularly in regards to video games. The phrase generally appears in a greentext story based on a snowclone reading "that 30 year old boomer who X," accompanied by a specific Brainlet Wojak variation."

Kill yourself zoomer

stupid phone poster

Attached: 1568484436207.png (200x471, 54K)

>be redditor
>browse reddit
>make constructive posts to collect good boy points
>uh oh, now it's shitpost time
>open Yea Forums
>BRAAP all over it

Attached: 1543100730761.jpg (757x1066, 148K)


>n-no u!

Boomer started on /fit/ when an autist posted it daily for months on end and originally had nothing to do with video game.

They come here to shitpost.


needing to deeply discuss videogames just means you don't appreciate them on any level of depth as you play, thus you're fucking stupid

>Ban any vaguely political discussion
boom, fixed it

Attached: 1561112046825.jpg (1242x1225, 295K)

I'm from Reddit, I'm having a good day
Fuck you nigger, I'm here to stay
You don't want this site open? It's not your say
At least posting here, you don't have to pay

go away, Mr. Grinch, we know you never touched reddit in your life
for you are a creature of strife

At this point reddit is unironically much better than /v with all the political/tranny shitstorms here.

I don't see a single good thread there on r/games. Just a bunch of news threads, whereas on Yea Forums all of the threads are original and there's an actual discussion going on even if most of them are probably shit posts, which to me is preferable to the uptight cunt base of plebbit.

Maybe if we started to actually sage shit again, and worked on stopping threads for cumheads. Vidya threads wouldn't reach page 10.

>whereas on Yea Forums all of the threads are original and there's an actual discussion going on

Attached: e10.jpg (960x599, 94K)

>implying banning everyone, the good and the bad, isn't hilariously fun
Cancer out

I'm from Reddit fuckwit, I don't know how to sage. I don't even know what it's for.
Comments usually get deleted and the thread goes to shit quickly so we don't have a need for whatever the fuck a sage is.
Go suck all the cocks in the world, I can post where I want faggot

Hasn't been since they stopped doing public bans. I'm all for banning for the lulz but that hasn't been a thing in years.

Oh cute, a new s o y filter.

maybe just nuke /pol/, since these retards keep actively inviting reddit over while simultaneously flooding all other boards with their shitty wojak/pepe edit threads

Attached: 1553526597985.png (340x165, 72K)

Fuck this, I'm going to shitpost on 2ch instead.

i don't think sage does what you think it does

Fuck im in the same boat having to endure the shit that Yea Forums has become here until its back up

isn't it onions to onions?

lulz is what you make of it and I laugh almost every day on this site from all the posting I do

Mods cannot ban me. I'm fucking invincible.

Attached: pol boogeyman.jpg (816x1356, 378K)

no, you're invincinle

This is a redditor

I just wrote s o y without spaces and I got based now.
Might be a new one. Testing thrice - onions. Onions. Onions.

S o y dittor

you are right, it's probably /o/ that constantly cries about jews and trannies

>haha, if I post this meme, I win the argument!

I guess if you write it along with ...dittor it becomes based instead of onions
The more you know, I guess

I don't think I've ever used reddit even once. The posting and way to read comments is too confusing. That said, I still come to Yea Forums to shitpost and relax.

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What does (You) mean?

whats a kinoplex?

How many times do I have to tell you to FUCK OFF JIDF

Attached: (((white man))).jpg (600x600, 55K)

I'm honestly sick of the internet. everywhere is the same because everyone is addicted to outrage.

Attached: what am i doing here.jpg (344x326, 42K)


Attached: 1514680487127.jpg (1600x1200, 474K)

Fuck you nigger.

it's what redditors call the cinema

>Your country is dumb and full of brown people.
>No YOUR country is dumb and full of brown people!

we LARP as the brown people on /int/ now get with the times

Internet is a retard-trap. All the people who actually get something done and aren't disabled don't hang much around here.

The internet stopped being good in the mid 2000s.

go back

Is a tranny someone who disagrees with you?
Add /pol/tards and I agree with you.

>hurr Yea Forums sucks it has a reddit infestation
>reddit is so much better

cry more, reddit

Tummy tum tum

Sure it is. You're a fag.

The infestation left Reddit so it's safe for us now
We can swap websites, maybe give them actual proper functionality for paragraphs


Attached: 1539474891467.jpg (1902x874, 345K)

Nobody likes you passive aggressive little bitches and you should all go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

Just going to leave this here.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters


nice, gonna try this out

nigger the fucking OP is all about /pol/, it didn't come out of nowhere

this, the internet feels fucking crowded now if that sense

You do realize global rule 3 is a thing right?

