Can we have a dino game thread without faggots shitting it up with feather discussion? Yes...

Can we have a dino game thread without faggots shitting it up with feather discussion? Yes, in most cases these are just imaginary depictions of dinosaurs, we know. Let's just talk about games. Fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

only small therapods had feathers not large dinos

You've just doomed this entire thread with this single post.

dinosaurs are fake so both featherfags and scalefags are wrong

What do you mean dinosaurs are fake though I hear people say this a lot but it doesn’t make sense like you don’t think that dinosaurs ever existed? If so what are fossils

I want a new primal rage game.

pieced together from modern animals. They were all found by the same people who theorized them in the first place. To this day, only people that are heavily-invested in archeology ever actually "find" fossils. Funny how no random joe ever does, just the people who have every incentive to fake them. The majority of early fossils were proven fake, and it's not like we can test any of the recent ones since only those people benefitting from the lie are allowed to "study" them. It's basically just "evolution for kids," some cool monsters to show the kids while you slip in the whole "there's no god we're all a random chance" bullshit. Gotta have a lollipop in one hand with that haymaker coming from the other

Humans and dinosaurs coexisted. Seethe harder, atheist incels.

I remember charging a $100 to use the bathroom in Operation Genesis, my park wasn't popular.

I'm only here to show support for dinosaur threads because it's a nice change of scenery in the catalog.

Also really looking forward to the Planet Zoo beta (2 days away). I'm not sure just how much of the Jurassic World Evolution team is working on Planet Zoo. But the idea of Jurassic World Evolution beautiful dinosaurs mixing it up with Planet Coaster's depth is really appealing, even it's not prehistoric animals.

Speaking of, FYI, you get Beta access with the Deluxe version of Planet Zoo. BUT, Steam does not count beta access towards your 2 hour time limit. You can exploit this by buying the Deluxe version of Planet Zoo then refunding it after the beta is over (2 weeks). This is verified by the community management team on Steam's forums.

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I'm playing Evolution for the first time right now, I'm enjoying it a lot. It's more challenging than Operation Genesis for sure.

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Green T-Rex in Jurassic Park looks so much better than shit brown

As dumb as flat earth


Best dino coming through

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yeah it's scary to question the truth, somebody might make fun of you after all. Wouldn't want to rock the boat and lose my lollipops and fancypants

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say hello to the niggersaurus Yea Forums

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wtf bros, my fucking Dracorex keep escaping, how do I keep these little shits in their enclosures?

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What do you expect, attempting to contain the king of dragons with mere iron?

It's a fucking herbivore goddammit

There's like 8-10 different colors once you get the game rolling. Their color pattern varieties have to be unlocked as you play. Useful for telling apart the same species with different genetic make-up.

>it's scary to question the truth
I've always wondered about the mass-extinction theories. I mean, the amount of time that the dinosaurs were around, why is it not plausible that they simple died out naturally on their own? Not all at once, but even 1 species every thousand years is perfectly reasonable. I mean, humans in a inhospitable region would eventually die out if it weren't for them being smart enough to invent methods to get around the issue. And we know of lots of more modern species that have gone extinct on their own (or would have without human intervention) just because shit happens. When you start talking millions of years passing by, it's kind'a unrealistic to think the possibilities aren't endless.

Do you know the story of the Hippo?

Fun game worth the money but it stands in my mind at least as one of those games that really could had gone down as one of the true greats. So much about it just feels off for some reason. Which is to speak nothing of the near entire lack of interaction with guests. Still for 20bucks I would say its a must play for dino games.

Dracorex are very unforgiving. They have low thresholds for both species and population. If they're escaping (or any dinosaurs are escaping, for that matter) and there's no severe storm going on, it's because their pissed off. Click on the dinosaur and look at their needs. Make sure everything is in the blue range.

If one escapes, that means the other dinosaurs might go in the 'red' because a population requirement is no longer met and their comfort level will drop. You need to get them all together and keep them all together (in the same enclosure) long enough for their comfort levels to all climb back in the blue.

Comfort bar only goes up when all of their other conditions are met -- and it takes time. The comfort bar could still be red even without all conditions met so you have to do your best to keep them contained until they're all comfortable. You can tranquilize them to freeze their comfort bars and keep them from dropping. It's a time-juggling act really. You'll get once you try a few times.

