Which Persona entry was the strongest overall?

Which Persona entry was the strongest overall?

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I enjoy 5 but new game plus is a fucking drag at the start.


Innocent Sin
incel waifubait dating-sim fans please kys

Where are her pants?

none of them because they're all shit ahahahahahhahahahahhahaha

Attached: giga chad.jpg (859x960, 224K)

I want to give her my pants.

I want to give her my penis

the twins are very cute and funny


bless you good sir

>not the april fools translation
You had one job


4. You are retarded if you disagree.

I played 5 first, and I agree.

They're waiting for you user

Attached: __caroline_and_justine_persona_5_and_etc_drawn_by_ban__2d96fa6a3063479fd7b36c8430f18a49.jpg (1024x1280, 145K)


2 if you aren't a braindead weaboo

5 for having Kawakami

Attached: embrace2.png (1188x854, 345K)

do you got a artist name

My personal favorite is P5 tho, but the "rotten adults" plot wasnt that great.

In the test chamberrrr

Reverse image search retard

Persona 5 is my all time favourite but I hope P5R can make the dialogue less repetitive. My second favourite would be 4

2 had the most intetesting story ("2 eldrich entities make a bet about if they can get humanity to destory itself and begin trying to rig the system in their favor" hits all the right notes for me) but 5 did a great job updating the menus and combat system and was the most enjoyable to actually play.