How many of you who have played this game have unironically beaten it...

How many of you who have played this game have unironically beaten it? It's technically not as long as past soulsborne games in terms of length and number of locations, why does it seem most people who play it drop it?

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Do they? I finished it 40 hours after it was released and beat everything.

The only boss that gave me headaches was the Demon of Hatred because I was so accostumed to Sekiro's combat and then they throw me a DS boss lmao.

I think people go into it thinking it's DS, but the combat expects you to be completely aggressive and to react to things on the fly instead of DS' more passive playstyle.

I'm fighting Isshin right now

most people who play it drop because it's hard

i am only replying because the op image was funny

If I'm being honest, all playing Sekiro for four hours did was make me close it and boot up Dark Souls again.

Because it's too hard. I'm not getting paid to play this shit.

repeating minibosses
lack of meaningful progression
weird unlocking of content hidden behind killing certain bosses
feels genuinely unfun at times

I have yet to get the Shura ending. Once I got used to deflecting the game stopped being hard. You get heal from deathblows and you can mikiri counter all thrusts in the game. The most fun I had with a From game, hope they make a sequel.

This game came out when I was still working at GameStop and we had so many people trade it back in or try to get refund because they couldn't git gud.

So many complaints that parrying was too hard. Was pretty funny. Also Crash Team Racing got returned/traded a lot when it came out because "drifting is too hard."

I beat it. I rarely beat a boss on the first go (maybe never?) but none took me more than 6 goes. Well, except one, that kicking mini-boss fucker in the well, the timing there was insanely tricky to get right. The one that COULD have potentially given the most trouble was 2Ape, because it's so luck based, but I think I got lucky separating them a couple of times.

Took me like 20 hours first run much less than any other

I did.
"Sword" Saint was pretty hard.

>unironically beaten it
memespouting has rotted your brain.

I did beat is several times including with the hard mode stuff.
How would one go about beating the game ironically, though?

>Sword Saint
>uses a spear
>and an M16

I was so shit at this game, died like a bitch over and over. Then i got gut.
Finished NG+5 no charm + bell demon.
For the first time in a long time i had fun.

It's pretty rare for me not to finish a game I start. Only fights I really struggled with were Butterfly because I was still learning the game, Ape phase 1 because I was used to playing really defensive, Isshin because I could never get the timing on lightning reversal right so I had to beat him without it and DoH because that fight just doesn't belong in the game at all so I whistle cheesed the last phase.

i have two bosses left, but have uninstalled because its boring now and i dont care about trying anymore

Fucking casuals.

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I did. Skipped DOH as he's particularly boring. Human enemies are the highlight though the double monkey was quite interesting.

i completed it 3 times, it was a ton of fun.

beat the game like 3 days after it came out in 25 hours. was pretty fun but no multiplayer and absolute dogshit customization means low replayability

How the fuck exactly do I "ironically" beat a game?

Still haven't fought the final boss, just got sick of banging my head against them, plus this was the game that snapped my left bumper of my controller off.

Main reason nobody talks about it anymore is because unlike all other souls games there's virtually no customization, no alternative weapons, no differences in NG+, the list goes on.

Beat it twice. Will probably beat it for the third time once i'm done going through all the Souls games again.

I have played all Souls games, gotten to the final bosses in all of them (roughly) and then quit, since I don't play them for the bossfights since they are almost all of them shit.

To me it's more about the world, exploration and progression.

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i can't beat the final boss

It's basically Dark Souls without all the crutch mechanics, exposing the shitters who thought they were hardcore because they beat Dark Souls. It's not a perfect game but the combat is extremely fun once you "get" it.

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>why does it seem most people who play it drop it?
Because they refuse to adapt. It's extremely difficult if you try to play it like Dark Souls or Bloodborne, but once you understand the mechanics it's not really any harder than From's other games.

Seems like there are plenty of casual filters to deter most players. Luckily it didn't bastardize my experience. Beat it twice and loved every second.

Got to butterfly bitch and spear rider guy but gave up after one try on both. I could beat it but its just not fun

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No you couldn't, bitch

Couldn't beat Sword Saint Isshin so I just dropped it

it has jumping
that's why
no I am not shitting you

It was pretty fun. I liked it better than most of the souls games outside of Demon's. It was about on par with Bloodborne.

I've beayen all the bosses up to this point and they all go exactly the same
>walk up to them
>try to parry their attacks a billion times
>when you've learnt their entire moveset you stand there mashing parry for half an hour sometimes jumping or countering
Not fun

Most people addicted to social media drop games halfway through because they fall out of relevancy, since Sekiro does not have online features people moved on from it quicker than any other From game.

