Never played XCOM and I'm solely interested because of the base of building/military management (MGSPW left a hole in my heart and MGSV is nothing but trash).

Which one should I play based on that?

Attached: 0ae5beab7bab769a8c9a3bb2a0d46453a6a2c852.jpg (616x353, 38K)

honestly can't go wrong with any of the XCOM games, though I might recommend against older stuff like ufo defense if you aren't into older games in general, it can be dated in many ways.

I will not play for the turn-based combat, I'm strictly playing just for the base building mechanic.

Wrong game then bud. Your base is a pit stop between missions to play with your soldiers and make tactical decisions.

the new games do their job just right, but is isn't as complex as the older ones

Just to you know how serious I'm. I played RE4 just because of the inventory management, it's was seriously the only thing appealing to me.

But I know there is an R&D and you can tactical decisions about the gear your tropes will have. I've played Advance Wars, so I can deal with turn-based combat. Fuck if XCOM wasn't about fucking aliens I would already downloaded.

XCOM is good for its on the ground combat.
You would not want to buy XCOM EU or 2 for the base management. It gets the job done but it is very simplistic, with not much room for interesting base designs.
I heard UFO defense has more in-depth base building, but I have never played it, so you would have to check other people's testimonies.

I'll add though that there's a lot of really interesting and in depth soldier customization. You can really build your own team and flesh things out.
If you like making your own guys and storylines XCOM is definitely up your ally. It's just the actual structure building that's rather barebones

The R&D and shit matters maybe 10% and the other 90% is not getting fucking destroyed by ayylmaos on the field

The base building/management in EU/EW is rather limited. But the older ones are really hard for a newcomer.
The answer is to install UFO defense with the Piratez mod.

Attached: X-Piratez-4-800x500.png (800x500, 277K)

get the 2012 one with expansion Enemy within

This is why you've never finished ironman impossible. The strategic layer matters a lot in XCOM, and XCOM: EW.

Less so in XCOM2 and XCOM2 WTOC.

I don't understand. You will not find deep/compelling base-building and army management in a game like XCOM. Like others already said, tactical combat is where the game is at: if you don't like it, I don't see you having a good experience in the game.

Why don't try and find an STR, grand strategy or 4X to play?

>Not Xcom files

Well, it comes down to whether you liked MiB better or Barbarella. Both are great.

Is there any similar game but focuses on strategic base building?

How is Xenonauts and Xenonauts 2?

He sounds like a sperg. He already said he played RE4 purely for the inventory management lmao

>99% chance to hit

>99% chance to hit
>99% chance to hit
>miss again


Just play Dungeon Keeper instead.

Soulless and X2 hasn't been released. Nothing comed close to OpenXcom, try different things like Silent Storm or Jagged Alliance.

You'd be better suited playing something like Lobotomy Corp, base management makes up a miniscule amount of the actual game. That said it's pretty fun and you might enjoy it on it's own.

The atmosphere (fighting a seemingly hopeless enemy, retrieving their tech, and researching it to give your own dudes better odds) is also kino, and rare in games these days

Close range

Just play JA2

one in ten thousand?

Enemy Within sucks because you have to fucking throw out all sense of strategy and caution and just rush every map, or you're never going to collect any meld

Not every map has Meld though. Personally I think Meld mechanic is good since it forces you to either risk your soldiers for the future or play it safe.

This happened to be maybe a handful of times across my playthroughs of both of the newer games. I don't understand how this became a meme.