What's your favorite flagship and why?
Monster Hunter
>answering anything other than gore or narga
They're the only ones where aesthetics and actual gameplay are both good. All the others either look like generic trash and have fun fights, or look good and have garbage fights.
fuck nergi
fuck nergi
This piece of shit is the worst monster in MH. Trash fight, trash design, and thank god its weapons and armor are shit in World so theres no reason to hunt its no-fun-allowed ass.
Post you're favorite MH fanfiction
There's a very good reason why they're so weak, user.
Nuclear Brachy will be post release
What LS to craft for endgame iceborne?
>Getting filtered by big blue in World
Would love to see you try fighting the actual tough Brachys in 3U and Raging Brachy.
how do i increase slinger capacity?
i saw one guy with 5 pierce pods
Brachydios is the best flagship.
See, you zoomers don't know this but before 3U came out our most recent games were Tri and P3rd. Both signalled a CONSIDERABLE drop in difficulty, and the primary concern of MHfags is that the series was done. Even if new monsters appeared, they would never be a challenge again.
Then Brachydios arrived. 3U's Brachydios; every other iteration of the monster has nerfed him to hell and back. Even before the game came out people in japan proclaimed it the hardest flagship EVER. We all got excited and I personally bought a 3DS XL and 3U JUST to fight this one monster. And man was it worth it. Frighteningly powerful, unpredictable and fast, with explosions so large they couldn't be i-framed or dodged without two full rolls, and low hitzones designed to fuck over people looking for an easy kill. And its weapons were so good that you HAD to fight it, and use its corpse bits to kill other monsters. It revived Monster Hunter and set the franchise back on the path of fucking the player raw.
Gee it's almost like there's a skill for that.
>Hunting Shara for fun
>Shara starts casting spirit bomb
>Retard jap bow nigger runs towards it
>A few minutes later Shara is casting sprit bomb again
>The same bowfag runs around collecting drops
>I'm signalling for him to come towards me (He's like two seconds away from me)
>He decides to run around aimlessly in a circle
>Quest failed
What the fuck?
I honestly found brachy harder in successive games. In 3U he was a massive KO magnet, you could hammer him to death real easy.
I remember farming that 2 Baggi 1 Brachy quest for Palliums, and the G rank Great Baggis were harder than Brachy.
Brachy was at his easiest in 3U.
>tfw no boomerang weapon
LS is spoiled af in every game and always gets a dozen strong choices. Just use whatever you think is the coolest.
I used Rathian back in vanilla before I dropped it upon learning I learned why my spirit combos weren't doing any damage for some god-forsaken reason. It turns out I was supposed to actually the foresight slash and helm splitter animeshit moves. To this day I refuse to touch the weapon with a thirty-seven and a half foot barge pole
Literally bad bazelgeuse
pls be patient I need sleep
What about using any of the other 9 weapons?
Valstrax because he's a fucking plane dragon. Then Narg and then Nerg, in that order.
>LS is spoiled af in every game
Except MHFU. Fuck grinding Copper Blangonga.
Japan a shit.
You have to remove one weapon from the mainline series permanently. Which one and WHY?
HH was also easy because he get's KOed so fast. Pretty sure DBs were fine because he was weak to water, just don't spam demon dances like a retard. Switch Axe was also easy because the weapon was overpowered to fuck in 3rd gen. I didn't really use many other weapons in 3U but I'm sure they were fine.
>All that misinformation
Could've just said you never played 3U. I won't blame you.
I'm sorry that you were so shit that you found base brachy hard in 3U. Now clashing fists was some shit, but regular brachy, really?
You want me to prove that you're a liar? That's easy.
For starters the only part you can consistently reach with DBs in G-rank are his fists, which only take 10 water. So he's not weak to water, no.
Secondly, SA weren't even close to overpowered in 3U. Grongigas, Kelbi bow? Sure. SA? Fuck no.
Need I proceed or do you feel humiliated yet?
A lot of people meme japs as being the pinnacle of MH gamers when in actuality they're either breddy good but not remarkably so or utter garbage. There's no middle ground.
>Y-You can't have found it easy! You must be a LIAR
Sorry I don't remember numbers from 5 years ago, but I didn't have any trouble with it. Maybe you could post your proof of triple carting to it if you want to make a case?
>Sorry I don't remember numbers from 5 years ago
That's OK. I forgive your ignorance and stupidity.
Rathalos. My first MH game was MHF, to be fair, so perhaps there's some bias. But Rathalos, for me, is both familiar and new; he's a typical red dragon, but with that MH spin. It's not a mistake that he's been featured in literally every game.
>best LS in the game is fully upgraded the second you get to Rajang
>requires no rare drops
Come the fuck on, user. You get rewarded for poking Rajang's legs with the best weapon in the game. How is that NOT spoiled?
Gen 1 Rathalos is the most miserable fight ever. Did they fix his dragon charge in Freedom?
Discounting Raging Brachydios because variants are treated as their own monster more often than not, Iceborne Brachydios is the second hardest he’s ever been.
Kelbi Deershot had terrible clear times.
>need Zorah materials to craft Namiele long sword
It was easy mode beyond brain dead though. In that sense, it was OP.
Of course they didn't. The slog is part of the fun (though I must admit, the PS2 games are extremely difficult to play nowadays). It's like the appeal of the Nier games or Dwarf Fortress; it's a janky, uncomfortable mess, but it's endearing. "Pure soul," as our newfriend peers might say.
Rajang's not the issue. Copper Blangonga and his stupid fucking tail is.
Endgame Warflare Demolisher with Spread boost and Adren+2 surpasses it and is pretty much the same thing.
So are we going to forget frenzied Brachydios existed or what? Get in line, Worldlet.
Consider yourself lucky. Any Namielle that braches off Kirin requires TEN AZURE KIRIN HORNS PER WEAPON.
>join a Xeno SOS to get horns for Nerg weapons
>join in with G-rank Zin gun, this will be easy
>the two others who joined were using the exact same setup I'm using
>we stunlock Xeno to death with Spread 3
>get my horn
I bet the host was pretty happy
MH always has soul. Even the new ones. The PS2 games are good for people who also want to tackle an economy, a very difficult cooking minigame and having to grind paralysis sacs just to make a shock trap.
best theme and fight, only thing is that I like brachydios weapons and armor more
At least now you can get more than 1 horn per hunt now. Not that it makes fighting Kirin any better.
Probably Nargacuga. It wasn't my first game but they've consistently made him a well balanced and well rounded fight with a good back and forth. A hell of a lot better than Iceborne's Tigrex, that's for sure. Hilariously, even though they share some similar moves Tigrex just has broken hitbox versions of them. I don't think I've ever seen a monster hunter game where two monsters have the same attack but one monster just has worse hitboxes than the other on the same move.
>>>Getting filtered by big blue in World
What are you on about? MH4U brachy was probably the most balanced Brachy has ever been. 3U and World's versions are just shit versions with shit hitboxes.
are you emulating without bumping up the rendering resolution?