Yea Forums is just a parody of r/gamingcirclejerk

Attached: file.png (964x623, 65K)

Sure you did.
>games where I can be a nazi
>games where I can cleanse the filth
>Games where the bad guy wins, and that's a good thing
>games for this incindiary feel

mfw trying this and it wipes out like 85% of the content of this place


>are we the baddies?
>are we the baddies?
This generation is so much cringe. Don't you have older brothers or something?

absolutely, irony is a plague.

Ever click any of those threads?
>It's literally just Yea Forums except the mob determines what is or isn't good posts.

Reddit is a shithole because the mob isn't a good determination on which posts are or aren't good. We have a hide function on Yea Forums, use it. Don't demand that the rest of the retards determine what you should or shouldn't see. Otherwise you're just asking for the people who made those threads in the top pic to determine which threads are prevalent on the front page.

What if the people voting 'yes' are doing it ironically?

You're a moron.You don't understand what Free speech is.

You're a fucking moron if you don't realize that Yea Forums has the same issues. The only difference is you mouthbreathers scream tranny this tranny that.

>You're a fucking moron if you don't realize that Yea Forums has the same issues
Okay, where's the downvote on Yea Forums? Anyone? Where's the little arrow that dozens of people can click that hides any post that upsets your delicate feelings or doesn't conform to the thread?

>it's exactly the same you fucking moron :(
No, you're an idiot who got called a tranny in a thread and are now throwing a fit about it. No one was 'shutting you down', they were calling you fucking stupid. That's a right we have here on Yea Forums that you don't get on reddit, the ability to call people out when they're being fucking moronic.

is bootlicker the new hip buzzword? I’ve seen it much more in the last week than ever before.

You're acting like everyone here doesn't also use leddit at this point. Yea Forums is the shitting ground where people scream "nigger" into the void without getting banned so they can go back to r/games and talk about video games

>at least we have fun
yeah i have a blast scrolling past c*mbrain thread #9234 and the incredibly low effort threads that surround it

Reddit is literally the reason we have all these incels running around so you tell me.

>try and post something, literally anything, on reddit
>"your post was removed because you don't have enough karma"
>"your post was removed because you didn't add flair"
>"your post was removed because it was """"off topic"'""" "

Attached: 156744709917377638.png (820x721, 61K)

>"your post was removed because it was """"off topic"'"""
Nu-Yea Forums actually considers this a bad thing. No wonder the board is so shit.

Not that fun after 10 years

Blatant off topic posts should be removed, but reddit is way too strict with what they deem to be "off topic"

Reddit has actual mods that do their job.
Off topic posting does not fly there.

Bull fucking shit you cocksuckers call literally fucking everyone and everything cringy reddit shit. Fuck off with your lies.

t. traumatised cumskull
im actually giggling at the imagination of you crying in a corner and then making this meme because you were the target for the jizzhead meme

>theres real reddit users posting in this thread right now

Attached: 1567536505890.jpg (640x481, 38K)

Thanks for proving my point lmao

Mostly the fact that you've admitted that you don't actually care about video games, want to play video games, or want to talk about video games, you just want a personal StormFrontChan.

This was posted on here yesterday too.


This board is fucking flooded with awful Wojak and Twitter screen cap threads on a constant basis.


Why does 8ch have this insane inferiority complex? I remember years ago you dumb niggers would claim every troll 'Gone home is GOTY LOLOL" thread is proof of Yea Forums's demise and how they were totally right in leaving when it's just standard shitpost fare with a different name. Plus didn't your main board explode thrice due to autistic mod drama?

Yea Forums doesn't even make memes anymore, or if they do it's just another wojak/frog rehash. Most memes come from IG and Twitter now

if it's happening to you a lot it means you actually do have to go back, now go fucking back

Yea Forums insist on having some 3 or 4 guys to moderate a couple thousand users.
As a result rules are enforced inconsistently or not at all. This creates a mentality of "I can do what I want" and get people resentful when rules are actually enforced, channeling them into a vicious circle of breaking the rules because nobody can stop me -> Fucking mods how dare they ban me when some other dude was doing something worst, repeat.
If Yea Forums got a competent moderator team which enforced the rules quicly and consistently, even for a temporarily, users would get in line and shitposting would reduce, and later less mods could be used.

reddit is the reason the word incel ever spread outside of /r9k/

this proves all off topic posters are hecking reddit users! ban all off topic posts! no more e-celebs, no more food, no more el chavo meme threads!

