Why is the Switch such a failure in all but sales? I’ve honestly never been mad at a console’s success until then. It showed me what garbage eaters truly are
Why is the Switch such a failure in all but sales? I’ve honestly never been mad at a console’s success until then...
Morning eric
It is fun
if you didnt like these games you are the problem. Videogame enthusiast and normal people loved them.
You are just an envious, cynic, moviegame fan.
Your opinion is worth less than nothing.
>defending low effort trash
Not even OP but your opinion is moronic. BoTW is the very definition of overrated, Mario Odyssey takes no effort and is pretty bland compared to previous entries, and I haven't played the new Smash so I can't comment on that. Nintendo aren't even trying anymore and dumb Nintendies like yourself do nothing but defend them because you've got nothing else going on in your life.
>its bad because i said its bad
okay retard
>competitively worse than smash 4
retard, Ultimate is the best competitive smash game by far, both as a spectator and player.
This. Just obey the hivemind my hivemind
>I’ve honestly never been mad at a console’s success
look at this fucking faggot getting mad at a piece of plastic hahahahahaha
why do all of these say "not the highest selling nintendo IP" wiki literally says mario is the highest selling nintendo IP
It isn’t. Wii Sports is a IP on its own and has sold more
Why the fuck is donkey kong number 5???? What games have even sold that much with that dumb ape zoomers don't even know about him
Wii sports is included in the "Wii series" and has sold less than mario and pokemon.
Still huge tho
you don't even understand what an ip is, this is a ruse right, no one can be that retarded
Including the console as well
the first dkc sold 9 million copies and was the best selling game on the snes after the bundled mario world, dkc returns on wii also sold 6.5 million copies
Mario Odyssey was the best game I played all year.
Just can't get into Zelda tho.
These are ultimately minor detractions
I would say the zelda criticisms are true but not entirely honest, I actually agree with the Mario stuff, and with smash you are pulling the shit log out of your ass with a mechanical arm
>Not even OP...
Ok eric
Who? I only put that there because there were only 3 replies and I didn't want to be labeled as OP.
>Mad about plastic, and what people do with plastic
I'm only going to talk about Zelda.
All the criticisms in that image ARE true and reviewers should have mentioned them more. BotW is incredibly frustrating at times. That said everything the major reviewers praised it for is also true. The game is very good and very bad at the same time but people only seem to talk about it in one direction and forget to address both the good and the bad.
And that's what annoys me the most.
>Worse than smash 4 competitively
Okay either bait or retarded
The last Mario game to have any consequence for dying was 2. Ever since then you just were forced to waste your time reloading the save and running back to the stage you were on. If that's really something you want, then you can put the controller down after every X number of deaths and do something else for a minute.
Calm the fuck down Eric.
I'm sorry your wife left, but you have to get back on the waggon. Seeing you this obsessed with games you never played is not a healthy way to cope with loss.
Get some help
botw got boring after you realise the open world has only shrines. there is literally nothing but shrines to discover.
would honestly rather play fucking skyrim.
Odyssey was just a rehash of 64, cappy doesnt really add anything substantial or new.
Smash is ok.
I think Xenoblade has been the best jrpg 3 gens in a row. What do you think Eric?
More focused on selling product than making product.
All of BoTW's problems seem to be because of short development time for actual content.
All of Odyssey's problems seem to be because of short development time for actual content.
I don't know what Smashes problem is, seems like they can only make shit since Brawl.
No seriously who? I don't follow e-celeb bullshit like the rest of you meme loving kids.
imagine being angered by a company making games for children
>normalfags and redditors loved it so why don't you people who actually have taste and standards?
Hola OP
>taste and standards
Yea Forums is full of sour contrarian mongoloids who try to reenact the tortanic everytime a new game is released, it has nothing to do with taste
>I’ve honestly never been mad at a console’s success
ahahaha sure OP. Whatever you say.
None of this is wrong and I agree with alot of these criticisms but they focus on mostly uniportant aspects
nah, I have been playing video games for 30 years and while the early 2010s were pretty terrible, gaming is really good right now.
I still shit on FF7 Remake because it fucking sucks and you should feel bad if you like it.
>being mad at a consoles success
>Yea Forums hates every game meme
So what game did you love that Yea Forums shit all over for being complete trash, Redditor?
Gotta love how literally zero complaints about Smash are about the gameplay. Nice criticism, shithead
Shut up Eric
Have you play ff7 remake already? Damn I thought that game was gonna be released in like 2020
You wouldn't talk bout a game that you haven't play right?
You wouldn't be that stupid... Right?
So let me get this straight, you got so mad after yesterdays DQ thread that you are still going at it, Eric you need to be euthanized as soon as possible, you are a threat to braincells everywhere.
>reddit reee reddit
>maybe if I keep repeating it, it'll be true
No wonder Yea Forums is so shit.
One day you will have accumulated experience playing many games and will be able to spot a bad one. Hell I could do it in my teens.
So you don't like the gameplay therefore bad?
Sorry Boomer, old turn based just ain't fun anymore.
Talk like Eric verbatim, Act like Eric when called out, Stink up a thread like Eric, It's only logic to know you are Eric because no two autists are that similar.
Cope and also dilate x2
The remake is turnbased though.
Classic mode you just literally wait for your turn while watching dumb pointless action.
"Action mode" you just mash square to do said pointless action to charge up your ATB so you can have a turn doing an attack that actually matters.
It's a turnbased game pretending to be action. Really, really stupid system. I would be okay with full action game, or a full turnbased game. Hybrids are generally terrible, and the last 3 FF games have sucked so why would this be different?
Can you really not see this? I hope you are 12, because you have no excuse otherwise.
It's worrying that you have such intimate knowledge of this asshat user.
Shut up you stupid faggot we can practically smell you though the computer.
So if you don't like it = stupid and boring.
Nice argument
I see, so you are 12. Well atleast when Part 2 comes out you will be old enough to have a job and will waste your own money on it instead of Mommy and Daddy's.
why is a negative point to the game is if its not the highest selling IP. who gives a fuck how much it sells? lol.
Mario franchise has made like $32 billion
I think it's fine. I only planned on using it as a Smash machine with another game or two on the side, and I'm pretty happy with it. Smash's online could be better, but oh well.
it's the NoGaemsStation 3&4 effect.
only drones don't seevany issues.
Sony makes no games and Nintendo makes no hardware.
What did he mean by this
>It showed me what garbage eaters truly are
>I care about others opinions
fix your life
>Bargaining (You are here)
For mad Sony cultists like OP the stages goes as follow
>I’ve honestly never been mad at a console’s success until then. It showed me what garbage eaters truly are
>some mechanics are desogned around inconsistent motion controls
I 100% the game without motion controls.