Jurassic World Evolution was made using some of the same elements of Planet Coast, but NOT the full Planet Coaster engine. The reason for this is consoles. And I'm not trying to start a console war, so cool your tits. Planet Coast (and Planet Zoo) are both PC only so they can take full advantage of all the perks that come with the keyboard/mouse as being default controls, as well as the power of the PC itself. I believe they put JWE on consoles for licensing reasons. Frontier has said several times the JWE is NOT part of the "Planet" universe and that it was toned ...

you know, fuck it, I have a picture. Hang on... Okay, hjere. Only the first paragraph is relevant. This is a post made by a Frontier rep on the Planet Zoo forum in response to someone asking if Planet Zoo would be dumbed down like JWE was.

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Main issue is the lack of actual management involved in the game. The focus was pretty much entirely on making it look pretty which worked out I suppose but it means the game lacks alot of depth.

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Hol up, I was just checking my other dinos and noticed I'm not in the red with my Ceratosaurus population (I only have 3), why do they keep fighting each other to death?

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>lacks alot of depth.
Not always a bad thing. Realizing I could save-scum that 3% viability $15million dinosaur was pretty nice. You just gotta do the save before you click 'Incubate.' It seems to calculate the failure when the incubation starts.

It also seems to calculate more than 1 point of failure. Like it runs a check 2 or 3 times (all when you press incubate). Because the failure rates don't calculate correctly. A 70% viability dinosaur (with no Research Facility Success mods) will fail 50% of the time in practice.

god damn I relly hope we get more decor soon. especially basic park shit like benches and signs. I have so many areas that could be improved with little details like that.

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Assuming they are all Cera's and you're not mixing up another similar looking species, I'm not sure. Check each one 1 at a time and see if they're all happy. Also, pic related might be useful.

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Savescumming isnt really tied to the depth, I'm talking more about guests actually existing like in Zoo tycoon instead of how they are in JWE where they're just a representation of park stats. JPOG also did this and was also miles better with security systems which are super lacking in JWE.

I doubt they're gonna do anything like that. The next two DLC are both more dino packs. And, going back to the Planet Coaster/Planet Zoo comparison issue, the game probably can't handle heavy decoration. I think there's ... what, 3 trees, 5 rocks? Something like that. I'm sure they left it out on purpose.

It's worth noting that Raptors and the IRex are compatible which isnt shown on the graph.

Dinosaurs are not like other species, they were gigantic, massive and thus required extremely specific circumstances to both evolve and survive. Imagine the amount of plant matter needed to sustain one sauropod, let alone a herd of them, then imagine all that plant matter going out from an asteroid impact and how many of those creatures reliant upon them would die. Then the carnivores that survived off those sauropods have nothing to eat, and start to possibly resort to cannibalism reducing their numbers and chance to recover even more. They were way too big to adapt to radically new changes in their environment caused by a freak accident from space killing millions of years of free reign


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Imagine being this retarded and having access to the Internet.

I think it's pretty old. Indoraptor has some quirky compatibility as well and it's not even on the chart. Also, there's a lot of dinos classified as "Medium" so the chart really isn't clear on that. But general rule, I always put
>1 large carnivore (max species count, so 4 T-Rex with gene mods)
>A couple of Raptors
>The minimum species required for every single Giant Herbivore.
Slap them all in 1 giant pen.
Adjust the shops and facilities a bit.
Boom, 5 stars.

we dont need more dinosaurs though we need more decorations. without them every park feels the same. i fucking hate that they had to make this for consoles as well because thats the excuse every time. if this game is so limited by that alone that they cant even add a few signs and fucking benches then they shouldnt be able to add in new dinosaurs with new animations.

fuck frontier and fuck anyone who says we shouldnt have more decorations. one bench does a mile more in terms of gameplay than adding ten new dinosaurs that dont do anything different than the others will.