That screenshot was taken in 2009.
This is exactly what I was thinking. I was concerned when I first fought Bazel and found out he was like Brachy but with seed bombs. But it turns out he's a VERY much better version. Actually has openings and doesn't have completely busted hitboxes.
The one thing I like about brachy in world is that he can actually slime other monsters now.
>Pierce finally has good choices for HBGs
>Zinogre railgun is a spreadgun that breaks the game in half because muh endgame weapon
I fucking hate the weapon balancing in this game. Why do half the weapons feel like their trees are unfinished? Why do the vast majority of the weapons fail to hit purple sharpness? Why is there no wide 6 gunlance? Why do Garuga weapons have high raw, affinity AND get a lv 3 slot when they were historically low raw high poison weapons? Why aren't Diablos weapons the highest raw in the game? Why is there 1 lbg and 1 hbg that's vastly superior to every other gun in their respective classes combined? Why does a weapon having poor performance correlate with getting IRON'D/BONE'D? Why did I feel like I was better off using a Kjarr weapon until the end of Master Rank?
Capcom could not have handled things more poorly.
I really like Valstrax and how he zooms through the sky.
>implying Brachy doesn't have openings
Are you fucking stupid?
So... I personally like Lagiacrus the most. But I'm here to ask. What the hell is the trick to Tigrex... other than waiting for him to get tired? Because if that's the only way to fight him then this will remain a shit fight. I've been farming him in the Guiding Lands to learn him better and I just can't seem to figure out good times to charge on him (GS). He was so good in previous games but in IB it just feels like he has hitboxes larger than the moon and tracks the shit out of you despite his massive AOE running and spinning. It's fucked up.
And keep in mind I literally sat for hours and learned Diablos in MR as fucked as he can be. If Diablos had the hitboxes that Tigrex has I don't think his fight would've been possible to learn properly. But with Diablos you can coax a dig, circle strafe to avoid the dig, then when he does an attack most of the time you can stand a little to the right and start charging and his attacks will whiff past you so you get the charge or otherwise you just adjust and go in for a smaller counter. But this remains consistent regardless of rage or otherwise.
Tigrex though? I mean I'd love to learn him on that level but it seems I always am forced to either dodge with high level evasion or superman dive at the end of every charge (which he spams A LOT). So what are you supposed to do? Serious question, not looking for git gud. I'm looking for strategy from other GS users. I don't use mantles either, btw. Shouldn't need to as they are crutches or just for trial and error speedrunners.
>hurr durr it's good because it's hard
literally the worst reason to like a monster
Spotted the filthy casual. He's only hard because he's unique.
Tigrex is the epitome of "hit and run". There's only one viable GS strategy with him because the fucker doesn't sit still. Get the Velkhana set, a thunder GS, build for crit and crit draw his ass, getting charges when he's down/exhausted.
Sure he does, but they hardly come out. He spends most of the fight being a spamdroid with super punches and running attacks. He's almost as bad as MR Uragaan. His openings are no where near as solid and consistent as Bazel.
>doesn't stand still
>one of the few monsters in Iceborne that still taunts
>STILL taunts if flashed
If anything, he's the only monster that sits still now.
I hope I can figure something else out. I have Velkhana builds but I hope there is something else, or maybe that they'll patch his arm hitboxes. Because that's pretty much how I play him now. I was hoping there was something better. I loved how often you could charge on him in 4U and Portable 3rd.
Are you sure that's consistent though? Many monsters will still taunt if flashed, but don't always do it. I mean I guess I can try that out.
That's doesn't address any arguments against his design though.
The only casual here it the person that uses japanese players as validation for his non-existing opinions
>this one buttdevastated nigger who can't stop spreading his asscheeks for Brachydios
>not even third or fourth gen Brachy. Fucking World Brachydios, the easiest in the series
My sides are in orbit. Have a webm
This is one of the hardest Brachydios we have ever had. 4U was the easiest, this ties with his original 3U self.
Silver Rath armor has a skill for that + true crit ele
Holy shit is this real? Is this really what his fight feels like?
In a game where you can easily gem in blast immunity? Not a chance.
I love gore because it's really cool and actually fuckin transforms. Shame it's such a chump and isn't actually hard to kill at all.
Even with blast immunity he's one of the hardest. His slime now acts like mud, meaning there are some you can't even take a chance on. He also has a long range attack that hit's from 900 miles away, and his punching attack turns his whole body into a hitbox. He's crazy now.
Blast is like the least bullshit thing about him.
What armors do you have equipped, fellow Hammerfriends?
Retard here, how do you add slinger ammo to that attack?
If blast was the least of your problems, then you wouldn't be getting hit by his attacks to begin with. You fuckin suck.
Aim the bow, click in the right stick and press triangle+circle
Dumb melee pleb here, I've been feeling the itch to try something else.
If I want to dive into HBGs, what's the first one I should aim for and is there any other shit I should know?
>getting caught in the big slime pools
Are you retarded?
Savage Jho LBG for minimum brain activity but maximum fun and team player points. Narga LBG for low to moderate brain activity but big damage.
Insect Glaive.
I just don't get it, and since you can mount monsters ezpz now with the crutch claw, it's invalidated. Bug stick fags get off my board.
>when Vaal and Garuga exist
Just fuckin make Garuga
Never used it but I think hitting airborne monsters and dodging bullshit with vaults is its deal now. Pretty useful stuff
Haven't unlocked him yet, and I'm assuming the other guy hasn't either ya fuckin simp so suck it.
That would be true, if the collective IQ of every IG main wasn't in the low double digits.
Well, glaive USED to have a mechanic where the buffs has additional effects(orange used to give earplugs prior to World), and then had a special effect depending on your bug(speed would give extra affinity, balance would give you effect extender). Capcom wants the weapon to be a spamfest like dual blades and switch axe, so remove all three.
Based French brainlets
Normally I'd disagree with you because I actually like using IG, but it's 100% true that whenever an IG user joins my hunt I expect them to play like complete retards and fuck everything up
>Wanted a good heavy bow gun recommendation hopefulley with heart instead of snipe for dakka fun
>LBGs are apparently just that much better that people glance right over the H
Jho LBG it is I guess.
But bazel is a shit fight if you are a gunner
he has no ways to close the gap
A lot of the coolest monsters aren’t at all difficult. I don’t mind it personally, not everything needs to be exceedingly hard for it to be good. Kinda like Namielle, most people so far seem to love it despite the fight being kinda easy for an ED just because it’s fun and looks cool.
If you're far enough into the game to get zinogre weapons pick up its LBG, it's the ultimate grug weapon
>Only use spread ammo 3
>Comes with wyvernheart
Become Rambo as monsters fall before you in less than 5 minutes
Zin weapons seem fucking strong across the board really. and LGB's seem to have become the new grug meta.
