Link is drinking milk

Link is drinking milk

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Other urls found in this thread:

link is a fag

im gonna fuck link in the ass

Attached: E1238FD2-6135-4F24-84EC-938168BE1591.jpg (184x301, 14K)

A malkavian vampire is drinking milk.

Attached: 1540421190486.jpg (600x665, 149K)

Malks are cute.

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Attached: 45566e.jpg (540x421, 58K)

go away pedo

especially you

When did boys get hot

Boys have always been hot. Also girls have always been shit. It's not a secret, you just have to not be retarded to realize these two things.

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Please give source.

Very nice OP
I'm sorry nobody else in this thread appreciates cute shotas like you and me. But I understand, and I am glad you made this thread. I'd post Ness eating a burger but I'm image blocked right now.

i'll post a kuro making a riceball instead just for you.

Attached: 74433355_p2.jpg (1500x2000, 2.09M)

Ness eating a burger
thanks :3

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boys are not hot. they are lovely but not sexual

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Boys are cute.

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I love boys.

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tfw no heterosexual bf

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if he drinks too much hes gonna get a big belly

man milk

this isn’t as pure as the Hope thread

She doesn't understand what it is. She probably thinks it's white ink and that Link is a huge inkling fan.

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>links face when drinkling


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I'd love to drink some of Link's milk.

Man what's the point of squid tiddies if they can't even make milk?

You can fuck boys, small cute boys deserve to be with strong manly men.

well... squids don't have titties! That's what makes them sexy

Derailing this thread with no survivors!
[spoilers]It’s not porn[/spoiler]

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>first shota of the US

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Barron is like 6’ tall.

Imagine the sweet scent of this room

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Is there something wrong with him?

huge milkers

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>ywn be a shota

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Is there an Epstein arc?

this is bad writing

I swear this isn’t porn.
Please let me finish this story.

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The Hero of the Shotas

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stallion milk?

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I don't know it's too creepy when they're this young.
Don't you guys realize they're just kids, not adults?

Okay it gets really stupid from now on.

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>tfw Putin will never rush in to protect you from some old creepy rapist
Why even live?

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Honestly if it weren't for the fact it's based on a real life boy I'd prefer it to just be porn.

What the fuck?

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you can still lick my shaft no homo

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I dunno, user, that sounds kinda gay.

this is actually extremely redpilled

it's not no worries

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Oh, alright then.


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Bonus panel

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thanks for posting

No problem.
It’s nice to change it up in these thinly veiled shota threads.
Will post more safe shotas in another thread eventually.

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why does that picture give me such bad vibes

I mean it was more so about Putin and Bill being shotacons than Baron, but I had some good laughs.

thanks, user. I appreciate it

post more cute boys already

I think it’s a background from Max Payne.
But yeah you can feel the dread from it.
True I’m just glad you anons enjoyed it.

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This is unironically extremely good and valuable insight. Especially with all the UFO disclosure and fake news these days. Such a terrible problem.

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Yeah but it's ironic that Mr. "Dorian is going to hit Alabama" is complaining about fake news.

you might need to lurk more. we’re not nearly on the same level.

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Wish he'd drink my milk

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What the hell do you mean?

I’ll have to look this up and read it.
Seems a like an interesting read.

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Check out his other book “The Last President”

probably not so sweet since young boys don’t shower and produce a lot of sweat

you phoneposting nigger kys tranny

>he doesn't know

Maybe I will

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Got anything else with some substance?
Or did the well run dry already?

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Post more Link before you do, please.

Phoneposter here. Probably am going to kill myself

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Are things that bad?

Please don’t say stuff like that, I lost a friend to suicide. What seems to be troubling you?

>my feelings will be hurt if you, a complete stranger, takes themself out like a bitch
why do people do this. Genuinely

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breast milk

I just have empathy towards people.
Perhaps I project my feelings of guilt that I couldn’t save my best friend from killing him self at the age of 24. I just know that maybe if I can help somebody feel better about their life maybe they wouldn’t take it for granted.

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>maybe if I can help somebody feel better about their life maybe they wouldn’t take it for granted
I don’t understand this. Life is a net negative. Nothing feels good, only “less bad”. Death is a final orgasmic release from this cage of bones.
I’m not sure what I could be taking for granted.

Perhaps we are two sides of the same coin. Life is indeed a struggle but I don’t look at life as a “net negative “ as you do. Life will always have moments of despair and pain that make us feel like there is no escape, forever drowning in a pool of loathing and misery. But there is always a way to break they cycle and shine bright. Humans wills are strong user never doubt that, never doubt yourself.

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Shotas are lovely

>Shota thread that delves into Putin and Bill Clinton and the matters of life and death
Video games

How did we go from "Link drinking milk" to this?

>post link doing everyday normal thing
>fags instantly screech about how they want to fuck him

Back to your containment board pls.

I'll contain your dick, faggot.

Internet hate machine.

>Go on Yea Forums
>Surprised that people want to fuck the fictional characters in their video games

Yea Forums is a weird place but that’s why I stay here. I have stayed up all night so I think it’s time for coffee and I have to get ready for work.

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I feel the same way but please don't stay up all night long posting here. Get some rest.


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>tfw dick is skinny and cute enough to fit inside a shota without any pain
tis a blessing

I will try thanks user.
Have a good morning.

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My morning's already over and I have just been lying around sick but thanks anyway. Wish you a nice sunday.

post it

It's nice seeing friendly people having friendly happy conversations.

Attached: Phantasy Star Online 2 Screenshot 2019.09.21 - (1920x1080, 2.69M)

>girls have always been shit
Gonna have to stop you there, chief. Girls are heavens little angels, they turn evil when they hit puberty and start losing their cute and funny, eventually morphing into malicious human social cancers we call “women”.

