What are these new Hitman games missing...

What are these new Hitman games missing? They are well made games but it just feels like something isnt right and playing them feels like a chore.

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I have never played a Hitman game in my life AMA

The levels are too big and the kills are too railroaded. It's tedious as fuck to explore and you don't feel satisfied when you find the kills anyway.

I dislike their approach with missions being DLC.
It doesn’t feel like a story anymore but just some sort of simulator.
I loved Blood money but ever since all hitman games were bad in my opinion

needs... ROMANCE

Is Absolution good?

Its linear as fuck and the story is incredibly cringe

But Blood Money is the same formula as every other Hitman
It has separate missions with an overarching story

>playing them feels like a chore
They've managed to make the game linear which defeats the purpose. Kills are extremely simple and constantly pointed out to the player. Diana holds your hand and prevents any need to keep personal track of events. Bystanders loudly converse to those around them the personal affairs of your target. The game plainly states side missions and alternate routes upon completing a level just to drive the point home and ensure that the player doesn't discover a single thing themselves.

On top of it all, content is locked behind numerous playthroughs of the same levels. It feels like a chore because it IS a chore. You want a specific item? Sucks to be you, buddy-- you have to replay that one level you hate six times to get it. Maybe if you're lucky it'll pop up in six months as a reward for a timed mission you can only play once.

It just doesn't lend itself well to the gameplay itself anymore. You might as well be watching a little movie where Agent 47 shuffles around in circles, pulls off some random Final Destination gimmick on the target and leaves.

You're right, but I also think the atmosphere is all wrong. Hitman C47 - 2 - Contracts - BM, they all had this seedy dark atmosphere that felt appropriate for an assassin game, but these new ones feel so clean and sanitized

Why have you entered this thread?

why not?

>What are these new Hitman games missing?
the gritty atmosphere that made the series good. nu hitman has pretty solid gameplay but its way too comedic.

I mean apparently you're not interested in the series since you haven't played any Hitman gane. Unless you are and are asking for recommendations. In that case play 4 first Hitmans (Codename 47, Silent Assassin, Contracts, Bloodmoney). Don't expect much from C47, it's the first one and the idea nor execution weren't really refined but it's still worth a play for it's target characters, some great levels and to know where the series is coming from. Silent Assassin is pretty good but desert and Japan levels are shite. Best music in entire series though. Contracts has the darkest atmosphere and is great all along. Blood Money is the best in the series gameplay-wise. Don't play anything after that.

>Silent Assassin is pretty good but desert and Japan levels are shite
Shit taste
Terminal Hospitality is the best level in Hitman 2

thnx fren

gibs and cartel style dismemberment

Mission Stories are only ones that are hand-holdy and mostly just serve to teach you the level. There are tons of challenges that require observational skills and some get pretty obscure. Levels are intended to be replayed and mastered, and if that doesn't appeal to you, too bad, but it's anything but linear.

I came to reboot right after finishing Blood Money and THAT game feels incredibly limited in comparison.

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>Japan levels are shite.
i know its kinda not hitman style, but i fucking loved japan because i got to have that awesome snow ninja outfit and get into firefights with a suppressed smg and the wa2000 custom. i have played hidden valley countless times.

>There are tons of challenges that require observational skills and some get pretty obscure
They are either really obvious or extremely tedious, its not fun to play. Blood Money is fun to play because there is tons of shit happening throughout the level at the same time and the game tells you nothing, its all up to you and your observation skills. There are no challenges or any of that shit, just a sandbox to fuck around in.

No no no. You've all got it so wrong. You're supposed to savescum. Save, then try a path to kill the target. Not satisfying enough? Go back to the save and try a different method. That's the way they intended people to play these new hitman games, you just savescum over and over again to experiment and see how many funny and sneaky ways you can kill the targets.

Posting kino music

I hated Japan levels because sneaking through the first one with sniper towers was a question of pure luck, there was no reliable way to avoid detection except savescum and hope their AI scripts don't click. The tunnel was also annoying as fuck because they'd detect you in the truck no matter what so you had to sneak on foot through that long ass tunnel. Mansion was okay level design wise but impossible to SA which was what I always strived for in Hitman games.

Doesnt the game give you a sniper to deal with them though?

It does iirc but I wanted to SA the game.


Yeah, but you still can't unlock everything in one go.

There was shit happening, but not "tons of shit". I felt like I got everything I wanted from the game in 20 hours I took me to finish it. Meanwhile I'm nearing 300 hours in Hitman 2.

It's a decent action game, pretty bad if you want actual Hitman gameplay.

>half the levels are literal on-rails corridors

SASO on master difficulty is the true way to enjoy the game
They finally surpassed BM

>Finished master SASO last night
>Only have sniper assassin in Sgail left
Smooth sailing now.

>just a sandbox to fuck around in
There being challenges doesn't take away from that aspect at all.
You can also just not look at the challenges. Mission stories are the only things that get overly hand holdy, but they aren't even tracked by default and you can turn off the prompts for them entirely.

There's something about it man, I just can't get into these new games. I start playing then get bored halfway through one mission and want to play something else. With Silent Assassin or Blood Money I can sit there all day playing those games over and over.

Hitman 2016 and 2(018) are fantastic games though, you can just get burnt out on the formula hard after 150 or so hours. It's the same kind of issue I had with Yakuza when I tried playing a couole of those games in a row. The Yea Forums threads for Hitman 2(018) were absolute kino and some of the best threads here in a while.

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I only come to Yea Forums for Hitman threads, to be honest.

I don't like to resolve puzzles when I want to buy a game
same thing happens with Rise of the Tomb Raider, the season pass and the 20th anniversary edition
you need an excel sheet and 2 hours of your time to tell what is the better deal, and even after buying both you are missing shit
not only that: they usually price the season pass differently

>you can just get burnt out on the formula hard after 150 or so hours
I've just realized I hit around 150h total (Hitman 2016 + 2018), and honestly you're right. I got burnt out.

I miss the evidence mechanics, having to take into account walking out with your suit and all the equipment you took in or lose points. I also miss there being actual consequences in the next level for getting witnessed, unless you pay something to lower your profile.

I think the biggest problem is that there's no feeling of any connection between each contract, and it all feels disjointed. They went the opposite route from what I wanted which was to allow equipment taken from one level to be taken into the next.

Now there's no feeling like what you do in each contract has an impact on how you prepare for any other. Sure, you can unlock from Masteries new equipment to take to other levels but it doesn't feel the same.
The new games have a sleek, stark James Bond feel to them rather than the old dark, grimy grindhouse feel, with all the black comedy tier stereotypical characters and design. A matter of taste really.

I don't think they should deviate from the formula. They tried that before in C47, 2SA and Absolution. The result was missions like Hidden Valley and The Jungle God.

They should stick to the core formula but add variety in smaller ways (i.e identifying The Maelstrom or obtaining the data in The Bank).
I think adding new enemy types like the PALLAS androids or dogs would help too.

Do you happen to be born after 9/11?

>missions being DLC

But that's not true of Hitman 2.

This. The older games had some comic relief to them too, but overall had a much more sinister vibe, fitting of a game where you are a professional assassin. The new games are practically comedy murder simulators. Lots of silly dialogue and slapstick humor, especially in the more elaborate ways to kill enemies. A big contributor to the atmosphere in the older games was also Kyd's music, sadly missing from the new entires. The new music makes it feel like a generic spy thriller movie while the old OSTs were really original and unique.

The evidence mechanics in Blood Money were easy to trivialize. Maybe if there was some sort of Ironman mode that forces players to own up their mistakes.

I dislike how all the gear you get are arbitrary gamey unlocks. Blood Money had the right idea with giving you money and a weapon shop where you buy whatever weapons and upgrades you want. They should have kept money as a mechanic because it feeds really well into the professional hitman fantasy.

