Tactics Advance is better than Tactics.
Tactics Advance is better than Tactics
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I DESPISE any game that features a system where you learn skills from equipment. It's a retarded level of management and half the game is spent in menus dealing with equipment.
Fuck you, fuck your garbage opinion, and fuck anyone with the level of autism to think that shit is fun.
Ff9 is fine
Burn in hell. Although it's funny I thought about bringing that up in that post but didn't.
Youre shitting on the only thing that makes jrpgs have any sort of depth. Congrats. Youre not a faggot and jrpgs arent fun.
i had fun
tactics arent jrpgs theyre srpgs
Nice bait there buddy.
Or they could just have ability learning not tied to weapons.
It is
Never could finish Tactics A2 though, I get bored every time
i like advance better, but probably just because i played it first.
>Tactics Advance is better than Tactics.
I rest my case.
It was fun
This. It's the thing I find most annoying with Tactics Advance and A2, and why I never understand how people manage to minmax with job stat growth when I'm spending all my time giving my units new weapons and sending them out on missions and bring them to battle so they can get AP to learn those weapons' skills, then not wasting the time so I switch their weapon/job to something that can learn something new, and this naturally causes my characters to level up and gain mixed stats from all the job shifting.
So are some people just recruiting a level 5 Warrior, then keeping it a goddamn Warrior the entire game to measure its stat growth? Fucking why?
Right keep dreaming zooms.
A2 is even better.
it's obviously theodore
should I play this or Golden Sun, brosefs?
Play Boktai
>All these turn limitations to Magic casting and Bows because the devs can't properly balance the game
>Ninja Brawler exists
Play both. And Boktai.
I played it first and can't give Tactics and open mind because it didn't have multiple races, so I have to agree. TA2 is debatable
Dude, it's a single player game with no pvp. Just keep strength in physical classes and mages in magic classes, and kill Montblanc. There you leveled optimally enough, especially if you were in one of the cool classes since those are the optimal ones anyways
>min maxing in a Single Player game with a fixed difficulty
>Just keep strength in physical classes and mages in magic classes
Well yeah no shit, but if I gotta learn Air Render then I gotta learn Air Render.
>and kill Montblanc.
Faggot. Get the fuck out of here.
I agree wholeheatedly.
Graphics looks nicer, music is better, gameplay is funnier, story is simple yet engaging, great game, if not a bit too easy.
Superior game coming through
>amazing sprites and maps
>diverse skill system
>snappy menu and effect
>multiple races
>intrigue plot
>god tier music
i actually love them all. Its sad SE will never make a tactic game again
yea ok as if i would take a underage half-wit opinion seriously. for fucks sake your truly cancer
There is Dark Crystal Tactics
Ritz is pretty cute.
the game released 16 years ago, champ
classic FFT takes itself too seriously anyway
Please go here.
keep thinking FFT has a deep story, emoboy
I never said it did.
I loved FFT and thought FFTA was good but not nearly as good. Is FFTA2 worth playing?
Also FFTA would be amazing if it got a hard mode mod.
FFTA2 is even easier but I still like it
I know this is an unpopular opinion here but I really like the art style and chara design in these games
How the fuck do I git gud in the early game of FFT on PSP? Am I supposed to be grinding at all? Because it feels like I'm going into story fights, all two-ish I've had so far, underequipped.
>Am I supposed to be grinding at all
You CAN but it isn't recommended to just grind out. Grinding is mostly done if you fail a fight and think a specific skill might help, you grind to get it and try again. Levels don't matter nearly as much as jobs and items.
>it feels like I'm going into story fights, all two-ish I've had so far, underequipped
You shouldn't be too underequipped throughout the game, the shops update based on where you are at that point in the game. You could run out of gp in which case a fight or two could help but you definitely do not need to constantly buy all of the best gear every time the shops reset.
>How the fuck do I git gud
For a new player, magic carries in early game. Mid game you start getting special units which can help and late game you get one of the most broken characters in all of FF. The hardest part is probably the beginning (except for a couple spikes in the middle).
Other than that, knowing how mechanics work and building a synergistic team is all you need. For mechanics, higher faith = does and takes more magic damage. Brave = chance to proc a reaction skill.