Loved it

GotY 2019

>half an hour
Most boss fights take no longer than 5 minutes if you know what you're doing.

This game quickly devolved into trial and error boss fights. I would go into any boss with the mentality of dying a dozen times before learning all the cheap shit it throws at you. This wasn't particularly fun. I was playing just for the sake of beating bosses. Unlike Soulsborne where discovering new locations, weaponry and lore is part of the reward. Sekiro didn't have that reward to justify its difficulty. And anything outside bosses felt like straight up filler. I have a hard time imagining Miyazaki being that involved in a game that fails so hard in design. And also the combat didn't have enough depth to go back to it. Those skills ended up being either utterly useless or utterly broken.

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Got all the endings and put it away. No real desire to replay it. The whole parry mechanic thing got boring pretty fast

I'm on ng+2 without the charm and with bell on. True corrupted monk gave me more trouble than I expected, her attacks have very little windup and if you block instead of deflecting that's 1/5 of your life bar gone and the fight drags on and on.

I finished the Game but only because i had nothing better to do. Unfun and repetetive. Gameplay is grindy without Variety.

>Unironically beaten it
What? Can you also ironically beat a game?

I still haven't beat DS 1-3 or Bloodborne.
I really like the theme and atmosphere of the series, but I can't seem to ever finish them.
Not a matter of get good, just lose interest quickly.

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Still play it after 100%

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>why does it seem most people who play it drop it?
Hesitation is Defeat

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sekiro is more fun than MGR even if it's really basic and somewhat repetitive

that's a famas

Sekiro was worth every fucking penny. I was wholly uninterested in it until like 3 days before it came out, and I had the sudden urge to buy it. Ended up beating it 4 times to get every ending. Sword Saint is probably my favorite boss in all of gaming, period.

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>sekiro is more fun than MGR
let's not get ahead of ourselves

I finished it once and dropped it. It's the first game of theirs I just beat and moved on from without really thinking about. I don't know, maybe after almost 10 years of
>Here's a really hard boss, perfect his every one of his moveset timings or die in two hits
the formula is just getting old.

For me it was because the game was genuinely boring.
The problem this game has is that despite being shorter than soulsborne games, it is also so much more repetitive that it shoots itself in the foot.
The combat is incredibly simplistic, shallow, and repetitive. Not to say it's bad, it's a huge step up from soulsborne, it's responsive and technical, but since the combat is literally all this game has to offer it falls flat. Souls game had, tons of variety in terms of weapons, tools, builds, paths to take, as well as unique experience and varied environments that often felt more that just decorations with their own traps and threats.
Sekiro has nothing else than combat. It could've had stealth, but the stealth mechanics were poorly slapped ontop of the game, are hindered by a completely retarded AI and poor mechanics, it's basically just a gimmick to be abused to reduce difficulty, not an enjoyable mechanic that adds any variety.
The arm things are for the most part all situation except a few busted ones that again work on everything and makes everything easier like firecrackers, but most of the time they don't really add anything and are just a matter of something you swap to in order to deal with that one specific enemy that you won't see again for a few hours.
The platforming is also killed by the fixed points for the grappling hook and whilst having incredibly high mobility is fun for 5 minutes, you quickly understand almost nothing in the gameplay really makes use of it, other than the vertical level design, but since exploration is unrewarding and mediocre there isn't that much joy in exploring the levels to begin with. Plus, the mobility means enemies can't keep up at all with you so they're essentially never a threat if you decide to run away) which kills all tension imo. I remember it being said bosses would make heavy use of that hooking gimmick, which was completely false but might have helped the game be less dull.

>mashing parry for half an hour
No wonder your fights take 30 minutes

The one and only redeeming factor of Sekiro is its absolutely wonderful enemy design. You can tell a lot of effort went into designing all the generals, bosses, minibosses, and there are so many of them that the game can easily throw you «tough guys» every now and then which provides a decent pacing too. Unfortunately, it seems all the sense of depth and care has been put into enemies rather than player character.
I already explained the combat was tight, technical, but repetitive and shallow, and is ultimately the greatest issue with sekiro since it relies on its combat more than anything. To extend on that, the contrast between the shit you can do and enemy bosses is jarring. They are constantly pulling off cool moves whilst you sit there parrying over and over and ocasionally going for the same basic 3 slashes you have been doing the entire game. That's the biggest problem of the game. The first hour shows you everything there is to the combat, its systems never truly evolve, change, or get challenged in unexpected or unconventional ways. The first hour of gameplay you experience is going to be repeated until the end with not a single change. Once you master it which will take a few hours at best, you never get better at the combat ever. The skill ceiling is so low you can't even stand straight.
The only thing you do for the rest of the game is learn to read the different bosses thrown at you, whilst repeatedly applying over and over and over the same formula you've mastered and learned hours ago. It's fucking awful. 2/2

Its harder than previous souls game and casuals cant just summon 2 phantom to play the game for them this time.
Back when i finished it i think only 13% of the players had killed the final boss, its probably higher now.