It's a good game but it's not... you know.

I hate this bullshit. No, Absolution isn't just a bad Hitman game, it's simply a bad game.

>Literal shit AI that acts dumber than robots and ignores the most obvious of moves
>No money, "mastery" bullshit, most equipment just reskins of each other
>Same handful of voice actors for every level, reddit humor in filler dialogue
>Generic discount-Illuminati storyline, no real urgency driving the plot
>Sanitized art style, no gritty feel, like the average PG-13 Hollywood movie

Not only is Absolution a good and actually fun game, it is a serviceable Hitman game, not simply a bad one.
The basic core loop and all features remain, simply with poorer level design in favour of superior narrative.
The gunplay is good, the gameplay works, the traditional stealthing (as opposed to disguise stealthing) is satisfying.
It is a below-average Hitman game, a decent stealth game, and a good action game.

A couple of things

-Can't steal weapons off an enemy
-Can't take a person hostage
-Can't modify weapons
-The event themes have been toned down to be too general. For instance the Meat King's party in Contracts is all levels of weird and whacky whereas the car race in Hitman 2 is just that and nothing more
-Lower emphasis on attractive women which seemed to be a focus of every other Hitman game
-Having all the voice actors speak English in every country is just jarring especially given the limited number of voice actors
-Continually being mindful of NPCs who might break your disguise can be pretty annoying

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no why?

>Literal shit AI that acts dumber than robots and ignores the most obvious of moves
To be honest that's every Hitman game and that's one of the reasons why it's so enjoyable because you can easily mess with the AI

>superior narrative
I think the narrative was terrible, introducing PMC ICA branches is stupid, the giant wrestler guy scenes are idiotic, and the Diana isn't really dead twist was completely bonkers

Birdie is an interesting character though, if they want to expand the Hitman world I think he could be a good central character (though not a protagonist)

>it's simply a bad game.
Not even remotely.

>Not only is Absolution a good and actually fun game


>guards ignore guns on the floor
>reload checkpoint
>everything gets reset, NPCs come back from the dead
>levels cut up into small chunks
>cause massive shootout in one chunk, guards in the other chunk don't hear the war happening meters away
>retarded story
>gameplay gets interrupted for le epic setpiece moment cutscene to happen
>linear as fuck
>retarded and absolutely useless disguise system

You have to be clinically retarded to think Absolution is good in any way.

>-The event themes have been toned down to be too general. For instance the Meat King's party in Contracts is all levels of weird and whacky whereas the car race in Hitman 2 is just that and nothing more

What? You've got a car race, robotic wweapons testing and a blackmail plot

>-Lower emphasis on attractive women which seemed to be a focus of every other Hitman game
Truly a crime

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I think the idea is to encourage you to try multiple ways to play each level as you are drip fed new items, starting locations, etc., instead of walking in with your pimped Silverballers and WA2K from the get-go.

>Superior Narrative
I like the game as a guilty pleasure and for allowing me to actually use the Dual Pistols like in promotional artwork, but don't delude yourself into thinking that game had a good story

Do a flip faggot

Bimbos would kind of feel out of place with the new atmosphere, since they're going for a more clean, polished and classy look.

This guy

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Don't do it faggot.
>muh drug abusing parents
>muh faggot brother
>muh hentai watching sister
>i lost some change
Jesus Christ, you call those "problems"? Man the fuck up pussy, find a job, never invest again (only retards do that unless they're millionaires), earn enough to rent a flat and move out. Life is beautiful if you make it so. Don't let your retarded family take it all away from you.

Car race isn't really silly though. Hitman 2's main silly mission is Isle of Sgail because it's a supervillain fortress but it doesn't quite hit the mark. I think most people remember Contracts and Blood Money well because of all of their ridiculous themed events like the heaven and hell party

>chapter 7

How many hitman games have you played?


>degenerate women with no sense of self respect

Go cry on reddit about it

I miss older Hitman atmosphere.

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i prefer 4channel.

Which might be the problem. Hitman seems to be afraid of political correctness now whereas before it was having a shot go at various ethnic groups and weird social gatherings which everyone remembers well because they're bold and satirical

You listen to the NPC conversations in new Hitman games and they're not terribly memorable other than a few dark humor moments 47 delivers before killing someone

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Fuck I need to replay Hitman 2 now

And this


can't you read?

Except it’s not missing anything. The only reason you think it does is because there are no small levels ala Blood Money. Pretty sure the large levels just overwhelm most players, so they get put off from replaying, and because they don’t replay they say ‘hmm somethings missing’. For me with 500 hours and who plays it on an almost daily basis, this is perfect, and without a doubt the best Hitman. Unironically one of the best games of all time, it’s purely game.

>Lower emphasis on attractive women which seemed to be a focus of every other Hitman game
They don't seem to put much emphasis on the look of characters apart from the targets at all, period. Most characters I can't even tell apart their race just from their face, and are only distinguished by name.

At least try to make your blatant shilling less blatant

And these


>Except it’s not missing anything
Play Contracts and I wonder if you'll stick by that opinion. That is where the OG Hitman atmosphere peaked. This new direction is far lighter in tone, even comedic and pretends to have ''class''.

>dog costumes

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It feels like the women thing is an engine and artstyle problem, there are some people that are clearly meant to be sexy but just don't look the part.

>just overwhelm most players
Not really. I like exploring them top to the bottom like all other players when I first play them but huge chunks of them have absolutely nothing to do with your current targets or objectives and are there for the sake of world building and extending the gameplay by adding elusive targets, player contracts and escalations. It becomes very irritating to run from one end to another especially when a lot of the focus of the game is around completing these contracts and escalations for new outfits, gadgets and weapons

I wouldn't say the games are trying to be too politically correct, at least not any more than any other game. The female characters are still fairly sexualised, but they're just not cartoonishly exaggerated.

I think alot of it has to do with the fact that they're humanising the NPCs more in the new games. Unlike older games, NPCs can have their own subplots than span several missions thanks to them making recurring cameos and the major NPCs and targets themselves have a lot more depth to them in terms of writing, whereas in older games, targets were mostly one dimensional caricatures.

>not including youtube.com/watch?v=arA8Mdd2bx4

There were dogs in blood money

Sunny, bond-like climate and lack of jesper kyd make the game feel different, also, after season 2 released, the cookie cutter format of the game really started to show, there are supposed to be around 20-something ways to kill the targets in a mssion, guess what, maybe 3 are original, in the case of other ones I KNOW that there WILL be some disguise that will allow me to meet the target alone and make them conveniently turn their back on me, there will always be something to poison or something to drop on their heads, in worst case scenario i can always *clink* too. In older games you had to make shit up as you went, now you know how to easily get SA before you even start the damn mission.

>they're humanising the NPCs more in the new games
This is true. Practically every NPC in the game now talks except for the crowd AI.

Diana was 11/10 in the first season cutscenes, so I would agree this series doesn't suffer from what most Western games today do to "female" characters.
It honestly just seems to be how they're rendered. Dalia, Sierra, and Andrea were clearly designed to be attractive.

Killing people in silly ways wasnt the main attraction either, I dont know why thats such a focus now

>-Can't steal weapons off an enemy
I would've liked that, not for the weapon aspect but for the fact that it'd be another way to gain items like keys from people without having to knock them out first. On most maps I put the lockpick in my loadout just because trying to get keys from people becomes yet another variable.

Blood Money introduced that mainly, as well as the ocassional sillyness. And BM was their most succesful game before these recent ones.

Because it's one of the few things people liked in absolution and it gets people talking.