Oh I misread what you said because I'm a tunnel-visioned LBG chad. The only HBG I ever used was Jho, pre cluster nerf. I assume it's still great, but I think what you say is right. LBG just massively outclasses HBG in most situations (non TA autist speedruns)
Zinogres HBG is meant to be the best though for what it's worth. I think it's a spread based gun and it's all about blasting the fuck out of the enemy close up.
>pick up its LBG
I meant to say HBG, dammit
Great Jaggi. Punting that mother fucker after gearing up 30 hours later is so fucking satisfying.
It's cause fire rates combined with certain ammo types are completely 100% busted right now. It's as bad as ledging is for stuff like GS and Hammer with the difference being one is a terrain exploit and the other is just fucking wildly busted.
Factually incorrect. Pierce LBGs absolutely piss on Bazel and he can not hit you ever because he's a big lumbering retard who can't close distance quickly.
>Using insect glaive for mounting only
It's a big plus, but i like IE because of the bug and the mobility jumps give, dodge breath attacks and AoE attacks like Savaje deviljho or Namielle's water ground, close gaps with fast monesters, specially flying ones if you can make them flinch on air, they fall. The bug gimmick is fun, explosions deal good dmg and i grab a bludegeoing bug that has stunned a monster more than once.
For those that want to try IE, use Jump to dodge/mobility or to pop bug clouds that the insect made, ground combo deals more dmg and easy to infinity combo with Tringle Triangle and then Circle to walk fowards or move the joystick to the other direction you are facing to do a backflip to go back.
Cheesing Xeno with a LGB was the same shit, pierce just absolutely ruined it. Looked like a hooker's ass after a 12 hour shift by the time I was done with it.
Why bother with all that BS when longsword can just forsight/iaii slash all that and do double the damage lmao
For enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.
Why bother with that shit when you can just use HBG and stunlock every monster?
Why even play the game at all?
Only when hes not enraged. The problem with World Brachy is that for some reason they decided to have his puddles both be larger and last like twice as long. Not only that but you need to roll 5 fucking times for the slime status to go away. When its enraged all of that shit just explodes on impact so you don't have any area of denial puddles to worry about. Its probably the only monster that gets less annoying when its enraged.
Why even live?
I'm not, which is why I spend my time in these threads starting arguments with strangers like a true enlightened individual
cant you do that with other weapons as well?
Other weapons can't get 5+ stuns in a row per fight like LBG can.
what? no way
You can, but HBG requires 0 thought and puts out twice the damage of everything else, unlike most other weapons out there
Jho/Garuga LBG has rapid fire sticky 2. 5+ KOs are piss easy for it.
Thanks to rapid-fire sticky ammo LBG is the best KO weapon in the game
Poor hammer, cucked by the bow in World and now the LBG in Iceborne
whats better? jho or garuga?
Monster Hunter world.
First great game in the series, tried going back to the older games but they are outdated clunky messes with dogshit controls and terrible gameplay.
>Slugger 5 is introduced
>Oh fuck yeah, gonna KO some bitches with hammer now
>LBG happens
He has a shitton of openings. I don't know what else to tell you user other than you are a fucking shitter.
>About to do a perfect rush with SnS
>On the first hit the monster flinches across the map and every other hit misses
I swear monsters never used to flinch like this in World
Garuga since it is effectively the best two LBGs in the game combined. It has Narga's rapid Pierce 2 plus Jho's rapid Sticky 2. It's literally both guns combined, it's fucking bonkers. Just one of those LBGs is good enough to carry you as far as you want, but they made the baffling decision to fuse them together in to one.
Does slugger work with shots or is it KO bonus to melee only?
I have no idea. I've got a KO charm 3 equipped personally, but I have a feeling even if you didn't it wouldn't matter at all because rapid fire is too quick at stacking KO damage that in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't amount to more than 1 extra KO.
Could be a useful build for harder monsters I cba soloing but want to escort scrubs through with minimal effort.
The amount of shitters who get destroyed by Savage Jho is deplorable.
I played 3G at the release and I have no idea what you're babbling about. 3G was ridiculous and was the easiest G game by far. And Brachy was a shit 4 moves monster btw;
Gore because he had the most fun fights and best story.
Triggered Garuga has no separate armor set?
No. Some nips went data diving and found hooks for weapon upgrades though that were either cut or are going to be DLC.
Nope, it’s essentially just Garuga’s Tempered form but with the unique gimmick of actually being drastically altered.
Narga is trash to fight. So fucking infuriating to fight.
They needed to replicate the true 1st/2nd gen Garuga experience.
anyone still use gunlance?
how are you finding it?
Hasn't LBG crag always been the champ for KO in all MH games?
With added machine gun breath attacks to boot.
And nothing gained except the knowledge of you beating the harder version.
Naga is really toned down from what it was. It's tells for the tail slam give you a good second to
Giving it bleeding was a nice touch though.
Aside from the special arena quest, is there a dedicated zinogre quest and do the metal raths get special arena quests?
>MHFU as a kid, like 12 or something
>Wtf is a Yian Garuga, like a kut-ku?
>Lol it's just a purple kut-ku to go with the blue one
>Returning to Camp, rewards reduced
Nah, just investigations for zin user.
Oh well, there's always bound to be someone running an zinogre investigation
>Oh wow this guy is in IB too!
>he sure is showing up late though, post-game? Isn't he a mid-tier usually?
>fight begins
>that music
>oh lawd he beakin'
I love MR balancing for guys you think you're used to.
Lagiacrus. Gore and narga are both contenders, because their fights are so fun, but lagi is just too cool.
Holy shit they need to give us a way to make the Steamworks faster. A few hunts in the Guiding Lands and you’ve got upwards of 10k fuel every time and it takes nearly a fucking hour to burn through it all. An option to burn 100 points at a time would be enough to make it bearable, they don’t have to do much they need to do something.
I'll always have a soft spot for gore, but if you don't think Valfalk (fuck you the localized name is actual garbage and completely unnecessary) is the tightest shit then get out of my face
in world you can carry 30 crafting materials to make sticky ammo compared to 20 crag 1 crafting materials in GU and 10 in 3U. also with the option to craft all available materials into max ammo at once and also being able to restock midquest at camps it makes it all the more easier to deal more KO
Your damage output is bonkers with artillery 5 and a wyrmstake in place. Something like 280 damage per charged shell with long 6.
I’ve been using a bunch of different weapons, and I bust out GL when I want to just unga bunga through something I don’t feel like dealing with.
because other than TA autists the main audience for this is normies and elementary schoolers
i save fire mantle from when hes not enraged for this reason
what how? i only get like 150 damage per charged shell on my long 6 GL with artillery 5
It's kind of funny that Iceborne has introduced, in a single game, almost as many variants as every mainline game before it. If you include scarred, which I don't, then iceborne matches the previous total of variants.
