May I ask who that Sen guy is?

May I ask who that Sen guy is?

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me, now bend over

He's the guy who owns the fortress
You know the one

A pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.

presumably some Lord that lived in Anor Londo prior to the Undead curse, and given that his fortress is a proving ground for Silver Knights he was likely the captain or some other high rank in Gwyn's army

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The giant guy you fight at the top of the fortress

He's the big black guy who lives on the roof

He's the furtive pygmy

it was a sort of translation error. 1000 in kanji is "sen" and sen's fortress is called "house of 1000 traps" or something in japanese

unironically the nameless king


wow that you said it , yeah but maybe it was intentional ?

Only if you tell me how Velka fits into the pantheon of the Flame

Sen is the girl from Spirited Away. Clearly.

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You made me check, it's bullshit. In Japanese it's センの古城, so the translation is right

>*cwears throat*
Actually, Sen stands for "one thousand", meaning "fortress of a thousand traps!"

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youre unironically wrong

Go back to your dekinai threads retarded eop

Based misinfo user tricking niggas for a moment

formerly Chen's

It's a reference to Himeji Castle.

Sen is the Lady in Green and the serpentniggers are the descendants of her disgusting Pantathian creations.

Sen is a word in polish meaning dream, so it's dream's fortress. But whose dream could it be? Is everything in the game happening in a dream of the main character?