>now you know how to easily get SA before you even start the damn mission.
Drop taser phone near target
Wait for target to pick it up

That'll cover most Elusive targets.

In some missions maybe, like the redneck missions and a new life, but there were quite a few where just getting in and out was the main challenge

atmosphere, they're too scared of offending people so we wont be getting any levels set in BDSM clubs and stuff ever again

Thinly veiled attempt at creating artificial replayability.
The more they focus on making the game seem quirky and funny to play again and again, the less good they actually have to make the game.

I blame Punisher.

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That's IO's fault. In Absolution they started getting carried away with what are essentially checklists of ways you can kill NPCs and that carried over into Hitman 1 and 2 which has similar checklists. The opportunity system almost seems like it was put in place for people who continually try to play the game by shooting everyone.

Did he do it? Did you record it? I tried to watch it but I never been on discord and don't know how to use it

GOG release when ?

There was the ibiza (or whatever) mission with the bird costume and you could dress up as a le funny clown in the safehouse mission. Probably more examples of them injecting humor past Contracts.

I was expecting more hedonism in my mask-wearing end-of-the-world elite cult.

Maybe Eyes Wide Shut spoiled me.

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The Assassin's Creed styled disclaimer they put in pretty much says it all.

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I dont make a habit of giving attention whores attention, if he wants to die over 500 bucks then thats his problem, he probably should have considered getting a job before committing suicide. Nothing of value was lost.

Just started playing this about 3 days ago. The only thing I genuinely don't like is how it makes shit so obvious, giving you a notification on when you're listening to a conversation that gives you a unique way to kill a target, like walking the catwalk in Paris for instance, and then giving you the exact location of where to go and how to do it like finding the recipe for the cocktail the target likes to poison it, the guy mentions they can't find it and needs to look for it but 47 instantly knows where it is. I can accept instinct since the levels are so big it's necessary to locate your target l, but I would rather they have either just the instruction telling you to do something rather then showing you the exact location to do it, or at the very least just a rough idea of where to go to do it. Can I turn this off and also how do I unlock specific suits, like I saw in the last thread? Namely the phantom suit.

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From all the noclip interviews their team didn't seem all that diverse

Why do companies feel the need to do this now?

You can turn mission stories/opportunities off the options menu as well as changing how they act to just being a general guide instead of a waypoint system.

Those are opportunities and thankfully you can turn them off.

There's less handholding in the higher difficulties so though it'll point out things you'll need to actually look for them yourself.

Also, the Phantom Suit requires 100 kills in ghost mode.

Not only can you turn off mission guidance, you have the option to turn it into exactly what you described.

Because they're making a game about traveling to other countries and don't want people to bitch about inane bullshit.

I want a game to come out where there is a disclaimer "this work of fiction blah blah blah created by a homogenous group of straight white people".
imagine the butthurt that would ensue

Turn off everything in the options other than enforcer dots

Why do they even care?

The disclaimer is there to basically give them carte blanche to make absolutely anyone a target. I think they even said that they thought "diversity" was important to the series because it allows them to have more variety in targets.

>Can I turn this off
Just look at the options menu.

Suits will be unlocked as you complete missions and challenges. Some require you to complete elusive targets.

Of course, you can turn off all the UI if you want a less hand holdy experience it's in options under gameplay tab I think.To unlock Phantom Suit you need to play the PvP portion of the game "Ghost Mode" and get some amount of target kills, I think it's 50 or 100.

Movement is too slow

Yeah, and that feels completely arbitrary.

Hitman peaked with Bloodmoney, come at me

American lawsuit culture, probably.

That’s the same reason I never picked up a single hitman game - they all looked like tedious work where it’s more about being clever than having fun. I can understand if people want that experience but I usually pick my games based on how much I’ll enjoy them, not for how much I plan on patting myself of the back for figuring out the most elaborate way to kill someone. If anything it reminds me of those physics-based flash games where you retry 14 times until you finally get the angle and alignment picture perfect. It’s not fun, just tedious with a skinnerbox reward at the end.

But that is general consensus, user, you're not saying anything controversial

Literally everybody agrees with you

Can you get sentenced for not having niggers or trannies in your company? Can you get sentenced for not putting the disclaimer in?
if not, this argument is retarded

Or; the company is full of leftists

>"This work was created by a group of straight white men, except for Dave who had that one experience in college and swears it was just a one time thing. Also, I think Colin's mom was like a 1/8th mexican or something, I dunno."

>Can you get sentenced for not having niggers or trannies in your company?

>Can you get sentenced for not having niggers or trannies in your company?
You can lose money in court if someone in your company says stupid shit and you don't have either in your company.
>Can you get sentenced for not putting the disclaimer in?
Helps your case in court cases such as the one mentioned above.

>Blood money

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I don't believe it, can you link a legal bill that makes it possible?


Thanks lads. I'll do that when I play again. It's pretty great otherwise, haven't touched ghost mode at all but sounds fun.

This is unusually uncomfy for a Hitman thread, with people bitching and getting triggered over stupid shit.

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>everyone that worked on it was white
what did they mean by this

This was an issue in Marakesh and Bangkok mostly, but it's been addressed for season 2 and none of the other maps in 1 suffered from it terribly. It's fine to have areas that aren't related to story targets, but ideally it would be like sapienza where you're moving through those locations regardless, unlike the 2 mentioned maps where there was either a jarring separation or you flat-out don't have to go to an area.
I mean if you held my hand to the fire sure, it lacks the early game atmosphere due primarily to the absence of Kyd, but that's not something that bothers me when objectively assessing the game (Bank is pretty kino though, but you can't help but think 'a Kyd score here would make this timeless'). I just love that I can boot up Hitman, go to one of the maps I've spent weeks learning in and out, and a different hit. You can only replay the old games so much, so I'm personally so happy that my ideal perfect game exists.

The proper way to play it is by not using any items and walk through the scripted "go there, take that, put it there, push that at the right moment" kills. Can't go messy, can't go loud. Everything is punished.
Which is boring as fuck and kills all the motivation that comes with unlocking stuff. (What am I supposed to do with an unsilenced AR anyway?) The levels are actually great whent it comes to scale and design, but there is not enough opportunity to be creative. It just lacks that certain something that made stealth fun in the older Metal Gear and Splinter Cell titles.

Play the whole game again in Master's difficulty

>It just lacks that certain something that made stealth fun in the older Metal Gear and Splinter Cell titles.

Remember that time when all muslims everywhere were so butthurt over bullshit that they burned down western embassies?

"This work of fiction was mostly created by straight white men except LaShawna but she's just our token black lesbian employee and didn't really do much work."

Maybe novelty. It's hard to not think "been there, done that" when playing a stealth game. There is only so many times you can distract a guard with a throwable object before it gets boring.

This. I normally wouldnt complain about big levels in Hitman, but smaller levels of Blood Money and the like were way more intricate and complex. Various aspects could be apart of different kills, which branched off in different directions. Conversely in 2016 Hitman and Hitman 2 each kill feels like its on an isolated track of sequential steps that don't branch off or have many options

When levels are so fuckhuge it's so much harder to interconnect different things.

They they never do anything particularly interesting with their choice of targets and their routes and whatnot.

IOI is a Danish company, and like all Scandis, are naturally prevalent to cuckoldry, leftism, self-imposed political correctness, and a fear of potentialy-offensive creativity. They are also almost always 100% white, without even the bare minimum token diversity of America.

I realized very early on that I should turn the Mission Stories off.

Unfortunately it took me until Whittleton Creek to realize I also shouldn't be using Instinct outside of Contracts mode.

The music isn't the main reason it's different though. You also underestimate Contracts as being a ''ye old game''. It existed as a remake of noteworthy levels from the previous games, as well as including an original plot that inches the overarching story forward - which then got butchered in Absolution, but I digress.
Good for you that you're enjoying the new ones, but I think you're missing out on the original appeal of these games, which are more sophisticated and distinct than you would assume.