If you do choose to grind, get JP Up for all characters and spam the squire ability Accumulate which you cast on yourself every turn for lots of xp/jp.
I had much more fun with FFTA. That said, I tried FFT when I was on the younger side: I remember the plot being convoluted and boring, and the mechanics being more complicated. Also it was hard and I had to hack 2 more Orlandeaus into the party to beat it
Maybe if I give it a replay it'll be a different experience
>Not knowing how to manipulate laws
I had over 2k hours in that game.
There's a few ways to break it.
>Having laws at all
>Telling what i can't and can do
>Telling me how to play
Fuck off with that hot garbage.
It's more of an annoyance, where late-game there'll be three laws and you can't forget any of them mid-battle, else you get fines (which include permanent stat down)
>inb4 antilaws
Not all the ones you need at a given time will always be in stock, so you're still playing around the system
They literally give you the ability to pick and choose laws.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i can't use this one trivial ability in this mission
Fuck off you weren't going to use it anyway because if it was important you wouldn't have let it remain outlawed. The game is a fucking breeze you gigantic baby.
Rules ? In a game ? What nonsense !
>How dare you tell me what to do!
>In a game with rules
Son, you are meant to use laws to restrict your opponent's plays. Just like in real life, you fight your opponent in a way where the law is on your side.
Don't reply to zoomers.
I though it was a fun gimmick. Like the two swords ability, if you had two swords with that skill, you could learn that skill in half the time. Or learn two skills at the same time.
Making every character in your team have knockback reaction or something related through swaping items was also fun.
That's cool and all OP, but let's talk about an fun FF game. You guys are getting it right?
Did a run the other day with an all Nu Mou party (+Marche). It was a kino moment when you met Ritz at the final valley with your mage bros and stomped her rabbit thots into the dirt. Suddenly the game becomes a bit more fun and challenging when you're not using Vieras
I would agree but the law system in Advance 1 is retarded
>Fighting monsters
>Dmg2 Monsters law
>Get punished with item loss, permanent stat loss or captured monster loss for actually participating in the fight so you're forced to either reload and try and get an anti-law card beforehand or just fucking deliberately lose
So fucking stupid. Advance 2 improved ot at least
The AI in FFTA is absolutely abhorent. Otherwise it would be a decent game.
I don't give a fuck
tactics didn't zooms
Fuck off back zoomer town and fuck a dog.
Of course I am, and you had better too because I need randoms to play with since I don't know anybody who is into FFCC.
Absolutely. Already have a party of 4 (2 of them haven't actually beaten the game before) and we're all going to be different races which means ez Moschet Manor runs
Still the best story of any FF game save for FF7.
>I don't give a fuck
zoom zoom
I miss when people just called each other fags instead of yelling ZOOM ZOOM every time they disagree over something trivial. Two neckbeards accusing each other of being younger and therefore stupid and wrong a thousand times is even more tedious.
Fuck off zoomer
hahaha fuck no
I say this even though I played FFTA before FFT
2 was garbage
Zoomers are full of shit and need to leave my website.
zoom zoom
Eh, it's balanced out by the enemy usually having stronger equipment and abilities than you (like monsters using petrify and frog ages before you get access to those moves)
nice escapist fantasy you got going on here, mewt
The map tells you what laws are active in which day, so ideally you would schedule your fights avoiding stuff like that. The only bullshit part is scripted missions where the game automatically throws you in a fight for stepping on a map tile
I happened to steal every piece of interesting equipment on humanoid races, so only certain special monster proposed to be some sort of challenge.
See you online then anons!
Giant enemy crab is the first boss is the only thing I remember. I was only 8 or so when me and my cousin first played. We got to the third or forth continent I don't know how far that was.
Never thought I'd see this much shit-flinging in a FFT thread. Good bait OP
I'm unironically glad I was able to see and laugh at it
is not even that big
I like both for different reasons, but i still prefer FFT for the character, story and music. TA is mad comfy.
Shut the fuck up devil nigger.