Attached: m1pd3gtxch431.jpg (640x480, 14K)

That's because in real life if you can actually explain your opinion on something most people will indulge you or share their point of view with you.
On reddit you'll just be downvoted if they disagree and on Yea Forums nobody will listen to your post because they're to busy recycling decade old images and jerking to loli

Maybe if they did anything beyond hamper self-moderation, someone would appreciate them. Of course a destructive element will be loathed.

>board was legitimately better when the majority of people actively shunned and put down people that posted reddit links or screencaps
>became progressively worse and worse at lightning speed as accepting reddit became popular
Surely it can't just be coincidence.

Probably the only positive of Reddit is that the same thread isn't posted dozens of times every day for a week straight.

>no more e-celebs
are you seriously implying that not wanting to see you gush over your favorite pretend friends, and flood the board with your schoolgirl gossip, is reddit?

The more big events like GG and The Election happened, the more normalfags it brought, and subsequently the more normalfags who browse reddit and have the reddit mindset. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

no, we're the joke villains who just fuck around and do whatever.

wait what you can type "8ch" now on Yea Forums? wtf happened

I hate every thing that I'm seeing in this image. I don't think there's any platform for discussion that I enjoy anymore.

It's a superiority complex. And it was due to the GG shit that was banned here. They naturally assumed that they were better because the board allowed "free speech". Unfortunately, it was a shit place to talk about vidya because it was more /pol/ than Yea Forums.
And yes, 8ch had constant fucking drama. I remember one time the Yea Forums Board Op, Mark, made a post saying that people shouldn't be going and shooting up mosques, and people actually lost their shit, constantly reposting it while pointing out that he was compromised by the left. Tons of people there were legitimately arguing that we should be in a literal race war and that shooting up mosques was the right thing to do. I can assume that some of it was bait, but there were a lot of people arguing it.
Either 8ch had a shit load of retarded lunatics, or it had a shit load of retarded shitposters who didn't want to talk about vidya. Either way it's terrible. I only ever stayed there because the file limits were way more sane (sound webms, no length limit, 15 MB file size limit, up to 5 files per post) and because Yea Forums pass and Google Captcha are both cancer.

>muh rules must be enforced
Kys, reddit faggot.

>implying it isn't a handful of trannies shitting the place up with their stink

>Yea Forums is the shitting ground where people scream "nigger" into the void without getting banned so they can go back to r/games and talk about video games
Reddit isn't as popular as you think it is. You faggots aren't half as smart or interesting as you think you are.

Yea Forums and Yea Forums haven’t been fun in general since gamergate and post-election /pol/ leakage. Literally just here because I can’t fucking leave

Rule-based moderation is fundamentally incompatible with this site and mods moving to that mentality is why they've become so ineffectual over the past five years or so. To mod a place like this, you have to regularly engage the community as a member, outside of rule enforcement, in order to provide direction to the userbase on what kind of environment they should foster and what kinds of posts they should attack. Otherwise we just get what you described. Powerful self-moderation is the only way to effectively manage a site like this.

Back to Africa, nigger. White societies have rules to follow.

>15th most popular website on the net
>not popular
Yeah, it's practically underground. You fucking retard.

How do I use this? Do I just apply them to the filter or do I need an extension?

rulez are for foolz

Literally doesn't work, that's how 8ch's Yea Forums Gott ad shit as it was.

>Metroid discussion on Yea Forums
>genuinely fun and comfy threads
>Metroid discussion on Reddit
Funny how you say that.

Attached: 1542525124644.png (369x300, 14K)

lol The few whites that go there are very low iq and wish they were dead/brown.

I STILL see people talking about Virgin/Chad (specifically the comparison edits), twitter garbage is forgotten in a week

>everyone goes there
>someone points out that this isn't remotely true
Kys, brainlet. You 90 iq redditors should stay in your shithole.

I would imagine that had more with recruiting from the biggest undesirables of Yea Forums and /pol/.

I'm glad I was on the correct side of history when no GGfags realized how fucking autistic this picture actually was.

