Why are sentient mechas so rare in games?

Why are sentient mechas so rare in games?

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You're fucking retarded

Those sentient aircraft are more furry than robot. You disgust me.

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Just how sentient?

the example you showed in the pic was gay as fuck. It just doesn't make sense in a lot of games, really, mechs are just walking tanks. We never see sentient tanks on the other hand. Just because they have a human form doesn't mean they need sentience.

However, some games like Titanfall and Titanfall 2 use intelligent mechs. One of the big premises around Titanfall 2's whole campaign was about the relationship/bond you create with your mech's ai, BT-7274.

Titanfall did it right
>ywn have a psycho Ion making it personal when ripping that whore tone apart for trying to hurt you

What do gigantic metallic boobs feel like?

It's a fucking machine user. You dumbfuck.

They're gastanks.

Is that an A-10 Warthog female mecha?

I thought so too but there's no gun, maybe that's intentional though

based thread

Post more please

the gun has been mounted... lower

Why does this shit get me so hard.

Just go to the booru. You DO know about the booru, don't you?

there you go, it's kinda obv. nsfw

Oh no
Is this what I am now

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Actually I take that back, most of this is not very good and leans too hard into the anthro, not much like OP.


Probably same reason we get relatively few non-humans. More difficult to design and write in a way that is relateable and understandable to the average mouthbreathing trash.

Add "order:score" or "order:favcount" to the search field to filter out some of the worst trash.

You get mecha for that I guess, Titanfall 2 kinda did this.

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You mean machines controlled by an AGI?

dude aerobooru sekrit club lmao

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What about just robots?

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there's shit that isn't furshit on e621

>Oh boy, another /m/ thread on-
Man OP's always a faggot.
Literally depends on what you mean, as in the thing runs on its own AI, or just to size up an autonomous robot?

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yeah its manly for things that are not 100 percent human so robots, aliens and hybrids of all types


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Did you honestly see a thread with planetits in the OP imagine genially think were going to have anything but thinly veiled porn thread?

>lacking mental capabilities to seek and experience new fantasies
You must be fun at parties.


Ya'll are fuckin' cowards if you won't fuck a plane without legs

Attached: Morgan3.png (1800x938, 798K)

Is this furry?

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I've already enough fetishes, fren

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I read the OP before I saw the image for some reason.

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You wouldn't a RAY

>Lewding the fucking Morgan

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You're right. Now a REX...

No, but it is anthro. Slightly.

Tbh, this is better design. It's more natural and immersive. The plane is allowed to fit it's own niche. They are like apex predators swimming in air. Adding terrestrial appendages just makes it seem clumsy and unsuited for anything, really.

You're the aircraft equivalent of a dog fucker, congrats.

Maybe if Belka focused on making fuckable, sapient aircraft instead of obnoxious superweapons and nukes aimed at themselves they'd get along with the rest of the world better.


sounds based

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I want to fire my missile in its exhaust.

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fuckin love that guys stuff
wish he drew more female machines though

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>jerking off to cartoons is same as IRL rape
Okay then.


She. ratbat's a chick.

Also this thread's probably gonna die soon and worse has already been posted, so

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why is this giving me a stiffy for fucks sake

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Further and further down he goes
Wherever he stops, no one knows

I think it's how expressive Ratbat's faces are to be honest. I've put some thought into it too. That and being a degenerate, obviously.


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guess i wanna fuck a plane too then
fuck you all

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>you'll never be raped by a plane

what's wrong?

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This thread is cursed.

extremely fucking cursed
so why do i find it hot


C'mon wolfie, shake

Because you are a filthy sodomite.

im sorry but if you really believe he's a woman you are retarded

no human female could possibly draw porn like this, its not possible

But she's posted pictures of herself on her personal website, user.

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>he doesn't know

The best porn artists I follow are all chicks.

I've read enough doujins and hentai to disagree this statement

>thread asking what the pizza of video games is gets pruned
>this thread stays up
What did the jannies mean by this?

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best girl best robot

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Maybe they have taste, did you ever think of that?

based planefucker jannies

like who


Tranny probably.

And I thought couldnt fall any lower than being a pony fucker

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user, she can be whatever the fuck she wants as long as she doesn't talk about it and keeps drawing planes like this

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what the fuck would that even taste like

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So we jigglin' or...?

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I would assume blood. Just a very metallic taste.

I recognize that face.

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Fucking dog dick in the background, you're getting what you deserve real soon.

I want to bone Wolf!

Now is a good time to ask: why are almost all furries gay?

Gay furries are just the loudest.
I think.

they aren't
just the communityfags which draw the most attention to themselves are extremely mentally ill

>why do mentally ill people have an additional mental illness

Gay furries are the loudest by far. There's just as much straight fur content.

it's about 50/50
gays are degenerate so they're more likely to be into other degenerate shit too

>sentient plane using missile as a dildo

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why does a dinosaur plane transformer need tits?

I'm not a Chad but I'm a sexual deviant
After the 500th time, having sex isn't that great
Do you think fucking a girl in a fursuit would make it better?

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>Drawing porn of the Morgan

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So I can suckle on her jet fuel.

Not Your Skies 3 when?

no, it'd be extremely sweaty and uncomfortable

yes but good luck finding one

is that the one with the futa jets rape and impregnate the stray plane? that one was fucking amazing

Are there any actually good fighter plane games out there, though?

I've always seen the lack of level design possibilities as a major drawback for the genre.

Makes sense. Feels like women are more likely to produce good quality art with dynamic character interactions instead of just slapping a thicc(fat) female in a spread eagle position doing some disgusting fucked-silly face.



The Ace Combat series, the Air Force Delta series, HAWX is okay if you're desperate. If it's level design specifically that you're looking for though, definitely give the Air Force Delta games a shot.