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itt: Filtered casuals

>You can tell a lot of effort went into designing all the generals, bosses, minibosses, and there are so many of them
Yeah, a lot of care went into designing jouzou-clone number 5, black-armor general-but-with-a-spear-instead-of-a-sword or headless blue monster number 3.

i dont understand why were get nothing for beating the game.
like nothing, not even a funny costume

Because its not the 90's anymore.
If you want funny costumes you better have your wallet around, goym

havent cringed at a post this hard in years not going to lie

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I meant their attack patterns and moves in general, the general look of enemies was pretty uninspired for the most part but my critics was mostly on the thing the game relies the most on, which is combat, I was talking about enemy design in terms of combat mechanics.

I dropped it after killing the knight guy by kicking him off a ledge. Not sure why I dropped it since I had fun but it definitely didn't hit the same notes as previous games.
Boss fights were a lot more fun but I think they're all pretty one note. You get to boss, learn attacks, and parry. That's every boss with no variation. Then there's no new armor, no new weapons, no builds to try out. The game didn't allow for much experimentation at all. It was purely an action game and while a decent one it's also pretty shallow.

I should probably finish it but I've been replaying Astral Chain over and over non stop and that'll keep me busy until Code Vein and I just can't find the time.

its a real filter that rules out self-proclaimed "gitgud" gamers. its like a rythem games, so real gamers who have a sense of action games can have fun, then for these people, this game is a celebration, and the revolution of the genre that fromsoft had been making. undoubtful GOTY.

why? unless youre a trophie hunter the game doest really give you a reason to go back.
at least resident evil 4 tried to have to fun.
It a video game about a ninja....why be so boring?

Too bad steam cheevos mean nothing since they can easily just be cheated.

PC mod scene has quite a lot of them. I think it's mostly not there cause it sort of ruins the image of the game when people start using those funny costumes and it might turn people off buying it if all they see is that weird costume.

I like the fact that the game wasn't too lenghty or drowned into useless RPG mechanics, plus the setting is truly kino. Maybe for the sequel they can give more of that ancient japan / china setting with maybe some nice cameos like the guy with the yamamura set from BB, that kind of thing.

Beaten it, and after the first clear, went on to platinum it.

I plat'd it, got every ending, unlocked everything. It was a great game but I did everything in it and I don't like challenge runs. There's no extra roleplaying mechanics so there's no need to 'try different builds' there are no other builds.

I love it, it's a great game, but I finished it and have other games to play.

I finished it not long after release but haven't played much more since, it just doesnt have much replayability like Souls and Borne, i really want a dlc for sekiro but i doubt it
Still a great game though

>tfw got to isshin owl2 and demon of hatred with the bell on but dropped it because demon of hatred made me pissed

Should I just try to finish it? I doubt I could at this point. It's been like 3 fucking months.

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>Finish everything in Sekiro
>well that was fun
>find an arena mod
>now have fun seeing bosses fight against each other

Isshin vs Isshin, who will win?

There was a lot less to talk about to be honest. Setting wasn't as interesting, combat was fun, but nobody likes to talk about combat. Though someone mentioned that the bosses lacked variety, and I do agree with that sentiment.

sekiro has the best combat of any fromsoft project by a moonshot, every other game was even more rinse and repeat combat. Instead of just dodging we got parrying and dodging albeit 3slashing attack is repetitive, it doesn’t really matter as the game is about posture. everything else i agree with, there is no depth and the worst part is like you said exploring is boring and there’s no incentive to do it because most lootables are trash anyways same with armskills and skillpoints. Feel like the game is most enjoyable just speedrunning bosses. Lot of unique bosses, adapting to each boss moveset was a blast

I have the platinum.

if you stopped having fun then there isn't much reason to go finish it
just being able to say you've done something isn't important

Because cosmetics are trash and getting a new outfit for beating the game doesnt make the game better. Its about the journey not the ending.

>unironically beaten it?


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im just gonna wait until it drops to being dirt cheap and grab it for like 15 in a year, it looks alright but it also looks like it's clearly limited in terms of replay value

yet the ending could ruin the journey.
especially when the journey itself is rather mediocre.