Is that what you get when you put a squid kid in a blender?

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Listen I came to this thread for one thing and one thing only

Get to it goddamn it

Video game discussion?


What video game would you like to discuss today, user?

The one this kid is playing while EATING IN BED!

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Link looks likes hes having some yummy soup

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Yokai watch?
I only ever played the first one, were the later ones any better?
The first game sorta bored me to tears

What kind of monster eats in bed? Someone should teach that kid some manners.

Link eats healthy

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I'd eat his soup if you know what I'm saying.

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But milk is only for adults.

Thats all the food I got

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I want to fuck toon link!! LITERALLY made for BBC. Never played a Zelda game and probably never will but he's so fucking CUTE

It's very much appreciated. Thanks, user.


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Link would never, he has standards
Your welcome :^)

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I found one more

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That tummy is for kissing and licking.

Not if I rape him (:

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Link is drinking semen

Where did my shotas go?


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Hello Zoomer
I see you've never played MM

Post link eating shit

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One more food pic I found hidden

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Post him

And bruised

what happened to Link
press X to comfort the Link

he cute

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He's just a little cold is all

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excuse me for not immediately associating a comment about milk with Chateau Romani

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That link is deceased

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This marks the last of my Link collection that is sfw

Attached: bcb1de14bc37c32bccdd05d7500cf6da.jpg (933x1144, 89K)

So now we're getting to the good stuff?

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Nah, I'll continue with what little MGS I have

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>ad*lt link
get out, stop posting and kill yourself

I want link to be used as a cumdump and fucked by dogs!!!

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delete this at once

imagine if Kuro made rice balls with his feet lol i wonder if they would taste differently

Imagine being the character designer and learning what the characters fanbase is like

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this outfit was somehow sexier than the gerudo stuff in the game for some reason


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What outfit is it? looks a bit like the champions tunic but not quite.

Did anyone ever manage to get the NSFW shit off his private twitter? That's pretty much the holy grail of Link art.

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the gerudo outfit was one of the worst

sheikah outfit was the sexiest. that hairdo...

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It's the climbing one.


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Don't know, you could probably find it if you look on /y/

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Give Ocelot a hug boys

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yeah, wtf. link didn't have to do his hair like that... what is he, a girly faggot or something...

the one for climbing. maybe i like it for the look or maybe i like it because i associate it with link straining and sweating on a sheer cliff over a 500 foot drop

Don't remember if i ever got the shirt, should look for it one day.

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Never fucking mind it is from a major test of strength so i definitely got it, probably forgot because it was in 2017 i guess.

One last surprise Link, i'm going out for Brunch now!

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Thank you for your service.


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link is a sissy

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god i wish that were me


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thanks for killing my boner

mines just begun

source my dude?

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Link isn't very good at adventuring if he hung himself with his own hookshot.

Hey man adventuring is tuff

Lucas is 2 cute

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Post him

And bruised. As well.


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>What if Trump's animu shota son went on adventures with a half-naked bara Putin

Every day we drift further from God's love.

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Nice thread bros

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The Internet's fun.
>that call of duty black Ops maid cross-dressing doujin where he has to suck the poison out

Is it ok to be attracted little boys
Does it make it better that I'm a girl
I have so much guilt

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This thread makes me feel all tingly!

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>Does it make it better that I'm a girl
Are you attractive? If you are, nobody will give a shit about you lusting after little boys.

Mods do your fucking work! this isnt videogames

>Does it make it better that I'm a girl.

A lot better. You should honestly be guilt free you lucky woman.

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please do not post furshit

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Asriel is a vidya boy, is he not?

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I'm attractive enough to tell people I admire Hitler and they don't hate me, so I guess I'm already there.
It's not illegal to like things, but it is to do things. I'll suffer all the same.

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That's not the issue here, user.

yeah whatever tranny

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trannies can get away with it all the same, that's the modern world for you.

>15 years-old
Stop posting this old hag


that pic prolly isn't you but if it is go eat something at least everyday.

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Did you just completely ignore the BotW Link (117 years old) spam?

t. drinks piss at pride parades


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Cute homo squids

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Male octo/inklings are perfect

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Alright, if no one else is going to post anymore, I'm done.

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coom coom

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I like this thread too

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pedo sodomite

which link are you going to choose?

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My nut milk

Four without question.

link is drinking CUM from BIG BLACK PENIS



Yea Forums will never be good because of coombrains and degerates like you all. there is no video game discussion on this board anymore.

The second one.

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Shota threads are the only good coom threads.

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Who is in the corner? I recognise Ninten but not the other one.

Claus, Lucas' brother

OoT link every time
I love his thickness and his 90s hair part.

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Who is this stupid stripes shirt guy
Post a character literally anyone knows

shotas are only good for two things: getting cucked by actual men or getting railed in the ass until they die

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Forgot about him, thanks.

Why are you so damn picky. Just be grateful someone is posting something at all.

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No. They are for innocently playing with one another, or getting spoiled and pampered by loving oneesamas (me)

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Nes and Lucas from Mother.

watching girlfriend get fucked while being made the girlfriend
It's a shame those are so hard to find.

If you don't know who Lucas and Ness are, you must be pretty new here.

Stop projecting your fetishes bro.

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What if? Wait, are you saying he doesn't?

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Literally based black man. Whitebois need to learn the fun of rape again.

stop larping as a rapist, tranny

>that gentle bulge on the right

inklink is literal perfection and I demand a crossover

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OP is a faggot.

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Gravel and glue

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of all the threads that are still up from when I fell asleep last night, this is the one

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