>trying to grind out GL to unlock Yian
>already feels like a slog
What do you guys think of the new footage from the upcoming movie?
You don't need to grind GL, just hunt like you usually do. Unlocks at like MR 40 or something. A few investgations should get you there easy
based duck dino holding it's own against a t-rex
Why in the fuck was kush the flagship for 2? Teostra would have been a much better choice
I'm at MR62 right now and nothing. Was told you have to get GL forest to level 3
Because a metal dragon that summons storms is way cooler than a fire breathing cat dragon.
Too bad iceborne destroyed flash bombs making him the most obnoxious monster if you use a slow weapon or one with poor reach
Ah yeah, my mistake. I just assumed you already had forest at L3 since you've been grinding.
I'm still annoyed there's no permenent rain in the forest whenever Kush is there
Which monsters have you hunted the least?
I've only fought vaal twice, once in hr and once in mr.
Isn't rapid fire still shit too? In the sense that it's nigh on impossible to find a gun that rapid fires a non element AND an element compared to 3 and 4?
>Brachy's weapons don't get orange slime when fully upgraded
Lavisoth probably. I had forgotten he was even in the game
Any dual blades mains here?
What are the best blades for each element?
And also, should I just use 2 piece velkhana or go the namielle route?
1. It's cute
2. Not really any particularly good gear
lagi with underwater combat
I gotta go with narg for ops pic. Unite Narg was Tigrex on steroids and Tigrex was already hard enough for me. Narga was so fast that I didn’t have time to take my weapon out in between leaping for my life.
In World, it's Kulu if you don't count A.Leshen, for Iceborne it's Nightshade, Seething and Coral, only fought those guys two or three times.
Not sure about the rest, but edgy odogaron's DB's are great for dunking on dragons. High natural white sharpness, high elderseal, and 20% affinity.
It's very niche to find that kind of setup, yes. Not as many guns have rapid fire as I would have liked.
You need to go back.
Nami is a pretty fun set for the stamina cooldown skills and the 4 piece bonus does cool shit like turn element 300 into element 450, or activate free status effects on your raw weapon. I've felt really satisfied making 4/5 just for daggers and mindless bow play.
Which monster were you the most terrified to fight during your first mon hun?
For me it was getting the double Tigrex urgent quest.
ok prove he has a lot
>When Tigrex yeets you off of a mountain in MHF2
Thank you bros, I will try them.
I gotta farm nami a bit for the pieces.
If you are being bullied by a non-elder monster you should focus on learning how to bully him back.
>tail sweep has like a 2-3 second wind up and is insanely slow
>almost nothing else uses the tail so it's safe to clutch almost 100% of the time
>little air game aside from forward leap horn hit box
>mobile weapons can jog alongside him during the ground pounding combo
>anticipate his 90 degree reposition and meet him with a poke
>he's not an elder, trap his ass, set up breaks, stun chain him
>for god's sake use 3/3 blast resist
How do you even trigger the environmental trap in the desert? I keep seeing it on the map but never seen it trigger.
Are LS and bow easy mode?
It kinda feels like it.
What’s wrong with finding a monster cute.
Nothing stays still long enough to abuse its new move. I hate it
>no jade Barroth
I’m not too upset but it just seems like a quick easy monster to add in.
>The first Barroth quest in Tri
>Double Brachy for 3U
I just spent two days grinding narga hbg for cutwings cos they won't drop, should I have made the lbg instead then?
>tfw almost every single weapon got improved in terms of playstyle in Iceborne but SnS just got worse
The new SnS move is great though.
Worse how exactly? I still slap monster's shit just fine.
The diablos intro cutscene for world is legit pretty spooky. That thing looks like the fucking devil when it appears from the curtain of sand.
Gore, Valstrax and Zinogre because they're cool.
>tfw it's not even in Iceborne
Teostra weapons got fucked over so hard in 5th gen it's bordering on being unbelievable. Fuck this shit.
Absolutely, the LBG is killer.
Because Kushala was the one going around causing storms and hurricanes while Lunastra and Teostra were just kind of chilling in the Tower and Volcano. Dos was about the four elders though, leading into Yama Tsukami and White Fatalis at the tower.
Don't know how the X fags get called the Fated Four when the Dos Four were already a thing, tied into fate, and paved the way for White Fatalis to be found.
Fuck sake
Banbaro is essentially Jade Barroth
But worse
So, what's the way to play SnS in Iceborne? Is it just shield drop spam again? When am I supposed to use Perfect Rush?
I want to unlock silver rathalos and gold rathian but fuck the grind to level up master rank is gonna get boring.
m8 half of them don't get any slime at all
>he didn't see the korean data mining that figured out there are three unused areas for the guiding lands and weapon hooks for a bunch of weapons
Get ready fuckface cause they're gonna be dumping wild shit into post launch. Rajang is gonna come with Furious Rajang in the Recess section of the Guiding Lands level 6.
>only 4 people on weapon design
What the fuck
Unironically rathalos in freedom, this was my very first wall
Lagiacrus was built up to so much in Tri, it was pretty scary when you actually got to hunt it, even in low rank.
That and when you finally see Ceadeus and realise how fucking huge it is.
>"You must repel Velkhana!"
>repel Velkhana
>"Okay now go fight Velkhana."
>t. retard that keeps using leaping slash during enemy attacks
they had better. they could have made a LS where the slime goes from green->amber->red with your spirit level, but noooooooo we get poop stick instead.
Dual Bloodbath Diablos in GenU
Tigrex was my wall for a while in Freedom Unite.
I actually never got super far in MH until World so World was my first time fighting Deviljho and the way he kept showing up during other hunts hyped him up for me too so special mention to him. Especially the time I was fighting a Dodogama and Jho shows up for the first time and just whacks it around the room like a chew toy.
Post game dlc monsters will probably produce more viable purple sharpness weapons.
>Gore Magala
>Shagaru Magala
>Kushala Daora
>??? Daora
>People telling me I should worry about Narga because he doesn't move around as much as Barioth
>mfw I finally fight Narga and he moves around twice as much as Barioth
You fucking liars
Rusty Daora
It's still Kushala.
>I fucking hate the weapon balancing in this game.
This is the thing for me as well sometimes. I wonder why there's so many weapons, when for instance lets say you have no reason to settle for farming for a Rarity 10 when the Rarity 11/12 is available/just around the corner, story wise. It leaves so many weapons unused or without a purpose.
Shagaru is still Gore
This desu. I really hope 6th gen makes some changes to weapons trees and balancing.
Banbaro kinda obsoletes him, they fill the same niche (ice element Brute Wyvern that attacks mainly with charges) but Banbaro gets more on top of that as well as being nomadic, letting him appear on more maps. They use subspecies as testing grounds for new monsters sometimes, be glad that Jade Barroth got to live on in some form as Banbaro rather than being discarded like so many other cool subspecies.
3U Brachydios is not hard, just suffers from a few shitboxes
Do you wanna know how I know you started with 3U?
