I've been entertained by it's own demise
What were your favorite vidya trainwrecks?
andromeda was funnier
Wii u
Still makes me laugh
Scam Shitizen will be the greatest.
I feel kinda bad about it, considering what the initial idea was for the game, it sounded so much better.
at the end of the day was it fully EA's fault or just the piss poor management of Bioware?
Probably SWTOR, few things can compare
Fallout 76, holy shit bethesda is amazing at grade A fuckups
My best part of Anthem was the reveal gameplay where they are flying and see an interesting boss and say "Eh lets fly past it" which in retrospect was because that boss probably wasn't programmed to do anything
Artifact and its 2 players still in it for the long haul patch.
arent they still working on it to this day? like holy shit.
Both. Insider info sounds like EA forced a looter shooter late-on to allow lootbox cancer and bioware couldn't deal with the compressed timescale.
Too Human
Best thing that came out of Andromeda was me finding this baller-ass song.
Don't forget that Bioware was forced to use the frostbite engine
Alien Isolation and Fallout 76 absolutely deserved the poor reviews and feedback they received
To my knowledge, alien isolation did fairly well though
Colonial Marines I meant
I'm still angry about Colonial Marines. Atleast something good came from it. Taught me never to preorder a game again.
Fuck you, Randy.
An engine notorious for being bad for open world games. Not only that, but EA's internal support for the Frostbite engine was split between Andromeda, FIFA, and SW:BF2 at the time. This meaning that not only was Frostbite was gimping game development time inately, but Bioware was actively having to fight against other EA dev's to get support with the engine. EA's main priorities were FIFA and SW:BF2 as they were much larger releases.
IM suprised no one has mentioned. Battleborn but the shitposting from that trainwreck was a good time as well.
Rage and Rage II are more subtle fuck-up kino. Nobody talks about them because they're both bland garbage but the behind the scenes fuckups are hilarious.
t. Jim sterling.
Battleborn was actually a good game though. At least according to the people that played it.
Pretty much every "Live service" game has been a entertaining trainwreck to at least some extent. I don't want to say it's the worst trend in the history of video games, but it's up there. I only pray it finally puts a end ot the big budget game industry once and for all.
What was the initial idea?
As a spehs vidya autist, Derek Smart's Desktop Commander will always be the stand out for me.
Friends don't let friends become spehs vidya autists. Caring about that genre destroys your very humanity.
Just like ACM was "a seven, maybe seven and half", am I right Randyman?
And the paypig community are still convinced it’s coming out.
>this baller-ass song
Nah. ACM was a genuine disaster. Battleborn had issues, but as a game it as not THAT bad.
i remember this guy from him being a fucking teenager now hes some grey haired dude
honestly one of the most autistic people on the ENTIRE internet
>Battleborn was actually a good game though.
It visibly wasn't.
They were gonna do some procedurally generated shit like No Mans Sky.
Imagine shadow of the colossus with alien creatures and mech suits
Smash bros melee.
Not a train wreck but its on its last gasps and watching it die while its autistic, in denial playerbase desperately clings to it is fun.
Runner up is WoW Classic.
>game that was beloved for countless years is a "Train wreck" becasue you literally have opinions about smash bros to the point of it being a personal psychological problem for you
this board degraded so much over time because of just absolute losers coming here
This has to be the number one. The fact that the initial release window was targeted to be 2014 and we are here 5 years later with almost nothing to show, while Chris Roberts continues to meme his donors into funding his lifestyle is almost unthinkable.
Gotta give it to Roberts, he could sell those players salt water in the middle of an ocean.
They sell it to themselves. It's a rather basic scheme, he's just a name attached to a dream they have themselves.
It's not a train wreck. There is no intent to build a final product, there is no intent to use the money wisely, it is literally a financial scam
Artifact is actually still getting patches?
I think that was the initial idea for ME:A, not Anthem.
>ended up making money hand over fist
>still is
Might as well call it the world TORade center now. It came back even bigger
No, they indicated that they were going to start from scratch on the game and I, a person who has followed video game development closely for 30 years, am telling you that they did not do this and have in fact abandoned it because there is no profit potential.
Shame about kanna and prellex never making it into dota 2 at least.
Where you so triggered that you didn't even make it to the 4th word of my post? Where I say "Not a train wreck"?
Another bioware classic
Someone is pissed he cant beat it
Ah, thought we were talking about Andromeda.
Today, it has made more money than almost every video game to ever exist.
Almost every entertainment product to ever exist, actually.
sure it does, if you had fun while making the game its not time wasted so dont worry so much
>mfw instead of causing huge uproar it quietly fizzles out
Lawbreakers was a good one. The best part was when Cliffy B ditched the game and tried to hastily scrap together a battle royale game to cash in on the hype wave in order to try and save their studio.
