Fuck this cancerous piece of shit I will never set foot in it again fuck
Fuck this cancerous piece of shit I will never set foot in it again fuck
That goes for all of desolace too
it is a trial every classicfag has to go through
I like the actual dungeon. Getting to the dungeon itself is the bad part.
>make a dungeon
>have no exit outside of hearthing
Classicfags pls. TBC was peak design, prove me wrong. Protip: you cant.
Just wait until AQ40 release Mr. Melee :^)
based Instance
>Be me
>Playing Classic WoW
>Leveling as a Mage
>Not having to talk to a single other player, not even once
I thought this game was supposed to somehow magically transform me into a social butterfly. Why did you lie to me, anons?
>This game is so easy, not hardcore at all.
>Feel like a filthy casual from playing such an easy game.
Why did I have to fall for the Classic Meme?
that is not sunken temple user
I always loved the part where half the instance is outside of the instance
>why did i have to fall for classic meme
you secretly wanted to be forced in social situations since lonely
>Peak Design
Welfare epics
Blood elves
Paladins and Shamans on both factions
BC was the worst expansion as it was the beginning of blizzard hand holding the only thing good it added were heroic dungeons and arguably dranei.
>the only thing good it added were dranei.
I wish I could be a draenei in classic.
Every TBC dungeon boss has very simple mechanics so nah, I'd give it to later expansion. I don't think it's easy to get out of Slave Pens either. A few of them require exhaustive walk backs to the entrance
No mention of daily quests? Surprising
TBC only had like 3 dungeons with shortcuts back to the entrance at the end of the dungeon. I don’t think it became a consistent thing until much much later in WoW.
If you're not playing on a high pop server then you may as well go play on a dead private server.
>draenei good.
yes, you are correct.
>try to go in
>come across the other faction
>end up killing each other rather than doing the dungeon
Based maraudon culling the weak
First dungeon that actually feels like it has mechanics and that's 80% the way through leveling.
>No summoning stones
>Insane corpse runs for some dungeons because lol fuck graveyards
>No Dungeon Map
>Flightpoints extremely scarce
I dont care what you crusty old niggers say about MUH CLASSIC, Im glad some of this shit is gone and done with.
graveyards being few and far between is probably the only legitimate complaint here
no dungeon map is a feature
took me about 15mins to complete.
A feature can still suck massive liquid shit.
not gonna lie the game feels stale as fuck without expansion races
alliance is boring as fucking hell with its three sizes of humans
I dont care how many nostalgia goggled wannabe boomers scream about Belfs, their starting zone and Silvermoon were fucking top tier comfy and had amazing visuals. Vanilla fanboys can suck a smelly orc cock.
Belves were based, the people who played them were not.
Never used Atlas huh?
>Dude this addon fixes EEEEVERYTHING
Fuck off with your excuses gramps. Whats next youre gonna tell me WoWs UI isnt dogshit because I can install one thats decent?
BC was the death sentence, following expansions was WoW on death row going through appeals, slowly withering away until all that remains is an empty husk waiting for the sweet relief of death.
what appeals?
The attunements for the raids were harder than anything in classic WoW. More counter play in pvp, less ability to burst people down skillessly etc.
Just join a private server. You can basically find one for any specific era of WoW you want, and for free. I'm in a good one, no lag, populated enough to always see somebody and find groups.
I haven't tried classic because there is no reason to do so. Some of the higher quality private servers already do it better.
>Muh diffucult makes it good
Pvp in retail is a joke, the bursty and imbalanced nature of Classic is what makes it good. I don't see how anyone could think the endless slogfest that is retail pvp could be fun, but each to their own I guess.
>Playing this game for "Immersion"
Alright bud, enjoy running in circles while doing a Mara run.
What private server do you play on, user?
You haven't tried classic because you're broke you bum
For me it's this
>allience infested, good luck doing anything
>everyone has mounts now, they'll see you a mile away and kill you
>collect a billion drops from an enemy, every spot on the map is just people 8 levels higher than you farming
That's one bad(land). People complain about desolace but this is unplayable
It's called Dalaran-WoW and runs 3.3.5a (Lich King.)
It's been a few months since I was last one it, so IDK how Classic effected it or if at all.
>Horde complaining about faction imbalance on a pvp server
kek, good one
Filtered. Go back to retail.
What reason do I have to pay?
Don't see any point going to Badlands unless Uldaman, you're a hunter getting Brokentooth or doing shitty quests like that drake heart one.
I completely forgot what the loading screens looked like. I always had the mod that replaced them with WoW porn
Farming them rock niggas for gold and picking up the mining nodes along the way
>>make a dungeon
>>have no exit outside of hearthing
It's as if it was made to look like something that's not a revolving door loot pinata. As if. . it was part of a world. . of warcraft?
It's a solid chunk of experience if you go there around 40-42 and you get the single most important FP in the game for horde.
Also, Nifty Stopwatch AND Skull of Impending Doom quests are there. It's fantastic for Mithril, too.
The zone sucks but there's worse. Swamp of Sorrows, for example. Literally nothing to do there but 5 quests and a dungeon. That's it, that's the whole zone.
Fuck you Maraudon is one of my favourite dungeons.
The loot is weird as fuck but in terms of style and design it's a 10/10.
It's one of the few dungeons that really makes you feel you're really far away place, similar to BRD.
>play on EU realm, specifically Zandalari Tribe (Rp-PvP)
>first couple of weeks the community was great, very talkative
>a month later nobody talks to one another or helps one another, just spams LFG in chat and if you do engage in conversation, 9/10 times its a 3rd world shitter that can barely speak English
Why do I continue to even play this shitty game
Go to the Inn in Goldshire for a good time.
anons how is pally healing? i want to heal but stuck between druid and pally. leaning towards pally because they don't seem to have much mana issues
shut up and make me food and a portal slave
Don't expect raid spots.
buhhht I wanna heal
Thickness and gap
>complaining about maraudon
I never thought you guys could get that extremely retarded holy FUCKING shit
get killed asap and go back to your modern wow
>arrive to sm with my group
>spend 30 minutes fighting with horde in the lobby instead of doing the dungeon
>all those skeletons
Retailcucks will never know this feel
no shoes