Tribabs are transparent and full of ego. Let them be
>full of ego
This is a massive lack of self awareness on your part. Considering the only people that shit on other players are the ones who started in earlier generations and think anyone who came later is a baby because they didn't have to suffer poorer made, jankier iterations of the franchise.
mad tribab lmao
I started with Freedom Unite actually, but nice job exposing yourself as a shitposting brainlet.
It was a mistake making Velkhana flagship over the far more interesting Namielle
ive hunted the new vaal exactly once just to get it out of the way, fuck effluvium and fuck vaal hazak
LS so shitters have to finally git gud
Roaring is artificial difficulty.
see I love gunlance a lot, but unless I play in a large group or against something slower, you just don't have enough time to abuse the awesome damage potential outside of traps, stuns, knock downs etc.
Because the game is not designed by Japanese people for Japanese players?
Lavisioth is the least hunted monster overall, and it is for me too. Boring fight that drops nothing useful.
He definitely moved around less than Barioth for me. I guess maybe because I got his tail off early though while I fought Barioth with a hammer.
>tfw earplugs master race
I haven't played all the weapons but I swear IG is the best for Crutch Claw because of how easily they can transition into it from a vault and how much freaking damage their Crutch Attack actually does.
>can't roll through roars
I swear the only reason monster roar so much is so they can pretend like spending 5 points on Earplugs is totally worth it.
Does the lower levels of earplugs even do anything against the big roars?
Odo fights make me lmao because there is always a great girros around directing a swarm of girros jumping around like retards and paralyzing Odo like 4 times total while tripped/KO at the same time.
Do not mess with Snekpatrol.
>get earplugs set up once B52 shows up in World
>full earplugs 3 charm
>wear 5/5 forever, finally dem gems
>earplugs everywhere on good off-pieces in IB
>try without it a few times, miss it each time
>see monster initially, run up and opener on him, then 1-2 full combos while he self-stuns
>combos never drop because some asshole wandered in from the side and got mad(sup wandering Jho on every elder map, guiding lands in general)
Just plug 'em up bro, it's free DPS.
>why yes I am rooting for the Girris Gang whenever I hunt in rotten vale. How did you know?
But muh attack gem 1
Muh +3 attack
>leveling wildspire to get lunastra mats
>get a silver rathalos lure in coral
>coral still level 1
is that normal? I have wildspire level 6 and I still haven't gotten gold rathian
I find chances to combo come plentifully with good defensive counter poke play. Even small exhausts are a chance to combo or wyvern fire. I recommend running Meowlotov and tanking inside your Meowcano, it racks up crazy amounts of debuffs and decent damage. I run a full DPS beat stick set for easier guys and a super regen tank baby set for dudes who only have two modes, spastic attacking chains and dead.
Getting real tired of ranged shitters in 20 min missions who hide in a farthest corner and make monster chase them all around the map.
These threads have been surprisingly clean for the past week. Did he just give up or something?
Icebourne gave World players pretty much everything they thought was missing aside from specific Muh Favorite Dragon and more weapon models.
There's just less console war faggotry in general.
Listfag doesn't really show up much and Bibiwafags aren't rampant as fuck whenever someone writes a piece of criticism. Much nicer threads.
because he resorted to just shitting up /mhg/ since he doesn't get banned/deleted there and a lot more people reply to shitposts
This is one of the main reasons I no longer play GL or GS with randos
It's a flagship in my heart.
I'm getting bored of guiding lands, MR 100 seems so fcuking far away. Why is it so boring?
I'm no datamining expert but typically wouldn't every weapon have a value potentially pointing to an upgrade even if the pointer was "null" on stuff that was at the end of the line? Doesn't mean that anything was cut neccesserily.
I could see them adding subspecies as DLC instead of just new monsters though, so that could fix the state of some weapons
Stop soloing it
Wouldn't you rank up faster killing elders and tempers in investigations? My MR sky-rockets when I get a bug up my ass to make a new weapon or armor set.
not him, but the grind between MR 50 to MR 70 is the worst part since barely any tempered spawns and most monsters only increase 20% of your bar. After MR 70 its all smooth sailing
>Ebony Odogaron
>no Ivory Great Girros
I'm still a bit annoyed that Greatest Jagras isn't a proper MR monster
Definitely Lagi in Tri and then Akantor for some reason in MHFU
>5 reward tempered brute tigrex
>0 decent decos from two runs
They're waiting to introduce the GREATEREST Jagras, now the size of Xeno'Jiiva.
Gore/Shagaru. The story did it real well
I was hoping they’d make it a proper variant tbqh. Maybe in MH6, making it an MR variant might have confused players as to why he’s event only in HR and doesn’t shit decos in MR.
>Lagi capture quest in the Flooded Forest in 3U on 3DS
I was more angry than terrified though.
>Tempered brute tigrex is considered on the same level as tempered rathalos
Tempered levels make no sense in iceborne
Does weapon physical appearance affect the reaches? For example, velkhana IG are way longer that Glavenus IG, do they have the same reach?
They have the same reach
It gets silly with some lances in past games, Sharq Attack is like a full foot longer than the actual hitbox
>Zinogre mount theme
Alatreon always made me nervous even as I was sleep bombing him.
Whenever I’m hunting Zinogre online I always spam ledge attacks so I get to be the one who mounts him first and gears the sick music.
What's the best blast SnS I can roll with? Bracy, Bazel or one of the Free element ones? I've been getting good mileage out of the Girros Para SnS so far, but I wanna switch it up.
>3 HBG 1 LBG
>5 minute hunts
this is fucking broken, I love it
Lbg is good now? I remember no one really uses it except for kulve.
Hame never dies
>does good damage
>causes all damage against the area to do way more damage
>helps out your team enormously for only a little bit of time
Is there a reason why people don't wound like crazy online because it seems so hecking useful
Gore since the first time you fight it it starts raged and inevitably slaps your shit in real hard if you're a new player.
You can fuck right off. I don't even play it for the mounts, the infinite combo just feels so damn good and it gets great status/elemental damage and trips
>notes tells me to attack Jho's head
>stomach is actually better
Does he stagger easier on the head or something?
Also does he completely ignore meat or something? He never touched the ones I put down.
Speaking of meat are they actually useful against any other monsters? Does Tigrex still eat them?
Fuck. Nergi
If anything, it's the opposite for me, every hunts ends with the monster looking like a cheap whore by the end.
Press S to spit on the posers. Tfu.
>Eat for moxie
>Only ever die after getting stunned with my health below the moxie threshold
Every fucking time
Got a link to that datamine bro?
Get stun resist then, never die
Eat for felyne bombardier, and I’m including the damage from the additional wyrmstake explosion.
Lagiacrus is cool but iirc his fight was trash when it was underwater. Games with him where it wasnt underwater were based
I went with brachy and its served me well so far. But I ain't gotten into postgame yet
Lagi only feels threatening when its underwater, on land its a joke.