Thematically speaking the game does actually have a pretty solid base for exploring the idea of an escapist fantasy. Mewt speaks for himself since he's bullied and his family fell apart, so he is the prince of a country where he makes all of the rules and his dad is the coolest, strongest guy around. Marche in St Ivalice is an outsider, but upon going to Ivalice he immediately finds a group where he's warmly welcomed and relied on, which can tie into the fact that he felt he never got enough attention from his parents and was jealous of Doned. And then Ritz is also put into a situation where she has the power of take control of her life, push through anything she doesn't like, and her dumb white hair insecurity causes her to be surrounded by a race who only have white hair so she's not out of place and has nothing that could cause her to be mocked. And Doned has legs that work.
So all three of them have a solid basis for exploring themes of escapism but it's a GBA game with sketchy writing so the only real depth comes from the writer fucking up and making Marche look like a dick for wanting to destroy it all because it never really goes into the fact that the regular world got overwritten and there's only four people who didn't effectively die when it happened, the law system is oppressive, and a lot of people like Mewt's bullies ended up as monsters, so Ivalice just looks like a normal fantasy world for all the game itself is concerned.
If i had to play anything other than original tactics i would blow my head off. You would have to pay me at last 10 million dollars to play the gba games.
that was the most fun part of the game
what's a better system for learning skills?
Pretty good. Thanks for that user.
>Posts or saves anything that has to do with that psudo-intellectual shit heap that is doki
>Has the tastes to reflect it too
0/10 see me after class
Management is fine. I will grant it's best not to have gear be your source of skills. It's not fun to downgrade your gear to get your abilities.
>see me after class
Doesn't Marche start breaking crystals before he finds out the parasitic/illusionary nature of Ivalice? Like a part of him seemed resolved to kill a world of sentient (even if they were just artificial) beings just to get back to reality. Straight up gangsta shit.
My sides lol
Pretty much. Isn't the fact that Ivalice is slowly killing everybody a last-minute reveal to justify Marche's actions? I think you can still do a lot with the assumption that Marche is an asshole who will bulldoze through anybody in his path who disagrees with him, by putting more emphasis on the nature of Ivalice itself. You could have it so that Marche simply feels that something is wrong with the world, or notices inconsistencies in it, or just decides that a fake world isn't worth replacing the real world. Instead it's pretty much just "i want to go home, everybody get out of the way, doned's a bitch-ass motherfucker". Or he could find a way to co-exist with the world and say that he doesn't necessarily have to destroy it, but Mewt and the Gran Grimoire merged the worlds of the real Ivalice and St Ivalice to put Mewt in charge, and that it's mutually beneficial for both of them to separate. You could even fanfic the idea that the post-game exists because the part of Marche and Ritz and Cid who didn't want to leave stayed behind. But we got what we got which is Marche destroying a seemingly perfectly normal fantasy world with only a couple of characters to assure us that it was fake and shouldn't exist.
Air Render is a pretty bad example, because White Monk is a fairly good leveling class for Bangaa due to the Speed, and Fighter is not bad for Humes either.
>having ninja job
>thinking about dualwield
>you need item that only drop in mid late game
>Published on Aug 21, 2007
Tactics Advance has the horrible Red Card bullshit.
It's automatically the worst because of it. At least FFTA2 doesn't have bullshit laws and the rule for breaking them are less severe
I immediately consider everyone that had a problem with ffta red cards to have a two digit iq.
Agrias Oaks.
>attacks foe
>crit knocks them back
>Judge yells at me for violating a "No Knockback" law
>gets a Red Card and game over DUE TO RNG
defend this shitty game design
i still prefer the psp version. though the loss of the animated scene breaks my heart every time.
There's like 100 ways of avoiding every possible red card escenario, plus moments when the laws caught you off guard like that knock back law happens one and never again because you always remember that normal attacks have a chance of a knock back. Unless you have a two digit iq and you simply can't learn from your mistakes.
She's my avatar on a number of sites and she isn't even my waifu. For some reason I just really like her design, not sexually, just aesthetically.
it's a risk you chose to take, use skills or magic next time. also don't forget to check the laws you'll getting for an encounter beforehand.
I want to but I don't know anyone who will play it.
Tbh the most toxic humans right now are 8-14yo kids ,LITERAL TOXIC WASTE DO NOT TALK WITH THEM
It's been always the case, you can filter most of them with the paywall.
I remember the wonderfull community in alpha test of ArcheAge, yes it was stupid amount of money to pay, but then when open beta came the behaviour on open chat was just insane.