That's my issue with a lot of the unlocks. There are some that are useful, like the tranq pistol, some that are TOO useful like the taser phone but the majority of them are variations of something that already exists that you were never going to use in the first place. I've got access to so many melee and explosive items that seem virtually interchangable to each other.

The danish are the exception actually. Just look up that Lindholm island thing. Can't think of another European country with social democrats that are critical of mass migration.

Government actions aren't representative. I know Danes personally who act the exact stereotype, so it's not a leap to believe that IOI devs would be the same.

I really don't remember BM being much more complex or less railroaded than the modern ones. Characters always had a scripted routine and there was a clear "this is where you should kill me" moment in that routine. Maybe I just lack creativity but BM felt extremely easy and straightforward to me, it's more fun in the newer games to figure out how to pull off all the different challenges and opportunities.

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I get what you mean, but I take it you didn't care for the story in S1 and 2? Particularly with the cutscenes in S1, I feel like they achieved a great sophisticated tone. My only nitpick with S2 is the lack of those great cutscenes, and I don't care much for the new in-game ones that they did.

>Various aspects could be apart of different kills, which branched off in different directions

Maybe I should replay BM. I don't remember there being that many different kills. Generally one or two "accident" per target.

>Conversely in 2016 Hitman and Hitman 2 each kill feels like its on an isolated track of sequential steps that don't branch off or have many options

Many challenges are only possible to do by following a Mission Story and then purposefully going off branch.

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Pirate and treat it as a psuedo stealth TPS shooter.

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Election results, while flawed, are more representative than "I know a few guys who fit the stereotype".

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Would unironically not mind having some character who want to fuck 47 who doesn't understand because autism.

I agree that there could be more variety in items, but a lot of the items have subtle differences that makes them more useful. For example the emetic syringe and emetic grenade do the same thing, but the grenade has range and throwing it isn't an illegal action. There's also subtle differences between pistols like the Silverballer and Krugermeier that can make a difference in certain situations.

The downside to the gear is that most of it is designed around SA runs. I really wish there were more massacre run orientated items like body armour or an LMG.

Didn't multiple seductions fail in Blood Money and Absolution because of this reason?

Keep dreaming, losers. Hitman is now a BLACKED fetish game

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>In addition to state and local laws, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on sex, race, color, national origin or religion. Employees who feel this law is being violated may complain to the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
If I’m not mistaken they’ve added language to include “gender presentation and gender identity”. Let’s just normalize mental illness a little harder, shall we?

I think the scoring system makes a surprisingly large difference to how it feels to replay a mission. Some other user mentioned 'artificial replayability' and that's exactly what the big list of challenges makes me feel. It's like i'm ticking off boxes to grind out mastery. When you complete the mission there's no narrative to what you did in the way there is in BM, you're either a silent assassin or..a guy who did a murder. You can't be a 'terrorist' or a 'professional' or any of the fun titles you could get in BM. BM's measures of noise and violence and the newspaper reports at the end make you feel like you've made your own narrative for the hit, it provides some way for you to create and then measure your own success. If i choose high violence and low noise in 2016 then i don't really get anything other than like a 1 or 2 star rating which feels like a punishment. In BM i'd get a unique title and newspaper report. That gives me a little boost and makes me feel like my unique approach to the level is a legit way to do it, whereas in the new ones its SASO or shit

It happened since the very start with Mei Ling

They always set it up the same way. Looks like the girl is about to strip but pulls out a weapon at the last second

Attached: HMA 2015-09-28 23-55-04-21.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

They are too clean.

You go to a remote Island castle full off "Eyes wide shut" motherfuckers and all these 1% of the 0.0001% do is talk about Climate change.

No orgies.

No human trafficking.

No sociopaths

No seediness

Everyone is rather quirky about all this secretive shit. Just too clean, to safe.

Attached: EAl645AXYAQw2PT.jpg (2048x1152, 284K)

Yeah but not having non-straight non-white employees is not discrimination. There is no way for anyone to prove to you that you refused to hire anyone based on whatever unless you explicitly say so. An employer has no legal obligation whatsoever to hire a single person if a certain demographic.

It has one of the most fun shotguns in any game. You could fill a whole weekend just with shotgun gameplay.

no contracts-esqe fucked up targets
no dual ballers
can't take hostages

dont try to overplay the popularity of hitman

Why is this so satisfying?

Attached: Hitman Winch.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

amazing nobody else die but him

They're there to buy bunkers, fortresses, and assorted Bond villain hideouts. It's a glorified store for elite survivalist homes, they're not gonna be doing much cult shit there

Someone never heard of diversity quotas. If you *say* you only hire based on merit, that may be true, but if they come to your offices and see only straight white males (no women, colored, or mentally ill), then you’d better believe you’re about to get raked over the coals. “OMG is [insert company here] racist?” “Fire the CEO OF [insert company here]!

Hitman was fairly mainstream in the early 2000's to the point that it got a film adaptation. That said, I think it's a franchise that everyone knows about but only a minority of people have actually gotten into.

One thing that always struck me watching videos of people playing the new games is that most people are absolutely awful at Hitman and don't really get how the game works.

Having to kill targets while in an 'engaged' condition would be an interesting take on things, especially since it'd also involve you trying to exfiltrate the mission in that condition as well. As tense as it is when you're trying to remain undetected, sometimes it's just as tense to let the shit hit the fan and try to see how long much you can get done when everyone is chasing after you rather than just reset at the first time you get spotted.

The try-and-try again experimental puzzle nature of Hitman doesn't translate well to fun videos, trust me I've tried

Imagine not liking the Italian level because it’s “too big”

Probably the worst opinion I’ve seen in a Hitman thread

Are diversity quotas a legal thing or is this just some shit made up by an NGO?

I think they're mostly self-imposed by liberal companies and not really enforced in any significant way but I could be wrong

I like to try and solve missions by going loud, but not sure if it would be a good thing to have it as an explicit objective or challenge, because it goes counter to the whole stealth thing and you know some people will take issue with it.

Depends where you live. Sometimes it’s also paired with “affirmative action” in the states

Because they turned 47 into a wannabe James Bond killing people who are almost entirely objectively evil, they aren't as dark, gritty and moraly ambiguous as the pervious games. Also, no Jesper Kyd.

it's not much of a legal thing, more of a PR thing
unless the company purposely go out of their way to try and obviously fuck over specific set of people, there is zero ground for them to be in real trouble

I just read this article and it mentions a few cases in the past where quotas were legally mandated in the US but it doesn't mention there being any now.
I get that quotas may be a thing despite not being legally mandated though, as companies may fear black (ha ha) PR, but I suspect that in the age of digital distribution an indie or an AA company, even a well known one, could probably ignore all that shit and laugh any potential seething SJWs both, even get targeted by a diversity NGO, and still come out on top. Dunno about AAAs, they could potentially lose much if they got kicked out of Steam or some other online store.

Attached: zionism.png (887x1023, 30K)

Targets in the previous games were pretty much objectively evil. I'll give you Jesper Kyd, though.