I'll never understand being 'happy' that a game has failed
ah, he doesn't know
Battleborn was faded to fail since the begining soo is not that impressive.
Anthem might have the potencial to get normies and they fuck up.
Fallout 76 we all know they Will fuck up,but the ways that they did fuck up was too funny and memorable(the bag fiasco,not handling two Nukes,finding test rooms in a online game)
Daikatana as a game has been slightly redeemed tho.
It's quite fun with the fan patches.
My favorite flops were YIIK, Anthem and Battleborn.
The WORST flop is Pathologic 2, the game doesn't deserve to sell so few copies.
cool image here is my one
>the game doesn't deserve to sell so few copies.
i bought it and i cant get anywhere because on the 4th day food costs like 900000 fucking dollars
So what have you been up to since the development ended?
Kiddo you dont know shit about trainwrecks.Redo your lessons and Go back later
Bioware was allowed to choose the engine for Anthem but was so wowed by its own success with DA:I (Yes, they actually called Inquisition "Bioware Magic") that they decided for frostbite again.
Hate EA all you want, but Anthem is 100% Biowares fault because their team has probably only 1 actual compSci graduate left and the rest is your typical tumblr crowd
That song was cringy as fuck faggot
Duke Nukem forever. I remember being amazed by the trailer back in 2001...
Also No Man's Sky, for the impressive feat of managing to reverse the trainwreck.
Dumb nigger, that shit has been in maintenance mode for like 5 years. Literally a dead game.
>Trainwreck thread
>Do not post tranwreck
Lol Just "pretend" to be retarded and go Kiddo
No man's buy
Despite the updates it's still boring as shit.
Radical $hites and the combustion of Bosskey was kino. Especially with Cliffy grand standing followed by his employees calling him out on his bullshit. I would personally fund a game studio run by Cliffy B and Randy Pitchford, just to bask in the misery of their employees.
Robbie you casual, get off easy mode!
>followed by his employees calling him out on his bullshit
didnt ever see a single grain of this
When you know the shitty tactics some companies pull up is always good to see them Flop.Its like see someone that you dont like hit his Pinky Toe.Its not serious but you know that hurt soo you enjoy his demise
>maintenance mode
>new content still coming out
Cope harder
he boasted that the severances were 4 months(i think) of pay for every team member payed from his own pocket and one of his crew told him that he was paid pretty much nothing.
Cliffys reaction to this: "Let's not argue over semantics"... the balls of this fucker.
well, thankfully he's over with as a "Star designer" and he will never be given a studio/money again
Also one of their most incomprehensible blunders with Anthem is they DIDN'T build it off DAI and MEA's implementations of the engine, they when back to zero and built almost all of it's systems that didn't exist in the stock Frostbite engine from scratch
He still has millions of Occulus money and has hinted that he might try yet another comeback. I try to keep up with him and Randy, because they are hilarious man children.
The shame is that as a game designer, Cliffy still cares about primary gameplay. Lawbreakers flopped because of shit PR, tech and art direction, the arena shooter combat was very oldschool arcadey.
Anthem: A bad game made by stupid people
why does he have oculus money? I can't remember him having anything to do with it.
and before you say "he has" don't say that if you don't know. he's a narcissist, the type of person to blow a million dollars in an attempt to try to make someone else feel bad.
I say attempt because it's cliffy b.
He invested in occulus before it blew up and facebook bought it, effectively multiplying his money by hundreds.
The culling 2, literally predicted its failure as a joke.
>play 2 games with my brother
>2nd game goes like shit
>"lol this game is trash everyone will uninstall it before tomorrow"
I was irritated, didn't actually mean it.
>in our frustration, decide it'd be best to take a break and grab some lunch
>drop my brother off at his house
>he calls me while I'm driving to mine to inform me there's literally not enough players to even start a match
>I thought he was joking
at least they gave me a refund
It feels like PvZ is the only franchise that EA still supports that hasn't been involved in a gigantic controversy or flop.
Death Stranding will be glorious. All the fools hooked in by the Hideo Conman will try their hardest to cope and rationalize the shitshow.
I think it'll be a good game, but nothing compared to all the hype it's getting. MGSV suffered a similar fate in my opinion.
>effectively multiplying his money by hundreds.
iiiiiiiiii wouldnt say that much, we don't know.
ME:Andromeda, mostly because of the amount of memes and discussions.
Anthem is just sad to watch because they refuse to pull the plug, even after putting the game in the Origin Vault.
Lawbreakers, by far, followed by Battleborn.
>Colonial Marines
>tfw several years later someone found out that the reason why the aliens were acting retarded was because a dev fucked up a line of code
Of course that's not a excuse for Randy embezzling the money to develop Borderlands.