Attached: reddit on v's shoulders.jpg (2160x1152, 585K)

>it was more /pol/
No. This was 2014, child. /pol/ wasn't a bunch of slacktivist faggots straight out of t_d. /pol/ didn't give a fuck, and had fuckall threads on it until Yea Forums set up shop on the board because of the mods nuking all threads. It was Yea Forums that flooded /pol/, not the other way around. /pol/ was still a comparatively minor board at that point.

It was the slacktivists from Yea Forums that left. Far worse than 2014 /pol/. It was reddit. Which /pol/ would soon turn into in just a few years, but was not overtaken by yet. It hadn't even begun. You can tell from GG's promo material. It reads like pure reddit, straight up copies of that "I'm not a gay mer because I have no life" meme. Now, yeah, there's not much difference, because /pol/ has gotten completely overrun by reddit, but you've gotta get your timeline in check.

>Yea Forums
it's mostly anger and frustration

Upper: Soul
Bottom: Soulless

It was always better than this place, leftypol faggot.
>non-commies are undesirables
Go back to resetera and sperg over some thoughtcrime somewhere.

It is absolutely true that all the zoomers here have used reddit way before Yea Forums and it shows. The opposite is probably true for the millennials still here.

I've no idea how they work with the native extension. Get 4chanx, and just copy paste them under filters.

>hurray for feminism and marxism
Yeah, you're so cool. Hope you're not white, retard.

Additionally I didn't care for the autistic literal general this board had until they started invited tumblr/redditor ally guest speakers to fight for the epic cause

Retards who prefer bitching about politics to talking about video games are undesirables.


>actual vidya discussion
there's no "discussion" on reddit. You just say something that's popular for internet good boy points and you recycle a stale joke for extra good boy points.
If Yea Forums was like reddit everyone would unironically encourage "coomer" posting instead of shitting on it

Even the boards that used to strongly self regulate, are a shadow of their former selves. Yea Forums for example, where asking for sauce was strictly forbidden, has now people asking for it every single thread and the couple of anons who adhered to the self regulation of replying "boku no pico" are quickly shut down by spoonfeeders who do it just because they imagine they guys would get mad. Self regulation does not work on a site as big as Yea Forums.

You fags still exist? Maybe I should've clarified for your defensive mind I didn't want Yea Forums to engage in literal twitter wars with SJWs because retards would start thinking Yea Forums was the epic political battleground instead of a videogame board and it was proven right in

How the fuck do you discuss something here?

Attached: Cringe10.jpg (558x962, 56K)

good job proving his point

Dude, reddit has 20 million unique users from the states per day. Most of them are probably regulars, and many of them will be old, so let's say that around 30 million zoomers go there once a week. That's about a fifth of the zoomers in the states. Clearly, many zoomers don't care about reddit.

Attached: reddit.png (1148x790, 96K)

Because the mods only ever intervene to hamper self-moderation. Shounen threads are probably a quarter of the catalog, and at least as many posts. It never would've gotten a foothold there without the mods working around the clock to establish one for them. Now look at shippers, they're given free reign to ruin any thread they want, the mods will never bother.

The problem is twofold. The mods are not representative, and they're on a power trip. They don't know their boards. They don't know what's good for their boards, and they do not care about their boards. What they do care about is people doing their job. That is the only thing they consistently take any form of action against, people improving the board. The only thing they give a rats ass about is getting to hold the wheel, they couldn't care less where they take us.

Anyone who has a Yea Forums pass is automatically a clown

Yea Forums regularly invents new garbage to spam, whereas Reddit "memes" are just stolen pics with captions. It's soul vs soulless. Redditfags are fucking robots.

If you make 30 posts a day, it's a pain to fill out the captcha every time. I may purchase a pass, desu.

just hire mods that actually do their job and uphold the rules and board culture.
protip: spamming wojaks and pepes and calling everyone zoom zoom boom boom incel tranny is not board culture

What's the big deal?
Yea Forums is for shitposting while reddit is for serious discussion
This was always the case

Attached: +_d3096a0bdf18cd41cb0b8fc353d3d7ef.png (640x640, 528K)

How about this fucking board goes back? Back to the way it was before fun was outlawed and faggots like you took your pessimism this far and showed hostility to anyone not afraid to express themselves? Did the 2016 election give this place PTSD so badly that shitposters are genuinely scared to say and post anything without dipshits parroting other dipshits that just spam cringe, zoomer, and reddit while sounding like a broken record on repeat? What is the fucking point of even trying to make memes and enjoy yourself here if you're just gonna be met with pissy little fuckers who act like that one kid from prom night who just sat and watched everyone dance like an awkward manbaby?