I hated underwater combat but want to see how they can do it with World as the foundation. If they can pull it off, we might get more playstyles. Maybe air combat, who knows?
How the fuck do I HBG gud, is it special scope in and spread until whatever you're aiming at stops moving?
source: dude trust me
Gore Magala, because 4/4U was the first title that I really sunk my teeth into, and I loved how it was not some danger lurking just beyond view until you finally unlock its quest, you actually had to tangle with it over and over
What happened to subquests?
nobody does them other than the charm farm one in XX
That's why they gave him the ivory treatment in GU.
I wish leviathans would make a cumback in World, they would fit perfectly.
It was too easy to get rare mats by doing something like breaking los' face over and over again.
>20 tempered namielle hides from 1 guiding lands hunt
Health augments for all my elemental weapons baybee
Between both World and Iceborne there are only about four monsters that got all unique weapons. Fucking four.
The Ancient Forest is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst map in entire history of the Monster Hunter franchise. There has never been a map quite as bad The Ancient Fores. Fuck the Ancient Forest. I would rather take a thousand Plesioths than The Ancient Forest. I would rather have every single weapon model in the entire game be ironbonezoned than The Ancient Forest. I fucking hate this piece of shit so much. Fuck you Capcom, fuck you pieces of shit for giving me so many pure FUCKING SHITE subquests in The Ancient Forest. FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS FOR HAVING ME FIGHT A BANBARO AND TWO OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS INSIDE A SMALL FUCKING TREE TRUNK. Fucking christ I'm mad, I'm so fucking mad I could just FUCKING RIPPPPP THIS FUCKING SHITE APART. Capcom better fucking know that this shit is worse than any other thing in the entire fucking franchise. FUck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK THE ANCIENT FOREST FUCK IT
I wish Lagiacrus had the Ivory treatment in GU. GU Lagicrus was an abomination, they just gave it a few shitty AoEs, it was awful
Bring Lagiacrus with water combat back
Ancient Forest is ok.
>b-but fighting in small place bad for 10 hours of daily grind
>b-but my small brain gets lost
I can never understand why in gods name Capcom did not hire more 3D weapon modelers for Iceborne. It's just not as fun to hunt a new monster anymore when I don't know whether or not it will even have a unique weapon or not. Banbaro for example has some really cool armor, but not a single one of his weapons, not a single fucking one, is unique. They are all generic boneshit.
You guys think tonfas or some fist weapons will be added in MH6
I loved GU's Lagia. His moveset is suitable for a not-quite-endrank placement. Why that shitstain Zinogre outranks him is a mystery though.
Fuck you, piece of shit. You're worse than garbage.
for me it's the accel axe
>does no damage
>waste of a slot when running as a healslut
>I loved GU's Lagia
Opinion fucking discarded, GU Lagiacrus was a total abomination and spit in the face of everyone who enjoyed Lagiacrus in 3U
>dude just give it like 3 different AoEs xDDD
I would rather have unique models for all weapon trees at the end of their line than another new weapon type requiring them to put a ton of effort into making new models for most monsters for that weapon.
>let's cut down that hipcheck bullshit by like 90%
'tis you who are mistaken. Go fight Agna if you want a taste of old Lagia. What a miserable fight.
>I would rather have 10 hours of hermetic grind where I hit monster on a perfect 2d plane than kino of getting knocked down the gigantic tree's shaft
I bet you also hated the Legiana nest area in Coral in spite of all the dumb shit you could do with the grapple.
Post you're MR and how many gold crowns you got in Icebone
>I bet you also hated the Legiana nest area
Eh, no. The Legiana nest area is actually great. The ancient forest is pure garbage.
*carts you*
>Hitting the broad side of a barn for 23 minutes
What a "fun" "fight"
Agna fight is only shit when he either:
a) spends the whole time underground
b) refuses to dig at all forcing you to bounce on his armour
the fight is fun, you just don't want to use more than 3 neurons
I saw that dauntless was getting fist weapons and that made me sad because i want to punch shit, but i have standards
Is there any other kind of Agna fight?
>Never really got into HBG
>Full Tigrex b + HBG
Yian Garuga and Plesioth
I don't use GS, but I main Hammer which is an equally slow weapon. Break his forelegs immediately, focus on nothing else. After, the fight becomes 100x more manageable as he'll slip around and leave you bigger openings. Unfortunately, the rest of his fight is literally about predicting his movements. He spams his stupid charge constantly, but if you learn the distance he travels and set up right where he stops, you can punish him big time. Same goes for his leaps, if you learn the tell you can dodge and then get in a few quick hits. I farmed the entire Tigrex set user and I'm a shitter. If I can do it, you can.
How long does it take to get to MR 100 as a solo player?
How was I filtered if I killed him? He was filtered.
>as slow as GS
Personally love the Black Diablos set with the Slugger bonus. You can easily get like 5 KO's per hunt. I still get a decent amount in multiplayer as well
>30+ minutes hunts once you get to Barioth, Narga, Glavenus and beyond
Damn, this shit is kinda boring and annoying.
>hit monster for 1 minute
>runs away
>repeat 10 times
>try Wide GL for the first time
This is pretty relaxing, there's a nice rhythm for how it plays
>poke shoot poke shoot poke reload etc.
Upgrade your gear. Stop being bad.
>30 minutes
only fight that took me that long was shara and fucking kush in the ancient forest
My first wide GL was from Lunastra in MH2. I felt invincible carrying that thing around.
i hope that 23min was solo
No other way to play MH.
What the fucking christ is with Glaves tail, does it not sever? Two long sword, a GS and a DB all going HAM on it the whole fight and nothing.
The only fights that took me 30+ minutes we're elder dragons. Unironically git gud
Endgame gear matters a lot. First fight with Glavenus took me 30 min, I can now do it in 15 minutes with an unoptimized set and fully upgraded (non-augmented) weapons. Could probably do it in less with a metaslave set, but I'm a fashion hunter
>implying they were ever not clunky and uninviting in spite of their cult classic status
and their gameplay is some of the best in gaming period. Not the game's fault you're too much of a cunt to understand.
You can only sever it when it's red hot
Is there a Unity gauge in World that proves you never went online?
psh! Farming amateur.
Landlocked Lagi is only fun if you don't get hit.
Your highest IQ moments?
>TCS'd just as soon as Glavenus does his grind spin
>severs the tail on top of that
The argument never held water anyway. People would use Felyne Heroics in the old games; if the controls were not 100% perfect that would not be possible considering how unpredictable the monsters can be.
Literally everything involving the Wyrmstake Blast loading guard point is pure sex and is 10/10 style when it all goes JUST AS PLANNED. 11/10 when the wyrmstake causes a flinch.