I feel like losing Kyd had a big part of that and the general feeling of these new Hitman games are more like James Bond than an actual cold blooded assassin that just so happens to do assignments all over the world. It's just too easy now to knock targets with almost any sort of object lying around or just choke them. In SA/Contracts/BM you had to have a sedative and in the latter you can equip a pistol to knock them out after using them as a shield. I have no clue why they kept that batman shit to replace the map which was better in BM since in higher difficulties you could only see your target or nothing at all. I miss customization of guns. The intel mechanic pre-mission was great instead of having Diana talk to you at every chance she gets like being hand held all the time. The opportunities also suck since I feel like you are being guided by an invisible hand instead of exploring and finding interesting shit on your own. The levels are big but do they really do anything with them to give you varied gameplay? There's so many useless rooms and walkways that do nothing. The elite guards are a cool idea but easily dealt with anyway, so eh. The gunplay feels weak and at least in the previous games it was viable to just run amok and satisfying, especially with BM since you could upgrade your health and weapons unlike in the newer games you have to do this peakaboo style of shooting which is okay I guess?

Any game is better with Jesper Kyd

I wish at least one of the surnames for the Providence higher-ups had been one of these, for the sake of realism.

old hitman are more gamey
newer hitman are more hitman simulator
doesn't necessary mean one is better than the other, however the nostalgia goggles for the old games are often off the chart

>It's the same kind of issue I had with Yakuza
At least Yea Forumsedditors don't autistically shit up Hitman threads everytime with bot-like behavior and copypastas.
God bless Hitman threads.

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The instinct is basically just a glorified real time map anyway and it can be disabled so you can use the map instead. Because the levels are so large, it's useful to actually be able to keep track of NPCs on multiple floors.

Also, the shooting in BM was mediocre at best. At least in the new games it's a lot more viable to use the combat since enemies react appropriately to being shot in different limbs rather than not flinching at all.

>There's so many useless rooms and walkways that do nothing.
Are you telling me BM wasn't like that?

I missing First person view for guns. Like in MGS or GR:Wildlands. Other than that game is realy good.

Companies will hire based on merit for the vital roles like engineering and round out diversity with BS positions like HR and social outreach

How does 47 let loose and have fun? Does he just spend his free time ironing his suits?

Attached: 3.png (1637x910, 2.99M)

He had a pet bird in BM, didn't he?

He doesn't need fun.

snapped his neck at the end

Many old-school players shit on instinct, but there's a reason why modern games often require "detective vision". The more detailed the graphics are, the harder it is to spot interactive objects from window dressing. Combing through the levels is less of a chore when you can highlight the important stuff from the clutter in one glance.

Attached: hitman.png (1320x852, 2.03M)

India isnt really desert
I disagree with him btw

Why doesn't 47 wear gloves now? Was that just too edgy and early 2000's for the modern audience?

The asthetics of the game got SJWed, it's in the intro of the latest games for God sake. Lots of females in past games were sluts or waifus for example. So basically the games feel creatively hamstrung. Also lack of various levels in latest games.

Probably gardening and learning new skills

You kidding? Almost every outfit in the game has a variant with those stupid driving gloves. It's even in the key art of Hitman 2 seen in OP's image.

I love the new games but it's definitely lost the edgy side. It has murder, terrorism and organ harvesting, but it's definitely shying away from a lot of taboos the older games didn't.

Also, the map aesthetics have changed a lot. Paris, Bangkok and Hokkaido look great, but what works for manors and elite hospitals doesn't work for slums and crack dens, and they look too clean and sterile. Plus, the new maps generally don't evoke the sort of ominous moods the old games did.

Like I said, the new look works great in some places, but so did the old one and they shouldn't neglect that.

So instead of designing their levels well to avoid it, developers decide to design the entire game wrong?

>claims the games have no waifus
>when Diana, Dalia, Andrea, Yuki and Penelope exist

This is just being dishonest.

See for reference

I like Contracts.

Attached: contracts3.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

>it's in the intro of the latest games for God sake
What the hell are you talking about

I love the gloves, but if you really think about it for someone who always switches disguises, many of which don't include gloves, he probably had his finger prints burnt off or something anyway. So they're kinda redundant I guess.
Still it's not the same look without the gloves I agree completely.

I think they should have held back the expansion pass content and develop it some more. Not because of size, that is fine, but there's too little going on in The Bank, with entering the vault being brain dead easy as well as the upper floors not giving you that much and the 'Special Assignments' being no more than glorified permanent ETs whereas their Season 1 counterparts were more involved.

I can't say I'm horribly excited about the Maldives.

Didn't mean to quote, my bad.

5D chess

>SASO on master difficulty
>franchise known for its disguises
>screw that, playing it like any other stealth game is the true way to play

Why shoot with silenced pistols before shotgun

>The result was missions like Hidden Valley and The Jungle God.
Now that's an unfair thing to say, they were still finding their footing back then.
There's no telling they would do so badly now.

>Always online
Fuck you

That bird was literally a tool for 47. Small birds are often used as toxic gas detectors.

Probably to distract the other guy that's in there so he doesn't see 47 during the kill.

SA is the best game in the series aesthetic-wise, not only did it flesh out the character of 47 and made him just a little bit human, but it also provided the best atmosphere with chants and orchestra music, and an overall religious undertone that fit remarkably well with the setting. I wish they'd follow this aesthetic in the later games.
Also the best 47.

Attached: hitman2.jpg (500x713, 57K)

Absolutely fantastic licensed game.

What disappointed me about The Bank was when I went to the bathroom in order to pick up a diguise from the guards and found a couple of robbers talking about the heist they were about to pull off. I thought 'it'd be interesting to try to see how I can use this to my advantage, maybe help them along to cause more confusion for the guards that I can exploit'.

But that never happens. Unless I'm missing something that triggers it, they just stand there talking about it over and over.

>mission in foreign country
>wooooow black people dood what the fuck white genocide


Blood Money is better

There is a challenge linked to this, but basically 47 has to rob the bank by himself whatever you do.

First of all, that mission is in Miami. Second, he's not complaining about black people simply being in the game.

Hitman 2 is better


lol, nah

what do you think about the current state of the series? Is it stale?

even though i hate open world, i think Hitman would really benefit from being open world.

You know, you sorta live like Leon the assassin, getting cases and contracts on your PDA in your shitty cover appartment, you have to go out and seek out the kills.

you could go into most buildings and there would be a much bigger emphasis on get away.

The more contracts you do, the more heat you get, getting harder to go to areas if you do more contracts in an area.

You might have to get different cover-appartments to lay low, maybe work odd jobs to support your fake-identity.

i dunno, the current formula is stale.

Attached: 1562094307345.jpg (640x640, 49K)

>i think Hitman would really benefit from being open world.

Stopped reading there, you;re retarded

>crouching is extremely slow
>running will get you shot to death
>ether is shit that will guarantee your mission is fucked in the larger maps for taking too long (not to say knockouts should last forever, however)

No, it's perfect.
It's what MGSV should have went for, imo.
By the end of Season 3, we'll have 20+ huge levels to replay endlessly.
In some ways it's a godsend for Hitman fans, even though it still lacks minor things.

Yes, that only gives you the disguise, there's no way to goad them into actually robbing the place.
Funny thing is there's an Opportunity named The Heist but it's only an extremely convoluted way to get a high security disguise, which are really easy to get.

BM offered nothing new to 47's character arc, and the overall aesthetic felt way too bright and sterile when compared to SA or contracts, this is also the main issue I have with the new hitman game.
Also ave maria had no business being the main theme of the game, it works super well in ending mission but by that time I was too sick of it because I was hearing it all the in the menu.


keep reading faggot

So you people use the "you can't just replay the games forever" when talking about the old ones but it doesn't apply here?

Is it really, when you can make contracts and get rewards for killing them?

If the following was changed, the eventual full package of Seasons 1, 2 and 3 would be the Hitman experience of my dreams:

>music done by Jesper Kyd
>guards noticing blood on the ground
>peeking through keyholes
>the return of newspapers but better than in Blood Money
>voice actors speaking the language of the country the mission takes place in

>music done by Jesper Kyd
>peeking through keyholes
>voice actors speaking the language of the country the mission takes place in

It won't happen, you have to let go.