Attached: 1525745100264.png (755x474, 288K)

>Yea Forums regularly invents new garbage to spam

It's not that you cull less smart people, it's that you cull dumb people. No double digit IQ's allowed and we'll be fine.

Want me to make one user?

100-110 iq pretty damn low. These people can't really learn on their own, and simple puzzles are beyond their abilities.

I always imagined the Yea Forums moderation team to be a worse clique than even gaming discords run by furries. They probably don't give a single fuck or even browse the site until Hiro cracks the whip whenever he thinks ad revenue is going to suffer or they get heat from some shit /r9k/ or /pol/ pull


From what I see it's because it's ordered by upvotes and mongoloids will upload the EPIC GAMER QUIPS over anything else.

Even with a flawed board system if you have multiple knowledgeable people throwing out their opinions it will shine through.

that just looks like 95% marketing (not that you don't get shills on Yea Forums)


Didn't Reddit outright ban the forum to pretend to care about fags or something? It's a wonder everything is vitriolic.
>we don't cater to lbgt++++
>we also ban a gaming forum to cater to a group of mentally I'll fuckwits when people just want to play vidya

No one likes being policed to care about people who will be dead by suicide anyways, so Yea Forums is superior by that alone.

Looking at /r/games it says they'll remove memes, comics, screenshots et al.
So pretty much all you can do is talk about video games.
I imagine if there's like a more casual vidya reddit page it's probably all memes and photos of people posing with video game consoles and games they just bought and cosplay thots.

But honestly a dedicated page devoted solely to talking about things that are directly related to vidya instead of nonsensically tangential shit half-assedly trying to pretend to relevant cause someone threw the word video games in a post about root beer or poorly disguised masturbatory exercises sounds nice. It's like what /vg/ could've been instead of just chat rooms for people somehow too weird for Yea Forums.

Attached: 1567978742365.png (549x489, 361K)

I do miss those random threads of Toon Link and Tetra OC's, they were pretty damn comfy

>et al

But Yea Forums, on the other end, is nothing but dumbass kids high on the privilege of anonymous posting using it almost exclusively to post with as little effort as possible.
It really is not better and fucking faggots trying to hype a site more than the other simply don't realize or are too young to realize that internet communities in general have all become different flavors of the same clickbait sensationalist cancer coming from Facebook where people are acting like dumshits nonstop as they are conditioned into brainless reactionaries by all the BIG FLASHY HEADLINES of every fucking thread.
Pick your poison, but don't make it seem like your poison is better than the others.

Maybe stop spamming semennoggin and your tuxedo pepes you obnoxious nigger

It is. I don't think anyone would say this place is good, or anywhere near it, but it sure as shit beats reddit. Else you would've stayed there.

>Ok, here is Yea Forums, you are user, please speak your mind now

Yea Forums is superior because people don't refer to their pets as autistic ass names PUPPER GUDBOY DOGGO

there's little I hate more than /r9k/ and their constant fucking babyspeak

Yeah, better in the sense that you won't get banned on here when, instead of using the privilege of speaking your mind with thoughtfullness and effort, you celebrate being able to shitpost autistically and literally vomit shit claiming that inhabiting a community of fucking idiots is better than inhabiting a community of fucking drones.

Redditors will try to cope with this by saying retarded garbage like "LE I ONLY COME HERE TO SHITPOST, REDDIT IS FOR REAL DISCUSSION! Huh no? I won't leave"

>Yeah, better
Yeah, better.

who is this semen demon

Same shit, different flavor. Reddit is for the fucking drones who need instant validation of their belief by being able to go somewhere and participate in risk less discussions where parroting is encouraged.
Yea Forums is just where you go to say whatever you want, but even with moderation as lax as we have here and the environment where true discussion should dominate, it's still just a bunch of nameless retards parroting safe "counter-culture" opinions where anything is celebrated and repeated endlessly as long as it's the opposite of "what reddit says".
You've been obsessed for years now and you lack the awareness to understand how similar these two shit communities are and by legitimately claiming your flavor of shit is better, you make it easy to understand what you are between the drone and the retard. You're just saying you'd rather be retarded than a drone.

You don't know about the bunker?

That's not a discussion. This is. And we're in agreement, it's better. Or you wouldn't have come here.
There's one way to prove your point, and you won't do it. Simple as.