Here's your controller bro

Here's your controller bro

Attached: controller.jpg (630x473, 56K)

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Too many buttons my dude. And by buttons I mean legs.

Things with more than 4 limbs should be eradicated

There was a time when I used to see spiders, silverfish, crane flies etc in my house. Now I just see these fucks scurry by at warp speed every once in a while. I’m basically stuck in here with them, not the other way around.


Attached: cute face.jpg (1024x682, 127K)

fucking madcatz

Your friendly neighborhood house centipedes probably devoured all of the other bugs. No need to worry!

They're predators that eat other bugs, so they probably ate all those other things.

if you have predators in your house it means you need to be more clean
stop leaving crumbs everywhere and clean your sink

Those leggy niggas hunt other bugs so they got rid of em for you, which honestly I'd trade a few giant leg monsters for the impossible to slaughter silverfish being eradicated

How do these little fucks manage to catch these pests while it takes a 2 hour ordeal to smack a fly zooming around the room?

It was cool until the close-up of the face. It looks like a normie bug.

they're fast as shit

No joke, House centipedes are natures fucking killing machines. You let some lose in a cockroach filled apartment, within a few days all cockroaches and any other living bug are dead.
also nice trips

Attached: centipede poster.png (1260x720, 187K)

I'm 100% sure I can outrun a centipede, also they don't even fly.

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Humans evolved to not be trifled by tiny bugs because we're way higher on the food chain, so we suck at getting rid of them. House centipedes evolved to be fucking murder monsters of every other insect within a 5 mile radius of them

carbon based life was a mistake

I hate bugs and I'm convined bugs would try to fuck with you if you sleep with the lights off and your house is infested with them.

who has snakes in their house and thinks of them as just vermin? what kind of third world shit hole do you have to be in for that to be an everyday house nuisance

post more cute bugs

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This. Silverfish genocide best day of my life.

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Anyone else like watching these fuckers move? It's like watching a little piece of TV static manifest itself and scurry around across the floor, it feels trippy watching them go.

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Attached: Hornet Queen.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


Attached: Ant queens.webm (854x480, 2.81M)

>working on weed whacker in garage
>see a cockroach come running in through open garage door
>about to get up and stomp it
>see one of those fuckers come shooting out from under a shelf, jump on its back and bites the roaches head off

He just scurried back under the shelf and left the decapitated body lying there. Those things are metal as fuck.

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Okay, then where are we going to get tentacle hentai from then?

i still find them freaky sometimes but then i watched one stuck in one of my basement sinks trying to climb out. it kept circling the perimeter occasionally trying to climb up with no avail. honestly it was almost hypnotizing

Attached: Bees vs Hornets.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

bees are so rad


Remember though that if the hornet gets too ballsy and tries to invade the beehive they'll mob it and literally roast it alive with their body heat.

but why?

>that bee in the beginning that just fucking headbutts the hornet


is there video of that? i need to watch these nature documentaries, they kill each other in badass ways

Chad move by that Bee that headbutts the hornet to assert dominance

Okay so the left bumper of my xbox one controller just got broken. Is it better to fix it and continue using the controller or should I change to a new one? I've been only used it for like a year or so. Also do those knock off xbox one controllers work well? Looking at this one atm:

Attached: bees vs hornet.webm (480x260, 2.72M)

>S. coleoptrata showed the ability to distinguish between possible prey, avoiding dangerous insects. They also adapted their feeding pattern to the type of hazard the prey might pose to them. For wasps, they retreat after applying the venom to give it time to take effect. When the centipede is in danger of becoming prey itself, it can detach any legs that have become trapped.

Attached: laughterstops.png (356x256, 200K)

Attached: Bees vs Hornets2.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

Even bees will rush in to help each other out when one is being attacked

human beings don't what does that say about humanity??

Centipedes are up there with house spiders as bro tier insects. They kill all the annoying shits and all the ask for is a corner to live in.

Attached: wounded bee.webm (640x348, 817K)

It's pretty badass, they start vibrating their wings at super speed and go above 30°c. Literally cut their lifespan in half to do it too, kamikaze fuckers, and studies showed that bees that take part in the first defense become warrior chads that continue to roast hornets alive until they die

nice, bees are so cool

Attached: Bee whoop.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

Centipedes evolved to be at the top of the housepest food chain while managing to be one of the least damaging or intrusive. They're scary fuckers but they are far from the worse thing to have living in your house

You say that, until you're sleeping in a cabin in a Japanese forest, and one of these fucks airdrops itself onto your chest with a *thunk*. That'll make you grab your knife something fast.

Attached: mukade.jpg (500x375, 98K)

>wtf it took all of you to kill me

/r/ing a drawfag to draw a house centipede with an accordion and a beret

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If you see a bunch of them it means you have an infestation which is supplying them a food source.

thank god im not a weeb o

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don't centipedes get inside your ear while you sleep to lay eggs or is it just one of these latin grandma rumors?

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Weebs stay in Akihabara, they don't go innawoods.

>it's another le kill it with fire thread

That's earwigs.

Anyone have that webm of the giant beetle growing up?

After that camping anime, some of them might go innawoods.

probably a rumor, but I have had a small roach get into my ear before. not pleasant, he fucking banged on my ear drum for dear life until i pulled him out of my ear. the sound of it all was really weird

earwigs lay eggs in soil dipshit

this is true, there's that screen cap

Nah. Spiders, however

what the fuck is whooping?


>hurr durr old wive's tales aren't real
Clever boy.

>zerg vs protoss.webm

Home centipedes are based af. They kill spiders and other insect scum and are smart enough not to get in your line of sight very often

Those be wasps, user.

I would still shit myself if I saw one on the wall


>Absolutely fucking all insects outside of lady bugs, fireflys, moths/butterflies, and beetles
>My first instinct is to kill one of these things when I see one in the house, but I know they eat other insects so I have to tolerate their presence to decrease the overall number of bugs in my general vicinity

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Yeah, but they don't go innawoods in Japan, that's for sure. Gaijin don't, at least.

you just have to realize that its literally proves no threat to you. Its only defense against a human is its appearance. You can end his entire world with a simple stomp. Once youre no longer scared of them, you can start loving them

Based bugfucker

>tfw no centibros
We get mini millipedes here. They're kinda lame.

Do these things bite people?

*Absolutely fucking hate all insects

What's the most bro-tier bug?

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look at this minmaxing FAGGOT
10 legs what a fucking scrub
GIT GUD nigger playing on easy mode like a bitch based spiders ll show him his place


You do know there is a species of ladybug that eat animal flesh, like if you left i on your arm it would leave you with a red bloody line on your arm as it scurries along eating your skin

No, they're smart enough to stay the fuck away from people. They'd only bite you if you picked it up like OPs pic and startled it, they're never going to randomly attack a human

A dead one

The queens become a waste of resources.

Gotta be house spiders.
>non intimidating
>stays the fuck out of your way
>kills flies, moths, and gnats faster than any insect trap could hope for

Spider so long as they aren't in your bedroom, then they become an all encompassing nightmare because you know humans swallow 10+ spiders in their sleep per year

>retards that exist purely to bump into your screen, cast annoying shadows around, and spread dust everywhere
yeah alright dude