>implying newspapers and blood being noticed will be put in

I don't think any of those will be put in, but a man can dream.

I thought there's something wrong with me because I couldn't get into this. Just felt very mechanical somehow, like the different kill methods were set up too obviously, and then it was just a matter of trying to herd the AI into the right places

Attached: 1563160960422.jpg (640x426, 21K)

NPCs can notice 47 through mirrors now, so you never know.

Firing a silenced pistol causes the guard in front of the door to panic and run to his pre-determined location, which incidentally opens the locked door to the target. Then fire a loud shotgun to cause the target to jump out of the shower. Eliminate him. His body is never found because the AI guard line of sight never checks there.

That trick wasn't invented by me; this one is.

Attached: contracts2.webm (770x480, 1.27M)

I like the "Get-away" and hiding aspect of the idea, having to lay low and shit.

So, Assassin's Creed that's actually about assassinations?

you are not a teenager anymore

>Leon The Assasin

That should would be my jam, being able to murder people with a sniper rifle from afar in a tiny apartment, having to learn the NPC's routine over several hours/days. That would be fucking awesome.

I dislike the approach they're taking, the game feels more some kinda puzzle pixel hunt game than an actual stealth/action.
It's still fun,don't get me wrong, but it feels like the games could be so much more, if they let go of this mentality.

pretty much and Hitman with more open ended branches to the hits, right now it feels super obvious and set up how you can solve the kills.

I think conceptually it is really good right now. If they did something open world, it should be another series entirely. I'm fine with new IPs, and it beats remakes. But it shouldn't be a Hitman game. What has made the latest two so good is how well thought out every room is and how connected it is. You couldn't have that kind of detail on a massive city scale. Not to mention you couldn't have as varied of locations, either.

Honestly we have enough open world games, and GTA but you're stealthy killing people doesn't sound like it really would differentiate itself from any other open world game.


the vault is too easy to get and there's not enough security

it would have been a perfect mission to introduce an outside response game mechanic similar to a new life in hitman blood money, where police tactical units or even just Cicada operatives swarm in when the vault alarms trip

but there's absolutely nothing

and that was disappointing, in fact it's harder to break into the bank directors office on account of all the areas you need to pass through first

Attached: 1559035258030.jpg (148x288, 17K)

The only japan mission that was bad was the middle one where you have to make your way to the fortress
The actual Fortress mission was super fun, and the fugu mission was pretty cool if a bit too short.

An open world Hitman style game would only work if the open world was Yakuza sized with lots of interiors and verticality. You’d also need side content to do in between hits.
Basically, imagine a Yakuza game set in the Mumbai map. I don’t see the point though. The current maps have all the strengths of an open world with none of the drawbacks.

haha holy shit

>The only japan mission that was bad was the middle one where you have to make your way to the fortress
Actually that was split into two middle ones and the problem with the first one (Hidden Valley) is that sometimes you get your rating ruined through circumstances that you cannot control, because the ninjas inside the tunnels randomly get run over by the trucks doing their route, and when they die like that, if their body is found, you get an Alert.

>posts webm that proves how great it is

it clearly says "non target killed" though

>randomly generated NPCs include blacks
truly the face of white genocide

>i think Hitman would really benefit from being open world

Attached: 1359416847061.png (631x627, 404K)

Better than early Assassin Creed games which I think a lot of people forget were very, very repetitive and simple in terms of actual assassination
>run on roof
>jump stab
>run into crowd
People played it more just for open world exploring ancient city architecture.

I figure Kyd and local VAs are not used due to budget reasons.

Considering how bad the voice acting was in C47 and H2 ("ALLA! ALLA! WY HAVASITUASHYNHIER!") they could probably wing it.

Here's a soundtrack for the gif.

>actually counting sniper assassin missions
You are worse than Absolution posters. I hope you get drowned in a toilet.

There are going to be 20+ levels even without the sniper missions, friend. Why are you seething? Everything is okay. No need to be upset.

Only if you count the tutorial levels.

I half count them. I also half count the Bank and Resort missions. It's gonna be just over 20 locations

I hope they stop this sniper assassin nonsense next game. If they want to do coop, they just need to have actual coop missions where you work together to assassinate a target on regular maps (or even better, specially made regular coop maps). And also could be a counter operative competitive mode.

>music done by Jesper Kyd
they are still on good terms with him though. Maybe next game.

I think Kyd might just be busy with Vermintide

I'm kinda sad there isn't an actual cruise level in the new Hitman games outside of the fake boat in in the tutorial.

I had so much fun in Blood Money just thowing people off the deck.

Attached: Hitmanbm1[1].jpg (689x392, 76K)

But there is the ghost assassin mode, they just never update it

Overall I'd say that it offers you more freedom than any of the previous games but also less. You now have a million more options of how to kill a target but you get punished for most of them.
The rating system honestly fucking sucks, why does getting caught while trespassing instantly ruin Silent Assassin? Why does knocking people out with a throwable object while being out of sight ruin Silent Assassin? Why are gunshot sounds so incredibly inconsistent and sometimes get you detected and sometimes they don't? Why does shooting someone in the leg and then knocking them out get you detected but shooting them in the leg and throwing something against their head doesn't? I'd like for them to just bring Contract's rating system back. The new one is just too strict.
What I also dislike is the overall tone, it just feels too wacky. You no longer kill absolute degenerates and the Biblical themes are completely gone. Instead we rubber ducks and every NPC seems to prepare for his upcoming comedy night. I also hate how the music isn't done by Jesper Kyd anymore.
But despite all the problems I think still think that Hitman 2016 is alright and Hitman 2018 excellent.

>They've managed to make the game linear which defeats the purpose. Kills are extremely simple and constantly pointed out to the player. Diana holds your hand and prevents any need to keep personal track of events. Bystanders loudly converse to those around them the personal affairs of your target. The game plainly states side missions and alternate routes upon completing a level just to drive the point home and ensure that the player doesn't discover a single thing themselves.
Just disable the mission story notifications, it's not like the game forces you to do them.

Attached: consider the following.jpg (733x561, 90K)

I honestly feel that is a very good tutorial level. While the first time you go through it holds your hands, I like that then it just lets you go wild and figure it would like you would any normal mission. I think the way it's all stages is a nice abstraction to the fact it's a tutorial.
Come on, user. A mode where you can tangibly interact with other players is better than seeing some ghost. Just google record timings and try to beat them.

Is there a reason why 47 is so good at all random shit? Like how in club 27 when you disguise yourself as the new drummer and the singer asks him to show off what he can do, and he does well enough to impress everyone?

>why does getting caught while trespassing instantly ruin Silent Assassin?
Geez i wonder if that guy we saw trespassing private property had something to do with the unexpected death of this person.

He's a perfect clone.

I like Sniper Assassin mode.

Attached: 580b585b2edbce24c47b29f6.png (384x313, 39K)

>>why does getting caught while trespassing instantly ruin Silent Assassin?
I would agree with you if not for the fact that it instantly ruins SA even if you only trespass for just half a second.

But you can interact with other players in ghost mode, there are items that disrupt the other player and you both share the same randomized targets and must kill them before the other does

>What are these new Hitman games missing?
But most importantly, variety.

Blood Money was great because you could kill almost any target in any way you could imagine. You weren't required to restart over minor errors. The game specifically opened paths for the player to let them approach something any way they wanted, and signaled to the player that those paths were available. Most of Blood Money I beat on my first play of the level by just watching patterns and behaviors and emulating them.

Also DLC, locking content behind timewalls, all of the online features. That shit has got to go. I want a self-enclosed game, and if you want to add multiplayer to it; then make it multiplayer instead of bleeding online-only features into it that are now worthless because the servers for the game shut down already.

