So now that the dust have settled

So now that the dust have settled

Expansions and all, which civ game is better, 5 or 6?

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I thought it was like Hearts of Iron before I first played it. I never been so wrong.

Civ3 conquests or Civ 4 beyond the sword

without mods: Civ 4 BTS
with mods: Civ 5 BNW

They are both shit, as is beyond earth

Hell I'd rather play civ 1 than these abominations, not sure how they shit the bed this bad

>Playing Kongo one time against AI
>Manage to make friends with my neighbours America and Brazil but Macedon hates me
>Brazil spreads its religion to my lands but its the one that gives you warrior monks and I can't generate faith at all.
>Built assloads of theatre squares but other civs are taking artists
>Discovered Kandy but AFTER discovering all of the natural wonders
>MFW I'll have to rely on archaeologists in order to make use of Niski
I'm pretty sure Kongo isn't supposed to be a late game civ.

Civ IV

>beyond earth
it had so much potential
god the devs are lazy as fuck.
i remember writing a huge heavily upvoted post about how to improve the game on reddit, and the next patch included almost every change.
but the game was so damned empty that there was nothing to do for huge sections of the game.

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Its not lazyness

Its an insistence on hiring SJW minded writers and artists and ignoring simple things like fucking coding and game design

It's just laziness

I read on kotaku that its better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.

Civ 5 with Community Patch Project is amazing.

I really enjoyed Civ5+CPP because I can play while "working" at my office thanks to it's lack of real-time anything. Should I try 6 or just stick with 5?

Attached: CivAutism.png (298x114, 50K)

>admits to being a redditor
>defends sjw's
checks out


There is NO agenda of political correctness or social justice whatsoever at firaxis

Thats why two thirds of the Civilizations in six are fucking third world shithole tribes that had barely a working society let alone a Civilization

Settlers > Civilization

Who are these civs you're complaining about exactly?

Who cares about that stuff i only wanted to know which game is better

Dude, it's fucking laziness, here.

Why is Yea Forums's default "argument" to just resort to calling people Reddit?

Beyond Earth came before. Think about it, what better game to infuse with SJW themes than fucking Beyond Earth? Climate Change, countries progressively disappearing, hell, motherfucking colonization and imperialism. And yet, it's really tame, there is really nothing I can remember in the way of proselytizing or heavy handed messages. Hell, even Alpha Centauri could be said to have more, what with the climate change in that game (it doesn't).

>why is truth true?


What mods would elevate Civ5 over 4?

Alpha Centauri is the best Civ gqme.

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Where the fuck did I say I use reddit, retard?

no it's not

not him, but Vox Populi really fixes the shit out of civ5
I used to be a civ4 fanboy but now I find it hard to return to it without hating units instantly dying if they lose the fight

That's because you're a pleb.

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lmao keep seething redditard

Unironically Fields Of Glory Empires. Civ is hackfraud garbage especially the later titles. Play literally anything else unless you're a normalfag.

Civ4 is mechanically superior, nobody cares about your muh flavor text.

Pathetic Yea Forumstard. Always paranoid whether someone uses Reddit or not even though I'm not the guy who said posted on Reddit.

Well, that part is true. Alpha has the worst UI I have seen in a game. Way more depth to the game as a whole, though.

>nigger admits to literally posting on plebbit and doesn't get publicly banned

>Way more depth to the game as a whole

>i remember writing a huge heavily upvoted post about how to improve the game on reddit

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You don't have to accept it publicly, but you know I'm right.

>guuuys why isn't civ eurocentric anymooorrree?
Cry more faggot

Name every mechanic you can think of in AC that's not present in other Civ games and for each one I can name two in Civ4

I still cannot convince myself to buy Civ 6. Even if it was 60 dollars for the game and all the DLC/Expanisons I'd be hesitant. The fucking cartoony leaders are an abomination. Save is Humankind is all I can say, I'll give it a try because I want something since Firaxis cannot do Civ anymore apparently.

I knew the game was trash and avoided buying it as soon as I saw the mid-late stage effects of following the affinities and it amounted to jack shit, just a palette change/costume change. Should have had supremacy turn your people into Adam Jensen at a minimum if not a literal machine. Harmony and your leader should start to resemble some gene-spliced Human-Na'vi hybrid or some shit.

Continue to not buy it. The leaders aren't the only retarded cartoony thing about the game.

the game isn't that bad but god the AI is more retarded than in 5.

As someone who's only played offline, how is it online?

you can fix about every bad "design choice" that came with V by using mods, while keeping things V did better

Recommend me some mods

wait, even MORE retarded?

6 is great, it just.. could've been so much more.

4 is by far the best game in the series.
>inb4 doomstacks
At least the ai is a threat with these. In 5, you can just conquer the world with ten units on the highest difficulty.


Taking awfully long there, is it gonna be more than 20 items?