so did this game bomb or what
So did this game bomb or what
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Why is she so ugly?
Western Female design everyone LOL
it costs 1 dollar
what do you think?
It's very hard to tell because Game Pass is super popular on Xbox
what how?
On Xbox it had 3 million players in the first week because of it. It even surpassed Fortnite
>Flopped on Steam
>Crashed out of the Cuckbox Top Played a few days after launch
>Exposed there being only around four million Game Pass subs
Sure did
Time will tell. They are marketing the fuck out of it omg with gamepass so it will most likely end up the most played gears ever but we'll see if it maintains.
Inb4 huge dropoff after a week. That's most games
Isn't 4 million good for just releasing this month?
Not when access to do so is given away virtually for free on console and on PC.
So 4 million players isn't good? That's at least 4 million bucks if everyone had the game pass.
How much did G5 cost to make?
Take into account every other game on the service whose publishers expect a take as well.
>So 4 million players isn't good? That's at least 4 million bucks if everyone had the game pass.
>Only the Gears devs get paid when you buy game pass
Doesn't matter. It's foolish to assume this game is a flop or success just yet. I'm sure a lot of whales are spending money on it.
It’s fucking fun as hell
>flopped on steam
FUCK i just bought the cunt ive been itching for a game with easy set rules
gnasher gud close, lancer good mid
pistol is shit except when its not
no they brought in all the girl and minority gamers and its a bestseller
It's impossible to tell if it sold 'well' or not because we don't have numbers for the US but it absolutely cratered in the UK. They said 3 million people played it on Gamepass but thar doesn't really tell us anything apart from Gamepass probably has about 4 million or less users.
resetera trannies literally think 3 million GP players are a success for a high budget AAA game lmao. Thats like 67k full price sales. Its a literal bomber.
xbox game pass. For $1 (first month only), you can rush through a few AAA SP games and then cancel. Not a bad deal, but I wouldn't stay subbed to it.
You don't know how expensive AAA games are to make, do you?
>every gamepass member played gears 5
That's quite a bullshit assumption. Probably much lower % than you think but I see which way you roll
This pic is a bit misleading. There are not 19 different gay banners. Many of the 'pride' banners are just a variety of colors that are not symbolic of gays, trans, or whatever. For instance, I don't think Pride 14 (in pic) is symbolic of any degenerate filth.
Still though, those 3 banners are pretty bad to have IMO. Same will all the Terminator shit
No its not. Those 4 million bucks also include other games people will play in that month of gamepass that they wont buy anymore. Every single game GP buyers play in that month is money lost by microsoft. GP is a desperate thing microsoft came up with to try to get many many people to XBOX next gen. But it wont work out for them.
Well they did a promo to convert gold gpass ultimate so a lot of us got about three years of gamepass for $1
I was just playing the story after putting it off for shit I was more interested in like Monster Hunter and the CoD beta.
This story is all over the place in regards to tone in the most infuriating fashion. Also just when JD is starting to get some character developed we just stop focusing on him and instead on Kait's ass .
I only got the gamepass to try this shit out. Looking at the catalog (at least for PC), it's pretty thin in terms of AAA games. I imagine the majority of gamepass users played Gears 5 just to get their money's worth from the service.
So really they made 39 cents?
You're kind of just making shit up
>This pic is a bit misleading
no its not stop making excuses
Couldn't agree more. Why the fuck did we just abandon him as a main character? Kait's story is so shitty. The appeal of the gears story (at least 1 and maybe 2), is that it felt like a contained story about some guy in a much larger war. Now it seems like the whole fucking world revolves around the 5 or so characters we interact with most. It really makes the world feels tiny.
As someone who has played Gears 5, I would never have touched it if I didn't already have Game Pass and If I had bought it, I would have buyer's remorse.
Another shitty WOKE simulator subsidized by Windows 10 sales.
Not sure bro. I dont care how much profit any company makes. I will take advantage of a really good deal that's already saving me money though so thanks I guess. Some people just look for every angle to shit on Microsoft. They've earned my business with gane pass and backwards compatibility. I'd never buy a multiplat on my ps4 or switch
Saying sales quadrupled (from what? 100 to 400) for some unknown indie game based solely on it being a part of Gamepass's line up is laced with many fallacies, you can't use it as fact, however since MSFT don't give statistics out for it that's what people have been doing.
Personally I think the Gamepass is a good deal and I do like the whole, Netflix but video games thing they got going on and I've played a lot of games I normally wouldnt have bought thanks to it, some of which are trash like Gears 5 but some of the others, mainly indies have made it worth it.