Not really. You're better off trying to play a hitman game you hadn't touched before than trying to play absolution.

What do you think he does on his free time.

He's got a lot of time between missions

But why would you do that in a game where you have to play the same missions over and over again? You may as well find the most efficient way to kill them and just repeat it again and again for the rewards.

I hope they bring back the customisation from Blood Money. I don’t want to grind out a shitty mission to get the best sniper.

But the entire point of the new games is replayability, you don't fail the mission unless you get shot to death or do some incredible fuck up, there's always another way.

giga chad

Basically this.

To get the rewards you have to change your methods to complete all of the challenges, you can't expect to master a level by just shooting the target every time, you have to use every method.

It's one of those things where I don't feel a whole map and game type needs to be dedicated to it. It could be like Colorado where they make a small change to make it a sniper assassin map. I guess I see the resources that went into sniper assassin as part of the reason there have only been two maps regular maps in the expansion pass and only 5 regular maps in the release (not counting the tutorial level). I'd honestly take bonus missions like Patient Zero over sniper assassin maps. Grinding out 20 levels is just so fucking boring. At least in regular maps there are all kinds varied challenges you can do all over the map while trying to master the mission.

Spies vs Mercs in a Hitman style game would be glorious. however it would also be super fucking easy to exploit.

>See an NPC
>That NPC isn't moving like every other NPC on the map
>Shoot him and collect your reward

Unless there's benefits for both assassins and bodyguards to not kill people in plain sight or cause a disturbance.

Hitmen keep 3rd person, mercs are first person. Mercs lose if they kill an innocent. But yeah, there would need to be some changes to balance it out.

>But the entire point of the new games is replayability
I know, that's the problem. The entire point is replayability but they're extremely limited in what you can do during the mission if you want that perfect ranking.

Going guns blazing has always been an option if you don't care about your ranking. However Blood Money gave you dozens of ways to achieve any ranking you wanted with just following the simple routes in the game. Any given level had multiple ways to achieve SA, and some of them were completely organic.

>doing Showstopper
>kill guard in target's room before she gets there
>she comments that the guard isn't present when she arrives
>i take his place and when she returns, she says "oh, there you are."

what the fuck bros that's impressive

Hitman 2016 was my first hitman game and I absolutely fell in love with it. Just waiting for some price drop to get Hitman 2, its extra expensive in my country/steam...

Do BMfags really think that Blood Money had more variety and replayability than the new ones? It was a great game in its own right, but come on.

Attached: ernie.gif (193x135, 1.4M)

I don't mind the rating system. You can do one run for SA autism, and the rest are just having fun and exploring the different ways you can get the job done.

>why does getting caught while trespassing instantly ruin Silent Assassin?
iirc this was a recent addition, the original problem was that it made SASO too easy because you'd be able to just kill your target, hide the body, get detected on purpose, and then just get escorted out from the restricted area by the guard. I don't mind it that much tbqh, but I think that having a buffer time between normal trespassing and an SA-ruining trespassing would be better

I'm a BM fag and while I like BM more because of it's excellent atmosphere, I think gameplay wise the new one is vastly superior, it's just that the rating system is shit.

How much hand holding there is, but you can turn off most of that anyway so that's not much of a issue.

I hope they change the loadout mechanics of the next one. What if I don't want to bring a weapon? What if I want to bring nothing but weapons? I know it might be too easy if you could load out with everything, but then there could be challenge modes like procure everything on site to reward players that know how to play without abusing it.

Shitty atmosphere and storytelling combined with the 007 theme that they,'re going for.

But there are still loads of ways of achieving SA in the new games whether it's by following the more bombastic mission stories or by using all of the regular methods that are always available.

What he does at the start of the Japan mission. Stare blankly at the ceiling while lying on his bed, waiting for Diana to contact him with a job.

Got a cheap key for goty edition and played Hokkaido and Colorado for the first time. Hokkaido is great and has my favorite kill in the game so far (destroying the donors heart to indirectly kill the target). I barely touched Colorado, seems kinda boring...

Colorado seems like something they cut from Absolution.

>What if I don't want to bring a weapon?
I can get behind this. My favourite missions in mgs5 were the ones where you get dropped into the mission area with nothing but whatever fatigues you were wearing and had to acquire everything on site, and it was awful that I couldn't decide to start a mission like that myself.

>no airport/airplane level
>no cruise ship level
>no space station level
>no Casino level
>no military base level

WTF is IO doing?

Maps are too big and not fun.
The tutorial maps are perfect, wooden boat, cuba hangar and midnight beach.
Wish we could have 10-15 of them instead of 5-6 retarded huge maps.

Attached: armed.jpg (428x383, 52K)

Imagine Season 3 with all of this

>military base level
Final Test

It’s nostalgia. BM is better than 2016, but 2018 with the legacy pack completely blows BM out the water. BM is actually difficult to go back to because of how limited it is by comparison. People talk about how many organic options BM had, but they don’t realise that half these options were only possible because of glitches and exploits and that in reality most targets had about 2 or 3 ways to kill them at most.

I don't get why there was no extreme version of every level except for maybe the Sahelanthropus fight.

I like the large maps but I do wish there were more small maps in between

Wasn't there a button to remove items from your slots?

wish you can trick kashmirian into killing all three targets in mumbai

They didn't even need to do that, just let you have the option to go in with nothing during a mission if you want.

Oh you mean the tutorial level with 1 building and 2 stories?
Fuck that, I want a real fort infiltration with some secret hightec weapons and shit.

you can free a loadout slot with E iirc

>just let you have the option to go in with nothing during a mission if you want.
There's actually a mod that lets you do just that.

Sure, but my point was more it should have just been a thing in the game, not something you needed to mod in.

>Nah man you can totally buy the goty legacy pack for 10 bucks

Attached: Untitled.png (645x82, 8K)

>poison Brother Akram
>his guards fucking follow him into the bathroom and stand over him while he pukes into the toilet

Attached: 1567238775480.png (622x900, 220K)

>Finished every mission with SASO and sniper assassin
Fuck Bangkok and those cunts that hear coins from a floor down/up.

Just buy the GOTY version of the original game for 7 bucks. It automatically gives you the legacy pack.

But you CAN do that already.

Unless you mean you want 47 to go completely naked. In which case yeah, you need mods.

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I had major problems with that, telling me I couldn't buy the Legacy Pack for Hitman

until I realised that I already owned it by owning Hitman 2016

it wasn't at all clear on that

Their payment model is a mess. They need to hire someone who actually understands marketing/sales.

Where's my naked 47 with gloves costume?

The new Hitman games are souless because they are completely based around 'achievement hunting' culture, which is really just a form of grinding something. They've had to lean into it hard to try and cover up the fact that having a handful of giant levels with lots happening still isn't the same as just having a full game that releases with like 10 levels.
Originally the whole point of achievements was just to commemorate a time in a game that some out of the ordinary thing happened, or that was particularly funny or memorable. It becomes cancerous when deliberately trying to get achievements completely structures the actual playing of the game, and the devs are fully pushing that too.

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it's an okay (not good) standard stealth game
but there are only 2 or 3 levels (or even just level segments) that play like classic hitman games
I really like the tone and atmosphere, even though a lot if not most people hated it
it goes for some b-movie/grindhouse flair which is something you rarely see in videogames (except for the horror genre here and there) and fits the series really well, at least for one installment

You joke but I'd really like a shorts only beach 47
no homo

But Hitman games were always about going through levels in different ways to find different paths and ways of accomplishing your goals, it's just that the new games now track your progress.

>Good Morning 47, your mission is to find and eliminate the Boss of this Gym. You target will most likely be somewhere in the locker room, good luck.