>To this day, only people that are heavily-invested in archeology ever actually "find" fossils. Funny how no random joe ever does, just the people who have every incentive to fake them.
It's almost like fossils are buried deep in the ground and inside rocks and you can't find them unless you specifically dig and lookf or them

Same could be said for a couple years of dry summers, though. Why does it have to be a cataclysmic event?

they really need a new medium carnivore class for ceratosaurus, metri, majunga and baryonyx

I refused to research the rabies vaccine because it caused carnivores to hulk out and escape. Operation Genesis is the only good Jurassic Park type game.

Because we have the impact craters of the mass extinctions that can be dated to the same time that the dinosaur bones of those periods began to die out and stop appearing in the fossil record and new fauna began to appear in their place

Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I agree about the decorations. They should exist. I just don't think they CAN with the console limitations. Have you have dabbled in Planet Coaster? There's at least 700-900 decorations. I never counted. But loading that much stuff into memory for a park is way beyond loading a single dinosaur and it's animations. Sure, the dino is prettier on screen. But 5 different design signposts would use more resources. Some of my Planet Coaster parks took like 3 minutes to load because of how complex they were with decoration. And if they added that decoration only to the PC version, console people would have a shitfit.

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Dinosaurs don't exist, god told me when I wrote the bible.

Carbon dating back that far is only accurate within 100,000 years. That's a pretty big gap to say anything conclusive. It's why mass-extinction theories are always called theories. It can't be proven. All we know is a bunch of shit died around possibly the same millennium.

>we know
no we fuckin dont, fuck off retard
thank you

that still isnt an excuse. loading 10 or 20 static immovable signs (probably from one or two models at most in this case) will not be more of a hassle than 10 or 20 moving dinosaurs all of which are animated, moving, and interact with the environment.

If anything simple decor should be the easiest thing to add to the game regardless of console limitations.

Someone please help me find this game that's been a memory for years.

It's some kind of time travel(?) involved game. Its about fighting dinosaurs. It's not Turok. You're part of a hunting crew traveling time in a big drivable RV to get footage for your show and there's product placements for like shaving razors. I'm pretty sure it's on the source engine and it's an FPS

Anybody got a clue?

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>Its about fighting dinosaurs. It's not Turok.
Happened to me once, but I doubt it was the same game. Turns out what I was looking for was Jurassic the Hunted.

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Underrated as fuck

That ticks all the boxes but it's not it. What I'm looking for is much older and WAY campier in tone

>tfw DNA only has a half life of 1.5 million years so we can't clone dinosaurs unless someone invents time travel.

Why live?

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why was he eating icecream while his grandchildren were avoiding his insanely deadly creations in the jungle

Do you recall what it was on? Ps1 era perhaps?

>Not using gene editing to make something that resembles a dinosaur.
Its what they did in Jurassic park for the most part.

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He knew as an old man who needs a cane to walk he is 100% useless and nothing but a burden.

>Why live?

Pleistocene park?

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What the fuck is wrong with it?

>dinosaurs are heretical monsters fictionalized and popularized for use against the idea of god
>feathered dinosaurs are (((their))) way of making dinosaurs less cool and trying to kill your childhood and collective masculinity
probably the dumbest arguments I’ve seen in Yea Forums dinosaur threads

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I'd say PS2 era. It had that really early source engine look to it, as if it was a mod or something. It was almost certainly 2010 or before then. The product placements stand out in my mind, they were for a shaving razor. I believe the main weapon you had was a dart gun. There was a supporting character. Female that gave you orders from the RV

They had the base DNA though, they only filled what was missing with other animals.
The closest possible thing now is editing (adding or removing) genes in developing regular chickens (from the egg) and so far they've managed to give them tails and teeth, but the scientists are not allowed to let them live for some fucking reason. It's considered "unethical" or illegal or some stupid shit like that.

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>His imp old ass couldn't do much more than hide in the visitor center
>Refrigerators were out of power so all the ice cream was going to spoil
>People tend to eat to cope with stress sometimes
The ice cream was there and he could do nothing, so why not drown your bad day in copious amounts of fat and sugar?