Let's go back to 2009
>Playing Tri
>vs Diablos
>Zone to heal and sharpen
>"Y'know I bet that cunt's gonna chase after me"
>Put down a LBB by the entrance
>Wait literally only 6 seconds
I want to learn HBG, which one do you recommend and what skills should i bring?
Can you stack damage before hand and just drop the last hit on the red tail
About to fight Acidic Glavenus and Ebony Doggo. Any tips? Can I make the Acidic Glav hammer already?
Get the Lao cannon and autoreload ASAP.
Us PC players have to wait til Janurary, but we get to play it without ever having to equip those ugly ass World bone/iron weps ever again.
i want to fuck a monster
Him and Tzitzi are unironically massive fucking bros who need to be protected at all costs
Lavi and Lunastra
Why the fuck does tempered kush do so much god damn damage? None of the other tempered EDs one-shot me like this.
Lagi, because I had to fight in his turf. On land, every monster is even. Not in water though.
>it's all just the same looking dinosaur
wow what a great game series lmfao
You bitches would seethe back in the FU days where the stun animation lasted longer than the actual roar, especially for monsters like Gravios and Diablos where it was his combo.
It's not a "dinosaur", it's called "kushala skeleton".
Tradition. The guild high rank kushala in 4U did MORE damage that most G-rank monsters.
Too bad there's no good MR Wide GLs
>the hunter using this weapon is either amazing or terrible
What's her name Yea Forums?
either someone who uses an underappreciated weapon or a ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''support'''''''''''''''''''' slut
>posting Love is Reddit
>thinks he's allowed an opinion
I'm taking the game slow as molasses (just now getting to first true Velkhana fight), despite playing daily since launch. I'm curious why everyone keeps bringing up grinding to MR100. What happens?
I can't believe it took until World for Rathian to lose her poison when her tail is cut off
Not amazing or terrible, but Insect Glaives are always "pretty good" or "fucking worthless".
Can i have some HBG set up recommendations? i'm kinda new to the weapon
That's when you finally gain access to your BiS Nerg weapon.
GL, way more often the latter than not
did something like that but with nergigante
Oh they get terrible.
>That guy who kept vaulting directly in front of Tigrex when he jumps back
>Two separate shit heels who decided the best thing to do in a knock down was stand at the head between the hammer users and heavy combo
What a fucking kill stealer
Seregios because it's one of the few Monsters made in recent games that looks more like an animal than a Final Fantasy monster.
Ah yes the pinecone monster, so very realistic
Id say GS.
Honeslty GSChads have my support. With how autistic monsters are in iceborne shit must be rough.
>World is the easiest Brachy
That's fucking wrong 4u's Brachy was piss easy, world added larger puddles and makes them stick around longer, World Brachy is about area deniability,
He cute
Literally all of them. I've never seen a "mediocre" player. Most, of course, are terrible, but there are a few dedicated autists that have mastered their weapons of choice.
>Wyrmstake Blast loading guard point
The what now again?
Most of my master rank hunts have been with sns, I'm reking monster's shit with it.
I want to poke his toe beans
Not what I said at all. Nothing bigger than the Avian Wyverns like Velocidrome is anything close to "realistic" but Seregios actually looks and has attacks that make sense with it fitting into the Monster Hunter world's ecosystem. Other shit like Teostra and Glavenus are just high fantasy monsters with no grounding in plausibility at all.
When you go to load the wyrmstake blast (the one where you stuff all your slinger ammo in your GL) your shield is held right in front of you. If you get attacked during that, the attack is guarded and you have some cool options afterwards, the biggest one being going straight into the wyrmstake, if there's an opening after the attack you blocked. Guard points have been a Charge Blade exclusive thing for a while now, but GL got this one in the last Iceborne beta.
Lagi. It's my first and the only solo Leviathan flagship. You can fight it on land or underwater. That's cool.
I don't understand.
>reddit spaces his post while calling somebody else a redditor
anyone else lose their shit when fighting a endgame brachy for their first time and he pulls the
>nothin personel hunter
hayai run?
It really reminds me of 3U Brachy. Dude's fast as fuck
oh so it got a guard point and new move that doesnt matter against anything thats not a great jagras
What are you smoking? All the Elder Dragons get unique weapons, Rathalos and Rathian get unique weapons, Diablos gets unique weapons, Odogaron and Legiana get unique weapons, most of the returning monsters in Iceborne get unique weapons, Pickle has nothing but unique weapons etc
Not everything gets a unique greatsword, but pretty much every monster that isn't a Great Jagras tier shitter gets at least 3 or 4 uniques
>Be me
>4Ubabby (Technically 3Ubabby but I got bored before I even got anywhere)
>Play 4U
>Gore is hard as fuck for me but I eventually get through
>Reach Frenzied Tigrex
>"Oh this is a guy from an older game, wonder why people like him so much"
>Get fucking eradicated
>First git gud moment
Zinogre looks cool as fuck in Iceborne and is a great fight and one of the most unique monsters.
Velkhana and Nergigante are okayish, Lagiacrus and Ivory are good, Rathalos is good even if people are tired of him.
I agree that Gore is the best, though.
not him, but he meant monsters that got all unique designs, not some
>Fight mr teostra
>Literally all his moves have been replaced with quick fire explosions centered around his arms and face
He doesn't even do the flamethrower anymore.
So glad i made the velk critdraw set.
Jusy spammed draw attacks til he got k.o'd
WSB is a lot better than it may seem at first glance, especially if the monster isn't a complete Odoragon-tier sperglord and you place it in a good spot, getting like 2.5x damage on every shell attack is VERY good.
So yeah anything but Great Jagras then.
>Fight mr teostra
as opposed to, what, mrs teostra?
Name 1 (one) fight worse than MR Lunastra
Alright wise guy I can tell that you've never touched a GL or a Wyrmstake in your life. Why don't you actually try it out before you go shitting up the threads?
She has a name you know.
REEEE'ing Legi
>why dont you try this jank piece of garbage
I’ve yet to fight Yian Garuga but is he finally fun now?
Regular version, yes. Scarred is FU-tier bullshit tho
Where's the Teostra GS???
Who ever thought making MR diablos do nothing but spam charge and dig was a good idea needs to be shot
>gold rathian investigations
do these not exist or something? how the fuck am i supposed to farm this whore?
I'm poor and I have no money to play online? what should I do?
>Yian Garuga arena quest is on a quest tier higher than elder dragons
As a hammer user this was terrible.
>Carpet bomber is easier than punch boner
How much of a shitter are you exactly
so just like the usual bullshit diablos from older games?
Monsters sperging out everywhere is pretty much the entirity of Iceborne, with maybe an exception or two. Regardless the new move is awful in general since it only fits a specific niche of GL gameplay.
play offline solo, i did 95% of all my hunts solo
Based, only Worldsperms like the ancient forest because they don't know better
>Grab a LBG
>Behemoth literally cannot hit me
Is this what Worldbabies think is the pinnacle of difficulty?
>a specific niche of GL gameplay.