>Dark Souls without all the crutch mechanics
>added an even more prominent crutch mechanic

took mne about 80h 5-10h only for isshin.

>Sword saint pushes my shit in cause I'm playing defensive and I'm mediocre at souls games
>actually pay attention to this line after my Nth death
>go completely aggressive and beat him in a few more tries


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yeah I specifically acknowledged the combat was a step-up from soulsborn and pretty good. But as I also said games like demon's souls and dark souls didn't need to rely on their combat as heavily. They had tons to offer elsewere, which sekiro lacks. In order to be good without copying souls games and keeping its identity, sekiro needed depth to be added to the combat, or have the other gameplay elements it introduced like platforming and stealth be expanded on and made an integral part of the game rather than a superficial gimmick.

The journey is fantastic though. NGB, God Hand and Sekiro are the three best action games ever made. Nothing else comes close.

>not recognizing the other ending achievements before shura
>not recognizing "Man Without Equal" achievement right before shura
>not knowing that in order to get man without equal you have to have beaten both ending bosses and SSJ2 Owl

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people drop it either because of the Japanese setting or get turned off by the low number of early game heal items. I bet most people see the memory fight with the sumo wrestler and 50 adds and just uninstall the game.

I killed everything and got the ending that has you go to China with your teen girlfriend but skipped the demon beast at the end.

for me personally sekiro took itself way to seriously.
I enjoyed the boss rush but the game is missing something.

I wish they had stuck with their original idea by making dragonrot more permanent and hard to heal and made some helpful NPC's with permadeath

Playing mostly defensive and poking when you're absolutely sure it's safe works for almost the entire game desu. Fights still don't take very long, just run up and slap them a bit if you notice them trying to back off and regen posture then go right back to parry turtling them to death.

over 30% of people on steam finished it
for dark souls 1 it's less than 20%

DS2 is also exactly 30% at the moment. DS1 is probably just like that because way more people will buy the first game on sale then never play it than any sequel.

Its just too hard. I dont feel good for gitting gud and encountering new enemies and bosses just makes me think "shit, another bos to learn" instead of "great, another encounter to master" like it did in every souls game and ni oh. Something just feels completely off about this game I wasnt enjoying it much

If it still felt off after you fought Butterfly then fair enough, but that's generally the point where it either clicks or you drop it out of frustration. If you quit before then you never even left the tutorial.

it honestly just clicks at one point and you feel like a fucking god.

What the fuck does beating it unironically mean?

Same. Basically every new boss was a "thank fuck that bullshit over" rather than a feeling of satisfaction. I guess Sekiro is my threshold for challenging games.

Then you realized it's actually easier than souls.

Oh yes I have beaten it

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>they throw me a DS boss lmao
Only if you play it like one.
You can be extremely agressive if you use the fire resistance umbrella at the right moments.

Beat it twice and never touching it again in the forseable future. No replay value

I second those

I dropped the game after you drop down in that gigantic hole near the monastry or after it? i dont remember and when you fight that sniper dude that can two shot you. I just lost all interest despite really enjoying the world and the overall aesthetics.
Thats what you anons always say, I think Im just too noob
Same. I had to drop ninja gaiden black pre final boss too where you have to climb the tower because there are just too many enemies and not enough heals. Really liked the game tho, as I did with sekiro. Wish I was better at vidya


I don't think it's easy than souls per se, at least not the boss fights. however regular enemies especially in groups pose more of a thread in dark souls/bloodborne.

The problem with Sekiro is that there's only one way to play, and that kills the replay value. That's why no one talks about it.


Pretty much confirms the point I made in this thread. The difficulty in sekiro comes from the combat, rather than the whole game unlike soulsborn. However the combat is shallow even if well done and a step up from previous fromsoft titles, and never evolves or gains in complexity from the first minute of the game til the last.
Which means basically once you master it a couple of hours in, you're done. It "clicks" as you say and you go on to apply the same thing over and over til the end. The rest is just learning bosses, meaning the difficulty is very different to a soulsborn game.
This is EXACTLY why there are so many generals and mini-bosses by the way. It's to replicate the feeling of always being on your toes from soulsborn, but since the difficulty in sekiro comes from enemies with move-sets you cannot yet anticipate, the only way for that is to constantly throw new enemies at you.

it's true though. it's the weirdest thing. i remember getting my ass handed to me by the fat drunken dude for hours, once i beat him, i destroyed lady butterfly and only really had a little problem with owl and isshin.