I think I know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure it was a videogame

Game where you play as Muldoon chasing raptors in the jungle like the apex predator he is when

here ya go but good luck getting it running it used some shitty DRM client that doesnt work anymore

>some people hate fluffy dinosaurs because they’re less scary and not as cool
I don’t get this, a bear is a giant furball but you’re still gonna shit yourself when you see it
A fluffy T. rex may make you wanna cuddle it or stick your dick in it but it’s still a T. rex and it’ll kill you

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The still had most of the base DNA in JP though. They just filled in the gaps. In reality you'd basically have to build dino DNA from nothing which is next to impossible. Sure, you could combine croc/bird DNA but you'd probably get some kind of abomination.

I wish there was a dinosaur monster hunter like game. You hunt just not dino but sabercats and the like. Semi-open world, 4 multiplayer

Even if DNA lasted that long, cloning would still be almost impossible since current technology only allows us to clone existing animals (by placing the cloned egg cells in a surrogate mother)

its also fake :^)

Oh fuck. That's it. That product placement really did work because it's been stuck in my mind for YEARS wondering if it was a fever dream the entire time. Thanks pal.

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>rednecks get out of their camper van and start blasting dinos with rocket launchers

who the fuck made this

hell yeah, manny, sid, diego, here we go

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Incredibly atmospheric game about being one of the mercenaries in Jurassic Park that didn't escape at the end of 2 but survived the tall grass with a few others and now has to trek across the island to find a new way off of it featuring squad mechanics, incredibly limited ammo and emphasis on sneaking around a jungle filled with shit stronger than you that takes teamwork to defeat when

Look up Jurassic Park Survival.

KUMA Games who unsurprisingly make shitty mobile games now

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Ah fuck. That would have been rad. I think my idea for a setting would be fun. ditch the friendlies or kill them off early and you got a scary survival horror FPS

JP really needs a damned survival horror game

This guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?

eat shit birdfucker

tfw love dinosaurs but have an immense phobia of them. im 100% sure if i had to face an actual t-rex or raptor feather or no feather my soul would escape my body on the spot

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I keep getting weird glitches with Ranger teams in JW Evolution. Every time I tell them to do something the car just goes flying wherever it needs to be. Literally flying, like it did a moon jump.

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I can't wait for them to add playable humans in The Isle, shit's gonna be terrifying.

Ya ive seen that before. First time it ever happened I actually just went for a manual control and got to enjoy falling 300 feet. I think its cause the jeeps teleport back home but sometimes the pathing gets wonky and they go in the air.

guys i can't get JWE to launch

i don't even get a error. i just click on the icon and nothing fucking happens, not even anything shows up in my task bar.

i'm baffled because i never had a game do this without giving me a specific error message

Would be interesting to see it explore the gaps on our knowledge of Sorna between TLW and JP///

You could theoretically encounter both versions of Velociraptor packs in the game if they traveled from the two coasts in-game, and possibly even add the Spinosaurus, current new lore seems to suggest the Spino was created after the events of TLW but I don't think it's concrete canon yet.

>Boot up Evolution after not playing since launch
>Carnivores, even small ones with no hunger still attack and one hit kill herbivores
>Lack of animations

I hoped this would have been fixed, the fish feeder is nice though

Holy shit, same, except with Alice Madness Returns (I can open JWE just fine). What the fuck should I do?

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here's your (you) with that obvious fake shit

What did they mean by this?

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Claire DLC worth it? I got the WU one and found it kind of boring.

here's your dinosaur, bro

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Stay with me now user. Alright. You ready?

Mr X from RE2 but it's the first generation of the newly hatched spino let loose on the island to test its killing capability. The mercenary team you play as trying to escape is just a happy coincidence for the people running the test because now they can see it as it hunts trained soldiers. Afterall the Spino WAS engineered to be insanely hostile to life itself for some reason

It's difficult to imagine why the Spinosaurus would be created that early on but it would totally work, that thing is very clearly not normal and Wu's notes seem to imply it was possibly the first purposeful hybrid prototype of an Indominus so I can totally picture it being clever enough to pose meaningful threats in a game like that. Not to mention JP///'s entire plot supports the notion of it focusing in on prey and hunting them for possibly miles without giving up, if it stalked you throughout the game like Nemesis or Mr. X it would totally line up with it's movie depiction. Also it would be cool if you have a sequence inside the bird cage, and one of your team mates dies in there, explaining why there are human skeletal remains inside there in the movie

Anyone in a nice Ark server?