The real question though is will they continue the first party support on it on the next Xbox. Cause that can be a pretty big plus for the new Xbox if you buy it day one. Buy an Xbox Scarlet and get Halo 6, Forza whatever and some other thing I'm sure they'll have at launch for 10 bucks a month.
Very hard, and rightfully so. Everybody just did the $2 gamepass deal, played it for a week, and dropped it. It's dogshit. Gears has never had good multiplayer so that's still AIDS, but the campaign sucks ass and even horde mode is garbage now. Saved me $60 at least. Nobody bought this. MS must be retarded.
That just makes you a moron then since multiplats are always superior on PS4 by a huge margin.
Lmaooo I have a one x my friendo and I'm no idiot. My shit is guaranteed backwards compatible next gen.
>Saturday night, aka the absolute peak of multiplayer gaming hours of the entire week
>Game struggling to fill multiplayer and horde matches, matchmaking taking quite bit longer already for some modes and multiple matches with bots filling slots
lmao, it's dead as fuck
Lies. Gears 4 is still active. Kill yourself
I hate all these random ass flags and out of setting characters shit
Can't believe I'm complaining about immersion in a fucking Gears game but I'm complaining about fucking immersion in a Gears game
Can I play this game on windows ltsc from steam? Or does it need some bs ms store/Xbox app?
GOTY only polweebs disagree
I agree, the Terminator and Halo shit is dumb and out of place.
Is this a joke or are you just not counting PC because reasons
why would you put this into your game? the kind of people who care about this shit don't fucking play video games. they spend all their time complaining, they don't have time to enjoy anything.
The single player is bugged, I lost about 2 hours progress for no reason.
For some reason its semi open world meaning a large amount of time you are just driving which is boring as fuck.
They have destroyed the great banter between in game characters.
legit worst gears
Most multiplats on PC are ports, and you know as well as I do that those are often still a crapshoot of bad optimization and various bugs introduced by the inferior teams put on that job. Ironically even Gears 5's PC version is a bad port. As is COD every single year.
Its crossplay I constantly get 4 PC fats in my Bone games you'll be fine.
Because she is based on wh*Te "people" who are ugly in real life too.
Define bomb. You can play the game for one fucking dollar if you have the xbox gamepass. I don't even know how in the fuck or why in the fuck microsoft thought it was a good idea to put Gears of War 5 on gamepass, but it sure the fuck has led to an awful lot of people playing the game apparently. I mean, normally I'd make some comment about getting woke and going broke, but Microsuck flanked the fuck out of me with the absolutely "ingenious" business decision of making it possible to play a new game for 1 US dollar.
The driving is pretty direct desu. Stop lying on the internet
Why so cheap?
No it isn't. Shut the fuck up shill. Sent.
I dunno, ask the Pajeet who runs Mircocuck right now. Or maybe whoever is in charge of their xbox/gaming division.
Yes it is. Fuckin point a to point b. You're a fucking idiot.
I think they saw the finished product and realized this wasn't what they (microsoft) or you (the consumer) were looking for. They decided to at least make a few bucks off of it and gain some consumer confidence by giving the game for so cheap. It also leads people to realize what gamepass is, so it works for them to some degree. I don't think anyone is thrilled by how this game turned out.
So it is just like that all the time? Not a special deal?
Every first party Microsoft game is goin direct to gamepass. Jesus christ
This cherrypick is so retarded it HAS to be ironic
Is this still a cover based third person shooter or did they completely die off
Game pass usually runs cheap deals but not always. The regular rate is $10a month, $15 for Ultimate. Ita $1 on new signups and they have $2 for 2 month deals too.
What I do is buy a good package, cancel it so it runs out, and soon you'll get emails/xbox notifications about $5 or $1 a month deals.
It has crossplay.
Pvp is a joke if you're on pc. I'm not that great in pvp games but against xbone players? I have a kd from 8/1
>Start Act 1 with JD having real character moments and making him face consequences that result in actual change in not just his appearance but character
>flip over to Kate so we can retread plot points and locations from Gears 1 through 3 with a plot that's not bad but isn't memorable either as Kate remains the same character throughout the entire ordeal
Literally every character around Kate is much better and has a greater impact. Fahz and Del, the fucking side characters, have greater development than her.
The game isn't bad and all around is a worthwhile package, but why this direction for the story?
Sidenote I"m getting fucking sick of hearing the same god damn VAs in every game. I remember being able to spot Yuri Lowenthal's voice out of any random ass anime that popped up at 3am on Adult Swim. Now I can do that with Laura Bailey or that Troy Baker cunt.
what would you rather have user 1 million people paying you 60 dollars or 4 million people paying you 1 dollar?
ok spud, you have to look around to find all the secrets. on top of that you get one mission up one end of the map and one at the other.
There is 0 reason a gears game should be anyway like this.