Am I the only one who is experiencing absurd stuttering in this?

I am playing on PC

Attached: image_original.jpg (570x400, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It only stutters sometimes when spawning and when alt-tabbing.

The same thing is happening to me. Spawning, getting shot at, and kill cams all stutter.

I only get respawn stutter

Do you have it installed on a HDD?


There's your problem.

Got it on a Samsung EVO 850. It still stutters when I spawn, go back to the main menu and sometimes when I get shot at. And yes, I do have 16gb of ram.


Runs alright on my machine

Did you really unironically write this?

What's your hardware?

No stutter at all.
Ryzen 5 3600
16GB CL15 3200MHz
entire system running on SSDs

I'm running on a 750ti and getting 60+ fps on 1080p

If you have less than 6 cores or hell 8, then you are gonna stutter this beta

Like others have already said, it only stutters on some spawns/killcams for me, other than that it’s flawless. Running an 8700k and a 1080Ti while the game is installed on my 970 evo SSD.

when does the beta end?

I'm gay

23rd 10AM PST

It stutters for everyone in ground war and for your first match, and when respawning.

>nooo buy this new thing why are you still using old thing wtf dude
Fuck off, I have 16gb of ram and the game is on an SSD. No excuse for this, it's just a fucked game.

I can't play online anymore, it just gives me server disconnected errors after loading the map and kicks me back to desktop with a prompt.
This game worked fine on friday and saturday. Fucking Blizzard.

GTX 1060 6 GB
I7 6700K

Yes PC stutters all the time

It runs at stable fps but when respawning it all stutters.

Hey guys, check your inboxes. I PMed you the stutter fix ;)

Attached: 1563089982466.gif (262x323, 1.34M)

GeForce GT 520
Athlon II X2 245
8GB RAM (1300-ish hz)

Game runs great :)