Should I get the deluxe edition of planet zoo so I can play the beta? Or should I just wait a year for it to go on sale? Im kind of torn.

Bird cage connection would be a kino little detail. I'd also add a segment when your entire squad is dead/elsewhere and you're running in the jungles from a raptor pack you trip on something in the dark and it's a SPAS-12 with some overgrown vines on it and a faded bloodstain, couple round missing from the load. You use it to fend off the raptors until you come across the maintenance shed nearby to hide in.

Cool idea but it wouldn't work, the first movie and Muldoon's death took place on Isla Nublar, TLW and JP/// are Site B / Isla Sorna the other island

Easy fix. Act 1 is escaping Sorna on a boat that's caught up in a tropical storm. Act 2 is escaping Nublar.

They mean they 100% quadruple checked the spelling on that post before they actually posted it

Makes me curious when the first work on creating Jurassic World began. I know Masrani bought INGEN in 98 after the San Diego incident but I have no actual idea when they began work on the new park, or the rounding up necessary to quarantine the old dinosaurs on Nublar into the restricted zone.

Why do people act like it's impossible to enjoy classic Jurassic park style dinos as if feather dinos have overtaken everything when absolutely NOTHING in major media uses feather dinos?

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Seems like they rushed it honestly. There's an almost 20 year gap in parks and World had been running for awhile before the movie took place so it'd have to be within that 16~ year timeframe. I'd have to guess they started immediately after the incident

relocation took place for about 5 years after the incident and the park took another 5 years to build IIRC


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Apparently JW itself opened in 2005, that means they only had 7 years to relocate, build a containment perimeter, and then actually build the new park itself let alone clone the first batch of Dinosaurs in the park. It's no wonder they decided to do things like capture the old T Rex and such, they really must have rushed this venture along to get it off the ground fast and get a return on investment

Extract DNA sample from mosquitos trapped in amber.
>are not allowed to let them live for some fucking reason
There is a very good reason why.

>There is a very good reason why
Scared a 30cm chickendino might eat your family?

Nah, Ceratopsid fossils have shown bristle feathers along the tail.

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>There is a very good reason why.
And that is?

Should i just buy the isle? I know the devs are faggots and the community is trash, but it looks so good...

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I cannot recall it for the life of me.
The closest i got was contamination.

Imo wait for the recode to be done, the game will be alot better.

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Contamination of what?

They probably dont want these things escaping into the wild.

Then just don't let them? It's not exactly hard to keep animals locked up.

>spending the bare minimum on re-opening a park where deadly hybrid mutants escaped from containment and KILLED most of the people that they encountered

I understand business decisions and such but what fucking asshole, geriatric, inbred CEO boomer thought this would turn out any way but bad

How long until theyre done? I think they said three months but it's been a while.

Also, has anyone tried beasts of bermuda? It's pretty good and the community isnt as bad as TI.

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The funny thing is it actually worked, the park was a complete success and was working perfectly fine up until the Indominus Rex fiasco. If anything knowing they worked so quickly and probably cheaply to reproduce the park it's a miracle that nothing went wrong sooner, I'm amazed they even were brave enough to take the risk though considering all the destruction and notoriety that bull Rex caused in San Diego. I think there was full disclosure of 'most' of INGEN's secrets after the Masrani acquisition too, so it isn't like the public doesn't know about the first park's failure. Hell the SD incident clearly gave credence to everything in Malcolm's book which apparently became a best seller, it'd be interesting to see what the crowd turn-out was like the grand opening of Jurassic World. I bet people were so nervous

Honestly no clue, could be the start of next year since they're not giving out any more ETAs.

I've taken at look at Bermuda but it seems insanely unpolished/clunky.

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Non-mutated/non-GM population.
Question here is not even of "but its contained". There must be no crossover period. And considering that breakouts do happen, its a good policy.
Also, companies/government dont want to be sued by religios nuts/uneducated and uninformed people.

isn't that from the old pc game where you originally had to scan barcodes to get dna stuff for your dinosaur to upgrade them?

wait really? also the only part of genesis was the island you could unlock that let you screw around without limits, other thrn what dinos you could make

i want to play that game, but i barely play pc anymore

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