The one where you actually use the weapon's full moveset?
If you were already dead set on only doing unga bunga slapstick this doesn't really change anything for you so I don't see the problem.
What mods do you typically use for Jho’s LBG?
I want to see an ED version of Garuga just to see what batshit insanity they could do with this chicken
not him and i havent got time to got far yet
but does iceborne bring anything close to the Sanctuary or Tower Summit?
I just want some smaller and flat area where I can go 1 vs 1 with the monster, fuck all that jumping and traps shit
LS is easy to get into, hard to master. Bow is turn-your-brain-off mode literally everyoen can eviscerate everything with after one minute of gameplay.
Unga bunga slapstick is stronger than shelling though. Wyrmblast sounds good on paper but requires retarded amount of setup and isnt worth it. Its disappointing because the new move is a nothingburger.
The fuck is with this story line? Beat that gross ass rock elder, figured that was the end, now I'm being sent after NiggerDante again. When is fucking Zinogre? How much more story do I have?
Ancient Forest is the worst map in World but fuck off if you think any map is worse than this shit
Is that >478944419 ryukishit shilling his shitty channel again? The vignette on the thumbnail makes it hard to tell. I'll just assume it is then.
>does iceborne bring anything close to the Sanctuary or Tower Summit?
No, the only thing that's comparable is the small area where you first find Ruiner but it's never used again
Can't be worse than Forest and Hills.
This is post game, Zinogre is coming
I thought volcanic hollow was pretty ok
I guess i just like the aesthetic of it, like you keep doing down and down, and it is keep getting hotter to the core
Using a weapons full moveset doesnt mean its good, because all weapons have a terrible move or two.
Farming Black Belt coins was brustal, but it was worth it for the best team carrying armor and the most stylish armor.
Wouldn't be so bad if 90% of the monsters you fight there didn't spawn in Zone 8 and also become complete shitshows thanks to the steep slope in Zone 8, when they didn't even bother updating old monsters to work even a little on uneven terrain
If you fucking played just five fucking minutes longer you wouldn't make that dumb fucking post of yours.
>mfw been seeing my younger brother played with his friends, they are pretty much all new to the series except my brother
>told him to call me to watch when they try to fight rajang for the first time
It gonna be a swell time for those kids
When the fuck were Brachydios and Seregios flagships?
In the Ultimate games, duh.
Oh yeah I totally agree with that part, fucking hell fighting some of them in XX was the worst
2011 and 2014
The more digging the better. Carry sonic pods.
Too bad screamer sacs are a pain to farm.
user I...
I'm like you. All this time I have been looking forward to seeing the beautiful Teostra GS in Iceborne. But we were betrayed...
AF is worse than Volcanic Hollow.
are those meldable? it has been a while since i play so i can't remember it well, however i remember there was one item you should have been able to meld but cant, probably was screamer sac
Fuck off grandpa
>tfw you realize Gore, Shagaru and Fatalis Trio are not going to be in 5th gen
Namielle 2 piece set bonus gives like...60 element right? Is that even worth it when you can just use 2 jewels in the respective element?
Mh3u has azure rathalos and 4u has gore magala
depend on the weapon and how much element it already had
>Fire Teostra as flagship
>Final boss is Azura
A leshen
0 kills
I will just dab on that piece of shit with G rank gear.
Somehow I have 4 for Lunastra, I only ever remember killing her twice.
>that Ruiner Nergigante SA design
Oh baby
>I want to see an ED version of Garuga just to see what batshit insanity they could do with this chicken
Gore is the flagship of 4, Seregios is the flagship of 4U
Great Jaggi unironically had me on the ropes.
The first game I beat was P3rd so I'm always in favor of jinouga.
Which gun has rapid fire sticky ammo? I don't know where it shows that information in the shop.
G-rank version? yeah
Garuga and Jho.
Jinoga was a beast. I wonder how they changed his AI from p3rd to the haves after though.
Man I wish i didnt have to have a job and go to classes so I could be MR100+ like the cool kids. I saw some faggot online the other day at MR200+
How do I get special tracks? I never saw a sign of turf war after the very first one and all the monsters I can lure are shitters
It's weird, I got used to all the localized names for P3 monsters pretty quick but I still catch myself saying rangurotora instead of volvidon
Just beat SEETHING bazel
Whats a good hammer?
They all seem kinda shitty.
Fatalis in freedom or chameleos in 2g
Running into an invisible wall only to discover it's a monster is scary
Acidic Glavenus
I believe so. I get most of mine from the Argosy though
You can meld screamer pods, but not screamer sacs, so it's tough to craft more on a hunt without actually going back to camp
Hey pard! use the capture net on Zinogre's back when he's knocked out during his fulger phase. It'll get you fulgerbugs and reduce his charge
>Finishing a batte with Helmbreaker to the head
The answer is unanimously Hunting Horn
>but requires retarded amount of setup and isnt worth it
It lasts quite a while depending on the ammo used and there's literally no reason not to use it if you have an opening to slap it on a monster's face, such as during the "please clutch claw me" flinch
>diablos tree
>every single new monster in XX has a better name than in the localization
Are the wide range pieces worth it even after getting Lunastra parts?
>Mh3u has azure rathalos
>better than anything
>MH is super popular in Japan, meaning that there'd be a mix of both good and bad players
>all the good players are already MR 999 TA Autists
>all that's left are the bad players
You can slap a stake instead and be better off
Awesome, cool, nice
Uhhhh, yikes
Stakes set off the Wyvernblast bomb a fuckton of times
Valphalk, more like Valphallus
Not worth the setup, when you couldve literally kept slapping its shit in with swings and done more by then. You need full reload to get a stake after using wyrmblast
low rank, it was my first MH game. I didn't cart but it taught me not to fuck around.
Why did the localized version of 3U had Azure rathalos in the cover instead of Brachy?
Better than glaive anus, that’s for sure
Because burgers have shit taste
>Stakes set off the Wyvernblast bomb a fuckton of times
Only the final explosion does it.
Is there any viable situation where sharas set bonus would help? its looks great but mantles? im not sure. whos this set even for?
Because brachydios has a penis leaking green precum on his forehead. His design is only eclipsed in stupidity by some of the shit to come out of frontier.
Run around aimlessly until you find them. I can't be the only one who thinks they are really difficult to see because the blue lights on the ground aren't enough? They are easy to miss.
for people to turn their brain off when helping HR/LR
Did a fully charged jump slash into Glavs tail on his roundabout, staggered him and then the subsequent wide slash clobbered his glassjaw shit backwards. I felt like a king for all of 25 seconds. If it had been later in the fight It would have made for a great screen.
I like to use the elemental mantles. Shara's set is helpful for those
when do you unlock tigrex in the arena? im at 65 mr
have to capture a monster for it to appear in the arena
Shagaru, its the only monster in XX where I was fighting for my life rather than just to kill it. Couldnt handle the sheer aggression of it.