I think they're talking about MGS5?

how do you unequip the concealed weapon?

It's "e" for PC. (Picture is cropped. Look at the bottom of the load-out screen in your game)

20 minutes elapsed so far looking for someone to do the multiplayer mission in Sibera, so I can get the last achievement.

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b-but getting spotted, running away into a side area and then walking behind the guard when he tells you to leave is clearly how the devs wanted the levels to be done! Just do this 5 times for an easy Suit Only kill on the rival assassin in the underworld party. Such options.

>reddit trying to shit on a actually good game instead of circlejerking nuVegas

Did you find someone?I'm looking for 2 minutes now can't find anyone.

>Originally the whole point of achievements was just to commemorate a time in a game that some out of the ordinary thing happened
What? No, the point of achievements is to keep a record of the things you achieve in the game, wacky joke achievements are cancer and have always been.

Nope, my clock is still ticking upwards

Goddamn, I hate multiplayer achievements

So what's the best way to play, master each level before moving onto the next or just do the story mission once on each and then go back to master them later?

I think it's better to move on to the next level once you think you had your fill. I played the games by getting every level to max mastery before moving on but I don't think most people will enjoy that kind of playstyle. You pretty much have to do random challenges past a certain point for more mastery because even doing a suit only silent assissin sniper assassin run on Master will not give enough exp.

There are actually more problems with BM than that. Target routes were far more limited. Take Vinnie for instance: he starts the level watching TV, then after a while he goes up the stairs to his office and then goes back downstairs to watch TV again. Rinse and repeat. Just compare that to someone like Novikov or Sierra.

BM also kind of falls apart in it’s final few missions with a series of forced boss fights in both the Hell Party and against Parchezzi, and then it ends with a forced shootout where getting SA is impossible unless you kill the wheelchair with a stair kill. I think the reason people forgave these faults for so long is because BM was basically the pinnacle of the social stealth genre until 2018.

Too easy even when you turn all the baby mode hand holding shit off.

Really just depends on how you prefer to play.

I think it's good to play through each level 3-4 times to do the mission objectives, then move onto the next one day, and then come back to each level once you've finished the game to master them.

There is no best way to play as long as you turn off the handholding. If you want you could start from the end and then make your way to the beginning

>finally managed to get a game with someone on the Siberia sniper map
>they derped out and fucked it up
>fucked it up when Reznikov was standing about 10 feet away from the snow mobile, so he immediately left
>they immediately quit afterwards
>another 15 minutes so far spent searching for a game

I really wish they'd make this Siberia sniper map into an actual map, shit seems like it would be really cool.

People have been clamoring for a prison map, but apparently it would create problems with the AI.

The engine has a lot of technical limitations. Elevators are impossible, NPCs can’t comprehend locked doors and so on.

>the kills are too railroaded.
Try turning off the Opportunity prompts and doing it your own way. Also, Silent Assassin is canon. If you run through a level just killing everything in your way, you're not really playing the game. Shoot-outs are supposed to be a last resort. Murdering non-targets is just for fun, not the goal of the the game.

I feel like the only one in these threads who doesn't mind Opportunities/Mission Stories. Especially in H2 where maps are large enough that any guidelines are welcome. I consider the first playthrough as a training round anyway.

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The first playthrough is the training round. Getting to the end credits is where the game really begins. A lot of your mileage out of the game is dependant on you asking " I wonder if I can kill target X with method Y". This is why I'll never understand why some people claim that the new games are short.

Thank you for posting this. The game is so well made, they put tons of work, Hitman 1-2 might have the best looking levels in the world.

But even though I have 500 hours into, it lacks that .... I dont know, game feels empty somehow. I want it to feel more "heavy", just pop a niggas head clean off. It feels like paper.

I thought sgail was this very dark illuminati mission. After 8 time playing it, i realized it felt like some pixar movie of villain, very cartoony.

Yeah even the devs describe it as being Eyes Wide Shut inspired, but it's actually a billionaire survivalist convention in Dracula's Castle. Still fun.

>le composing rapist face
You know all his songs are inspired by the rapes he committed?

Just 2 more days for comfy beach murder.

Instinct should be limited to highlighting objects

you're literally a brain dead retarded
fuck off

No joke, but whats the fucking point of fiberwire, when you can just mma rear them?

It's slightly faster. There's a challenge for killing your target with the fiber wile.

all the missions take place in some sort of daylight. make more night missions and the atmosphere will be back.

He practices everything on the off-chance he has to fake it as part of a job

I love the sapienza mission at night, with the virus cultist. Because it's night-time. Some guy found a bug (fixed now) to enter curuso manor at night, and its completly empty, like they moved out, very comfy.

Sorry for reddit link, but here is Ansel camera unlock, so you can go anywhere you want with the camera if you have nvidia. Look at bottom


It's also more silent than unarmed or most melee weapon takedowns.

Really? Based.

I think in the lore he was designed by Ort-Meyer to have no fingerprints.

Not being able to make contracts in Nighttime Sapienza kind of sucks.

but you can?

>What are these new Hitman games missing?


I enjoyed it as a more linear stealthy adventure game that had a fun overly dramatic cartoony action movie tone. Most levels lack the openness, choice, and creativity that people expect from a Hitman game. Like with all Hitman games I came to love it over time.

needs some more types of multiplayer
like use the engine to make some team vs team tactical military shit, like spies vs mercs
also play the ETs, they're fun as fuck

they have zero atmosphere and generic music. they'd be 10/10 if not for that

I'm not a Hitman player generally, but I bet most of it is that you're playing it as an adult. Nothing you do will ever recapture the magic of the games you grew up with, before you got jaded by experience.

In meat kings party, is there another way to kill the lawyer other than the opium pipe? I've heard that the lawyer moves sometimes but always lies still in my game, also can I use the VIP invitation he drops to get to sturrock, or is it just a prop?

Sorry, I meant the map for "The Author" specifically. I forgot about "The Icon".

The map for "The Author" has some interesting features like the lawyer actually being in his office.

Do you ever go full operator on some maps?
cleaning colorado felt so good holy shit
Sniper + AR

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They are missing comfy levels like A New Life from Blood Money

fucking kino

I actually thought the military missions from SA were some of the most fun in the series

why not item shimmer/glow like for instance bioshock

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What? That's what Whittleton Creek is.

Attached: creek.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

Lots of things. Crowd NPCs are shit too.

>political correctness
>in a game where a white guy murders various colored bad guys/girls

I was looking to get Hitman 1 and saw that you can get all the content of 1 in 2 through DLC.
Is the GOTY Legacy pack the right thing to buy or is it something else? Its a bit confusing with some of them only being upgrades, others being only dlcs to 1 but not the base game, etc.

I want to play a Hitman game because the gameplay seems fun to me (even shit like the homing flying suitcase) should I get the newest game Hitman 2 or a fan-favorite like Blood Money?

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What more do you want from crowd npcs?

if you want the suitcase shit then get 2

Is it just me or Whittleton Creek quite unoptimized

If you go to the in-game store page in Hitman 2 it will point you to the right downloads.

Morocco night contract is good for operator kino, also Sapienza with mafia mayor

mfw i first played this map, immediately turned to the right and saw those comfy red trees and god rays

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Can you lift your head up a bit Yea Forums?

Hitman 2 + Legacy pack
Expansion pass is great too

thanks amigo

Play the starter pack on steam and see how you get on with it. It does hand-hold a little but you can disable certain signposting if it gets too intrusive.

I only ever played Hitman up to Blood Money, because I saw the Absolution trailer so I stopped caring.

less than 2 days from now on

I just finished doing the "Kill 47 targets" in Patient Zero. It ended up becoming more like 70 targets. Fuck, I'm exhausted.