I did hitless ishin ashina and owl (father) fights

>This is EXACTLY why there are so many generals and mini-bosses by the way
>the only way for that is to constantly throw new enemies at you.
This doesn't make sense since the majority of those mini-bosses are copypasted.

I have beaten it ironically

but the game has no dlc or microtransactions

they could easily up the difficulty of the normal mobs a bit and throw in much bigger and more complex fights, locations like the first two straw hat monks, the nightjar clusterfuck, that part of senpou temple where the hat assassins are surrounding that walled in courtyard, the parts leading up to demon of hatred and a few others are more difficult first try than a fair amount of the bosses, and this is also part of the charm for sekiro for me, you're much more capable of having multi enemy fights than in dark souls due to combat only being limited by reflexes and not some finite resource like stamina.

What did you get in all the other Souls games? Nothing either, nothing but NG+

You're praising Soulsborne way too much in comparison to Sekiro. Once you know the level, there's nothing uniquely difficult about it in a way that Sekiro lacks. I also don't understand this mindset that good combat needs "complex" mechanics". Matter of taste of course but Sekiro's combat is perfectly fine.

Those game have more option in term of customisation desu.

I gave up at Isshin (Sword Saint) because I just don't have the patience for it. There's difficulty, and then there's expecting me to spend an entire day going up agains the same boss every time.
The problem with Sekiro is that unlike Souls where you can respec and try out different strategies if you get stuck on a boss, or level up, with Sekiro you are basically fucked if you don't have a great understanding of the combat. And if you have half a brain you won't have bothered to learn it because stealth kills and run in/hit/run back out cherry tapping is far simpler and far less likely to get you killed than actually trying to block. It's basically the only way to beat most bosses in the game (bulls/monkies/guardian monks), only Genichiro, Centipede Wolverine guys, and the gun-toting Snake Eyes actually require you to. Every other boss has cheese tactics that you're basically expected to use, and trying to learn blocking against normal enemies is pointless because it's just far more efficient to spam R1 at them until they die. So you can easily end up making it to the final boss without ever having done a mikiri counter except on accident, and without even knowing you can goomba stomp foes.

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Lol, I beat the bulls by parrying them, you can just heal through the chip damage. I bet it took you 40 minutes per try to beat guardian ape , you're just playing the game wrong and disregarding basic instructions and then call it bad. As for sword saint, yeah he's fucking difficult but it's enjoyable to fight him so taking half a day to beat the final boss is a positive for me.

I bought Sekiro solely because the 2B mode is pretty much perfect.
She's gorgeous with a change of backdrop, from ruined cities to medieval Japan.
I spend a lot of time just admiring the backgrounds with 2B.

I beat it twice and NG+ made me actually like the game less. I don't think I would buy any DLC even if they released some.

>DS2 is also exactly 30% at the moment.
Pretty damn impressive considering how long and arduous that game can be. Especially Scholar.

Beat it once a few days after release
Got bored and never touched it again
Easily the worst Soulsborne, zero replay value

>goomba stomp foes
I've goomba stomped enemies a few times by accident and I still have no idea how to get it to work right.
It's supposed to deal a lot of posture damage or something? But not really significant enough for me to learn.

I also did Mikiri counter by accident a few times. It's really powerful, but you have to be not actively moving when you try to time the action, which only sounds good in theory because you're always trying to move and the counter then fails to activate and you take damage instead.

I never figured out how to do the jump counter to Genichiro's lightning sword either. It takes too much effort to learn because you have to beat Genichiro's first form first to get there, which is only about 25% of the time for me.
I just cheesed it by keeping my distance and going in for the occasional slash.

That she is.
I don't have better screenshots right now, but yes, the mod is flawless.

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you can goomba stomp enemies at any time, but it only works as a counter move when jumping over a perilous sweep attack

also lightning reversal is performed by jumping like with sweep attacks, but you have to be positioned so you can attack him as you land, which allows you to channel the lightning into him instead of taking damage as soon as you're grounded

I stopped at the final boss. Didn't even attempt it many times and I probably could've beaten it, but I just didn't feel the need to. The game never really sucked me in like BB or other From shit.

My only gripe is that some bosses are ridiculously easy whereas other bosses are ridiculously hard.

Gyobu was just "Press the button when the grapple icon shows up to beat him"

Centipede guy was just "Press parry 10 times in the right rhythm to beat him"

It's not a soulsborne, it's just an action game.

>taking half a day to beat the final boss is a positive for me.
t. neet

i did
and i remember the retards constatly spamming the threads before release that the game was going to be too easy and that fromsoft was dead

only to cry on launch when they realized that they removed all the retard crutches they used to pretend they played hard games

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