>Yea Forums suddenly hates NieR Automata now
>Yea Forums unironically thinks Astral Chain comes even close to NieR Automata
What happened?
Yea Forums suddenly hates NieR Automata now
Shills and underaged action-fags seethin'.
Just go out of Yea Forums and you'll find sane people again.
There just isn't much left to talk about desu.
So it's just shitposting and fanart.
Most people you see posting about Nier didn't play nier
I love A2 she is my wife.
Platinum is under the reverse of Zelda cycle. Their latest big game is the best always, and the moment a new one comes out the last is now shit.
If nier would be a switch exclusive all the nintendo boys on/v/ would Love it to death.
I dont care about the opinions of 14yo, this game was awesome, loved every bit of it.
This, the game was amazing. Pretty sure Yea Forums's just been invaded by kids trying to bait people, unfortunately it works.
2017 was nuts, man.
Yea Forums hates everything popular. And Yea Forums hyped Nier up and basically played part in making it popular.
Yea Forums hates it because Yea Forums loves it, basically.
Why is there console wars in 2019? Why is everyone so poor that they can't own whatever consoles they want?
Goddamn I hated the hacking.
>enjoying 2b's slashy gameplay, getting decent at it
>suddenly shota and doing that shitty twin stick minigame to deal damage
>9s isn't nearly as good at fighting as 2b, hacking is the most efficient
>drop the game shortly after the carnival boss in 9s route
That's what broke the game for me. Interrupting the gameplay loop for that retarded minigame.
Nier Automata is amazing thanks to Yoko Taro, but that doesn't mean that Astral Chain is bad
Nier Automata is game for ironic neo - weebs.
Reddit forced it's will trough after everyone got tired of telling them to fuck off.
Tendies are asshurt Nier A is on everything but the bing bing tablet
Oh... You are missing out on part 3. You get to play as A2 and shit gets REAL fuckin weird. Also Emil.
Consoles are irrelevant, everyone switched to PC.
The only people I know who hated the hacking were idiots who played it single stick.
>Nier Automata
>brain dead button mashing gameplay with a story that pretends to be complex but is just pretentious tripe
>Astral Chain
>complex and fun gameplay with a straightforward, yet compelling story
The only thing Nier has over Astral Chain is two bee's ass.
Both are shit
People cared more about gameplay then being a pseud?
>wanted to pirate A2's DLC costume into the game
>end up deleting all my progress
i hate being a brainlet
You can cheese the game with hacking. It needed a proper cooldown like taking items during combat. Also 9S should have had an heavy attack like 2B. Easy solutions that would hugely improve gameplay.
Rent. Free.
We realized who's the rick and morty of vidya
It's not hated, people still love it.
I want to play Astral Chain, but I can wait for a sale
Nobody is that retarded
I never liked Nier Automata. A. Chain looks okay, but I'm not dropping $60 for a game I'm only playing once.
Memes come and memes go
literally "ASS" the game
awful gameplay
awful bosses
awful history(if you think this shit is deep you need to read more books)
horrendous world
horrendous lore
Dumb ESL
Yea Forums hates Nier because it became too popular. Personally I still love it because I can think for myself unlike 99% of this board.
I also love Astral Chain too, I think it is flawed but unique and one of Platinums best, alongside Nier.
>>story that pretends to be complex but is just pretentious tripe
i didn't see it as either; just thought it was a good story. mind explaining why you feel that way
i only just finished Automata last month and i thought it was great
>Rent. Free.
>Thought the spent AED batteries stat in file results was there as a "it's coming off your paycheck" kinda penalty. Even the description talks about how they're not cheap.
>Turns out you just get free money if you kill yourself
An odd decision on Platinum's part.
All people want is another good fucking action game and Plat keeps not putting them out. It's routinely very disappointing.
Thank god DMC5 happened.
le epic wojack XD
Looking at sales, you are objectively wrong.
If you like gameplay, than Astral Chain is way better than Automata. Automata is Platinum's weakest game, gameplay wise.
dmc5 is mediocre as fuck tho
>le epic wojack XD
>we all know that Nier Automata is
*stares at 2bs ass*
>that Nier Automata is
*checks the panda for 2B porn
>that Nier Automata is literally
*searches 2B SFM porn
>that Nier Automata is literal art and
*jacks off to 2B*
>that Nier Automata is literal art and most
*erps with other Nier Automata fans*
>that Nier Automata is literal art and most people just dont get it
*looks for new lewd 2B artworks*
Why are you constantly trying to pit Automatafags and Astralfags against eachother?
>characters are uninteresting and bland
>world building is retarded (all androids are girls because the creator was horny) but we are still expected to take everything seriously with a incredibly pretentious story
>empty open world
>difficulty isn’t based around skill but whether your level is higher or lower than the enemy’s level
It’s shit
Well Astral Chain is actually fun to play throughout. Nier is just weightless combos against literal punching bags.
>Yea Forums hates
>Yea Forums thinks
eat shit and die
I actually enjoyed Nier Automata, but the fan base is so obnoxious that it really sours my memories. I have to keep reminding myself that it was actually a decent game.
Nowhere close to as good as the first Nier though, and extremely overrated.
9s is a boy though user.
And in route C you fight a lot of male androids. And there’s also those two homo androids.
People "suddenly" realized that the game was shit and was only overhyped because of ass (and the ass isn't even that nice, it's extremely overrated).
The ass certainly helped with marketing but I think the real reason people overrate this game so much is because it’s babby’s first Yoko Taro game.
>woah so meta
>wow the music is so good
Little do they know everything it does well is just rehashed from other Taro games.
Great argument
I don't like either game. The combat in both is well below P*'s standard.
I do like Automata a bit better because its story and presentation are interesting whereas Astral Chain is just a shitty version of Evangelion, but they're both sub-par games.
>Astral Chain is fun to play throughout
>Files 1 and 2
>File 6
>File 8
>File 11
You have awful taste. Even the people who like Astral Chain admit the pacing is completely fucked and your first playthrough to get to file 12 and pt Ultimate is miserable.
Finished the game yet still didn't get the story.
>What happened?
Nothing, both games are shit.